Neil Young Tries to Save Face

Lol, so what is the truth about the vaccine are vampire pedophile lizard people giving us the the mark of the beast? Or is the vax a homing mechanism for giant Jewish space lasers? Mass conspiracy by the elite s to kill us all? Is it going to turn you gay? So what is the deal ?
Tell us why the FDA will wait 75 years before they tell us why the approved it.
Lol, tell me what the truth of the vax is. Answer my question then I will answer your s. Fuck your answering questions with questions..
It offers NO LONG TERM IMMUNITY........and the spike proteins move from the injection site........and collect in organs......

In 5 years or so.........what will this do?

That's what I am talking about ...
If a person is confident and good at what they do, they don't need to let people push them around.

In her case it might have some to do with management just having other fish to fry ...
And messing with her would serve no good.

She's smart and takes all other precautions, and the vaccine was just something she wasn't going to budge on.
Her and her husband own land on top of the Haynesville Shale and are currently making more money in the mailbox than she brings home in pay.

She doesn't have to work for them ... She still does because it is her calling.


My wife is the same way, she loves her being a nurse and it shows. She left her previous hospital as the management was terrible and was sucking the joy of nursing out of her!

My respect for nurse and what they do has gone up 10000% since she became a nurse about 10 years ago.
Lol, so you are a doctor then huh.
I post massive amounts of studies from doctors and scientist from all over the world.............I repost their work here.

Any complaints about their studies and what they say I suggest you contact them directly.

The EUA would have been illegal with TREATMENTS THAT WORKED.............And THEY WORK.

My wife is the same way, she loves her being a nurse and it shows. She left her previous hospital as the management was terrible and was sucking the joy of nursing out of her!

My respect for nurse and what they do has gone up 10000% since she became a nurse about 10 years ago.

Excellent nurses are special people.

That's what hit me wrong about Niel Young's afterthought comment about standing in solidarity with our frontline healthcare workers.
He got in a mess and as an excuse tried to hitch his wagon to frontline healthcare workers.

It's probably just me, and Lord knows I am weird ... But to me, as a veteran, his words were almost like stolen valor.
Maybe that's too deep for some folks.

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Funny how he thinks shooting up with some mystery vaccine that the FDA will let us know why the approved it in 75 years is A. OK and his tirade against GMOs is cool.

Neil Young, who recently chose to have his music removed from Spotify in protest of vaccine misinformation promoted by podcast host Joe Rogan, says his decision has nothing to do with censorship.

“I support free speech,” Young wrote in a letter posted to his Neil Young Archives site. “I have never been in favor of censorship. Private companies have the right to choose what they profit from, just as I can choose not to have my music support a platform that disseminates harmful information. I am happy and proud to stand in solidarity with the front line health care workers who risk their lives every day to help others.”

Tell that to the thousands of healthcare workers fired for refusing the jab.

LOL... he believes his music makes a lick of difference to spotify? They probably deleted it before he was done with his statement.

Dwayne Johnson Voices Support for Joe Rogan Amid Spotify COVID Controversy​

Dwayne Johnson has thrown his support behind Joe Rogan, as the latter continues to weather a storm of controversy over his Spotify podcasts about COVID-19.

Neil Young, Joni Mitchell and Bruce Springsteen guitarist Nils Lofgren have withdrawn their music from Spotify in recent days, in protest of what has been widely criticized as COVID misinformation being expressed by guests on Rogan's podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience, on the platform.

That must be why my political antivax aunt & uncle are currently in the hospital begging for infusions. They were told there ain't enough to go around, so only the sickest one (my uncle) gets one. They are in a very sad painful state because of preaching by liars.
Since you bring this up...

Please share more details, including ages, weights and other possible co-morbidities.

Ideally, a link to their medical reports would clarify a lot.

Otherwise, I'm Jessica Alba & you're literally Hitler.
Funny how he thinks shooting up with some mystery vaccine that the FDA will let us know why the approved it in 75 years is A. OK and his tirade against GMOs is cool.

Neil Young, who recently chose to have his music removed from Spotify in protest of vaccine misinformation promoted by podcast host Joe Rogan, says his decision has nothing to do with censorship.

“I support free speech,” Young wrote in a letter posted to his Neil Young Archives site. “I have never been in favor of censorship. Private companies have the right to choose what they profit from, just as I can choose not to have my music support a platform that disseminates harmful information. I am happy and proud to stand in solidarity with the front line health care workers who risk their lives every day to help others.”

Tell that to the thousands of healthcare workers fired for refusing the jab.

Lol, old Neil has the right to decide who he does buisness with just as much as you and I. He will pay the natural consequences of that decision. Just like you and I pay the natural consequences of our decision s. I closed my appraisal firm to not have to do buisness with my ex wife. This caused me loss of income. I had a right to do it. So does Neil. That is the lively thing about capitalism you own your property and can decide what to do with it
I have never let the politics of an artist or entertainer impact whether I listen/watch them or not. Politics are not that important to me
It depended whether the politics was the message or not. People rave about Midnight Oil; their MESSAGE was shit. Marxist anti-American garbage!!!

Joan Baez had some very political songs BUT the message was interesting. But then again; how many people like the music while the words are secondary?

Funny how he thinks shooting up with some mystery vaccine that the FDA will let us know why the approved it in 75 years is A. OK and his tirade against GMOs is cool.

Neil Young, who recently chose to have his music removed from Spotify in protest of vaccine misinformation promoted by podcast host Joe Rogan, says his decision has nothing to do with censorship.

“I support free speech,” Young wrote in a letter posted to his Neil Young Archives site. “I have never been in favor of censorship. Private companies have the right to choose what they profit from, just as I can choose not to have my music support a platform that disseminates harmful information. I am happy and proud to stand in solidarity with the front line health care workers who risk their lives every day to help others.”

Tell that to the thousands of healthcare workers fired for refusing the jab.

I believe he is telling that to the thousands of healthcare workers fired for refusing the jab. He is telling it to the entire world. It was a public announcement.., Duh.
It depended whether the politics was the message or not. People rave about Midnight Oil; their MESSAGE was shit. Marxist anti-American garbage!!!

Joan Baez had some very political songs BUT the message was interesting. But then again; how many people like the music while the words are secondary?


I had friends back in the day that quit listening to Elton when he officially came out as gay. I was like "did his music somehow change?".
That we could have ended this pandemic months ago if you idiots got your jab?

The odds of Covid-19 ever being eradicated is slim to none, even before there was a vaccine.

Could COVID-19 ever be eradicated?

The virus mutated too fast and moved from host to host very quickly.

At this point the Covid-19 virus is an endemic and all the vaccinating will not stop it or even slow it down right now. We will see this strain not be so deadly however I think vaccines , just like the flu will be recommended.
I had friends back in the day that quit listening to Elton when he officially came out as gay. I was like "did his music somehow change?".

I stopped listening to the Dixie Chicks when they got the idea their politics was more important than their music.

I liked their music ... And it is a damn shame.
Talk with your money, and sometimes folks will listen.
Most of the time nowadays, they still don't get the message.

It's all good though ...
There are other people willing to fill the void, and plenty of businesses to choose from.
I don't mind helping make someone else rich.

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I believe he is telling that to the thousands of healthcare workers fired for refusing the jab. He is telling it to the entire world. It was a public announcement.., Duh.
Lie. All Leftards want to censor anyone who doesn’t want to join their cult. That’s why he shot his own kneecaps.

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