
negotiate over the shutdown.

the debt ceiling? no fucking way. it should have been raised months ago.

You do know that Obama negotiated for, and signed, the debt ceiling, don't you? By doing so he effectively promised that the US would never spend more money than the limit he negotiated. Why aren't you jumping on him for breaking his word?
Ah, so you don't read facts provided. No wonder you can stay in your little RW bubble. It's from the link I provided..the one that talks about how delaying the employer mandate doesn't violate anything...if it did, noted car thief and suspected arsonist Daryl Issa would be all over it. :lol:

The fact you cannot refrain from namecalling means your argument is thereby wrong. Read the edition and get back to me. I have over 220+ years of constitutional doctrine backing my argument. You have an opinion piece.

Namecalling? WTF are you talking about? I didn't call you any names.

When you gonna sue?

You did call Darrell Issa an "arsonist" and a "car thief." Or can you not read your own posts, Seawytch?
Who said they were "vetoing" anything? They are submitting a repeal through the proper channels. That isn't hostage taking, that's how it should be done. They passed three CR's with the repeal, delay, or repeal of the medical device tax. The Senate rejected them on each occasion. If they were serious about funding the government, they would negotiate or pass the bill as is. It appears to me that Harry Reid and the Democrats in the Senate would rather grandstand than negotiate.

there is a reason i call this Asshole....No_Reply_Jones.....just sayin.....

hers what TemplarKormac; doesn't get what the medical tax is ...this is where the ACA gets it funding to help pay for the people who need financial assistance ... the tax is 2.2% on medical devices ... this tax can't be passed on to the consumer ... through the ACA there are taxes that are use to pay for the health care of people who can't afford it and needs assistance that doesn't tax the american citizen... now that we understand what the tax is for ... this is a underhanded way of defunding the ACA ...the republicans know this and so the democrats .... the Dems say hell NO your not coming through the back door and defund the ACA ...GET IT TemplarKormac;???

as for the repealing of ACA ...the Republicans don't have to go through the budget ... the republicans can at any time they feel like it bring a bill to the floor to defund ACA ... the only reason they are putting it in the Budget and the debt ceiling bill is to put a gun to your head and say sign on the dotted line or else ... you can tap dance all you want TemplarKormac; but we don't by it

Uh, what? The Medical Device tax is responsible for killing jobs. Go look it up you brain dead liberal. As if your guys don't resort to any underhanded tactics... that's funny.
Jay Carney lies to a female reporter.......

[ame=]5/22/13 Jay Carney's longest Non-answer to date - YouTube[/ame]

Jay Carney said there is a need for journalists to do their jobs.
After hearing his lies this is what she's thinking of doing to Jay Carney.......

Sorry, Republicans. Nothing in the Constitution authorizes a single house of Congress to retroactively veto U.S. law by refusing to fund the rest of the government. The manner in which you’re attempting this blackmail—on party-line votes, engineered by the party that lost the popular vote—doesn’t help. The Senate and the president have no legal or moral obligation to humor your demands. Do your job, or we’ll throw you out.

There is nothing justifying republicans holding the country hostage where the ransom is the economic well-being of the Nation.

The American people know this, and are admonishing the GOP accordingly.

I am sure the self declared expert on Constitutional law will be able to explain why it is unprecedented for this to happen when Obama himself supported the strategy when he was a Senator.

That's a lie, what I am sure of is that the hack will ignore anything that contradicts him.

No_Reply_Jones ignores everything...he doesn't take questions on things he brings up....
^ We need to start a thread to the # of posts where rw'ers call for impeachment. :rolleyes: Heres a clue so you don't have to buy one: win an election & you don't have to go that route sugar tits. :thup: Glad to help :)

As to the OP, The President is right to hold the repubs feet to the fire because all they've done in the past is stall & delay in an effort to run out the clock/waste time. rw'ers on this board even admit thats what they sent their teapublicans to Washington to do. :eusa_eh:

Simply start a thread titled: “The Repository of Conservative Stupidity.”

It would be multi-page in no time.

I bet i could beat it just using the posts from two posters, rdean, and you.
can you see a thread called....."List all the times Jones has replied to questions someone has asked him"....
negotiate over the shutdown.

the debt ceiling? no fucking way. it should have been raised months ago.

You do know that Obama negotiated for, and signed, the debt ceiling, don't you? By doing so he effectively promised that the US would never spend more money than the limit he negotiated. Why aren't you jumping on him for breaking his word?

you seem to be very misguided about what a signing means ... no budget is a promise ... by obama signing it doesn't mean he promised not to go over it... where do you come up with this crap ... so when bush 1, ronald reagan and bush 2 went over their debt ceiling, does that mean they were breaking their word???? or is it only the breaking of his word when a dem does it...
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I'm sorry, throwing links and talking points at me will not win you this argument, for which you failed to address at all. You don't simply react by circumventing the law. At least the GOP is using legitimate political processes to "govern by blackmail," Obama on the other hand flat out breached his authority under the Constitution.

What Obama did was show contempt for the co-equal branches of government. Congress alone has the power to enact legislation and amendments to previously enacted legislation.

I'm afraid legal precedent trumps your opinion of the matter.

"There is no provision in the Constitution that authorizes the president to enact, to amend, or to repeal statutes."

Justice John Paul Stevens, in Clinton v. City of New York 524 U.S. 417 (1998)

Obama violates the Presentment Clause of the US Constitution when he attempts to change law.
In fact, applicable judicial precedent places such timing adjustments well within the Executive Branch's lawful discretion. To be sure, the federal Administrative Procedure Act authorizes federal courts to compel agencies to initiate statutorily required actions that have been "unreasonably delayed." But courts have found delays to be unreasonable only in rare cases where, unlike this one, inaction had lasted for several years, and the recalcitrant agency could offer neither a persuasive excuse nor a credible end to its dithering. In deciding whether a given agency delay is reasonable, current law tells courts to consider whether expedited action could adversely affect "higher or competing" agency priorities, and whether other interests could be "prejudiced by the delay." Even in cases where an agency outright refuses to enforce a policy in specified types of cases -- not the case here -- the Supreme Court has declined to intervene. As held by former Chief Justice William Rehnquist in a leading case on this subject, Heckler v. Chaney, courts must respect an agency's presumptively superior grasp of "the many variables involved in the proper ordering of its priorities." Chief Justice Rehnquist suggested that courts could lose their deference to Executive Branch judgment if an "agency has consciously and expressly adopted a general policy that is so extreme as to amount to an abdication of its statutory responsibilities."

Let me guess, you think using a pretty color somehow trumps the fact that the law specifically specifies the timing, and that there is no judicial precedent anywhere that allows the president to ignore the law.

translation = you can't stand the fact that this person gave you the ruling so lets coment on the color of the fonts ... that make you look smart huh!!!
there is a reason i call this Asshole....No_Reply_Jones.....just sayin.....

hers what TemplarKormac; doesn't get what the medical tax is ...this is where the ACA gets it funding to help pay for the people who need financial assistance ... the tax is 2.2% on medical devices ... this tax can't be passed on to the consumer ... through the ACA there are taxes that are use to pay for the health care of people who can't afford it and needs assistance that doesn't tax the american citizen... now that we understand what the tax is for ... this is a underhanded way of defunding the ACA ...the republicans know this and so the democrats .... the Dems say hell NO your not coming through the back door and defund the ACA ...GET IT TemplarKormac;???

as for the repealing of ACA ...the Republicans don't have to go through the budget ... the republicans can at any time they feel like it bring a bill to the floor to defund ACA ... the only reason they are putting it in the Budget and the debt ceiling bill is to put a gun to your head and say sign on the dotted line or else ... you can tap dance all you want TemplarKormac; but we don't by it

Uh, what? The Medical Device tax is responsible for killing jobs. Go look it up you brain dead liberal. As if your guys don't resort to any underhanded tactics... that's funny.

now here's stupidity at its best ... a 2.2% tax is going to be killing jobs on a companies that make billions of dollars ... you are stupider then I though ... as I said the tax is paying for people who need Assistance ... this was a way for republicans to defund ACA and nothing more ... there talking point like it is on any tax is it will kill jobs.... like the moron you are, you bought it hook line and sinker...

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