
obama acts illegally on so many levels, Issa can only hit the high spots. obama should really be impeached for severe malfeasance of office.

^ We need to start a thread to the # of posts where rw'ers call for impeachment. :rolleyes: Heres a clue so you don't have to buy one: win an election & you don't have to go that route sugar tits. :thup: Glad to help :)

As to the OP, The President is right to hold the repubs feet to the fire because all they've done in the past is stall & delay in an effort to run out the clock/waste time. rw'ers on this board even admit thats what they sent their teapublicans to Washington to do. :eusa_eh:
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The fact remains that the GOP position on the shutdown and default are untenable, regardless how ‘bad’ they perceive the ACA, regardless how ‘wrong’ they perceive the president’s economic policy, threats, blackmail, and holding the country hostage are unacceptable and reprehensible tactics by the right, completely devoid of merit or justification.
The fact remains that the GOP position on the shutdown and default are untenable, regardless how ‘bad’ they perceive the ACA, regardless how ‘wrong’ they perceive the president’s economic policy, threats, blackmail, and holding the country hostage are unacceptable and reprehensible tactics by the right, completely devoid of merit or justification.

The GOP refuses to raise the debt ceiling without spending cuts.

This is suicidal bullshit that will destroy our economy.

They should have NEVER even suggested budget cut demands for raising the debt ceiling, as THEY approved the spending and tax policies that raise the debt!!!!!!!!
obama acts illegally on so many levels, Issa can only hit the high spots. obama should really be impeached for severe malfeasance of office.

^ We need to start a thread to the # of posts where rw'ers call for impeachment. :rolleyes: Heres a clue so you don't have to buy one: win an election & you don't have to go that route sugar tits. :thup: Glad to help :)

As to the OP, The President is right to hold the repubs feet to the fire because all they've done in the past is stall & delay in an effort to run out the clock/waste time. rw'ers on this board even admit thats what they sent their teapublicans to Washington to do. :eusa_eh:

Simply start a thread titled: “The Repository of Conservative Stupidity.”

It would be multi-page in no time.
The fact remains that the GOP position on the shutdown and default are untenable, regardless how ‘bad’ they perceive the ACA, regardless how ‘wrong’ they perceive the president’s economic policy, threats, blackmail, and holding the country hostage are unacceptable and reprehensible tactics by the right, completely devoid of merit or justification.

The GOP refuses to raise the debt ceiling without spending cuts.

This is suicidal bullshit that will destroy our economy.

They should have NEVER even suggested budget cut demands for raising the debt ceiling, as THEY approved the spending and tax policies that raise the debt!!!!!!!!

They got their way with the budget. These bastards just want to kill science, tech, infrastructure and jobs....
The House approved all spending in 2011, 2012, and 2013.

All of that spending came with a big fat deficit.

They now need to approve more borrowing to fund the deficit spending that THEY approved.

Otherwise they are liars and thieves.

holding the debt ceiling hostage to budget cuts and therefore threatening a default, is unpatriotic.

How times have changed...................

[ame=]Obama Flip Flops on Debt Ceiling - YouTube[/ame]
Bush raised the debt to pay for Medicare Part D (unfunded) and invading Iraq (unneccessary).

Obama raised the debt to get us out of a Great Recession.

There is a difference.
The fact remains that the GOP position on the shutdown and default are untenable, regardless how ‘bad’ they perceive the ACA, regardless how ‘wrong’ they perceive the president’s economic policy, threats, blackmail, and holding the country hostage are unacceptable and reprehensible tactics by the right, completely devoid of merit or justification.

The GOP refuses to raise the debt ceiling without spending cuts.

This is suicidal bullshit that will destroy our economy.

They should have NEVER even suggested budget cut demands for raising the debt ceiling, as THEY approved the spending and tax policies that raise the debt!!!!!!!!

Which would go into “The Repository of Conservative Stupidity” thread.

Raising the debt ceiling has nothing to do with creating ‘additional debt,’ it only allows for the paying of debt already incurred and is completely unrelated to ‘spending cuts.’

Consequently it would be madness to not raise the debt ceiling.
Which would go into “The Repository of Conservative Stupidity” thread.

Raising the debt ceiling has nothing to do with creating ‘additional debt,’ it only allows for the paying of debt already incurred and is completely unrelated to ‘spending cuts.’

Consequently it would be madness to not raise the debt ceiling.

only a liar and a cheat wants to put conditions upon funding the spending that THEY approved.
And today it's Righteous to not pay our bills and fund laws that will increase the debt.

All about Politics, all about Power, and feeding the angry mob the Pravda the left thinks will make the mob like them irregardless if they have to Lie, or Flip Flop on old to new positions on the same issue. Obama voted NO to raise the debt ceiling as a Senator. The Liberal Horde at the time chiming in to their MARCHING ORDERS OF THE TIME.

Now the standard threads and words. Help HOSTAGE, EXTORTION, FEAR TACTICS, and making sure that the PARTIAL SHUTDOWN looks as DAMAGING AS POSSIBLE. Not talking about yearly budgets through negotiation as it should be. Cooking the books since MAY TO PROLONG the day that the Ceiling is reached. Preaching that Obamacare is GOOD, look at the lower rates cherry picking data from the lower Poverty levels to make that point, WHILE IGNORING THOSE WHO HAVE LOST THEIR INSURANCE OR WILL SOON LOSE THEIR INSURANCE as a result of the law.

Ignoring Businesses who have made the decisions to go part time with thousands of employees as a result of the law. IGNORING THE LAW by giving a year delay to the employer Mandate without Congressional law.

Simply stated, they IGNORE THE LAW when THEY DEEM IT NECESSARY and QUOTE THE LAW when it SUITS THEIR NEEDS.................Which is TYRANNY.
Bush raised the debt to pay for Medicare Part D (unfunded) and invading Iraq (unneccessary).

Obama raised the debt to get us out of a Great Recession.

There is a difference.

And Obama and the Dems are defunding Medicare Part D. Did you miss the fact that they STOLE from Medicare to pay for the ACA.

Of course you didn't, so are to toe the line and PREACH THE LEFTIST PRINCIPLES. Truth need not apply with your argument.

Most of the current Dems were for the Invasion of Iraq. Different debate easily proved in which you will use the party line tactics of DIVERSION.

Obama's policies were for TARP, and Stimulus Spending. Trillions with minimal results. Now the QE position at 85 BILLION A MONTH from the Federal Reserve. Using the Federal Reserve as the life jacket to PROP UP THE MARKETS. With no end in site as this does not increase the economic recovery, when does it end........................

The longer we wait to deal with the spending issues the worse it gets. America knows this. They know the prices are going up, and hopefully most know that a lot of it is the devaluation of the dollar.

The Problem with a LIE, it takes 10 MORE LIES to cover the first one. Eventually, the TRUTH COMES OUT and the LIARS ARE CAUGHT IN THE LIES.

Will the Dems be able to preach the LIES UP TO THE NEXT ELECTION to save their ass, or will Americans FINALLY SEE THE TRUTH OF THE ISSUE and FIRE your side back out of power in the Senate.

Your Gov't Media has a lot of work to do LIB.
Kick Them All Out! Distaste for DC Politicians at All-Time High

The public's displeasure with Washington politics reached a new high Friday with separate polls calling for all members of Congress to be fired and for a strong third party to challenge the 150-year-old dominance of Republicans and Democrats.

One poll, conducted for NBC News and the Wall Street Journal, showed that given the chance, 60 percent of Americans would vote out every single member of Congress — including their own representatives.

A separate Gallup poll gave the same 60 percent number for those who believe the country needs a strong third party — again a record high. At the same time, a new low of 26 percent believe the two major parties adequately represent Americans.

"Given the inability of the Republican and Democratic parties to agree on the most basic of government functions — passing an annual budget to pay for federal programs — it is perhaps not surprising that the percentage of Americans who believe a third party is needed has never been higher," Gallup managing editor Jeffrey Jones said.

Eighteen percent of Americans now say they are satisfied with how Washington is running the country, down 14 percent from the 32 percent recorded last month. It's also the lowest government satisfaction rating in Gallup's history of asking the question, going back to 1971 — through such crises as Watergate, the Iran hostages, the Clinton impeachment hearings, the war in Iraq, and the recession.

"What is stunning about these results is just how hard and how quickly public attitudes have landed on the shutdown," said Hard, adding that the poll underscored "a broad disgust for the political system."

Other polls this week have also indicated that Republicans get the brunt of the blame for the shutdown, but also show that nobody in Washington comes out looking like a hero.
The latest Associated Press-GfK survey, released Wednesday, found that 62 percent of respondents mainly blamed the GOP for the shutdown, while about half said President Barack Obama or Democrats in Congress bear much of the responsibility.

Most Americans, 68 percent, consider the shutdown a serious problem for the country, the poll found, although more than four in five have felt no personal effect.

Asked if she blamed Obama, House Republicans, Senate Democrats, or the tea party for the shutdown, 71-year-old Martha Blair, an independent from Kerrville, Texas, responded, "Yes, you bet. All of them."

The majority of Americans disapprove of the way Obama is handling his job, the survey suggested, with 53 percent unhappy with his performance and 37 percent approving of it.
Congress is at rock bottom, with a dismal approval rating of just 5 percent, the poll found.

Respondents seemed unsure about the looming showdown over the debt ceiling. Six in 10 predict an economic crisis if the government's ability to borrow isn't renewed later this month, but only 30 percent say they support raising the limit. Forty-six percent were neutral on the question.

The Journal/NBC poll of 800 Americans was conducted Oct. 7-9. The Gallup poll was taken among slightly more than 1,000 adults nationwide between Oct 3-6 and the AP poll was among 1,227 adults conducted from Oct. 3-7.
Everybody hates Congress in general.

If you divide up the Congressional members and ask if you like your own Senator or Representative they usually give them higher marks.

I think everyone hates Harry Reid except Obama. He makes everything possible. Reid is the primary cause of the deadlock. He hasn't done anything but obstruct progress for almost 4 years. The left figures they can use their suck-ass media to demonize the GOP any time they exhibit petulance enough to create another crisis. These inconveniences are simply the Democrat Party's brightest hour. When all systems are go and everyone is happy, that is when the Dems are the least happy.

actually Harry Reid popularity has become higher .... Wdy do I say this ....finally he's grown a pair and told you republicans enough is enough ... were not going to play you game any more .... he has the entire democratic party along with the Independents and the people behind him republiclowns can't stand it .... can you say Mrs. speaker Nancy Pelosi ???? Sure we can ... and you and other moron like yourself will be ragging the entire time Pelosi this, Pelosi that, did you see what she passed today ??? damn that Pelosi the people likes her, except us republiclowns

Sure it has. Harry Reid is reaaaaaaaaally popular now.

As I so clearly stated, this is the highlight of the Democrat Party. When they're causing a crisis.

Quit lying to yourself goofball.
was it the democrats that put in repeal ACA in thed budget bill ???? NOOOOOOOOOO !!!! that was the republicans ... was it the democrats that put in a removal of a tax on medical devices ??? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!! that was the republicans .... each and every time the republicans were told to pass a clean bill, they, the republicans chose to ignore Harry Reid and the president along with all the democrats .... the fact that you don't understand who did what to whom, is troubling here ... if anyone here's lying, you goof ball, that would be you ...
Obama versus himself. Then and now

[ame=]Senator Obama Debates President Obama - NSA (Hannity - June 11, 2013) - YouTube[/ame]

There is nothing justifying republicans holding the country hostage where the ransom is the economic well-being of the Nation.

The American people know this, and are admonishing the GOP accordingly.

Who said they were "vetoing" anything? They are submitting a repeal through the proper channels. That isn't hostage taking, that's how it should be done. They passed three CR's with the repeal, delay, or repeal of the medical device tax. The Senate rejected them on each occasion. If they were serious about funding the government, they would negotiate or pass the bill as is. It appears to me that Harry Reid and the Democrats in the Senate would rather grandstand than negotiate.

there is a reason i call this Asshole....No_Reply_Jones.....just sayin.....

hers what TemplarKormac; doesn't get what the medical tax is ...this is where the ACA gets it funding to help pay for the people who need financial assistance ... the tax is 2.2% on medical devices ... this tax can't be passed on to the consumer ... through the ACA there are taxes that are use to pay for the health care of people who can't afford it and needs assistance that doesn't tax the american citizen... now that we understand what the tax is for ... this is a underhanded way of defunding the ACA ...the republicans know this and so the democrats .... the Dems say hell NO your not coming through the back door and defund the ACA ...GET IT TemplarKormac;???

as for the repealing of ACA ...the Republicans don't have to go through the budget ... the republicans can at any time they feel like it bring a bill to the floor to defund ACA ... the only reason they are putting it in the Budget and the debt ceiling bill is to put a gun to your head and say sign on the dotted line or else ... you can tap dance all you want TemplarKormac; but we don't by it
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and the reason for that is?.....because people have your attitude that a third party is just a waste of votes so why bother,just keep voting for the same old shit year after year and keep complaining about the same old shit year after hoping that this thing happening badly damages both parties so bad that 5 new "parties" emerge.....maybe it will wake up the assholes in those 2 parties to start realizing that they are not immune to being ousted and will start putting the good of the Country ahead of their own interests.....

Look its the idea itself that is whats popular. The problem is actually having a party that would become popular. What specific politics would it have that would make it popular enough to draw people from both the left and the right? Would the candidate be charismatic enough?

how about a party that is talking about the Country and meaning it.....not this phony bullshit that is there now.....a party that isnt calling everyone who doesnt see eye to eye with them names......a party that isnt actively dividing the Country but one who you can see trying to bring everyone together to bring us back up to the levels we used to be at or higher.....and hopefully someone who is an actual LEADER,something we dont have right now,will come out of hiding and LEAD this thing.......

we live in the real world not your fantasy land
obama acts illegally on so many levels, Issa can only hit the high spots. obama should really be impeached for severe malfeasance of office.

Hummmmm illegall huh ... bengazhi, fast and furous, the IRS humm, where are those bill to impeach??? I would say in the toilet ...because there wasn't any reason for them in the first place ... try again
Where did you get this? Citing the Executive Power Vesting Clause does not apply, it is outrightly irrelevant.

Ah, so you don't read facts provided. No wonder you can stay in your little RW bubble. It's from the link I provided..the one that talks about how delaying the employer mandate doesn't violate anything...if it did, noted car thief and suspected arsonist Daryl Issa would be all over it. :lol:

The fact you cannot refrain from namecalling means your argument is thereby wrong. Read the edition and get back to me. I have over 220+ years of constitutional doctrine backing my argument. You have an opinion piece.

really so point out one ... OH thats right ... you have done that yet ... why ??? because you can't debate the issue with out name calling or playing the poor poor pitiful me card when confronted ... you see if you had a leg to stand on you would put out the piece in the 220 years of constitution that you claim you have ... case closed

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