Need a reason to secure the Border? Brussels Suicide Bomber: 'We're working on a dirty bomb'

Mecca is in Sauidi Arabia not Syria. And every Muslim is obligated to go there. It's the same as saying your a Christian extremist if you visit Rome. Should someone showing ties to the KKK be arrested or what about white supremasists in general? Once you start arresting ppl for their beliefs you are exactly what ISIS is," you belief what we belief or face the consequences."

When they stop murdering or blowing up 100/day for 60 years then I will worry about their "beliefs". To hell with Islam, Queeran and Mecca. phony evil cult started by some goofball roaming desert while raping and murdering whatever they came across.

San Berdoo whench had terrorism blasted on Facebook. I don't have Facebook but I hear it public view? Yet Obozo and henchman ordered ICE not to take a look? Are they looking now?
What rule of law has to be bypassed to arrest people you know are going to kill people......San Bernadino ......oooops
How where the autorities capable of stopping San bernardino. They expressed jihadi views in private messages and travelled to Saudi Arabia. Private messages you can't tap without just cause and every Muslim is required to travel to Saudi Arabia acoording to their fate.And even if you could tap their phone,it's still a very large step from having Jihadi views an actully killing ppl. Hence my point. Security is only acomplished if you are willing to arrest ppl who express thaughts. Not for nothing that doesn't sound like a nice country to live in.

Excuse moi.

Before we can talk about the so-called Jihadi Bonnie and Clyde I need you to show us:

1- Video from surveillance cameras showing that they were the perpetrators
2- Video testimony claiming that they saw them perpetrating the act
3- dash cam video from the numerous police cruisers

Then and ONLY then we will be sure that San Bernardinio was not yet another false flag operation.

Like I said, are you willing to arrest ppl for showing that ISIS flag on their facebook page for instance, since that clearly shows signs of radicalisation? Or what about Muslims who visit Mekka, since they're clearly devout? Are you willing to tap every phoneline of Muslims in the US? Wat about Christians since the've done mass shooting to? Point is once you're on that path it's very hard to turn back.
ISIS flag ..yep you're arrested ....enemy combatant ...sorta no brainer eh
Mecca is in Sauidi Arabia not Syria. And every Muslim is obligated to go there. It's the same as saying your a Christian extremist if you visit Rome. Should someone showing ties to the KKK be arrested or what about white supremasists in general? Once you start arresting ppl for their beliefs you are exactly what ISIS is," you belief what we belief or face the consequences."
Who said it was in Syria.....Duh....Once we start arresting ISIS sympathizers for what they believe and or deporting them we will be safer.....either its a war or its not........if its war treat it as such........or dont be surprised by the increase in violence that your do nothing policy engenders.......
How where the autorities capable of stopping San bernardino. They expressed jihadi views in private messages and travelled to Saudi Arabia. Private messages you can't tap without just cause and every Muslim is required to travel to Saudi Arabia acoording to their fate.And even if you could tap their phone,it's still a very large step from having Jihadi views an actully killing ppl. Hence my point. Security is only acomplished if you are willing to arrest ppl who express thaughts. Not for nothing that doesn't sound like a nice country to live in.

Excuse moi.

Before we can talk about the so-called Jihadi Bonnie and Clyde I need you to show us:

1- Video from surveillance cameras showing that they were the perpetrators
2- Video testimony claiming that they saw them perpetrating the act
3- dash cam video from the numerous police cruisers

Then and ONLY then we will be sure that San Bernardinio was not yet another false flag operation.

Like I said, are you willing to arrest ppl for showing that ISIS flag on their facebook page for instance, since that clearly shows signs of radicalisation? Or what about Muslims who visit Mekka, since they're clearly devout? Are you willing to tap every phoneline of Muslims in the US? Wat about Christians since the've done mass shooting to? Point is once you're on that path it's very hard to turn back.
ISIS flag ..yep you're arrested ....enemy combatant ...sorta no brainer eh
Mecca is in Sauidi Arabia not Syria. And every Muslim is obligated to go there. It's the same as saying your a Christian extremist if you visit Rome. Should someone showing ties to the KKK be arrested or what about white supremasists in general? Once you start arresting ppl for their beliefs you are exactly what ISIS is," you belief what we belief or face the consequences."
Who said it was in Syria.....Duh....Once we start arresting ISIS sympathizers for what they believe and or deporting them we will be safer.....either its a war or its not........if its war treat it as such........or dont be surprised by the increase in violence that your do nothing policy engenders.......
Well thank you for granting my point. You are willing to become like I stated before, an isolationist, xenofobic, totalitarian state in order to gain security. If that's your choice I can't say anything. just know it's not what your founding fathers had in mind. Don't ever say anything more about freedom of speech or religion ever again. Oh and btw a state like that will have a hard time being the leader of the FREE world.
It would appear "many" want more Illegals, more Muslim, more Terrorism (home and abroad). I sense "many" dream that GOVT would get bigger and bigger to deal with all of the carnage created. That is the goal. 100% GOVT CONTROL. Communism/Socialism whatever. "many" appear to want cradle to grave GOVT care as lone as they don't have to work to pay for it.

I would think the time is here and now to go on Offense. I have thought many times of ways to "take out the Muslim problem". If you don't get them, they will try to get "you". I know, let your children fight this enemy? It will be easier on all of "you" that way is best.

Can't police southern border and stop illegal entry? huh? are you crazy? what kind of country is this?
Excuse moi.

Before we can talk about the so-called Jihadi Bonnie and Clyde I need you to show us:

1- Video from surveillance cameras showing that they were the perpetrators
2- Video testimony claiming that they saw them perpetrating the act
3- dash cam video from the numerous police cruisers

Then and ONLY then we will be sure that San Bernardinio was not yet another false flag operation.

Like I said, are you willing to arrest ppl for showing that ISIS flag on their facebook page for instance, since that clearly shows signs of radicalisation? Or what about Muslims who visit Mekka, since they're clearly devout? Are you willing to tap every phoneline of Muslims in the US? Wat about Christians since the've done mass shooting to? Point is once you're on that path it's very hard to turn back.
ISIS flag ..yep you're arrested ....enemy combatant ...sorta no brainer eh
Mecca is in Sauidi Arabia not Syria. And every Muslim is obligated to go there. It's the same as saying your a Christian extremist if you visit Rome. Should someone showing ties to the KKK be arrested or what about white supremasists in general? Once you start arresting ppl for their beliefs you are exactly what ISIS is," you belief what we belief or face the consequences."
Who said it was in Syria.....Duh....Once we start arresting ISIS sympathizers for what they believe and or deporting them we will be safer.....either its a war or its not........if its war treat it as such........or dont be surprised by the increase in violence that your do nothing policy engenders.......
Well thank you for granting my point. You are willing to become like I stated before, an isolationist, xenofobic, totalitarian state in order to gain security. If that's your choice I can't say anything. just know it's not what your founding fathers had in mind. Don't ever say anything more about freedom of speech or religion ever again. Oh and btw a state like that will have a hard time being the leader of the FREE world.

You dont become them by defending yourself dumbass.......... this doesnt even compare to rounding up the Japanese Americans just because they were Japanese....and yet you cant see the are an unserious person, little more than a pajama boy handwringer always mumbling oh my whatever can do we do
I've seen Muslims fly to central America trying to get to the U.S. , none of them have been terrorists.

Oh that's a relief !
YOU haven't seen any terrorists.
I suppose John Kerry is your idol too.


Maybe the leftists on here can actually explain what is bad about protecting our borders. Honestly, what is BAD about doing it? What will that affect that makes us so much better by not doing it? They need tell us.

QUESTION-----------> How does it improve Americans quality of life by not protecting any border from unwanted people walking in!

Who thinks it's bad to protect the borders?

How many Muslims do you bed down with nightly ?

WTF? is the random clever retort generator broke down again?
Like I said, are you willing to arrest ppl for showing that ISIS flag on their facebook page for instance, since that clearly shows signs of radicalisation? Or what about Muslims who visit Mekka, since they're clearly devout? Are you willing to tap every phoneline of Muslims in the US? Wat about Christians since the've done mass shooting to? Point is once you're on that path it's very hard to turn back.
ISIS flag ..yep you're arrested ....enemy combatant ...sorta no brainer eh
Mecca is in Sauidi Arabia not Syria. And every Muslim is obligated to go there. It's the same as saying your a Christian extremist if you visit Rome. Should someone showing ties to the KKK be arrested or what about white supremasists in general? Once you start arresting ppl for their beliefs you are exactly what ISIS is," you belief what we belief or face the consequences."
Who said it was in Syria.....Duh....Once we start arresting ISIS sympathizers for what they believe and or deporting them we will be safer.....either its a war or its not........if its war treat it as such........or dont be surprised by the increase in violence that your do nothing policy engenders.......
Well thank you for granting my point. You are willing to become like I stated before, an isolationist, xenofobic, totalitarian state in order to gain security. If that's your choice I can't say anything. just know it's not what your founding fathers had in mind. Don't ever say anything more about freedom of speech or religion ever again. Oh and btw a state like that will have a hard time being the leader of the FREE world.

You dont become them by defending yourself dumbass.......... this doesnt even compare to rounding up the Japanese Americans just because they were Japanese....and yet you cant see the are an unserious person, little more than a pajama boy handwringer always mumbling oh my whatever can do we do
How does it not compare, Showing an ISIS flag is, however distastefull and stupid not against the law. It doesn't make you a combattant, it makes you an asshole. Something this forum doesn't have a shortage on. A few post back someone said this," hopefully an electric fence at the top of the wall to kill the illegals AND their children." It's the exact same thing. The Japanese got interned because they where Japanese. You suggest doing the same because ppl have extreme IDEAS. Not the same as actions btw.
ISIS flag ..yep you're arrested ....enemy combatant ...sorta no brainer eh
Mecca is in Sauidi Arabia not Syria. And every Muslim is obligated to go there. It's the same as saying your a Christian extremist if you visit Rome. Should someone showing ties to the KKK be arrested or what about white supremasists in general? Once you start arresting ppl for their beliefs you are exactly what ISIS is," you belief what we belief or face the consequences."
Who said it was in Syria.....Duh....Once we start arresting ISIS sympathizers for what they believe and or deporting them we will be safer.....either its a war or its not........if its war treat it as such........or dont be surprised by the increase in violence that your do nothing policy engenders.......
Well thank you for granting my point. You are willing to become like I stated before, an isolationist, xenofobic, totalitarian state in order to gain security. If that's your choice I can't say anything. just know it's not what your founding fathers had in mind. Don't ever say anything more about freedom of speech or religion ever again. Oh and btw a state like that will have a hard time being the leader of the FREE world.

You dont become them by defending yourself dumbass.......... this doesnt even compare to rounding up the Japanese Americans just because they were Japanese....and yet you cant see the are an unserious person, little more than a pajama boy handwringer always mumbling oh my whatever can do we do
How does it not compare, Showing an ISIS flag is, however distastefull and stupid not against the law. It doesn't make you a combattant, it makes you an asshole. Something this forum doesn't have a shortage on. A few post back someone said this," hopefully an electric fence at the top of the wall to kill the illegals AND their children." It's the exact same thing. The Japanese got interned because they where Japanese. You suggest doing the same because ppl have extreme IDEAS. Not the same as actions btw.
Showing isis are isis go to jail or get deported......war on terror.....not to bright to let the enemy stroll around with impunity
ISIS flag ..yep you're arrested ....enemy combatant ...sorta no brainer eh
Mecca is in Sauidi Arabia not Syria. And every Muslim is obligated to go there. It's the same as saying your a Christian extremist if you visit Rome. Should someone showing ties to the KKK be arrested or what about white supremasists in general? Once you start arresting ppl for their beliefs you are exactly what ISIS is," you belief what we belief or face the consequences."
Who said it was in Syria.....Duh....Once we start arresting ISIS sympathizers for what they believe and or deporting them we will be safer.....either its a war or its not........if its war treat it as such........or dont be surprised by the increase in violence that your do nothing policy engenders.......
Well thank you for granting my point. You are willing to become like I stated before, an isolationist, xenofobic, totalitarian state in order to gain security. If that's your choice I can't say anything. just know it's not what your founding fathers had in mind. Don't ever say anything more about freedom of speech or religion ever again. Oh and btw a state like that will have a hard time being the leader of the FREE world.

You dont become them by defending yourself dumbass.......... this doesnt even compare to rounding up the Japanese Americans just because they were Japanese....and yet you cant see the are an unserious person, little more than a pajama boy handwringer always mumbling oh my whatever can do we do
How does it not compare, Showing an ISIS flag is, however distastefull and stupid not against the law. It doesn't make you a combattant, it makes you an asshole. Something this forum doesn't have a shortage on. A few post back someone said this," hopefully an electric fence at the top of the wall to kill the illegals AND their children." It's the exact same thing. The Japanese got interned because they where Japanese. You suggest doing the same because ppl have extreme IDEAS. Not the same as actions btw.
Being a certain national origin is one thing , proclaiming your attachment to a terrorist org is totally quit whimpering and see if you can give us a serious policy proposal to address the situation
Mecca is in Sauidi Arabia not Syria. And every Muslim is obligated to go there. It's the same as saying your a Christian extremist if you visit Rome. Should someone showing ties to the KKK be arrested or what about white supremasists in general? Once you start arresting ppl for their beliefs you are exactly what ISIS is," you belief what we belief or face the consequences."
Who said it was in Syria.....Duh....Once we start arresting ISIS sympathizers for what they believe and or deporting them we will be safer.....either its a war or its not........if its war treat it as such........or dont be surprised by the increase in violence that your do nothing policy engenders.......
Well thank you for granting my point. You are willing to become like I stated before, an isolationist, xenofobic, totalitarian state in order to gain security. If that's your choice I can't say anything. just know it's not what your founding fathers had in mind. Don't ever say anything more about freedom of speech or religion ever again. Oh and btw a state like that will have a hard time being the leader of the FREE world.

You dont become them by defending yourself dumbass.......... this doesnt even compare to rounding up the Japanese Americans just because they were Japanese....and yet you cant see the are an unserious person, little more than a pajama boy handwringer always mumbling oh my whatever can do we do
How does it not compare, Showing an ISIS flag is, however distastefull and stupid not against the law. It doesn't make you a combattant, it makes you an asshole. Something this forum doesn't have a shortage on. A few post back someone said this," hopefully an electric fence at the top of the wall to kill the illegals AND their children." It's the exact same thing. The Japanese got interned because they where Japanese. You suggest doing the same because ppl have extreme IDEAS. Not the same as actions btw.
Being a certain national origin is one thing , proclaiming your attachment to a terrorist org is totally quit whimpering and see if you can give us a serious policy proposal to address the situation

A serious policy proposal to address the situation, of course:

1- Demand that fedgov cease and desist intervening in the internal affairs of other nations

2- Demand that fedgov cease and desist supporting the Jewish State

3- Reverse Harry S Truman recognition of Israel for the same reasons FDR stated

Presto, World Peace coming up.

Mecca is in Sauidi Arabia not Syria. And every Muslim is obligated to go there. It's the same as saying your a Christian extremist if you visit Rome. Should someone showing ties to the KKK be arrested or what about white supremasists in general? Once you start arresting ppl for their beliefs you are exactly what ISIS is," you belief what we belief or face the consequences."
Who said it was in Syria.....Duh....Once we start arresting ISIS sympathizers for what they believe and or deporting them we will be safer.....either its a war or its not........if its war treat it as such........or dont be surprised by the increase in violence that your do nothing policy engenders.......
Well thank you for granting my point. You are willing to become like I stated before, an isolationist, xenofobic, totalitarian state in order to gain security. If that's your choice I can't say anything. just know it's not what your founding fathers had in mind. Don't ever say anything more about freedom of speech or religion ever again. Oh and btw a state like that will have a hard time being the leader of the FREE world.

You dont become them by defending yourself dumbass.......... this doesnt even compare to rounding up the Japanese Americans just because they were Japanese....and yet you cant see the are an unserious person, little more than a pajama boy handwringer always mumbling oh my whatever can do we do
How does it not compare, Showing an ISIS flag is, however distastefull and stupid not against the law. It doesn't make you a combattant, it makes you an asshole. Something this forum doesn't have a shortage on. A few post back someone said this," hopefully an electric fence at the top of the wall to kill the illegals AND their children." It's the exact same thing. The Japanese got interned because they where Japanese. You suggest doing the same because ppl have extreme IDEAS. Not the same as actions btw.
Showing isis are isis go to jail or get deported......war on terror.....not to bright to let the enemy stroll around with impunity
Well since repression has such a high rate of succes we''ll do it your way. I'm very sure all these ppl your gonna jail or deport won't take it personal. I'll tell you something. Every day of the week I go to work in a high risk enviremont. My world got shattered this week when 30 miles from where I work 2 terrorist attacks occured. And I have to live with the knowledge that my place of work may very well be a target. Now I want nothing more then strike violently on the ppl that did this. But every time I let myself calm down, I think what do these ppl want. And then I realise, they want a war of faiths. And they'll get it to, if we go by your plan. You can't claim we aren't targeting Islam and in the same breath take away civil liberties of solely Islamic ppl. And btw you claiming I'm not serious about this is kind of hurtfull.
Repression....?????? pathetic.....funny Israel and Egypt have enjoyed decades of has Jordan ......ISIS threat has not materialized because of Israel
Who said it was in Syria.....Duh....Once we start arresting ISIS sympathizers for what they believe and or deporting them we will be safer.....either its a war or its not........if its war treat it as such........or dont be surprised by the increase in violence that your do nothing policy engenders.......
Well thank you for granting my point. You are willing to become like I stated before, an isolationist, xenofobic, totalitarian state in order to gain security. If that's your choice I can't say anything. just know it's not what your founding fathers had in mind. Don't ever say anything more about freedom of speech or religion ever again. Oh and btw a state like that will have a hard time being the leader of the FREE world.

You dont become them by defending yourself dumbass.......... this doesnt even compare to rounding up the Japanese Americans just because they were Japanese....and yet you cant see the are an unserious person, little more than a pajama boy handwringer always mumbling oh my whatever can do we do
How does it not compare, Showing an ISIS flag is, however distastefull and stupid not against the law. It doesn't make you a combattant, it makes you an asshole. Something this forum doesn't have a shortage on. A few post back someone said this," hopefully an electric fence at the top of the wall to kill the illegals AND their children." It's the exact same thing. The Japanese got interned because they where Japanese. You suggest doing the same because ppl have extreme IDEAS. Not the same as actions btw.
Being a certain national origin is one thing , proclaiming your attachment to a terrorist org is totally quit whimpering and see if you can give us a serious policy proposal to address the situation

A serious policy proposal to address the situation, of course:

1- Demand that fedgov cease and desist intervening in the internal affairs of other nations

2- Demand that fedgov cease and desist supporting the Jewish State

3- Reverse Harry S Truman recognition of Israel for the same reasons FDR stated

Presto, World Peace coming up.

Who said it was in Syria.....Duh....Once we start arresting ISIS sympathizers for what they believe and or deporting them we will be safer.....either its a war or its not........if its war treat it as such........or dont be surprised by the increase in violence that your do nothing policy engenders.......
Well thank you for granting my point. You are willing to become like I stated before, an isolationist, xenofobic, totalitarian state in order to gain security. If that's your choice I can't say anything. just know it's not what your founding fathers had in mind. Don't ever say anything more about freedom of speech or religion ever again. Oh and btw a state like that will have a hard time being the leader of the FREE world.

You dont become them by defending yourself dumbass.......... this doesnt even compare to rounding up the Japanese Americans just because they were Japanese....and yet you cant see the are an unserious person, little more than a pajama boy handwringer always mumbling oh my whatever can do we do
How does it not compare, Showing an ISIS flag is, however distastefull and stupid not against the law. It doesn't make you a combattant, it makes you an asshole. Something this forum doesn't have a shortage on. A few post back someone said this," hopefully an electric fence at the top of the wall to kill the illegals AND their children." It's the exact same thing. The Japanese got interned because they where Japanese. You suggest doing the same because ppl have extreme IDEAS. Not the same as actions btw.
Being a certain national origin is one thing , proclaiming your attachment to a terrorist org is totally quit whimpering and see if you can give us a serious policy proposal to address the situation

A serious policy proposal to address the situation, of course:

1- Demand that fedgov cease and desist intervening in the internal affairs of other nations

2- Demand that fedgov cease and desist supporting the Jewish State

3- Reverse Harry S Truman recognition of Israel for the same reasons FDR stated

Presto, World Peace coming up.

I happen to agree with your first statement.
Israel is a different matter tough. You can't put that genie back in the box.
As libs would say quit shitting yourself.........hows that......go apologize for what.....Harry Truman my god you are so delusional
Repression....?????? pathetic.....funny Israel and Egypt have enjoyed decades of has Jordan ......ISIS threat has not materialized because of Israel
Guess my defenition of peace is different then yours. Nothing ever happens in Israel or Egypt lol.

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