Need a reason to secure the Border? Brussels Suicide Bomber: 'We're working on a dirty bomb'

Put what in context....full platoon at MSP wouldnt begin to cover it.........
My point, this op is suggesting to secure 7500 miles of boarder, plus seaboards and airports, what would be the manpower requirment for that?
The Chinese built a impenatrable 13,125 mile wall through a treacherous mountain region in pre-industrial times. If they can do something of that magnitude, the U.S. can too.
Yet were invaded and conquered 6 times..

Difference between armies and migrants dont ya think
"Brussels attacks suicide bombers 'targeted nuclear plants' and were plotting to build 'radioactive dirty bomb'"
Brussels attacks suicide bombers originally 'targeted nuclear power plants'

Suicide Jihadi brothers sought to kidnap nuclear power plant director and acquire the material needed to build a 'dirty' bomb. The fact that Jihadis / terrorists would love to get their hands on nuclear material and build a dirty bomb is not new. That terrorists are trying to get their hands on such material as we speak is not new.

It is also NOT news that the Obama administration is already aware of this, has BEEN aware of this for some time, is aware of the threat, and still refuses to close / secure the border.

Here's some more great news...

Testers Slip Radioactive Materials Over Borders

"WASHINGTON, March 27 — Undercover Congressional investigators successfully smuggled into the United States enough radioactive material to make two dirty bombs, even after it set off alarms on radiation detectors installed at border checkpoints, a new report says.

The test, conducted in December by the Government Accountability Office, demonstrated the mixed progress by the Department of Homeland Security, among other federal agencies, in trying to prevent terrorists from smuggling radioactive material into the United States."


In the military we periodically due no-notice tests to evaluate our readiness. If the test is failed, people get their ass chewed, heads roll, people get fired or even booted from service (at times), and the lapses / problems are quickly remedied. In large part, as seen with the 'results' of the 'Fast and Furious' investigation, with no one getting punished, the guilty go free, and nothing gets resolved.

Truly securing / closing the border would greatly remedy the security hole we have, but it also would all but stop Obama's administration-supported Illegal 'invasion'. Like Brussels, we, instead, will wait until the next attack happens - maybe a dirty bomb - and then admit we did not do everything we could have to prevent such an attack. (Those who do not learn from the mistakes found in history are doomed to repeat them...)
You seem to be jumping to the conclusion that terrorist threats come only from abroad. However, the fact is terrorist attacks usually are planned withing the country and carried out by citizens or long time residents. In Brussels, 2 of the 3 bombers were born and raised in Belgium.

Sealing the boarders will not stop internal terrorist attacks which according to Homeland Security are our greatest danger. However drastic actions such this will create economic hardships for everyone and encourage radicalization within the country.
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Put what in context....full platoon at MSP wouldnt begin to cover it.........
My point, this op is suggesting to secure 7500 miles of boarder, plus seaboards and airports, what would be the manpower requirment for that?
The Chinese built a impenatrable 13,125 mile wall through a treacherous mountain region in pre-industrial times. If they can do something of that magnitude, the U.S. can too.
Yet were invaded and conquered 6 times..
With modern technology, troops on the border, drones and hopefully an electric fence at the top of the wall to kill the illegals AND their children, they'll refrain from trying to enter our country.
Same old crap. Makes me want to throw up. "you can't seal 7500 miles of border" etc. OK start with the BIGGEST MF'ing leak! The Southern border. What so hard to understand? Do "something". Stop the never ending flow of criminals, killers, rapist etc. that the Corrupt Mexican Govt. is forcing to "get out of Dodge". Please Please Please. make the lunacy stop! 30-40 years of it. 1000/day uncontrolled illegal entrants. 10% of CA AZ TX NM ......maybe 30mil nation wide. OK keep the good ones. next question.
I think you're wrong on all counts. Illegal immigration is now at the lowest point in 20 years and the number of illegal immigrants in the US are down over a million over the last 10 years. Our southern boarder has never been as secure as it is today.

Building walls around the country will not keep terrorist out because they are already here. Sealing boarders will disrupt trade, create major economic problems and will not make the country any safer.

Terrorism can be stopped but not with radical knee jerk reactions. It will take time, probably decades. The most important thing we can do is make sure we don't destroy the principals that are the bedrock this country is built. If we do, the terrorist will have won.
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They can plan all they want, I almost hope they try and make one. The only effective way is to use highly radioactive material and if they do, then their bomb will kill them in a very painful way, without them doing anything.
They had precise intel......actionable intel and sat on it ......oooops

sounds like leadup to Sept 11 2001 in USA stories.
It does sound like that. And there's no question mistakes have been made. If you don't want those mistakes been made you'll have to start doing things wich aren't in accordance with western world values. If you are fine with bypassing the rule of law to gain security. I can respect that. But I personally feel that if the only way we can stop these kinds of things from happening is to become wat they are. Namely a closed of, xenofobic,totalitarian state I don't think it would be worth saving.

What rule of law has to be bypassed to arrest people you know are going to kill people......San Bernadino ......oooops
How where the autorities capable of stopping San bernardino. They expressed jihadi views in private messages and travelled to Saudi Arabia. Private messages you can't tap without just cause and every Muslim is required to travel to Saudi Arabia acoording to their fate.And even if you could tap their phone,it's still a very large step from having Jihadi views an actully killing ppl. Hence my point. Security is only acomplished if you are willing to arrest ppl who express thaughts. Not for nothing that doesn't sound like a nice country to live in.
They had precise intel......actionable intel and sat on it ......oooops

sounds like leadup to Sept 11 2001 in USA stories.
It does sound like that. And there's no question mistakes have been made. If you don't want those mistakes been made you'll have to start doing things wich aren't in accordance with western world values. If you are fine with bypassing the rule of law to gain security. I can respect that. But I personally feel that if the only way we can stop these kinds of things from happening is to become wat they are. Namely a closed of, xenofobic,totalitarian state I don't think it would be worth saving.

What rule of law has to be bypassed to arrest people you know are going to kill people......San Bernadino ......oooops
How where the autorities capable of stopping San bernardino. They expressed jihadi views in private messages and travelled to Saudi Arabia. Private messages you can't tap without just cause and every Muslim is required to travel to Saudi Arabia acoording to their fate.And even if you could tap their phone,it's still a very large step from having Jihadi views an actully killing ppl. Hence my point. Security is only acomplished if you are willing to arrest ppl who express thaughts. Not for nothing that doesn't sound like a nice country to live in.
First you arrest people for what they say, not what they do.
Then you arrest people for what they think, not what they say.
They had precise intel......actionable intel and sat on it ......oooops

sounds like leadup to Sept 11 2001 in USA stories.
It does sound like that. And there's no question mistakes have been made. If you don't want those mistakes been made you'll have to start doing things wich aren't in accordance with western world values. If you are fine with bypassing the rule of law to gain security. I can respect that. But I personally feel that if the only way we can stop these kinds of things from happening is to become wat they are. Namely a closed of, xenofobic,totalitarian state I don't think it would be worth saving.

What rule of law has to be bypassed to arrest people you know are going to kill people......San Bernadino ......oooops
How where the autorities capable of stopping San bernardino. They expressed jihadi views in private messages and travelled to Saudi Arabia. Private messages you can't tap without just cause and every Muslim is required to travel to Saudi Arabia acoording to their fate.And even if you could tap their phone,it's still a very large step from having Jihadi views an actully killing ppl. Hence my point. Security is only acomplished if you are willing to arrest ppl who express thaughts. Not for nothing that doesn't sound like a nice country to live in.

Excuse moi.

Before we can talk about the so-called Jihadi Bonnie and Clyde I need you to show us:

1- Video from surveillance cameras showing that they were the perpetrators
2- Video testimony claiming that they saw them perpetrating the act
3- dash cam video from the numerous police cruisers

Then and ONLY then we will be sure that San Bernardinio was not yet another false flag operation.

Put what in context....full platoon at MSP wouldnt begin to cover it.........
My point, this op is suggesting to secure 7500 miles of boarder, plus seaboards and airports, what would be the manpower requirment for that?
The Chinese built a impenatrable 13,125 mile wall through a treacherous mountain region in pre-industrial times. If they can do something of that magnitude, the U.S. can too.
Yet were invaded and conquered 6 times..
With modern technology, troops on the border, drones and hopefully an electric fence at the top of the wall to kill the illegals AND their children, they'll refrain from trying to enter our country.
So when you see the first picture of a dead kid who tried to jump your fence, your reaction will be. That'll teach them? As a father myself I can't say I agree. Then again I don't believe ppl deserve death for looking for a better life period. But since you are a native American and your ancestors didn't come to the US for that exact reason i can symphatise.
They had precise intel......actionable intel and sat on it ......oooops

sounds like leadup to Sept 11 2001 in USA stories.
It does sound like that. And there's no question mistakes have been made. If you don't want those mistakes been made you'll have to start doing things wich aren't in accordance with western world values. If you are fine with bypassing the rule of law to gain security. I can respect that. But I personally feel that if the only way we can stop these kinds of things from happening is to become wat they are. Namely a closed of, xenofobic,totalitarian state I don't think it would be worth saving.

What rule of law has to be bypassed to arrest people you know are going to kill people......San Bernadino ......oooops
How where the autorities capable of stopping San bernardino. They expressed jihadi views in private messages and travelled to Saudi Arabia. Private messages you can't tap without just cause and every Muslim is required to travel to Saudi Arabia acoording to their fate.And even if you could tap their phone,it's still a very large step from having Jihadi views an actully killing ppl. Hence my point. Security is only acomplished if you are willing to arrest ppl who express thaughts. Not for nothing that doesn't sound like a nice country to live in.

Excuse moi.

Before we can talk about the so-called Jihadi Bonnie and Clyde I need you to show us:

1- Video from surveillance cameras showing that they were the perpetrators
2- Video testimony claiming that they saw them perpetrating the act
3- dash cam video from the numerous police cruisers

Then and ONLY then we will be sure that San Bernardinio was not yet another false flag operation.

Like I said, are you willing to arrest ppl for showing that ISIS flag on their facebook page for instance, since that clearly shows signs of radicalisation? Or what about Muslims who visit Mekka, since they're clearly devout? Are you willing to tap every phoneline of Muslims in the US? Wat about Christians since the've done mass shooting to? Point is once you're on that path it's very hard to turn back.
sounds like leadup to Sept 11 2001 in USA stories.
It does sound like that. And there's no question mistakes have been made. If you don't want those mistakes been made you'll have to start doing things wich aren't in accordance with western world values. If you are fine with bypassing the rule of law to gain security. I can respect that. But I personally feel that if the only way we can stop these kinds of things from happening is to become wat they are. Namely a closed of, xenofobic,totalitarian state I don't think it would be worth saving.

What rule of law has to be bypassed to arrest people you know are going to kill people......San Bernadino ......oooops
How where the autorities capable of stopping San bernardino. They expressed jihadi views in private messages and travelled to Saudi Arabia. Private messages you can't tap without just cause and every Muslim is required to travel to Saudi Arabia acoording to their fate.And even if you could tap their phone,it's still a very large step from having Jihadi views an actully killing ppl. Hence my point. Security is only acomplished if you are willing to arrest ppl who express thaughts. Not for nothing that doesn't sound like a nice country to live in.

Excuse moi.

Before we can talk about the so-called Jihadi Bonnie and Clyde I need you to show us:

1- Video from surveillance cameras showing that they were the perpetrators
2- Video testimony claiming that they saw them perpetrating the act
3- dash cam video from the numerous police cruisers

Then and ONLY then we will be sure that San Bernardinio was not yet another false flag operation.

Like I said, are you willing to arrest ppl for showing that ISIS flag on their facebook page for instance, since that clearly shows signs of radicalisation? Or what about Muslims who visit Mekka, since they're clearly devout? Are you willing to tap every phoneline of Muslims in the US? Wat about Christians since the've done mass shooting to? Point is once you're on that path it's very hard to turn back.
ISIS flag ..yep you're arrested ....enemy combatant ...sorta no brainer eh
They can plan all they want, I almost hope they try and make one. The only effective way is to use highly radioactive material and if they do, then their bomb will kill them in a very painful way, without them doing anything.

Are you aware of the fact that the avengers are SUICIDAL?

They kamikazed into the WTC.


Those unfortunate people have been shit on for so many years that they don't mind dying in the process.

I've seen Muslims fly to central America trying to get to the U.S. , none of them have been terrorists.

Oh that's a relief !
YOU haven't seen any terrorists.
I suppose John Kerry is your idol too.


Maybe the leftists on here can actually explain what is bad about protecting our borders. Honestly, what is BAD about doing it? What will that affect that makes us so much better by not doing it? They need tell us.

QUESTION-----------> How does it improve Americans quality of life by not protecting any border from unwanted people walking in!

Who thinks it's bad to protect the borders?

How many Muslims do you bed down with nightly ?
I've seen Muslims fly to central America trying to get to the U.S. , none of them have been terrorists.

Oh that's a relief !
YOU haven't seen any terrorists.
I suppose John Kerry is your idol too.


Maybe the leftists on here can actually explain what is bad about protecting our borders. Honestly, what is BAD about doing it? What will that affect that makes us so much better by not doing it? They need tell us.

QUESTION-----------> How does it improve Americans quality of life by not protecting any border from unwanted people walking in!

Who thinks it's bad to protect the borders?

How many Muslims do you bed down with nightly ?

How many Zionuts do you bed down with nightly ?
"Brussels attacks suicide bombers 'targeted nuclear plants' and were plotting to build 'radioactive dirty bomb'"
Brussels attacks suicide bombers originally 'targeted nuclear power plants'

Suicide Jihadi brothers sought to kidnap nuclear power plant director and acquire the material needed to build a 'dirty' bomb. The fact that Jihadis / terrorists would love to get their hands on nuclear material and build a dirty bomb is not new. That terrorists are trying to get their hands on such material as we speak is not new.

It is also NOT news that the Obama administration is already aware of this, has BEEN aware of this for some time, is aware of the threat, and still refuses to close / secure the border.

Here's some more great news...

Testers Slip Radioactive Materials Over Borders

"WASHINGTON, March 27 — Undercover Congressional investigators successfully smuggled into the United States enough radioactive material to make two dirty bombs, even after it set off alarms on radiation detectors installed at border checkpoints, a new report says.

The test, conducted in December by the Government Accountability Office, demonstrated the mixed progress by the Department of Homeland Security, among other federal agencies, in trying to prevent terrorists from smuggling radioactive material into the United States."


In the military we periodically due no-notice tests to evaluate our readiness. If the test is failed, people get their ass chewed, heads roll, people get fired or even booted from service (at times), and the lapses / problems are quickly remedied. In large part, as seen with the 'results' of the 'Fast and Furious' investigation, with no one getting punished, the guilty go free, and nothing gets resolved.

Truly securing / closing the border would greatly remedy the security hole we have, but it also would all but stop Obama's administration-supported Illegal 'invasion'. Like Brussels, we, instead, will wait until the next attack happens - maybe a dirty bomb - and then admit we did not do everything we could have to prevent such an attack. (Those who do not learn from the mistakes found in history are doomed to repeat them...)
This fails as a false comparison fallacy, slippery slope fallacy, in addition to being unfounded demagoguery.

Such is the right’s politics of fear.
It does sound like that. And there's no question mistakes have been made. If you don't want those mistakes been made you'll have to start doing things wich aren't in accordance with western world values. If you are fine with bypassing the rule of law to gain security. I can respect that. But I personally feel that if the only way we can stop these kinds of things from happening is to become wat they are. Namely a closed of, xenofobic,totalitarian state I don't think it would be worth saving.

What rule of law has to be bypassed to arrest people you know are going to kill people......San Bernadino ......oooops
How where the autorities capable of stopping San bernardino. They expressed jihadi views in private messages and travelled to Saudi Arabia. Private messages you can't tap without just cause and every Muslim is required to travel to Saudi Arabia acoording to their fate.And even if you could tap their phone,it's still a very large step from having Jihadi views an actully killing ppl. Hence my point. Security is only acomplished if you are willing to arrest ppl who express thaughts. Not for nothing that doesn't sound like a nice country to live in.

Excuse moi.

Before we can talk about the so-called Jihadi Bonnie and Clyde I need you to show us:

1- Video from surveillance cameras showing that they were the perpetrators
2- Video testimony claiming that they saw them perpetrating the act
3- dash cam video from the numerous police cruisers

Then and ONLY then we will be sure that San Bernardinio was not yet another false flag operation.

Like I said, are you willing to arrest ppl for showing that ISIS flag on their facebook page for instance, since that clearly shows signs of radicalisation? Or what about Muslims who visit Mekka, since they're clearly devout? Are you willing to tap every phoneline of Muslims in the US? Wat about Christians since the've done mass shooting to? Point is once you're on that path it's very hard to turn back.
ISIS flag ..yep you're arrested ....enemy combatant ...sorta no brainer eh
Mecca is in Sauidi Arabia not Syria. And every Muslim is obligated to go there. It's the same as saying your a Christian extremist if you visit Rome. Should someone showing ties to the KKK be arrested or what about white supremasists in general? Once you start arresting ppl for their beliefs you are exactly what ISIS is," you belief what we belief or face the consequences."

All of this is a mute point once Trump is elected.

Fortunately, Trump won’t be elected.
I think you're wrong on all counts. Illegal immigration is now at the lowest point in 20 years and the number of illegal immigrants in the US are down over a million over the last 10 years. Our southern boarder has never been as secure as it is today.

Building walls around the country will not keep terrorist out because they are already here. Sealing boarders will disrupt trade, create major economic problems and will not make the country any safer.

Terrorism can be stopped but not with radical knee jerk reactions. It will take time, probably decades. The most important thing we can do is make sure we don't destroy the principals that are the bedrock this country is built. If we do, the terrorist will have won.

Oooop....."wrong on all counts". Why should I bother to post links about 50K illegals per month (children) on train in Mexico then across USA border? Only 4% not allowed to stay (not sure why?). This illegal entry occurs how often since executive order #9999 dreamer crap? huh? at low level? Secure border? huh? Why you confuse Terrorism with illegal immigration? Drugs crime criminals, you all OK with massive importation of all of it? nothing to be concerned about? Low level? you drinking kool-aid numbers again.

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