
Who is "lying"? Didn't rethugs shut down the government? Don't unions shut down companies if need be? The answer is yes to both. So who is lying?

What you might want to do is re read what I wrote and apply the word "facetious" to the content. Might help you understand just what I was saying. Try it.

Ok, Modern Day Republicans are Unions Members, fighting for the middle class, better working conditions, and decent pay.

All Breaks at Work, including your Lunch Breaks
Paid Vacation
Sick Leave
Social Security
Minimum Wage
Civil Rights Act/Title VII (Prohibits Employer Discrimination)
8-Hour Work Day
Overtime Pay
Child Labor Laws
Occupational Safety & Health Act (OSHA)
40 Hour Work Week
Worker's Compensation (Worker's Comp)
Unemployment Insurance
Workplace Safety Standards and Regulations
Employer Health Care Insurance
Collective Bargaining Rights for Employees
Wrongful Termination Laws
Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
Whistleblower Protection Laws
Employee Polygraph Protect Act (Prohibits Employer from using a lie detector test on an employee)
Veteran's Employment and Training Services (VETS)
Compensation increases and Evaluations (Raises)
Sexual Harassment Laws
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
Holiday Pay
Employer Dental, Life, and Vision Insurance
Privacy Rights
Pregnancy and Parental Leave
Military Leave
The Right to Strike
Public Education for Children
Equal Pay Acts of 1963 & 2011 (Requires employers pay men and women equally for the same amount of work)
Laws Ending Sweatshops in the United States

But, lets compare them to the...


You didn't look up "facetious" did you? Don't make me have to explain how your interpretation of what I wrote is wrong. You can figure it out. Re read. I hate Republicans. Is that enough clue?


Try to keep up.
The Chutzpah of “Compromise”

For the first time, a single party, controlling a single house of Congress—despite having lost the popular vote for that chamber by more than a million ballots in the most recent election—is refusing to fund the government unless the other chamber and the president agree to suspend previously enacted legislation.

That’s some chutzpah. No wonder President Obama and the Senate have refused to capitulate. And for this, in a final stroke of chutzpah, the GOP accuses them of intransigence.[...]

Sorry, Republicans. Nothing in the Constitution authorizes a single house of Congress to retroactively veto U.S. law by refusing to fund the rest of the government. The manner in which you’re attempting this blackmail—on party-line votes, engineered by the party that lost the popular vote—doesn’t help. The Senate and the president have no legal or moral obligation to humor your demands. Do your job, or we’ll throw you out.​
Now the GOP, with ratings in the polls down there with cockroachs, wants to negotiate. Where were they for the last six months? And what are they going to do if President Obama looks at their demands, and tells them to go to hell? Shut down the government?

The GOP played it's major card for zero gain, the ACA is law, and is not going to be defunded. And now they are looking like two year olds that have been spanked, and are trying to figure out how to get back in the good graces of the public.

I must be getting senile, I thought Obama and Reid were Democrats.

B y the way, has anyone else noticed that Reid is not part of the negotiations? Is that because Obama finally realized that he is supposed to be the President of the United States, not just the OFA?

Now the GOP, with ratings in the polls down there with cockroachs, wants to negotiate. Where were they for the last six months? And what are they going to do if President Obama looks at their demands, and tells them to go to hell? Shut down the government?

The GOP played it's major card for zero gain, the ACA is law, and is not going to be defunded. And now they are looking like two year olds that have been spanked, and are trying to figure out how to get back in the good graces of the public.

I've been saying this for a while now. Obama is playing these suckers and he's taking them to the cleaners. I guess they didn't learn from the election that Obama is much smarter than them. Obama didn't negotiate because he knew this would blow up in the face of Republicans. Obama may not get everything he wants, but he is setting the table for Hillary.

Obama learned that "negotiating" w/ Republiteapartiers has meant that they simply stall & obstruct so he decided to not go that route. I know it, you know it, & the American people know it.
Everybody hates Congress in general.

If you divide up the Congressional members and ask if you like your own Senator or Representative they usually give them higher marks.

I think everyone hates Harry Reid, except Obama. He makes everything possible. Reid is the primary cause of the deadlock. He hasn't done anything but obstruct progress for almost 4 years. The left figures they can use their suck-ass media to demonize the GOP any time they exhibit petulance enough to create another crisis. These inconveniences are simply the Democrat Party's brightest hour. When all systems are go and everyone is happy, that is when the Dems are the least happy.
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Now the GOP, with ratings in the polls down there with cockroachs, wants to negotiate. Where were they for the last six months? And what are they going to do if President Obama looks at their demands, and tells them to go to hell? Shut down the government?

The GOP played it's major card for zero gain, the ACA is law, and is not going to be defunded. And now they are looking like two year olds that have been spanked, and are trying to figure out how to get back in the good graces of the public.

sad part here is their base are too stupid to see that they've fuck themselves ... they like boehner, think they are the people ... its that delusion of grander they suffer from ...
The Chutzpah of “Compromise”

For the first time, a single party, controlling a single house of Congress—despite having lost the popular vote for that chamber by more than a million ballots in the most recent election—is refusing to fund the government unless the other chamber and the president agree to suspend previously enacted legislation.

That’s some chutzpah. No wonder President Obama and the Senate have refused to capitulate. And for this, in a final stroke of chutzpah, the GOP accuses them of intransigence.[...]

Sorry, Republicans. Nothing in the Constitution authorizes a single house of Congress to retroactively veto U.S. law by refusing to fund the rest of the government. The manner in which you’re attempting this blackmail—on party-line votes, engineered by the party that lost the popular vote—doesn’t help. The Senate and the president have no legal or moral obligation to humor your demands. Do your job, or we’ll throw you out.​

Let me stop you at the first sentence. It was "previously enacted legislation" until he chose to alter it and delay it. You can only make amendments to "previously enacted legislation" by going through both houses of Congress. Unfortunately for you, this lie didn't survive past the first sentence.

As for the second statement, which again doesn't make it past the first sentence, this can be easily contradicted with what I have already explained. Nothing in the Constitution allows a sitting president to go over the heads of Congress to amend or delay any "previously enacted legislation." He, like all of the other Congressmen and Senators, must submit proposed amendments or changes to laws already on the books for consideration by the appropriate congressional committee. You act as if the Republicans are the ones breaking the law, when it is actually the president.

And your last sentence is false. The president is duty bound by the Constitution to secede his power to Congress (both houses) in matters of law. He has no power to pass laws, Congress does. It is astounding to me that people like you don't educate on the mechanics of our political system. You'd rather be lied to than learn the truth.
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Washington is being invaded by a bunch of angry truckers. I think Obama wants to negotiate, or at least appear like he's negotiating. Fact is he doesn't give a flying-fuck if anything he does causes suffering. He has no real emotions. The whole point of this is to cause turmoil. That's his only purpose.

And blame it all on the GOP.
Everybody hates Congress in general.

If you divide up the Congressional members and ask if you like your own Senator or Representative they usually give them higher marks.

I think everyone hates Harry Reid except Obama. He makes everything possible. Reid is the primary cause of the deadlock. He hasn't done anything but obstruct progress for almost 4 years. The left figures they can use their suck-ass media to demonize the GOP any time they exhibit petulance enough to create another crisis. These inconveniences are simply the Democrat Party's brightest hour. When all systems are go and everyone is happy, that is when the Dems are the least happy.

actually Harry Reid popularity has become higher .... Wdy do I say this ....finally he's grown a pair and told you republicans enough is enough ... were not going to play you game any more .... he has the entire democratic party along with the Independents and the people behind him republiclowns can't stand it .... can you say Mrs. speaker Nancy Pelosi ???? Sure we can ... and you and other moron like yourself will be ragging the entire time Pelosi this, Pelosi that, did you see what she passed today ??? damn that Pelosi the people likes her, except us republiclowns
Now the GOP, with ratings in the polls down there with cockroachs, wants to negotiate. Where were they for the last six months? And what are they going to do if President Obama looks at their demands, and tells them to go to hell? Shut down the government?

The GOP played it's major card for zero gain, the ACA is law, and is not going to be defunded. And now they are looking like two year olds that have been spanked, and are trying to figure out how to get back in the good graces of the public.

sad part here is their base are too stupid to see that they've fuck themselves ... they like boehner, think they are the people ... its that delusion of grander they suffer from ...

Boehner sucks does Lindsey Gramnesty and John McCain.
Everybody hates Congress in general.

If you divide up the Congressional members and ask if you like your own Senator or Representative they usually give them higher marks.

I think everyone hates Harry Reid except Obama. He makes everything possible. Reid is the primary cause of the deadlock. He hasn't done anything but obstruct progress for almost 4 years. The left figures they can use their suck-ass media to demonize the GOP any time they exhibit petulance enough to create another crisis. These inconveniences are simply the Democrat Party's brightest hour. When all systems are go and everyone is happy, that is when the Dems are the least happy.

actually Harry Reid popularity has become higher .... Wdy do I say this ....finally he's grown a pair and told you republicans enough is enough ... were not going to play you game any more .... he has the entire democratic party along with the Independents and the people behind him republiclowns can't stand it .... can you say Mrs. speaker Nancy Pelosi ???? Sure we can ... and you and other moron like yourself will be ragging the entire time Pelosi this, Pelosi that, did you see what she passed today ??? damn that Pelosi the people likes her, except us republiclowns

LOL, Reid barely won his senate seat against an incompetent inexperienced woman who could hardly put a sentence together.

As for the botoxed bitch from sanfrangayo, she is second only to Sheila Jackson Lee in stupidity.

But dream on billyboi, obozo will be a totally lame duck his last two years, his attempt to fundamentally change the USA into a marxist dictatorship will have been the biggest failure in our history.
Everybody hates Congress in general.

If you divide up the Congressional members and ask if you like your own Senator or Representative they usually give them higher marks.

I think everyone hates Harry Reid except Obama. He makes everything possible. Reid is the primary cause of the deadlock. He hasn't done anything but obstruct progress for almost 4 years. The left figures they can use their suck-ass media to demonize the GOP any time they exhibit petulance enough to create another crisis. These inconveniences are simply the Democrat Party's brightest hour. When all systems are go and everyone is happy, that is when the Dems are the least happy.

actually Harry Reid popularity has become higher .... Wdy do I say this ....finally he's grown a pair and told you republicans enough is enough ... were not going to play you game any more .... he has the entire democratic party along with the Independents and the people behind him republiclowns can't stand it .... can you say Mrs. speaker Nancy Pelosi ???? Sure we can ... and you and other moron like yourself will be ragging the entire time Pelosi this, Pelosi that, did you see what she passed today ??? damn that Pelosi the people likes her, except us republiclowns

His is just as low as congress due to his ineffectiveness.
The Chutzpah of “Compromise”

For the first time, a single party, controlling a single house of Congress—despite having lost the popular vote for that chamber by more than a million ballots in the most recent election—is refusing to fund the government unless the other chamber and the president agree to suspend previously enacted legislation.

That’s some chutzpah. No wonder President Obama and the Senate have refused to capitulate. And for this, in a final stroke of chutzpah, the GOP accuses them of intransigence.[...]

Sorry, Republicans. Nothing in the Constitution authorizes a single house of Congress to retroactively veto U.S. law by refusing to fund the rest of the government. The manner in which you’re attempting this blackmail—on party-line votes, engineered by the party that lost the popular vote—doesn’t help. The Senate and the president have no legal or moral obligation to humor your demands. Do your job, or we’ll throw you out.​

Let me stop you at the first sentence. It was "previously enacted legislation" until he chose to alter it and delay it. You can only make amendments to "previously enacted legislation" by going through both houses of Congress. Unfortunately for you, this lie didn't survive past the first sentence.

As for the second statement, which again doesn't make it past the first sentence, this can be easily contradicted with what I have already explained. Nothing in the Constitution allows a sitting president to go over the heads of Congress to amend or delay any "previously enacted legislation." He, like all of the other Congressmen and Senators, must submit proposed amendments or changes to laws already on the books for consideration by the appropriate congressional committee. You act as if the Republicans are the ones breaking the law, when it is actually the president.

Not true. Delaying Parts of Obamacare: 'Blatantly Illegal' or Routine Adjustment?

And your last sentence is false. The president is duty bound by the Constitution to secede his power to Congress (both houses) in matters of law. He has no power to pass laws, Congress does. It is astounding to me that people like you don't educate on the mechanics of our political system. You'd rather be lied to than learn the truth.

The GOP is attempting to govern by blackmail. Were it a Republican President :)lol:) and Senate and the progressive caucus in the House were doing this over legislation they didn't like, you'd be peeing your pants here on a daily basis.

This is not how legislation is overturned.
Washington is being invaded by a bunch of angry truckers. I think Obama wants to negotiate, or at least appear like he's negotiating. Fact is he doesn't give a flying-fuck if anything he does causes suffering. He has no real emotions. The whole point of this is to cause turmoil. That's his only purpose.

And blame it all on the GOP.

Hyperbole much? :eusa_eh: No links as well? :eusa_whistle:

As to the OP, Obama knows better than to try to "negotiate" w/ Repubs. "Negotiate to Repubs means "waste time/run out the clock"
In the end it will be your dear non-leaders legacy that will suffer, no one will remember who was in congress in the long run.

Obama's legacy will be scrutinized as well as the leaders of the TPM revolt that he crushed.

True. Their true designs are exposed for what they are and he has nothing to lose by not acceding to their demands as he's in his 2nd- term :cool:
Everybody hates Congress in general.

If you divide up the Congressional members and ask if you like your own Senator or Representative they usually give them higher marks.

I think everyone hates Harry Reid except Obama. He makes everything possible. Reid is the primary cause of the deadlock. He hasn't done anything but obstruct progress for almost 4 years. The left figures they can use their suck-ass media to demonize the GOP any time they exhibit petulance enough to create another crisis. These inconveniences are simply the Democrat Party's brightest hour. When all systems are go and everyone is happy, that is when the Dems are the least happy.

actually Harry Reid popularity has become higher .... Wdy do I say this ....finally he's grown a pair and told you republicans enough is enough ... were not going to play you game any more .... he has the entire democratic party along with the Independents and the people behind him republiclowns can't stand it .... can you say Mrs. speaker Nancy Pelosi ???? Sure we can ... and you and other moron like yourself will be ragging the entire time Pelosi this, Pelosi that, did you see what she passed today ??? damn that Pelosi the people likes her, except us republiclowns

Sure it has. Harry Reid is reaaaaaaaaally popular now.

As I so clearly stated, this is the highlight of the Democrat Party. When they're causing a crisis.

Quit lying to yourself goofball.

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