Need proof that Trump is out of his league and is a bad candidate for potus?

Nee proof that Trump is a better choice than any professional politician...the national debt is $19 trillion and climbing

So your plan is to elect a guy who has more bankruptcies than wives, and who has more wives than most families have children?

But he learned from his failures and is now a billionaire with a beautiful and talented third wife. Sometimes marriages just don't work out in the end as what happened with Ivanka. They became better business partners than husband and wife. Marla? Hmm. Not a good match unfortunately. She was no where on his level of intellect or business acumen.

Melania is fabulously accomplished and it seems Trump has found the classic. "Three times lucky".
Only until she starts to wrinkle with age. Then it will be time to find a new firmer ass.
Calling me a liberal just makes you look stupid.
Don't blame me -- Claiming this Chris Matthews B$ somehow damages Trump, that he should be demonized over it, and starting ANOTHER thread to do so when there are already 2, 3...right now doing so makes you look like a liberal / stupid.
I never mentioned Chris Matthews. I spoke about Trump's words. Seeing liberal Devils around every corner is stupid.

I love the anti Trumpers. You will not sway Trump supporters because they all know Chris Matthews is an asshole who won't let a guest get a word in edgewise and plays the classic game of "when did you stop beating your wife".

I love the Drumpfodder. They'll support Trump no matter what, because Chriss Matthews is an asshole.

Shake my damn head.

Really? Should they be voting for who then? Cruz. Lying Ted Cruz? Kasich? Who promised amnesty within 100 days? Come on. Hey Jeb Bush who is more boring than a Boy Scout leader giving safety instructions on how to roast a freaking marshmallow?

Obviously, they should be voting for Trump. Because Chris Matthews is an asshole. Seriously, who can argue with that logic?
That people are even taking something serious by that partisan drunk dingbat, Matthews. (the one who got tingles when Obama spoke) Is pretty sad in my book.
This isn't about Matthews dear. Check elsewhere for dingbats lol

You are the dingbat. Oh wait. Your a conservative who wants a "real" conservative so you can vote for him.

You idiots expect that person to be a saint. A person who doesn't smoke, doesn't drink, sure doesn't have a mistress, doesn't make mistakes and in fact is damned near perfect.

Let me know when you find that perfect someone. He'll be one boring motherfucker but you will get to vote for that saint you looking for.

You and those like you are morons.
He's never thought about it. Why? Because he doesn't care about the issue.

But more importantly he has completely blown up his straight talker argument. Not that any honest person believed it to begin with. But he isn't being genuine if he reverses himself after finding out his position was bad for the polls
I just don't get how we ended up in this mess.
We bitched for years about not being offered true conservatives to vote for. Now with the opportunity to do just that the least conservative one of all gets the votes.

Of course you know how you ended up here. The right has been sewing hate and fear for years, and the majority of right wingers want someone exactly like trump. Trump isn't the problem. Crazy right wingers are the problem.
No, I don't need anymore proof. I was well aware of that back in 1994.
I'll admit in the beginning I supported Trump to a point. I was excited at the prospect of an outsider coming in & smacking around the political elites.
But then he started talking..... and it became OBVIOUS that he is not the man he portrays himself to be. He does not have the intellect or gravitas to fix what's wrong in our country. Simply being a hard ass is not gravitas. You have to back it up. You have to be smarter than your opponent. He clearly has no grip on the issues at hand & while his slick talk devoid of substance works for those so angry they can't see their own reflection in a mirror, everyone else knows better.

You supported Trump because he would say things similar to the stupid things right wingers have been saying here for years. You got off on the insults instead of any common sense or reason.If you won't admit it publicly, at least admit it to yourself.
Oh look...ANOTHER Liberal post mutating what was actually asked and said into a made-up anti-Trump 'hit piece'.....


The obvious answer in a country where a true JUSTICE system (is supposed to) exists is 'YES'! ANYONE who breaks ANY existing law is supposed to be punished for doing so.

One of the 'fundamental changes' Obama has imposed on this country is one of complete LAWLESSNESS, or, more accurately, one where HIS law is the only one that counts. He had demonstrated this repeatedly, violating both Constitution and Law as he sees fit.
- As soon as he got into office, after swearing an oath to enforce the Rule of law, he immediately declared he REFUSED to enforce the DOMA because HE did not agree with it. (I guess I missed the part in the Constitution and our laws where it said
if you don't agree with a law you could just IGNORE it.)
- Immigration Law? Obama has openly refused to enforce all existing immigration law.
- Atty General Eric Holder - the 1st time in US History an Atty General was ever CENSURED - by a bi-partisan Congress for perpetrating 3 criminal FELONY counts of Perjury yet was protected by a criminal President who again refused to enforce the law and allow his Atty General to be charged with a crime.
- Obama has been repeatedly found in Contempt of Court for ignoring rulings he did not agree with - the Deep water drilling ban and refusing to release the locations of all the illegals he dumped across the US without 1st notifying local and state agencies.

This guy has provided more than enough justification for Impeachment; yet, he has not been because the crooks just as dirty as he is have been to cowardly and / or corrupt to do anything about it.

So no wonder people actually believe now that people who break the law - laws they disagree with - should not be punished.

Abortion is one of the Liberals' 'golden calves' no one is allowed to touch. KNOWING this Matthews asked a question regarding a hypothetical situation even HE knows will NEVER happen, just to create an opportunity to stir the emotional cauldron and get liberals foaming at the mouth and attacking Trump over something that would never happen.

At the very heart of this whole thing is the simple question., "Should those who break the law be punished?" Thanks to Obama, the NEW, acceptable answer in this country is, "Not if it is a law we don't like or disagree with!"

I so can NOT wait until we get a President and an administration again that will honor their oath of office, will support and defend the Constitution, and will enforce the rule of law by enforcing EVERY existing law, not just the ones that suit their political agenda and that won't impede them from doing whatever the hell they want.

Calling me a liberal just makes you look stupid.

Get used to it. right wingers are pretty stupid.
That people are even taking something serious by that partisan drunk dingbat, Matthews. (the one who got tingles when Obama spoke) Is pretty sad in my book.
This isn't about Matthews dear. Check elsewhere for dingbats lol

You are the dingbat. Oh wait. Your a conservative who wants a "real" conservative so you can vote for him.

You idiots expect that person to be a saint. A person who doesn't smoke, doesn't drink, sure doesn't have a mistress, doesn't make mistakes and in fact is damned near perfect.

Let me know when you find that perfect someone. He'll be one boring motherfucker but you will get to vote for that saint you looking for.

You and those like you are morons.
I don't give two shits about any of those parameters you just listed. None of them.

I want someone who has the ABILITY & KNOW HOW to do what needs to be done. Someone with principles that coincide with mine.
Trump is not that person. Seeking purity is stupid. Tolerating Trump's bullshit is equally stupid.
Nee proof that Trump is a better choice than any professional politician...the national debt is $19 trillion and climbing, illegals kill more Americans each year than died on 9-11, jobs, factories, and now entire companies are fleeing the U.S. taxes and regulations spewing out of Washington. KABOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And there is ZERO evidence that Trump possesses the ability or desire to change any of that. Literally ZERO...

He has hired illegals & other immigrants to perform jobs in America.
He has businesses overseas that import his products to the states.

And? You have no case, I have decades of electing bought and paid for party candidates as proof positive that nothing will change if we elect another one.
Trump claims to be a real estate genius.

Posting as chairman of his fraudulent "Trump University", Donald Trump said there was no housing bubble:


I guess that's why he had to declare bankruptcy four times. He's way out of his league even on issues in which he is supposedly an expert.
Nee proof that Trump is a better choice than any professional politician...the national debt is $19 trillion and climbing, illegals kill more Americans each year than died on 9-11, jobs, factories, and now entire companies are fleeing the U.S. taxes and regulations spewing out of Washington. KABOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Youre pretty naive arent you? :laugh:

You are on ignore from the point forward aren't you :laugh:

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