
it's really funny, I haven't heard the GOP say "We will not negotiate" not once. however that's been the mantra of obama and his minions.

Of course not, you only watch Fox and are therefore not informed.

Come back when you are.
The donkey party doesn't want real negotiation. What they really want is a doormat.

Just so. And the Tea Party folks have about ironed the GOP out as the door mat.

I said four years ago that letting the TPM go unchecked would lead to very bad days for the GOP.

They are only beginning.
Rocks give me a break....the Democrats ratings are nothing to brag about....matter of fact the Roaches probably rate higher than both parties.....

Ok but what you're not getting is that we aren't talking about some 5% lead here. Republican approval ratings are abysmal by comparison. Democrats may be unpopular, but if the country had to choose one of these parties to lead the country, people would overwhelming choose democrats at this point.

A third party is a popular idea, but the chances are pretty damn slim that an actual third party could possibly rise to power.

Yet republicans are leading in generic polls, go figure.

What? Generic? What the hell are you talking about?
And your reactionary far right delusions continue, just like in 2008, last November, and now.

The TPM has shot is bolt.

Can you translate that to English?

You can figure it out.

When I heard GOP conservatives in University Park, Dallas, and in East Texas say they could not support Cruz, I realized he has no chance to run for president, and will have to scramble to survive his next senatorial run as Dewhurst, Abbott, Perry, and the Bush family find the money to fund primary challengers.

Yep the establishment dinosaurs don't much like him, but the folks I've talked to are behind him 10 to 1. They are the same people that elected him in the first place.
Of course not, you only watch Fox and are therefore not informed.

Come back when you are.
The donkey party doesn't want real negotiation. What they really want is a doormat.

Just so. And the Tea Party folks have about ironed the GOP out as the door mat.

I said four years ago that letting the TPM go unchecked would lead to very bad days for the GOP.

They are only beginning.

Wait a minute, didn't you just say they have been crushed, which is it jakey?
Can you translate that to English?

You can figure it out.

When I heard GOP conservatives in University Park, Dallas, and in East Texas say they could not support Cruz, I realized he has no chance to run for president, and will have to scramble to survive his next senatorial run as Dewhurst, Abbott, Perry, and the Bush family find the money to fund primary challengers.

Yep the establishment dinosaurs don't much like him, but the folks I've talked to are behind him 10 to 1. They are the same people that elected him in the first place.

You are talking only to the ten people in the hive. The majority of Texans do not support him. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
You can figure it out.

When I heard GOP conservatives in University Park, Dallas, and in East Texas say they could not support Cruz, I realized he has no chance to run for president, and will have to scramble to survive his next senatorial run as Dewhurst, Abbott, Perry, and the Bush family find the money to fund primary challengers.

Yep the establishment dinosaurs don't much like him, but the folks I've talked to are behind him 10 to 1. They are the same people that elected him in the first place.

You are talking only to the ten people in the hive. The majority of Texans do not support him. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

How about you argue with Kevin Brady, I know what the calls to his office have said.
Now the GOP, with ratings in the polls down there with cockroachs, wants to negotiate. Where were they for the last six months? And what are they going to do if President Obama looks at their demands, and tells them to go to hell? Shut down the government?

The GOP played it's major card for zero gain, the ACA is law, and is not going to be defunded. And now they are looking like two year olds that have been spanked, and are trying to figure out how to get back in the good graces of the public.

Rocks give me a break....the Democrats ratings are nothing to brag about....matter of fact the Roaches probably rate higher than both parties.....

Ok but what you're not getting is that we aren't talking about some 5% lead here. Republican approval ratings are abysmal by comparison. Democrats may be unpopular, but if the country had to choose one of these parties to lead the country, people would overwhelming choose democrats at this point.

A third party is a popular idea, but the chances are pretty damn slim that an actual third party could possibly rise to power.

and the reason for that is?.....because people have your attitude that a third party is just a waste of votes so why bother,just keep voting for the same old shit year after year and keep complaining about the same old shit year after hoping that this thing happening badly damages both parties so bad that 5 new "parties" emerge.....maybe it will wake up the assholes in those 2 parties to start realizing that they are not immune to being ousted and will start putting the good of the Country ahead of their own interests.....
Rocks give me a break....the Democrats ratings are nothing to brag about....matter of fact the Roaches probably rate higher than both parties.....

Ok but what you're not getting is that we aren't talking about some 5% lead here. Republican approval ratings are abysmal by comparison. Democrats may be unpopular, but if the country had to choose one of these parties to lead the country, people would overwhelming choose democrats at this point.

A third party is a popular idea, but the chances are pretty damn slim that an actual third party could possibly rise to power.

and the reason for that is?.....because people have your attitude that a third party is just a waste of votes so why bother,just keep voting for the same old shit year after year and keep complaining about the same old shit year after hoping that this thing happening badly damages both parties so bad that 5 new "parties" emerge.....maybe it will wake up the assholes in those 2 parties to start realizing that they are not immune to being ousted and will start putting the good of the Country ahead of their own interests.....

Look its the idea itself that is whats popular. The problem is actually having a party that would become popular. What specific politics would it have that would make it popular enough to draw people from both the left and the right? Would the candidate be charismatic enough?
Now the GOP, with ratings in the polls down there with cockroachs, wants to negotiate. Where were they for the last six months? And what are they going to do if President Obama looks at their demands, and tells them to go to hell? Shut down the government?

The GOP played it's major card for zero gain, the ACA is law, and is not going to be defunded. And now they are looking like two year olds that have been spanked, and are trying to figure out how to get back in the good graces of the public.

I've been saying this for a while now. Obama is playing these suckers and he's taking them to the cleaners. I guess they didn't learn from the election that Obama is much smarter than them. Obama didn't negotiate because he knew this would blow up in the face of Republicans. Obama may not get everything he wants, but he is setting the table for Hillary.
Now the GOP, with ratings in the polls down there with cockroachs, wants to negotiate. Where were they for the last six months? And what are they going to do if President Obama looks at their demands, and tells them to go to hell? Shut down the government?

The GOP played it's major card for zero gain, the ACA is law, and is not going to be defunded. And now they are looking like two year olds that have been spanked, and are trying to figure out how to get back in the good graces of the public.

I must be getting senile, I thought Obama and Reid were Democrats.

B y the way, has anyone else noticed that Reid is not part of the negotiations? Is that because Obama finally realized that he is supposed to be the President of the United States, not just the OFA?

When you think about it there's really nothing to negotiate. What will the GOP do? Shut down the government again? They have NOTHING to negotiate with.

it's really funny, I haven't heard the GOP say "We will not negotiate" not once. however that's been the mantra of obama and his minions.

Gosh, you are a fucking idiot. Dems were willing to give the GOP the Ryan Budget and compromise on tens of billions in spending.

At one point, the GOP declared this a victory, but they acted like petulant children and demanded more. After 40 unsuccessful attempts and despite the SCOTUS throwing it in their face, Republicans keep on working to deny poor people and people with preexisting conditions health care.

You people are toast. Do everyone a favor and drown yourself.
Now the GOP, with ratings in the polls down there with cockroachs, wants to negotiate. Where were they for the last six months? And what are they going to do if President Obama looks at their demands, and tells them to go to hell? Shut down the government?

The GOP played it's major card for zero gain, the ACA is law, and is not going to be defunded. And now they are looking like two year olds that have been spanked, and are trying to figure out how to get back in the good graces of the public.

I must be getting senile, I thought Obama and Reid were Democrats.

B y the way, has anyone else noticed that Reid is not part of the negotiations? Is that because Obama finally realized that he is supposed to be the President of the United States, not just the OFA?

When you think about it there's really nothing to negotiate. What will the GOP do? Shut down the government again? They have NOTHING to negotiate with.


I think Obama is going to give them SOMETHING to let them save face. Obama might be under the mistaken belief that IF he works to save Repubs from themselves, that maybe, just MAYBE, they will be a little grateful and work with him on some other important legislative matters.

Obama hasn't let the hatred the GOP has for him overtake his optimism. To bad. Rethugs are back stabbing assholes and they will continue to do everything they can to harm him.

Some politicians never learn.
it's really funny, I haven't heard the GOP say "We will not negotiate" not once. however that's been the mantra of obama and his minions.

Gosh, you are a fucking idiot. Dems were willing to give the GOP the Ryan Budget and compromise on tens of billions in spending.

At one point, the GOP declared this a victory, but they acted like petulant children and demanded more. After 40 unsuccessful attempts and despite the SCOTUS throwing it in their face, Republicans keep on working to deny poor people and people with preexisting conditions health care.

You people are toast. Do everyone a favor and drown yourself.

I like the way the Rethugs use a government shut down to extort what they want.

Isn't that what unions do when they can't get the concessions they want from a company?
Shut the company down.

Are repubs now embracing union tactics. How special. I thought rethugs didn't like unions? Just their tactics they like.
it's really funny, I haven't heard the GOP say "We will not negotiate" not once. however that's been the mantra of obama and his minions.

Gosh, you are a fucking idiot. Dems were willing to give the GOP the Ryan Budget and compromise on tens of billions in spending.

At one point, the GOP declared this a victory, but they acted like petulant children and demanded more. After 40 unsuccessful attempts and despite the SCOTUS throwing it in their face, Republicans keep on working to deny poor people and people with preexisting conditions health care.

You people are toast. Do everyone a favor and drown yourself.

I like the way the Rethugs use a government shut down to extort what they want.

Isn't that what unions do when they can't get the concessions they want from a company?
Shut the company down.

Are repubs now embracing union tactics. How special. I thought rethugs didn't like unions? Just their tactics they like.

Stop lying. Unions are grown adults and hardly result in strikes during negotiation. Strikes only happen at the last resort.

The last resort for the GOP is to deny poor people and people with preexisting conditions access to healthcare.

A union would never do that.
Gosh, you are a fucking idiot. Dems were willing to give the GOP the Ryan Budget and compromise on tens of billions in spending.

At one point, the GOP declared this a victory, but they acted like petulant children and demanded more. After 40 unsuccessful attempts and despite the SCOTUS throwing it in their face, Republicans keep on working to deny poor people and people with preexisting conditions health care.

You people are toast. Do everyone a favor and drown yourself.

I like the way the Rethugs use a government shut down to extort what they want.

Isn't that what unions do when they can't get the concessions they want from a company?
Shut the company down.

Are repubs now embracing union tactics. How special. I thought rethugs didn't like unions? Just their tactics they like.

Stop lying. Unions are grown adults and hardly result in strikes during negotiation. Strikes only happen at the last resort.

The last resort for the GOP is to deny poor people and people with preexisting conditions access to healthcare.

A union would never do that.

Who is "lying"? Didn't rethugs shut down the government? Don't unions shut down companies if need be? The answer is yes to both. So who is lying?

What you might want to do is re read what I wrote and apply the word "facetious" to the content. Might help you understand just what I was saying. Try it.
I like the way the Rethugs use a government shut down to extort what they want.

Isn't that what unions do when they can't get the concessions they want from a company?
Shut the company down.

Are repubs now embracing union tactics. How special. I thought rethugs didn't like unions? Just their tactics they like.

Stop lying. Unions are grown adults and hardly result in strikes during negotiation. Strikes only happen at the last resort.

The last resort for the GOP is to deny poor people and people with preexisting conditions access to healthcare.

A union would never do that.

Who is "lying"? Didn't rethugs shut down the government? Don't unions shut down companies if need be? The answer is yes to both. So who is lying?

What you might want to do is re read what I wrote and apply the word "facetious" to the content. Might help you understand just what I was saying. Try it.

Ok, Modern Day Republicans are Unions Members, fighting for the middle class, better working conditions, and decent pay.

All Breaks at Work, including your Lunch Breaks
Paid Vacation
Sick Leave
Social Security
Minimum Wage
Civil Rights Act/Title VII (Prohibits Employer Discrimination)
8-Hour Work Day
Overtime Pay
Child Labor Laws
Occupational Safety & Health Act (OSHA)
40 Hour Work Week
Worker's Compensation (Worker's Comp)
Unemployment Insurance
Workplace Safety Standards and Regulations
Employer Health Care Insurance
Collective Bargaining Rights for Employees
Wrongful Termination Laws
Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
Whistleblower Protection Laws
Employee Polygraph Protect Act (Prohibits Employer from using a lie detector test on an employee)
Veteran's Employment and Training Services (VETS)
Compensation increases and Evaluations (Raises)
Sexual Harassment Laws
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
Holiday Pay
Employer Dental, Life, and Vision Insurance
Privacy Rights
Pregnancy and Parental Leave
Military Leave
The Right to Strike
Public Education for Children
Equal Pay Acts of 1963 & 2011 (Requires employers pay men and women equally for the same amount of work)
Laws Ending Sweatshops in the United States

But, lets compare them to the...

Last edited:
Rocks give me a break....the Democrats ratings are nothing to brag about....matter of fact the Roaches probably rate higher than both parties.....

Ok but what you're not getting is that we aren't talking about some 5% lead here. Republican approval ratings are abysmal by comparison. Democrats may be unpopular, but if the country had to choose one of these parties to lead the country, people would overwhelming choose democrats at this point.

A third party is a popular idea, but the chances are pretty damn slim that an actual third party could possibly rise to power.

Yet republicans are leading in generic polls, go figure.

No. They are not.

I notice you didn't link to proof of your allegation - probably because you can't.
Stop lying. Unions are grown adults and hardly result in strikes during negotiation. Strikes only happen at the last resort.

The last resort for the GOP is to deny poor people and people with preexisting conditions access to healthcare.

A union would never do that.

Who is "lying"? Didn't rethugs shut down the government? Don't unions shut down companies if need be? The answer is yes to both. So who is lying?

What you might want to do is re read what I wrote and apply the word "facetious" to the content. Might help you understand just what I was saying. Try it.

Ok, Modern Day Republicans are Unions Members, fighting for the middle class, better working conditions, and decent pay.

All Breaks at Work, including your Lunch Breaks
Paid Vacation
Sick Leave
Social Security
Minimum Wage
Civil Rights Act/Title VII (Prohibits Employer Discrimination)
8-Hour Work Day
Overtime Pay
Child Labor Laws
Occupational Safety & Health Act (OSHA)
40 Hour Work Week
Worker's Compensation (Worker's Comp)
Unemployment Insurance
Workplace Safety Standards and Regulations
Employer Health Care Insurance
Collective Bargaining Rights for Employees
Wrongful Termination Laws
Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
Whistleblower Protection Laws
Employee Polygraph Protect Act (Prohibits Employer from using a lie detector test on an employee)
Veteran's Employment and Training Services (VETS)
Compensation increases and Evaluations (Raises)
Sexual Harassment Laws
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
Holiday Pay
Employer Dental, Life, and Vision Insurance
Privacy Rights
Pregnancy and Parental Leave
Military Leave
The Right to Strike
Public Education for Children
Equal Pay Acts of 1963 & 2011 (Requires employers pay men and women equally for the same amount of work)
Laws Ending Sweatshops in the United States

But, lets compare them to the...


You didn't look up "facetious" did you? Don't make me have to explain how your interpretation of what I wrote is wrong. You can figure it out. Re read. I hate Republicans. Is that enough clue?

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