Need proof that our government is out of control? Pentagon CHEERS the firing of Tucker Carlson

No, not because anybody says so… because that’s exactly what he did
You just can’t be specific and tell us what he said to spread anger and conspiracy theories?
LefTard Logic:
”When someone says things I don’t want to believe they are spreading conspiracy theories.”
You just can’t be specific and tell us what he said to spread anger and conspiracy theories?
LefTard Logic:
”When someone says things I don’t want to believe they are spreading conspiracy theories.”
Why do you need specifics? It’s his entire brand! I didn’t think that was a contested statement I was making. You really are detached from reality arent you?!

So much for our media being independent of government. It is beyond ridiculous that our government has gotten in bed with our media and apparently will face no consequences for the clear line being crossed.
The Pentagon (the US Dept of Defense) has no official position on the matter.

Apparently they cleared several of their high-ranking officials to comment upon the matter, anonymously.

Given that Carlson hypocritically spewed Trump's Big (Stolen 2020 Election) Lie even though he knew it was false, I'm not surprised at such a reaction.

It is the reaction of any American who understands that a power-crazed autocrat's attempted coup was foiled in part by the DOD's adherence to The Law.

Trump knew it was all over when the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs publicly said that DoD would not honor any call by Trump to invoke martial law.

Without the Army (and Navy and Marines and Air Force etc.) Trump would be denied his "Reichstag moment" (as Chairman Miley named it).

None of that would have come to pass had the scum at Faux News (and the likes of the now-departed T.C.) not spread Trump's Big Lie and fanned the flames.

So... yeah... a lot of senior DoD officials were glad to see Carlson go... one less mouthpiece for the worst and darkest side of the MAGA trailer trash hive-mind.

It's a beautiful thing. :auiqs.jpg: :itsok: :cool:
Riiiight… and Trump will be reinstated as president after he proves the election was stolen…. Right?
He could start his own forum he has millions of supporters. Now he can show the rest of the Jan 6th footage he has and expose the lies about it.
Anybody who appreciates honesty and integrity should be cheering tuckers firing. all the dude did was spread anger and conspiracy theories
Remember when you were all pissed off at Leftist media and social media when they were pushing the Russian collusion hoax? Remember all of your posts denouncing those “conspiracy theorists”?
Yeah I don’t either.
I'm more than happy to see any journalist , reporter or news source stick it to Big Brother


Why do you need specifics? It’s his entire brand! I didn’t think that was a contested statement I was making. You really are detached from reality arent you?!
So you can’t be specific unless CNN provides you with the specifics?

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