Neil Young Tries to Save Face

The odds of Covid-19 ever being eradicated is slim to none, even before there was a vaccine.

Could COVID-19 ever be eradicated?

The virus mutated too fast and moved from host to host very quickly.

At this point the Covid-19 virus is an endemic and all the vaccinating will not stop it or even slow it down right now. We will see this strain not be so deadly however I think vaccines , just like the flu will be recommended.

Small pox, anthrax, polio, THE PLAGUE, and other shit that has wiped out so many billions of people since the dawn of humanity STILL EXIST. Yeah... we vaccinate and it seems to work against some shit, but the fact remains that COVID is related to common cold viruses and effects different people in different ways. No one has ever come close to finding a "cure" for the "common cold" BECAUSE THERE AIN'T ONE. It changes to rapidly, it doesn't kill enough people for the demand to warrant funding the endeavor and EVERYONE IS GOING TO DIE ANYWAY!!!!!

The hysteria was absolutely manipulated.

There was no cause to shut down economies. There was no reason to have sheep wearing face diapers. It's stupid beyond comprehension.

It's a DEMpanic, not a fucking disease we will ever see go away, because governments are using it as a vehicle to terrorize their own populations. Living in fear is not living. It's accepting the status of livestock.

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And the NAZIS built great roads. So what’s your point?

The point is that if a gay man makes good music I am going to listen to it because I am not a homophobic asshole like you. I cannot for the life of me understand who a person chooses to sleep with could have any impact on their skill as an artist.
The point is that if a gay man makes good music I am going to listen to it because I am not a homophobic asshole like you. I cannot for the life of me understand who a person chooses to sleep with could have any impact on their skill as an artist.
Glad to know you’ll stay in Trump hotels and buy My Pillows.
I cannot for the life of me understand who a person chooses to sleep with could have any impact on their skill as an artist.

I don't go as far as thinking a person's life experiences don't influence their art.
With the Dixie Chicks it was different ... They made their politics part of their show, and not even specific to their music.

Lie. All Leftards want to censor anyone who doesn’t want to join their cult. That’s why he shot his own kneecaps.
Huh? All I said was that Young made a public announcement. Which he did, that’s why we are talking about it. Where is the lie?!

I don't go as far as thinking a person's life experiences don't influence their art.
With the Dixie Chicks it was different ... They made their politics part of their show, and not even specific to their music.

Which really wasn't all that great.
Glad to know you’ll stay in Trump hotels and buy My Pillows.

I bought one My Pillow pillow a few years ago, but it sucked so I let the dog sleep on it.

Would never stay at a Trump hotel, over priced pieces of crap are not my thing
Wow. That's a pretty astounding statement.

Can you back that up?



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