Need a reason to secure the Border? Brussels Suicide Bomber: 'We're working on a dirty bomb'

They can plan all they want, I almost hope they try and make one. The only effective way is to use highly radioactive material and if they do, then their bomb will kill them in a very painful way, without them doing anything.

Are you aware of the fact that the avengers are SUICIDAL?

They kamikazed into the WTC.


Those unfortunate people have been shit on for so many years that they don't mind dying in the process.

And the more we shit on them today, the more terrorist we have in the future. Take any nation, uproot them from their homes, subject them to living in ghettos like the UN refugee camps for decades and you will get fertile ground for extremists. Today there are over 50 million refugees around the world and nearly 10 million are living in these dumps. There is little employment in these places. Kids get only a smattering of education. Security is a major problem. And there is plenty of free time for resentment and hatred to grow. There is no better place in the world to recruit and train the terrorist of the future..

Who is uprooting people from their homes? Belgium people? The French? Surely you are not saying Israel.

the ME is rich beyond imagination, but they don't share the wealth. They build incredible buildings with their wealth meanwhile they let these displace people because of war create a humanitarian disaster. They let their children fall into poverty or worse go begging to countries that have little to d with the cause of their plight. What should we do? Well doing what most Arab countries are doing is not the solution. And blaming Europe or the US for making their country rich meanwhile letting their people starve is not a solution either.



Who is uprooting people from their homes?

Are you fucking serious?

Syria: Who is Responsible for the Horrors?

Syria was always regarded as the beating heart of the Arab world and its intellectual epicenter. It was also the progenitor of Arab nationalism, a long-time defender of the Palestinians, and a determined foe of Israel –

The Bush administration, prompted by Israel, toyed with the idea of toppling Syria’s Assad regime but it backed down when a few smart minds in Washington asked who would the US get to replace the existing government? Syria’s main opposition came from the outlawed, underground Muslim Brotherhood that spoke for Syria’s long-repressed Sunni majority. Washington wanted no part of the Muslim Brothers. Better the Asads, who quietly cooperated with Washington in spite of being backed by Iran.

But in 2009-2010, Washington changed policy. As anti-Iranian war fever in the US mounted, the White House demanded that Damascus renounce its alliance with Iran, or else. The plan was to isolate Iran prior to its being attacked. But Syria refused to cut its vital ties to Tehran.

So Syria was marked for regime change. Washington was fed up with Arab leaders who defied the writ of the American Raj. The Assads would meet the same grisly fate as Saddam Hussein and Muammar Khadaffi.

In spring, 2011, anti-Assad guerillas, armed and trained in Jordan by CIA, infiltrated from Lebanon into southern Syria at Deraa. This was the squalid little town in which Lawrence of Arabia was captured by the Turks. Derna was a hotbed of anti-government agitation. Soon, more US proxy rebels infiltrated across the Lebanese border. British and French special forces joined the rebels. Saudi Arabia provided the financing.

The anti-Assad guerillas were subsequently armed and financed by Washington , it eventually became .....Drum roll please ..............tadaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....................ISIS.


They can plan all they want, I almost hope they try and make one. The only effective way is to use highly radioactive material and if they do, then their bomb will kill them in a very painful way, without them doing anything.

Are you aware of the fact that the avengers are SUICIDAL?

They kamikazed into the WTC.


Those unfortunate people have been shit on for so many years that they don't mind dying in the process.

And the more we shit on them today, the more terrorist we have in the future. Take any nation, uproot them from their homes, subject them to living in ghettos like the UN refugee camps for decades and you will get fertile ground for extremists. Today there are over 50 million refugees around the world and nearly 10 million are living in these dumps. There is little employment in these places. Kids get only a smattering of education. Security is a major problem. And there is plenty of free time for resentment and hatred to grow. There is no better place in the world to recruit and train the terrorist of the future..

Who is uprooting people from their homes? Belgium people? The French? Surely you are not saying Israel.

the ME is rich beyond imagination, but they don't share the wealth. They build incredible buildings with their wealth meanwhile they let these displace people because of war create a humanitarian disaster. They let their children fall into poverty or worse go begging to countries that have little to d with the cause of their plight. What should we do? Well doing what most Arab countries are doing is not the solution. And blaming Europe or the US for making their country rich meanwhile letting their people starve is not a solution either.



Who is uprooting people from their homes?

Are you fucking serious?

Syria: Who is Responsible for the Horrors?

Syria was always regarded as the beating heart of the Arab world and its intellectual epicenter. It was also the progenitor of Arab nationalism, a long-time defender of the Palestinians, and a determined foe of Israel –

The Bush administration, prompted by Israel, toyed with the idea of toppling Syria’s Assad regime but it backed down when a few smart minds in Washington asked who would the US get to replace the existing government? Syria’s main opposition came from the outlawed, underground Muslim Brotherhood that spoke for Syria’s long-repressed Sunni majority. Washington wanted no part of the Muslim Brothers. Better the Asads, who quietly cooperated with Washington in spite of being backed by Iran.

But in 2009-2010, Washington changed policy. As anti-Iranian war fever in the US mounted, the White House demanded that Damascus renounce its alliance with Iran, or else. The plan was to isolate Iran prior to its being attacked. But Syria refused to cut its vital ties to Tehran.

So Syria was marked for regime change. Washington was fed up with Arab leaders who defied the writ of the American Raj. The Assads would meet the same grisly fate as Saddam Hussein and Muammar Khadaffi.

In spring, 2011, anti-Assad guerillas, armed and trained in Jordan by CIA, infiltrated from Lebanon into southern Syria at Deraa. This was the squalid little town in which Lawrence of Arabia was captured by the Turks. Derna was a hotbed of anti-government agitation. Soon, more US proxy rebels infiltrated across the Lebanese border. British and French special forces joined the rebels. Saudi Arabia provided the financing.

The anti-Assad guerillas were subsequently armed and financed by Washington , it eventually became .....Drum roll please ..............tadaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....................ISIS.


So it is Assad that uprooted them? How in the hell does the name Obama not appear in what you presented? Bush did nothing that I remember against Syria. Obama was president, believe it or not, in 2011. As far as I know Bush isn't the one who supplied arms to ISIS and allowed ISIS to capture more weapons in Iraq, that was all Obama. Neither did Bush attack Libya and create a power vacuum as did Obama. That said both countries were involved in the wonderful sounding "Arab spring." They mostly made their own beds, not sure why they are pissed at Belgium or France and why you failed to mention Obama.
They can plan all they want, I almost hope they try and make one. The only effective way is to use highly radioactive material and if they do, then their bomb will kill them in a very painful way, without them doing anything.

Are you aware of the fact that the avengers are SUICIDAL?

They kamikazed into the WTC.


Those unfortunate people have been shit on for so many years that they don't mind dying in the process.

And the more we shit on them today, the more terrorist we have in the future. Take any nation, uproot them from their homes, subject them to living in ghettos like the UN refugee camps for decades and you will get fertile ground for extremists. Today there are over 50 million refugees around the world and nearly 10 million are living in these dumps. There is little employment in these places. Kids get only a smattering of education. Security is a major problem. And there is plenty of free time for resentment and hatred to grow. There is no better place in the world to recruit and train the terrorist of the future..

Who is uprooting people from their homes? Belgium people? The French? Surely you are not saying Israel.

the ME is rich beyond imagination, but they don't share the wealth. They build incredible buildings with their wealth meanwhile they let these displace people because of war create a humanitarian disaster. They let their children fall into poverty or worse go begging to countries that have little to d with the cause of their plight. What should we do? Well doing what most Arab countries are doing is not the solution. And blaming Europe or the US for making their country rich meanwhile letting their people starve is not a solution either.



Who is uprooting people from their homes?

Are you fucking serious?

Syria: Who is Responsible for the Horrors?

Syria was always regarded as the beating heart of the Arab world and its intellectual epicenter. It was also the progenitor of Arab nationalism, a long-time defender of the Palestinians, and a determined foe of Israel –

The Bush administration, prompted by Israel, toyed with the idea of toppling Syria’s Assad regime but it backed down when a few smart minds in Washington asked who would the US get to replace the existing government? Syria’s main opposition came from the outlawed, underground Muslim Brotherhood that spoke for Syria’s long-repressed Sunni majority. Washington wanted no part of the Muslim Brothers. Better the Asads, who quietly cooperated with Washington in spite of being backed by Iran.

But in 2009-2010, Washington changed policy. As anti-Iranian war fever in the US mounted, the White House demanded that Damascus renounce its alliance with Iran, or else. The plan was to isolate Iran prior to its being attacked. But Syria refused to cut its vital ties to Tehran.

So Syria was marked for regime change. Washington was fed up with Arab leaders who defied the writ of the American Raj. The Assads would meet the same grisly fate as Saddam Hussein and Muammar Khadaffi.

In spring, 2011, anti-Assad guerillas, armed and trained in Jordan by CIA, infiltrated from Lebanon into southern Syria at Deraa. This was the squalid little town in which Lawrence of Arabia was captured by the Turks. Derna was a hotbed of anti-government agitation. Soon, more US proxy rebels infiltrated across the Lebanese border. British and French special forces joined the rebels. Saudi Arabia provided the financing.

The anti-Assad guerillas were subsequently armed and financed by Washington , it eventually became .....Drum roll please ..............tadaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....................ISIS.


So it is Assad that uprooted them? How in the hell does the name Obama not appear in what you presented? Bush did nothing that I remember against Syria. Obama was president, believe it or not, in 2011. As far as I know Bush isn't the one who supplied arms to ISIS and allowed ISIS to capture more weapons in Iraq, that was all Obama. Neither did Bush attack Libya and create a power vacuum as did Obama. That said both countries were involved in the wonderful sounding "Arab spring." They mostly made their own beds, not sure why they are pissed at Belgium or France and why you failed to mention Obama.



What is your vernacular? Let me translate the article for ya'

Israhell, the US and Saudi Arabia

we have been over this a million times ;

get your head out of Bibi's ass
"Brussels attacks suicide bombers 'targeted nuclear plants' and were plotting to build 'radioactive dirty bomb'"
Brussels attacks suicide bombers originally 'targeted nuclear power plants'

Suicide Jihadi brothers sought to kidnap nuclear power plant director and acquire the material needed to build a 'dirty' bomb. The fact that Jihadis / terrorists would love to get their hands on nuclear material and build a dirty bomb is not new. That terrorists are trying to get their hands on such material as we speak is not new.

It is also NOT news that the Obama administration is already aware of this, has BEEN aware of this for some time, is aware of the threat, and still refuses to close / secure the border.

Here's some more great news...

Testers Slip Radioactive Materials Over Borders

"WASHINGTON, March 27 — Undercover Congressional investigators successfully smuggled into the United States enough radioactive material to make two dirty bombs, even after it set off alarms on radiation detectors installed at border checkpoints, a new report says.

The test, conducted in December by the Government Accountability Office, demonstrated the mixed progress by the Department of Homeland Security, among other federal agencies, in trying to prevent terrorists from smuggling radioactive material into the United States."


In the military we periodically due no-notice tests to evaluate our readiness. If the test is failed, people get their ass chewed, heads roll, people get fired or even booted from service (at times), and the lapses / problems are quickly remedied. In large part, as seen with the 'results' of the 'Fast and Furious' investigation, with no one getting punished, the guilty go free, and nothing gets resolved.

Truly securing / closing the border would greatly remedy the security hole we have, but it also would all but stop Obama's administration-supported Illegal 'invasion'. Like Brussels, we, instead, will wait until the next attack happens - maybe a dirty bomb - and then admit we did not do everything we could have to prevent such an attack. (Those who do not learn from the mistakes found in history are doomed to repeat them...)

If they were working on such a bomb, why would they then go and commit this attack and get themselves killed?

Maybe they thought they might like it, however.... they didn't.
Excuse moi.

Before we can talk about the so-called Jihadi Bonnie and Clyde I need you to show us:

1- Video from surveillance cameras showing that they were the perpetrators
2- Video testimony claiming that they saw them perpetrating the act
3- dash cam video from the numerous police cruisers

Then and ONLY then we will be sure that San Bernardinio was not yet another false flag operation.

Like I said, are you willing to arrest ppl for showing that ISIS flag on their facebook page for instance, since that clearly shows signs of radicalisation? Or what about Muslims who visit Mekka, since they're clearly devout? Are you willing to tap every phoneline of Muslims in the US? Wat about Christians since the've done mass shooting to? Point is once you're on that path it's very hard to turn back.
ISIS flag ..yep you're arrested ....enemy combatant ...sorta no brainer eh
Mecca is in Sauidi Arabia not Syria. And every Muslim is obligated to go there. It's the same as saying your a Christian extremist if you visit Rome. Should someone showing ties to the KKK be arrested or what about white supremasists in general? Once you start arresting ppl for their beliefs you are exactly what ISIS is," you belief what we belief or face the consequences."
Who said it was in Syria.....Duh....Once we start arresting ISIS sympathizers for what they believe and or deporting them we will be safer.....either its a war or its not........if its war treat it as such........or dont be surprised by the increase in violence that your do nothing policy engenders.......
When we start deporting people for what they believe, the terrorist will have won.
No you will finally be dealing in reality.....
"Brussels attacks suicide bombers 'targeted nuclear plants' and were plotting to build 'radioactive dirty bomb'"
Brussels attacks suicide bombers originally 'targeted nuclear power plants'

Suicide Jihadi brothers sought to kidnap nuclear power plant director and acquire the material needed to build a 'dirty' bomb. The fact that Jihadis / terrorists would love to get their hands on nuclear material and build a dirty bomb is not new. That terrorists are trying to get their hands on such material as we speak is not new.

It is also NOT news that the Obama administration is already aware of this, has BEEN aware of this for some time, is aware of the threat, and still refuses to close / secure the border.

Here's some more great news...

Testers Slip Radioactive Materials Over Borders

"WASHINGTON, March 27 — Undercover Congressional investigators successfully smuggled into the United States enough radioactive material to make two dirty bombs, even after it set off alarms on radiation detectors installed at border checkpoints, a new report says.

The test, conducted in December by the Government Accountability Office, demonstrated the mixed progress by the Department of Homeland Security, among other federal agencies, in trying to prevent terrorists from smuggling radioactive material into the United States."


In the military we periodically due no-notice tests to evaluate our readiness. If the test is failed, people get their ass chewed, heads roll, people get fired or even booted from service (at times), and the lapses / problems are quickly remedied. In large part, as seen with the 'results' of the 'Fast and Furious' investigation, with no one getting punished, the guilty go free, and nothing gets resolved.

Truly securing / closing the border would greatly remedy the security hole we have, but it also would all but stop Obama's administration-supported Illegal 'invasion'. Like Brussels, we, instead, will wait until the next attack happens - maybe a dirty bomb - and then admit we did not do everything we could have to prevent such an attack. (Those who do not learn from the mistakes found in history are doomed to repeat them...)

We don't have control over our borders and this administration continues to entice more people to come in. With all the traffic and overwhelmed border guards, it makes it that much easier for terrorists and other criminals to come and go as they please. Border guards have been told to catch and release illegals even though they have no clue who they are or why they came. The guards are also told to run for cover at the first sign of violence. There have been times when people on the other side of the border started firing and the guards have no idea who crossed over while they were ducking from the fire. Easy as hell for the criminals and terrorists to do whatever the hell they want. No resistance whatsoever. The guards are outnumbered and aren't allowed to do much anyway so conditions are ripe for the worst scum on earth to come on in.
11-12 million Illegal Aliens present upon United States soil without our express prior consent is reason enough to secure the Southern Border.
"Brussels attacks suicide bombers 'targeted nuclear plants' and were plotting to build 'radioactive dirty bomb'"
Brussels attacks suicide bombers originally 'targeted nuclear power plants'

Suicide Jihadi brothers sought to kidnap nuclear power plant director and acquire the material needed to build a 'dirty' bomb. The fact that Jihadis / terrorists would love to get their hands on nuclear material and build a dirty bomb is not new. That terrorists are trying to get their hands on such material as we speak is not new.

It is also NOT news that the Obama administration is already aware of this, has BEEN aware of this for some time, is aware of the threat, and still refuses to close / secure the border.

Here's some more great news...

Testers Slip Radioactive Materials Over Borders

"WASHINGTON, March 27 — Undercover Congressional investigators successfully smuggled into the United States enough radioactive material to make two dirty bombs, even after it set off alarms on radiation detectors installed at border checkpoints, a new report says.

The test, conducted in December by the Government Accountability Office, demonstrated the mixed progress by the Department of Homeland Security, among other federal agencies, in trying to prevent terrorists from smuggling radioactive material into the United States."


In the military we periodically due no-notice tests to evaluate our readiness. If the test is failed, people get their ass chewed, heads roll, people get fired or even booted from service (at times), and the lapses / problems are quickly remedied. In large part, as seen with the 'results' of the 'Fast and Furious' investigation, with no one getting punished, the guilty go free, and nothing gets resolved.

Truly securing / closing the border would greatly remedy the security hole we have, but it also would all but stop Obama's administration-supported Illegal 'invasion'. Like Brussels, we, instead, will wait until the next attack happens - maybe a dirty bomb - and then admit we did not do everything we could have to prevent such an attack. (Those who do not learn from the mistakes found in history are doomed to repeat them...)

We don't have control over our borders and this administration continues to entice more people to come in. With all the traffic and overwhelmed border guards, it makes it that much easier for terrorists and other criminals to come and go as they please. Border guards have been told to catch and release illegals even though they have no clue who they are or why they came. The guards are also told to run for cover at the first sign of violence. There have been times when people on the other side of the border started firing and the guards have no idea who crossed over while they were ducking from the fire. Easy as hell for the criminals and terrorists to do whatever the hell they want. No resistance whatsoever. The guards are outnumbered and aren't allowed to do much anyway so conditions are ripe for the worst scum on earth to come on in.

You don't want "terrorists" sneaking in through the southern border?


Tell the sons of bitches inside the DC beltway to STOP meddling in the internal affairs of other nations

11-12 million Illegal Aliens present upon United States soil without our express prior consent is reason enough to secure the Southern Border.

40% enter legally . What does a bazzillion dollar wall do for that ? Waste of resources .
11-12 million Illegal Aliens present upon United States soil without our express prior consent is reason enough to secure the Southern Border.

40% enter legally . What does a bazzillion dollar wall do for that ? Waste of resources .
I doubt the percentage is anywhere NEAR that high, but, even assuming that it IS, that STILL leaves 60% to keep out.

We don't need a Great Wall of China on the southern border, but we can certainly install tamper-resistant fencing all along the border, deploy drones, and increase the staff (strength) of the Border Patrol folk, and/or supplement them with rotations of National Guard and State Militia units and/or volunteers, to keep the pressure on for a while.

Meanwhile, we buy that time to change our laws, so that we make it damned unattractive and darned-near impossible to exist on US soil as an Illegal Alien, with respect to jobs, housing, banking, money wire-transfer services, large purchases (such as automobiles), educational and medical and social services, etc.

Something sufficient to make those already here want to leave, under their own power, and at their own expense, fairly quickly, and sufficient to discourage others from even bothering to try in future.

If there's no point in coming here illegally, they won't.
11-12 million Illegal Aliens present upon United States soil without our express prior consent is reason enough to secure the Southern Border.

40% enter legally . What does a bazzillion dollar wall do for that ? Waste of resources .
I doubt the percentage is anywhere NEAR that high, but, even assuming that it IS, that STILL leaves 60% to keep out.

We don't need a Great Wall of China on the southern border, but we can certainly install tamper-resistant fencing all along the border, deploy drones, and increase the staff (strength) of the Border Patrol folk, and/or supplement them with rotations of National Guard and State Militia units and/or volunteers, to keep the pressure on for a while.

Meanwhile, we buy that time to change our laws, so that we make it damned unattractive and darned-near impossible to exist on US soil as an Illegal Alien, with respect to jobs, housing, banking, money wire-transfer services, large purchases (such as automobiles), educational and medical and social services, etc.

Something sufficient to make those already here want to leave, under their own power, and at their own expense, fairly quickly, and sufficient to discourage others from even bothering to try in future.

We don't need fences

We had NO FENCES before 1965 and we had OPEN BORDERS

What we need is for the stupid fucks inside the DC beltway to STOP meddling in the internal affairs of other nations.

That's all folks.

11-12 million Illegal Aliens present upon United States soil without our express prior consent is reason enough to secure the Southern Border.

40% enter legally . What does a bazzillion dollar wall do for that ? Waste of resources .
I doubt the percentage is anywhere NEAR that high, but, even assuming that it IS, that STILL leaves 60% to keep out.

We don't need a Great Wall of China on the southern border, but we can certainly install tamper-resistant fencing all along the border, deploy drones, and increase the staff (strength) of the Border Patrol folk, and/or supplement them with rotations of National Guard and State Militia units and/or volunteers, to keep the pressure on for a while.

Meanwhile, we buy that time to change our laws, so that we make it damned unattractive and darned-near impossible to exist on US soil as an Illegal Alien, with respect to jobs, housing, banking, money wire-transfer services, large purchases (such as automobiles), educational and medical and social services, etc.

Something sufficient to make those already here want to leave, under their own power, and at their own expense, fairly quickly, and sufficient to discourage others from even bothering to try in future.

We don't need fences

We had NO FENCES before 1965 and we had OPEN BORDERS

What we need is for the stupid fucks inside the DC beltway to STOP meddling in the internal affairs of other nations.

That's all folks.

and we had to deport millions......oooops
11-12 million Illegal Aliens present upon United States soil without our express prior consent is reason enough to secure the Southern Border.

40% enter legally . What does a bazzillion dollar wall do for that ? Waste of resources .
I doubt the percentage is anywhere NEAR that high, but, even assuming that it IS, that STILL leaves 60% to keep out.

We don't need a Great Wall of China on the southern border, but we can certainly install tamper-resistant fencing all along the border, deploy drones, and increase the staff (strength) of the Border Patrol folk, and/or supplement them with rotations of National Guard and State Militia units and/or volunteers, to keep the pressure on for a while.

Meanwhile, we buy that time to change our laws, so that we make it damned unattractive and darned-near impossible to exist on US soil as an Illegal Alien, with respect to jobs, housing, banking, money wire-transfer services, large purchases (such as automobiles), educational and medical and social services, etc.

Something sufficient to make those already here want to leave, under their own power, and at their own expense, fairly quickly, and sufficient to discourage others from even bothering to try in future.

We don't need fences

We had NO FENCES before 1965 and we had OPEN BORDERS

What we need is for the stupid fucks inside the DC beltway to STOP meddling in the internal affairs of other nations.

That's all folks.

and we had to deport millions......oooops

That's what happens when the KKK sympathizers are in charge and the immigrants have brown skin
All countries run by Black, Brown or Muslim countries are F'd up beyond belief since forever. More corrupt than USA, yes Mexico is one that is really bad.

By all means import "that" here and change USA to be like them? Does that make good sense? Many on this board actively cheer the importation of the worst of the worst? We have enough trouble fighting DC corruption.

OK maybe a few South American Countries' are pretty good, Chile? Go ahead, try to dispute facts.
All countries run by Black, Brown or Muslim countries are F'd up beyond belief since forever. More corrupt than USA, yes Mexico is one that is really bad.

By all means import "that" here and change USA to be like them? Does that make good sense? Many on this board actively cheer the importation of the worst of the worst? We have enough trouble fighting DC corruption.

OK maybe a few South American Countries' are pretty good, Chile? Go ahead, try to dispute facts.

There is some truth in what you're saying. We will eventually become the countries so many are fleeing. It's already happening. We are racing towards third world misery. We can't have endless Illegal Immigration. It can't be sustained. It has to end.
Last edited:
All countries run by Black, Brown or Muslim countries are F'd up beyond belief since forever. More corrupt than USA, yes Mexico is one that is really bad.

By all means import "that" here and change USA to be like them? Does that make good sense? Many on this board actively cheer the importation of the worst of the worst? We have enough trouble fighting DC corruption.

OK maybe a few South American Countries' are pretty good, Chile? Go ahead, try to dispute facts.

There is some truth in what you're saying. We will eventually become the countries so many are fleeing. It's already happening. We are racing towards third world misery. We can't have endless Illegal Immigration. It can't be sustained. It has to end.

The problem is NOT open borders. We had them before 1965 and there was never a problem.

The reason Juan has become a problem is because of federal and state laws which impede Juan from becoming gainfully employed.

So the answer is to ABOLISH the welfare state .

All countries run by Black, Brown or Muslim countries are F'd up beyond belief since forever. More corrupt than USA, yes Mexico is one that is really bad.

By all means import "that" here and change USA to be like them? Does that make good sense? Many on this board actively cheer the importation of the worst of the worst? We have enough trouble fighting DC corruption.

OK maybe a few South American Countries' are pretty good, Chile? Go ahead, try to dispute facts.

There is some truth in what you're saying. We will eventually become the countries so many are fleeing. It's already happening. We are racing towards third world misery. We can't have endless Illegal Immigration. It can't be sustained. It has to end.

The problem is NOT open borders. We had them before 1965 and there was never a problem.

The reason Juan has become a problem is because of federal and state laws which impede Juan from becoming gainfully employed.

So the answer is to ABOLISH the welfare state .


Yeah, this Welfare/Warfare Sate can't be sustained.

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