Need a reason to secure the Border? Brussels Suicide Bomber: 'We're working on a dirty bomb'

All countries run by Black, Brown or Muslim countries are F'd up beyond belief since forever. More corrupt than USA, yes Mexico is one that is really bad.

By all means import "that" here and change USA to be like them? Does that make good sense? Many on this board actively cheer the importation of the worst of the worst? We have enough trouble fighting DC corruption.

OK maybe a few South American Countries' are pretty good, Chile? Go ahead, try to dispute facts.

There is some truth in what you're saying. We will eventually become the countries so many are fleeing. It's already happening. We are racing towards third world misery. We can't have endless Illegal Immigration. It can't be sustained. It has to end.

The problem is NOT open borders. We had them before 1965 and there was never a problem.

The reason Juan has become a problem is because of federal and state laws which impede Juan from becoming gainfully employed.

So the answer is to ABOLISH the welfare state .


Yeah, this Welfare/Warfare Sate can't be sustained.


19 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrillions $$$$$$$$ in the hole.

By the time president, er, prime minister, Sanders get through it will be quadrillions.

We are fucked. Good thing I am 68 years old. Feel sorry for my children and grandchildren.

They can plan all they want, I almost hope they try and make one. The only effective way is to use highly radioactive material and if they do, then their bomb will kill them in a very painful way, without them doing anything.

Are you aware of the fact that the avengers are SUICIDAL?

They kamikazed into the WTC.


Those unfortunate people have been shit on for so many years that they don't mind dying in the process.

And the more we shit on them today, the more terrorist we have in the future. Take any nation, uproot them from their homes, subject them to living in ghettos like the UN refugee camps for decades and you will get fertile ground for extremists. Today there are over 50 million refugees around the world and nearly 10 million are living in these dumps. There is little employment in these places. Kids get only a smattering of education. Security is a major problem. And there is plenty of free time for resentment and hatred to grow. There is no better place in the world to recruit and train the terrorist of the future..

Who is uprooting people from their homes? Belgium people? The French? Surely you are not saying Israel.

the ME is rich beyond imagination, but they don't share the wealth. They build incredible buildings with their wealth meanwhile they let these displace people because of war create a humanitarian disaster. They let their children fall into poverty or worse go begging to countries that have little to d with the cause of their plight. What should we do? Well doing what most Arab countries are doing is not the solution. And blaming Europe or the US for making their country rich meanwhile letting their people starve is not a solution either.
It's immaterial who is responsible for driving these people from their homes. What is important is in a few years, we're going to have millions of young people walking out of these refugee camps with no home, no education, no job, no future, and ripe for recruitment by ISIS or whatever terrorist groups they morph into.

The first step in solving the problem is for nations to stop pointing fingers at each other and acknowledge that this is a problem that will effect all of us. The camps themselves need to be changed into communities, not prisons. Kids need education and activities. There needs to be more security. And of course, we need more countries participating in resettlement programs. These people are not immigrants; that is they not seeking citizenship in a new country. 70% of all refugees return to their home country. They just need a safe place to live and raise their families until they can return to their homes.
70% of all refugees return to their home country. They just need a place a safe place to live and raise their families until they can be resettle in their home country.

Let the Muslims figure it out, they spend $10mil/day on party whores yahcts and whiskey.

I will say it again and again, USA has its' hands full with Illegal entry from southern border as well as about 10mil inner city welfare cases with zero hope, and no job. Not to mention the other 30 mil on welfare.

You think USA has resource to worry about Muslims 1/2 planet away? driven out by some lunatic always.
And of course, we need more countries participating in resettlement programs. These people are not immigrants; that is they not seeking citizenship in a new country. 70% of all refugees return to their home country. They just need a safe place to live and raise their families until they can return to their homes.

No Western nation has any obligation to let in these 'refugees' who willingly harbor radical terrorists among themselves, for whatever reason.
And of course, we need more countries participating in resettlement programs. These people are not immigrants; that is they not seeking citizenship in a new country. 70% of all refugees return to their home country. They just need a safe place to live and raise their families until they can return to their homes.

No Western nation has any obligation to let in these 'refugees' who willingly harbor radical terrorists among themselves, for whatever reason.

From what i'm hearing, it's gonna get worse. ISIS is in retreat in Syria and Iraq. Its fighters are fleeing and looking to escape. Western Europe and the U.S. are the likely destinations.

I would say it's more so Western Europe though. Their Left has completely dismantled their Immigration Systems. They easily get in as 'Refugees.' It's the preferred destination for fleeing ISIS terrorists. But Hussein's accepting a lot of Syrians into the U.S. as well. So i hate to say it, but things are gonna get worse.
They had precise intel......actionable intel and sat on it ......oooops

sounds like leadup to Sept 11 2001 in USA stories.
It does sound like that. And there's no question mistakes have been made. If you don't want those mistakes been made you'll have to start doing things wich aren't in accordance with western world values. If you are fine with bypassing the rule of law to gain security. I can respect that. But I personally feel that if the only way we can stop these kinds of things from happening is to become wat they are. Namely a closed of, xenofobic,totalitarian state I don't think it would be worth saving.

What rule of law has to be bypassed to arrest people you know are going to kill people......San Bernadino ......oooops
How where the autorities capable of stopping San bernardino. They expressed jihadi views in private messages and travelled to Saudi Arabia. Private messages you can't tap without just cause and every Muslim is required to travel to Saudi Arabia acoording to their fate.And even if you could tap their phone,it's still a very large step from having Jihadi views an actully killing ppl. Hence my point. Security is only acomplished if you are willing to arrest ppl who express thaughts. Not for nothing that doesn't sound like a nice country to live in.
First you arrest people for what they say, not what they do.
Then you arrest people for what they think, not what they say.
Anybody flying an isis flag is the enemy....if thats to hard to comprehend we are finished
They can plan all they want, I almost hope they try and make one. The only effective way is to use highly radioactive material and if they do, then their bomb will kill them in a very painful way, without them doing anything.

Are you aware of the fact that the avengers are SUICIDAL?

They kamikazed into the WTC.


Those unfortunate people have been shit on for so many years that they don't mind dying in the process.

And the more we shit on them today, the more terrorist we have in the future. Take any nation, uproot them from their homes, subject them to living in ghettos like the UN refugee camps for decades and you will get fertile ground for extremists. Today there are over 50 million refugees around the world and nearly 10 million are living in these dumps. There is little employment in these places. Kids get only a smattering of education. Security is a major problem. And there is plenty of free time for resentment and hatred to grow. There is no better place in the world to recruit and train the terrorist of the future..

Who is uprooting people from their homes? Belgium people? The French? Surely you are not saying Israel.

the ME is rich beyond imagination, but they don't share the wealth. They build incredible buildings with their wealth meanwhile they let these displace people because of war create a humanitarian disaster. They let their children fall into poverty or worse go begging to countries that have little to d with the cause of their plight. What should we do? Well doing what most Arab countries are doing is not the solution. And blaming Europe or the US for making their country rich meanwhile letting their people starve is not a solution either.
It's immaterial who is responsible for driving these people from their homes. What is important is in a few years, we're going to have millions of young people walking out of these refugee camps with no home, no education, no job, no future, and ripe for recruitment by ISIS or whatever terrorist groups they morph into.

The first step in solving the problem is for nations to stop pointing fingers at each other and acknowledge that this is a problem that will effect all of us. The camps themselves need to be changed into communities, not prisons. Kids need education and activities. There needs to be more security. And of course, we need more countries participating in resettlement programs. These people are not immigrants; that is they not seeking citizenship in a new country. 70% of all refugees return to their home country. They just need a safe place to live and raise their families until they can return to their homes.

How about sending back to the holes that created and let them rebuild their communities. What obligation do you feel a Frenchman has to making sure a displaced Syrian finds a home? On what moral code are you basing this obligation?
All countries run by Black, Brown or Muslim countries are F'd up beyond belief since forever. More corrupt than USA, yes Mexico is one that is really bad.

By all means import "that" here and change USA to be like them? Does that make good sense? Many on this board actively cheer the importation of the worst of the worst? We have enough trouble fighting DC corruption.

OK maybe a few South American Countries' are pretty good, Chile? Go ahead, try to dispute facts.

There is some truth in what you're saying. We will eventually become the countries so many are fleeing. It's already happening. We are racing towards third world misery. We can't have endless Illegal Immigration. It can't be sustained. It has to end.

The problem is NOT open borders. We had them before 1965 and there was never a problem.

The reason Juan has become a problem is because of federal and state laws which impede Juan from becoming gainfully employed.

So the answer is to ABOLISH the welfare state .


Yeah, this Welfare/Warfare Sate can't be sustained.


19 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrillions $$$$$$$$ in the hole.

By the time president, er, prime minister, Sanders get through it will be quadrillions.

We are fucked. Good thing I am 68 years old. Feel sorry for my children and grandchildren.


I am a few years behind you and that is pretty much all I worry about. WTH is going to happen to the world. What happens if China calls in their debt? What if the US defaults?
And of course, we need more countries participating in resettlement programs. These people are not immigrants; that is they not seeking citizenship in a new country. 70% of all refugees return to their home country. They just need a safe place to live and raise their families until they can return to their homes.

No Western nation has any obligation to let in these 'refugees' who willingly harbor radical terrorists among themselves, for whatever reason.
Actually they are. The 1951 Refugee treaty and the 1967 amendment was signed by 142 nation states including all western nations. However, it's not a matter of obligation. We can do nothing and deal with the consequences in coming decades which will be more terrorism, human trafficking, suffering, and wars.
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All countries run by Black, Brown or Muslim countries are F'd up beyond belief since forever. More corrupt than USA, yes Mexico is one that is really bad.

By all means import "that" here and change USA to be like them? Does that make good sense? Many on this board actively cheer the importation of the worst of the worst? We have enough trouble fighting DC corruption.

OK maybe a few South American Countries' are pretty good, Chile? Go ahead, try to dispute facts.

There is some truth in what you're saying. We will eventually become the countries so many are fleeing. It's already happening. We are racing towards third world misery. We can't have endless Illegal Immigration. It can't be sustained. It has to end.

The problem is NOT open borders. We had them before 1965 and there was never a problem.

The reason Juan has become a problem is because of federal and state laws which impede Juan from becoming gainfully employed.

So the answer is to ABOLISH the welfare state .


Yeah, this Welfare/Warfare Sate can't be sustained.


19 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrillions $$$$$$$$ in the hole.

By the time president, er, prime minister, Sanders get through it will be quadrillions.

We are fucked. Good thing I am 68 years old. Feel sorry for my children and grandchildren.


I am a few years behind you and that is pretty much all I worry about. WTH is going to happen to the world. What happens if China calls in their debt? What if the US defaults?
Most of this debt can not be called because it is in US treasuries with a range of matures from few months to 30 years. The Chinese government can only redeem the debt that comes due in that year. China has been selling US debt over the last year or so. They still are our largest creditor with about 7% of US debt. If they would dump their holdings in US treasuries on the market it would create an international monetary crisis. Interest rates would rise sharply as the the price treasury bills fell, China would loss billions of dollars and their economy would suffer as would the rest of the world. However, it would certainly not be the end of life as we know it.

If you want to worry about something more likely, consider a nuclear terrorist attack on the US.
There is some truth in what you're saying. We will eventually become the countries so many are fleeing. It's already happening. We are racing towards third world misery. We can't have endless Illegal Immigration. It can't be sustained. It has to end.

The problem is NOT open borders. We had them before 1965 and there was never a problem.

The reason Juan has become a problem is because of federal and state laws which impede Juan from becoming gainfully employed.

So the answer is to ABOLISH the welfare state .


Yeah, this Welfare/Warfare Sate can't be sustained.


19 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrillions $$$$$$$$ in the hole.

By the time president, er, prime minister, Sanders get through it will be quadrillions.

We are fucked. Good thing I am 68 years old. Feel sorry for my children and grandchildren.


I am a few years behind you and that is pretty much all I worry about. WTH is going to happen to the world. What happens if China calls in their debt? What if the US defaults?
Most of this debt can not be called because it is in US treasuries with a range of matures from few months to 30 years. The Chinese government can only redeem the debt that comes due in that year. China has been selling US debt over the last year or so. They still are our largest creditor with about 7% of US debt. If they would dump their holdings in US treasuries on the market it would create an international monetary crisis. Interest rates would rise sharply as the the price treasury bills fell, China would loss billions of dollars and their economy would suffer as would the rest of the world. However, it would certainly not be the end of life as we know it.

If you want to worry about something more likely, consider a nuclear terrorist attack on the US.

Treasury bills can't fall far they are in the dirt today.

I am not worried about a nuclear device. Too complicated or too radioactive if they want to make a dirty bomb. There are plenty of prediction of a market disaster to come, after 2008 that seems more likely then a nuclear bomb scare.
Muslims have great fun killing each other... they've been doing it for 1300 years or so... win-win... more oxygen for the rest of us.
And of course, we need more countries participating in resettlement programs. These people are not immigrants; that is they not seeking citizenship in a new country. 70% of all refugees return to their home country. They just need a safe place to live and raise their families until they can return to their homes.

No Western nation has any obligation to let in these 'refugees' who willingly harbor radical terrorists among themselves, for whatever reason.

From what i'm hearing, it's gonna get worse. ISIS is in retreat in Syria and Iraq. Its fighters are fleeing and looking to escape. Western Europe and the U.S. are the likely destinations.

I would say it's more so Western Europe though. Their Left has completely dismantled their Immigration Systems. They easily get in as 'Refugees.' It's the preferred destination for fleeing ISIS terrorists. But Hussein's accepting a lot of Syrians into the U.S. as well. So i hate to say it, but things are gonna get worse.
Don't think so. The US would be one of the more difficult nation for ISIS fighters to enter. As far getting refuge status in the US, forget it. It takes years. A number of ISIS fighters do come from Europe and some will return. However, ISIS is most likely going to shift to Africa. They have a strong and growing foothold there now. ISIS will probably morph into another terrorist group in a few years.
The problem is NOT open borders. We had them before 1965 and there was never a problem.

The reason Juan has become a problem is because of federal and state laws which impede Juan from becoming gainfully employed.

So the answer is to ABOLISH the welfare state .


Yeah, this Welfare/Warfare Sate can't be sustained.


19 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrillions $$$$$$$$ in the hole.

By the time president, er, prime minister, Sanders get through it will be quadrillions.

We are fucked. Good thing I am 68 years old. Feel sorry for my children and grandchildren.


I am a few years behind you and that is pretty much all I worry about. WTH is going to happen to the world. What happens if China calls in their debt? What if the US defaults?
Most of this debt can not be called because it is in US treasuries with a range of matures from few months to 30 years. The Chinese government can only redeem the debt that comes due in that year. China has been selling US debt over the last year or so. They still are our largest creditor with about 7% of US debt. If they would dump their holdings in US treasuries on the market it would create an international monetary crisis. Interest rates would rise sharply as the the price treasury bills fell, China would loss billions of dollars and their economy would suffer as would the rest of the world. However, it would certainly not be the end of life as we know it.

If you want to worry about something more likely, consider a nuclear terrorist attack on the US.

Treasury bills can't fall far they are in the dirt today.

I am not worried about a nuclear device. Too complicated or too radioactive if they want to make a dirty bomb. There are plenty of prediction of a market disaster to come, after 2008 that seems more likely then a nuclear bomb scare.
What are you talking about. Treasuries are redeemed and sold at par by the government. The price does vary only the yield. In the aftermarket the price depends on maturity date and interest rate of the bond.
And of course, we need more countries participating in resettlement programs. These people are not immigrants; that is they not seeking citizenship in a new country. 70% of all refugees return to their home country. They just need a safe place to live and raise their families until they can return to their homes.

No Western nation has any obligation to let in these 'refugees' who willingly harbor radical terrorists among themselves, for whatever reason.

From what i'm hearing, it's gonna get worse. ISIS is in retreat in Syria and Iraq. Its fighters are fleeing and looking to escape. Western Europe and the U.S. are the likely destinations.

I would say it's more so Western Europe though. Their Left has completely dismantled their Immigration Systems. They easily get in as 'Refugees.' It's the preferred destination for fleeing ISIS terrorists. But Hussein's accepting a lot of Syrians into the U.S. as well. So i hate to say it, but things are gonna get worse.
Don't think so. The US would be one of the more difficult nation for ISIS fighters to enter. As far getting refuge status in the US, forget it. It takes years. A number of ISIS fighters do come from Europe and some will return. However, ISIS is most likely going to shift to Africa. They have a strong and growing foothold there now. ISIS will probably morph into another terrorist group in a few years.
ISIS started as a terrorist group with territorial ambitions and no territory.

ISIS is currently a terrorist group with some territory left over from large parcels of land that they had conquered and have begun to lose on a large and accelerating scale.

ISIS will finish as a terrorist group with territorial ambitions and no territory.
And of course, we need more countries participating in resettlement programs. These people are not immigrants; that is they not seeking citizenship in a new country. 70% of all refugees return to their home country. They just need a safe place to live and raise their families until they can return to their homes.

No Western nation has any obligation to let in these 'refugees' who willingly harbor radical terrorists among themselves, for whatever reason.

Shut the fuck up you stupid fuck

The US destroyed Syria, you retarded son of bitch.

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