Need a reason to secure the Border? Brussels Suicide Bomber: 'We're working on a dirty bomb'

And lets not forget...these guys were known to the Belgium govt, essentially the violence was govt endorsed as they did nothing.

Israeli Palestinian conflict explained: an animated introduction Israel and Palestine

I hope they target some liberals and leave the good people alone. It might be just the pick me up that's needed.
And lets not forget...these guys were known to the Belgium govt, essentially the violence was govt endorsed as they did nothing.
Theirs a difference between knowing somebody is potentially dangerous and endorcing terror attacks, don't you think? If you live in a state governed by laws one of the things you have to adhere to is the process of justice. Innocent until PROVEN guilty.
I hope they target some liberals and leave the good people alone. It might be just the pick me up that's needed.
I hope you once get to a point in your life, when you'dd be able to get your head far enough out of your ass to realise that that statement doesn't make you a good person. It makes you a vengefull narrowminded dick.
Same old crap. Makes me want to throw up. "you can't seal 7500 miles of border" etc. OK start with the BIGGEST MF'ing leak! The Southern border. What so hard to understand? Do "something". Stop the never ending flow of criminals, killers, rapist etc. that the Corrupt Mexican Govt. is forcing to "get out of Dodge". Please Please Please. make the lunacy stop! 30-40 years of it. 1000/day uncontrolled illegal entrants. 10% of CA AZ TX NM ......maybe 30mil nation wide. OK keep the good ones. next question.
Put what in context....full platoon at MSP wouldnt begin to cover it.........
My point, this op is suggesting to secure 7500 miles of boarder, plus seaboards and airports, what would be the manpower requirment for that?
The Chinese built a impenatrable 13,125 mile wall through a treacherous mountain region in pre-industrial times. If they can do something of that magnitude, the U.S. can too.
$2mil per mile? "Trump can't get funding, thru corrupt congress". Then spend his own Forking money or take DONATIONS. According to "too many" NOTHING can be done about anything. Bull hockey!
They had precise intel......actionable intel and sat on it ......oooops

sounds like leadup to Sept 11 2001 in USA stories.
It does sound like that. And there's no question mistakes have been made. If you don't want those mistakes been made you'll have to start doing things wich aren't in accordance with western world values. If you are fine with bypassing the rule of law to gain security. I can respect that. But I personally feel that if the only way we can stop these kinds of things from happening is to become wat they are. Namely a closed of, xenofobic,totalitarian state I don't think it would be worth saving.
Put what in context....full platoon at MSP wouldnt begin to cover it.........
My point, this op is suggesting to secure 7500 miles of boarder, plus seaboards and airports, what would be the manpower requirment for that?
The Chinese built a impenatrable 13,125 mile wall through a treacherous mountain region in pre-industrial times. If they can do something of that magnitude, the U.S. can too.
They build a wall to stop armies,namely the mongols. Individuals still got trough.
The Chinese built a impenatrable 13,125 mile wall through a treacherous mountain region in pre-industrial times. If they can do something of that magnitude, the U.S. can too.

Before mohammed screwed up ME they built Pyarmids' with logs and slaves. But we can't put up fence in 2016? WTH? "can't go thru sacred Indian land". Then go around it? Whatever to re-gain control.
They had precise intel......actionable intel and sat on it ......oooops

sounds like leadup to Sept 11 2001 in USA stories.
It does sound like that. And there's no question mistakes have been made. If you don't want those mistakes been made you'll have to start doing things wich aren't in accordance with western world values. If you are fine with bypassing the rule of law to gain security. I can respect that. But I personally feel that if the only way we can stop these kinds of things from happening is to become wat they are. Namely a closed of, xenofobic,totalitarian state I don't think it would be worth saving.

What rule of law has to be bypassed to arrest people you know are going to kill people......San Bernadino ......oooops
Put what in context....full platoon at MSP wouldnt begin to cover it.........
My point, this op is suggesting to secure 7500 miles of boarder, plus seaboards and airports, what would be the manpower requirment for that?
The Chinese built a impenatrable 13,125 mile wall through a treacherous mountain region in pre-industrial times. If they can do something of that magnitude, the U.S. can too.

Shut the fuck up.

Did the European whites respect the borders established by the American Indians ?

WHY then should South Americans respect any borders?

The Muslim's that want to make dirty bomb will need a local source to get it from..
Yes and a desire to get one doesn't give you one. Their plan was to get material by tiger kidnapping the head of a nuclear researc facility. Problem is he doesn't have access to that material. And even if he would have. There's no way to move the material out of such a facility unoticed. It's not like you can put that in a backpack.
handling would be rather dangerous to the culprits...
Put what in context....full platoon at MSP wouldnt begin to cover it.........
My point, this op is suggesting to secure 7500 miles of boarder, plus seaboards and airports, what would be the manpower requirment for that?
The Chinese built a impenatrable 13,125 mile wall through a treacherous mountain region in pre-industrial times. If they can do something of that magnitude, the U.S. can too.
Yet were invaded and conquered 6 times..
"Brussels attacks suicide bombers 'targeted nuclear plants' and were plotting to build 'radioactive dirty bomb'"
Brussels attacks suicide bombers originally 'targeted nuclear power plants'

Suicide Jihadi brothers sought to kidnap nuclear power plant director and acquire the material needed to build a 'dirty' bomb. The fact that Jihadis / terrorists would love to get their hands on nuclear material and build a dirty bomb is not new. That terrorists are trying to get their hands on such material as we speak is not new.

It is also NOT news that the Obama administration is already aware of this, has BEEN aware of this for some time, is aware of the threat, and still refuses to close / secure the border.

Here's some more great news...

Testers Slip Radioactive Materials Over Borders

"WASHINGTON, March 27 — Undercover Congressional investigators successfully smuggled into the United States enough radioactive material to make two dirty bombs, even after it set off alarms on radiation detectors installed at border checkpoints, a new report says.

The test, conducted in December by the Government Accountability Office, demonstrated the mixed progress by the Department of Homeland Security, among other federal agencies, in trying to prevent terrorists from smuggling radioactive material into the United States."


In the military we periodically due no-notice tests to evaluate our readiness. If the test is failed, people get their ass chewed, heads roll, people get fired or even booted from service (at times), and the lapses / problems are quickly remedied. In large part, as seen with the 'results' of the 'Fast and Furious' investigation, with no one getting punished, the guilty go free, and nothing gets resolved.

Truly securing / closing the border would greatly remedy the security hole we have, but it also would all but stop Obama's administration-supported Illegal 'invasion'. Like Brussels, we, instead, will wait until the next attack happens - maybe a dirty bomb - and then admit we did not do everything we could have to prevent such an attack. (Those who do not learn from the mistakes found in history are doomed to repeat them...)

and when the bomb is built by someone living in south dakota? or michigan? or trenton, nj?

damn you people are stupid

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