Neighborhood jihadists were observed by neighbors, too afraid to report suspicious activity.

Close the gates, imprison the illegals, and kill every fucking jihadist and their family across the globe.
And full-on panic sets in, and as usual she calls for the exact opposite of everything that Jesus would.

Out of respect for Jesus, stop calling yourself a Christian...
Jesus made a definite distinction between the obligations of political bodies and the obligations of people who walk in faith. We give to Caesar what is this instance, protection from criminals who have stated their intent to establish dominance over the world.
Personal cowardice is complicit in 14 deaths. PC is a mere alt right term that does not exist.
Yes, the cowardice of traitors like you who embrace jihad and condemn American innocents.
You are a moron, kg. I would report anyone, Christian or Moslem or koshergrl, if thought something was suspicious. You simply can't think in moral terms.
No, you wouldn't move a finger. Especially if there was any risk involved.
No one reported the crazy fuck who shot up Planned Parenthood either. Tell you what, let's have a Police-State, and report everyone starting with you.

Trust No One, you can't take that kind of risk. If you check out clean, we give you a teddy bear to hug when scary things happen.
Thanks to liberals and their jihad against reality we have 14 dead in San Bernadino. See something, say something, unless it's politically incorrect.....
According to a local Los Angeles news report, a neighbor of San Bernardino massacre suspects Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik didn't report suspicious activity at their apartment for fear of being accused of racism.

.@KNX1070 reporting a neighbor did not call authorities about suspicious activity bc she did not want to racially profile #SanBernardino

— Will Carr (@WillCarrFNC) December 3, 2015
Neighbors: 3-4 "middle easterners" had recently moved into the apt of interest. getting a lots of package deliveries #SanBernardino

— Will Carr (@WillCarrFNC) December 3, 2015
This is the same politically correct culture that lead to the Ft. Hood shooting when Nidal Hassan, who had been spouting violent Islamic propaganda to neighbors on post and reaching out to Al Qaeda, was ignored for fear of "Islamaphobia" accusations. Neighbor Didn't Report Suspicious Activity of San Bernardino Killers For Fear of Being Called Racist

So the bottom line is "see something, say something" ... unless it involves Muslims?
Personal cowardice is complicit in 14 deaths. PC is a mere alt right term that does not exist.
Yes, the cowardice of traitors like you who embrace jihad and condemn American innocents.
You are a moron, kg. I would report anyone, Christian or Moslem or koshergrl, if thought something was suspicious. You simply can't think in moral terms.
No, you wouldn't move a finger. Especially if there was any risk involved.
Says the coward, koshergrl. You never served, you did not have the moral courage to do so. To think our brave men and women give their all for your ilk.
If you see something, say something.....

...unless you're looking at satellite images of ISIS building up in Iraq/Syria, then just STFU......
We're allowed to report people who may be members of a PC-protected religion?

Couldn't that hurt their feelings?
PC is an alt right term for something that does not exist.
Yes, that's what the PC Police tell me, thanks.

Unfortunately, there are many honest liberals. You folks should huddle up and get your story straight:

President Obama praised student activists, but also said he disagrees with what Stephanopoulos described as “militant political correctness” on campus, whereby some activists seek to shut down opposing viewpoints. “Being a good citizen, being an activist, involves hearing the other side and making sure that you are engaging in a dialogue because that’s also how change happens,” said President Obama.

A long list of articles with many written by well-known liberals speaking to the very real issue of politically correct behaviour. Only an idiot would claim that PC is a myth created by right wingers.

Some people are just too stupid.

No one reported the crazy fuck who shot up Planned Parenthood either. Tell you what, let's have a Police-State, and report everyone starting with you.

Trust No One, you can't take that kind of risk. If you check out clean, we give you a teddy bear to hug when scary things happen.

Typically lame, knee-jerk loony left attempt to deflect and derail. Poor PMS has been doing it to every San Bernardino thread like it's her job.
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I doubt profiling played as much of a role as simply minding one's own business regardless of person's skin color.

Would you feel better if you were "just" reporting the suspicious activity of a Mexican drug cartel? But who knows?
Only far right idiots would claim a left wing PC exists. The far right does this because they know they will lose in a contest of ideas.
Thanks to liberals and their jihad against reality we have 14 dead in San Bernadino. See something, say something, unless it's politically incorrect.....
According to a local Los Angeles news report, a neighbor of San Bernardino massacre suspects Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik didn't report suspicious activity at their apartment for fear of being accused of racism.

.@KNX1070 reporting a neighbor did not call authorities about suspicious activity bc she did not want to racially profile #SanBernardino

— Will Carr (@WillCarrFNC) December 3, 2015
Neighbors: 3-4 "middle easterners" had recently moved into the apt of interest. getting a lots of package deliveries #SanBernardino

— Will Carr (@WillCarrFNC) December 3, 2015
This is the same politically correct culture that lead to the Ft. Hood shooting when Nidal Hassan, who had been spouting violent Islamic propaganda to neighbors on post and reaching out to Al Qaeda, was ignored for fear of "Islamaphobia" accusations. Neighbor Didn't Report Suspicious Activity of San Bernardino Killers For Fear of Being Called Racist

So the bottom line is "see something, say something" ... unless it involves Muslims?

Exactly. The POTUS and nearly every Democrat will not use the phrase "Islamic Terrorism". They'd rather let the bodies hit the floor than (gasp) offend someone.
Close the gates, imprison the illegals, and kill every fucking jihadist and their family across the globe.
And full-on panic sets in, and as usual she calls for the exact opposite of everything that Jesus would.

Out of respect for Jesus, stop calling yourself a Christian...

How about the fact that Jesus comes back to fight all the Nations going to war on Israel?
mid eastern is a race huh?

if the neighbor didn't want to appear stupid he should have warned cops about suspicious people in the neighborhood..
We're allowed to report people who may be members of a PC-protected religion?

Couldn't that hurt their feelings?
PC is an alt right term for something that does not exist.
Yes, that's what the PC Police tell me, thanks.

Unfortunately, there are many honest liberals. You folks should huddle up and get your story straight:

President Obama praised student activists, but also said he disagrees with what Stephanopoulos described as “militant political correctness” on campus, whereby some activists seek to shut down opposing viewpoints. “Being a good citizen, being an activist, involves hearing the other side and making sure that you are engaging in a dialogue because that’s also how change happens,” said President Obama.

A long list of articles with many written by well-known liberals speaking to the very real issue of politically correct behaviour. Only an idiot would claim that PC is a myth created by right wingers.

Some people are just too stupid.

But believe it or not, they keep doing it.

That's how important PC is for them - they'll protect it regardless of how obvious it is that they're lying.
Personal cowardice is complicit in 14 deaths. PC is a mere alt right term that does not exist.
Too funny.

Are you ClosedCaption ?

He denies the existence of PC, too.

PA (Passive Aggressive Bullshit) is alive and well as Mac continues to show.

Mac likes to pretend that society doesnt have rules. So if you call a women in general sluts then thats a virtue since addressing people in a respectable manner is "PC"
Only far right idiots would claim a left wing PC exists. The far right does this because they know they will lose in a contest of ideas.
Then what about that LONG list of pieces against PC written by and about honest liberals?

Are those people just "far right idiots", including Obama and Stephanopolous, too?

Please respond. Straight answer, please.
Ol' Mac has the PC Police all pissy and defensive, name-calling, insulting.


Damn I'm good.

I'm seriously considering asking me for my autograph.

Only far right idiots would claim a left wing PC exists. The far right does this because they know they will lose in a contest of ideas.

So what do you call language, actions, or policies seen as being excessively calculated not to offend or disadvantage any particular group of people in society?
Even the left call it PC.

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