Need a reason to secure the Border? Brussels Suicide Bomber: 'We're working on a dirty bomb'

Fortunately, Trump won’t be elected.

That's exactly what Trump says you idiots keep telling yourselves.
Carry on, dumbass..... please.

yep. for 6-8 months I have watched in here. Over and over, Trump can 't be nominated, Trump won't run, Trump is on publicity stunt, Trump can't win general, Trump will explode, Trump is DEM plant, Trump this Trump that.............these guys don't have a clue. One in paticular, but I won't name names.

5 months ago I wanted to post, Trump could win NY? but I did not.
Not for nothing, the US is ahead of the game when it comes to combatting domestic Muslim extremism. Your Muslim community is better integrated then in Europe.The worst thing you guys can do is allianating Muslims be selectivly targeting them. The attacks in Belgium where commited by second generation immegrants. And believe me the problems with them would have been avoided if we were better in integrating them.
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Not for nothing, the US is ahead of the game when it comes to combatting domestic Muslim extremism. Your Muslim community is better integrated then in Europe.The worst thing you guys can do is allianating Muslims be selectivly targeting them. The attacks in Belgium where commited by second generation immegrants. And believe me the problems with them would have been avoided if we were better in integrating them.

Blame is on "them". Europe let them in and tried tolerance, freebies and better life. They did not take advantage of it. They want to kill, maim, and force you to join up their cult. No thanks. Keep them out. Close any and all Mosque. Ban the book, ban the practice. Send them all back to Muslim countries. It they get out and don't behave, hit them with Military until they stop the crap. Right now USA has Military hardware advantage, but they could catch up I suppose?
All of this is a mute point once Trump is elected.
The borders in the U.S. WILL be sealed. That's a fact.
Bad people (including anti-American Liberals) will be rounded up an sent away too. Probably GITMO. That's another fact.
People will think twice before they run their fucking mouths about how wonderful and peaceful Muslims and Islam are.
Can't fucking wait.

STFU, sock.
STFU, sock.

Urban Dictionary: sock puppet
Urban Dictionary
sock puppet. An account made on an internet message board, by a person who already has an account, for the purpose of posting more-or-less anonymously.

now I know.

Libtards love to make socks and often engage in reductio ad absurdum or something of the sort to try and make their case look better. During the 2012 election cycle, a libtard made a libertarian account to try and convince Repubs that Romney was too big government even though the fa**** was supporting Obama to the hilt.
Liberals want a dirty bomb or even just a nuke so badly, when one does go off, shouldn't we be happy for them and celebrate?
Fortunately, Trump won’t be elected.

That's exactly what Trump says you idiots keep telling yourselves.
Carry on, dumbass..... please.

yep. for 6-8 months I have watched in here. Over and over, Trump can 't be nominated, Trump won't run, Trump is on publicity stunt, Trump can't win general, Trump will explode, Trump is DEM plant, Trump this Trump that.............these guys don't have a clue. One in paticular, but I won't name names.

5 months ago I wanted to post, Trump could win NY? but I did not.

Not for nothing, the US is ahead of the game when it comes to combatting domestic Muslim extremism. Your Muslim community is better integrated then in Europe.The worst thing you guys can do is allianating Muslims be selectivly targeting them. The attacks in Belgium where commited by second generation immegrants. And believe me the problems with them would have been avoided if we were better in integrating them.

Liberals want a dirty bomb or even just a nuke so badly, when one does go off, shouldn't we be happy for them and celebrate?

STFU, sock.

Next time you open your fucking mouth, remove the cock, so I can understand what the fuck you're talking about, cumgurgle.

You see, notice how the left attacks everyone with buzzwords for wanting to secure the border. None of them can tell you how leaving the border open helps the average American, just that if you want it closed and secured, there is something wrong with you.

This is how the left creates narratives! They can't show how it helps any American, so they attack Americans instead who want to do it. There is no logic in their argument, because they can't show any sort of loss for us as a country. If we were to actually need more workers, we give more legal green cards, or visas. Who thinks if they are willing to take a chance to come in ILLEGALLY, they wouldn't jump at the chance to come in with our blessing!

To many people allow the left to guide them down the "primrose path," responding to the narrative they want to make the focal point of the debate. On many fronts, they can't make a logical case on why something SHOULD be done, without making your side a boogeyman.

And so again I ask the left FORCEFULLY------------> what does it hurt to secure our borders, and as labor is required, allow them to come in legally if that is decided, that is where our labor is coming from? And if you agree it is a good idea for Americans, then why wasn't it for the last 6, 7, 10, or 20 years?
They can plan all they want, I almost hope they try and make one. The only effective way is to use highly radioactive material and if they do, then their bomb will kill them in a very painful way, without them doing anything.

Are you aware of the fact that the avengers are SUICIDAL?

They kamikazed into the WTC.


Those unfortunate people have been shit on for so many years that they don't mind dying in the process.

And the more we shit on them today, the more terrorist we have in the future. Take any nation, uproot them from their homes, subject them to living in ghettos like the UN refugee camps for decades and you will get fertile ground for extremists. Today there are over 50 million refugees around the world and nearly 10 million are living in these dumps. There is little employment in these places. Kids get only a smattering of education. Security is a major problem. And there is plenty of free time for resentment and hatred to grow. There is no better place in the world to recruit and train the terrorist of the future..
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How where the autorities capable of stopping San bernardino. They expressed jihadi views in private messages and travelled to Saudi Arabia. Private messages you can't tap without just cause and every Muslim is required to travel to Saudi Arabia acoording to their fate.And even if you could tap their phone,it's still a very large step from having Jihadi views an actully killing ppl. Hence my point. Security is only acomplished if you are willing to arrest ppl who express thaughts. Not for nothing that doesn't sound like a nice country to live in.

Excuse moi.

Before we can talk about the so-called Jihadi Bonnie and Clyde I need you to show us:

1- Video from surveillance cameras showing that they were the perpetrators
2- Video testimony claiming that they saw them perpetrating the act
3- dash cam video from the numerous police cruisers

Then and ONLY then we will be sure that San Bernardinio was not yet another false flag operation.

Like I said, are you willing to arrest ppl for showing that ISIS flag on their facebook page for instance, since that clearly shows signs of radicalisation? Or what about Muslims who visit Mekka, since they're clearly devout? Are you willing to tap every phoneline of Muslims in the US? Wat about Christians since the've done mass shooting to? Point is once you're on that path it's very hard to turn back.
ISIS flag ..yep you're arrested ....enemy combatant ...sorta no brainer eh
Mecca is in Sauidi Arabia not Syria. And every Muslim is obligated to go there. It's the same as saying your a Christian extremist if you visit Rome. Should someone showing ties to the KKK be arrested or what about white supremasists in general? Once you start arresting ppl for their beliefs you are exactly what ISIS is," you belief what we belief or face the consequences."
Who said it was in Syria.....Duh....Once we start arresting ISIS sympathizers for what they believe and or deporting them we will be safer.....either its a war or its not........if its war treat it as such........or dont be surprised by the increase in violence that your do nothing policy engenders.......
When we start deporting people for what they believe, the terrorist will have won.
They can plan all they want, I almost hope they try and make one. The only effective way is to use highly radioactive material and if they do, then their bomb will kill them in a very painful way, without them doing anything.

Are you aware of the fact that the avengers are SUICIDAL?

They kamikazed into the WTC.


Those unfortunate people have been shit on for so many years that they don't mind dying in the process.

And the more we shit on them today, the more terrorist we have in the future. Take any nation, uproot them from their homes, subject them to living in ghettos like the UN refugee camps for decades and you will get fertile ground for extremists. Today there are over 50 million refugees around the world and nearly 10 million are living in these dumps. There is little employment in these places. Kids get only a smattering of education. Security is a major problem. And there is plenty of free time for resentment and hatred to grow. There is no better place in the world to recruit and train the terrorist of the future..

Yes, indeed.

They can plan all they want, I almost hope they try and make one. The only effective way is to use highly radioactive material and if they do, then their bomb will kill them in a very painful way, without them doing anything.

Are you aware of the fact that the avengers are SUICIDAL?

They kamikazed into the WTC.


Those unfortunate people have been shit on for so many years that they don't mind dying in the process.

And the more we shit on them today, the more terrorist we have in the future. Take any nation, uproot them from their homes, subject them to living in ghettos like the UN refugee camps for decades and you will get fertile ground for extremists. Today there are over 50 million refugees around the world and nearly 10 million are living in these dumps. There is little employment in these places. Kids get only a smattering of education. Security is a major problem. And there is plenty of free time for resentment and hatred to grow. There is no better place in the world to recruit and train the terrorist of the future..

Who is uprooting people from their homes? Belgium people? The French? Surely you are not saying Israel.

the ME is rich beyond imagination, but they don't share the wealth. They build incredible buildings with their wealth meanwhile they let these displace people because of war create a humanitarian disaster. They let their children fall into poverty or worse go begging to countries that have little to d with the cause of their plight. What should we do? Well doing what most Arab countries are doing is not the solution. And blaming Europe or the US for making their country rich meanwhile letting their people starve is not a solution either.

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