Neil Young Tries to Save Face

My doctor was prescribing ivermectin and not one patient required hospitalization. Then our Democrat Governor Blackface ordered her to stop.
Was used all over the world..............Only here they will threaten to criminalize you for using off label treatments that work.

The FDA , CDC.............and the rest of those fucks are TRAITORS.....and have MURDERED HUNDREDS of thousands of Americans.
I do stand in solidarity with our frontline healthcare workers, hard not to when you are married to one.

So do I ... My closet neighbor to the East is a nurse.

When she refused to get vaccinated the hospital she works for sent a bunch of paperwork home with her to file for an exemption.
She asked me to look at it and was bunch of stuff about how to claim for a Religious Exemption.
I read through it, looked at the questions, and it was a bunch of garbage.

I asked if she had a religious objection to the vaccine, and she said she didn't.
I told her not to answer the questionnaire the way they wanted her to, because they were just trying to get her to lie.
Then I told her to write what she really thought in that big space at the bottom and put the ball back in their court.

She Wrote:
"I am the number one requested maternity nurse in this region.
I work 12 hours a day and up to 6 days a week.
I have been delivering babies for over 25 years, and some of them yours.

You better figure something out, or you are going to piss some doctors off."

Short, sweet, simple ... And it worked.
She is still unvaccinated, working there, and they aren't bothering her anymore.

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They are farmers who have ivermectin & they took it instead of the vaccine like you RWNJ's preached. That is why they are clinging to life. I hope they pull through.
Another pull it our of your ass and sling shit post from the Fear Porn guy...........

Why are you Murdering Americans?
What about the thousands of healthcare workers fired for making a personal choice, Mr Libertarian? You stand in solidarity with them?

I do. They made their choice and I support them doing so. None should have been fired due to any government mandate
They are farmers who have ivermectin & they took it instead of the vaccine like you RWNJ's preached. That is why they are clinging to life. I hope they pull through.
And I drink 8 glasses of engine coolant a day, shitforbrains. Why do all Leftards hate science?

So do I ... My closet neighbor to the East is a nurse.

When she refused to get vaccinated the hospital she works for sent a bunch of paperwork home with her to file for an exemption.
She asked me to look at it and was bunch of stuff about how to claim for a Religious Exemption.
I read through it, looked at the questions, and it was a bunch of garbage.

I asked if she had a religious objection to the vaccine, and she said she didn't.
I told her not to answer the questionnaire the way they wanted her to, because they were just trying to get her to lie.
Then I told her to write what she really thought in that big space at the bottom and put the ball back in their court.

She Wrote:
"I am the number one requested maternity nurse in this region.
I work 12 hours a day and up to 6 days a week.
I have been delivering babies for over 25 years, and some of them yours.

You better figure something out, or you are going to piss some doctors off."

Short, sweet, simple ... And it worked.
She is still unvaccinated, working there, and they aren't bothering her anymore.


I love it. I am glad it worked out for her.

A good nurse is a gem, doctors will fight for them. When my wife left her pervious hospital to join the VA she had a number of doctors that asked her what they could to to get her to stay. Sadly management is normally oblivious to who is good and who is not. I am glad it worked out for your neighbor.
That must be why my political antivax aunt & uncle are currently in the hospital begging for infusions. They were told there ain't enough to go around, so only the sickest one (my uncle) gets one. They are in a very sad painful state because of preaching by liars.
Who's the liar here?

What are the odds that every vax zombie here has unjabbed loved ones in ICU? They've all got their little drama, that's for sure.
He is no libertarian...........He worships Brandon and the left here daily............Always here to defend their sorry asses.........

I finally had enough of that POS LAST NIGHT.

And yet here you are still talking about me. I am living rent free in your head! :laughing0301:
Another pull it our of your ass and sling shit post from the Fear Porn guy...........

Why are you Murdering Americans?
You Lie!

They were born, raised & lived as Farmers in Ralls county Missouri their entire lives except for military service & oil pipeline construction work.

They always had ivermectin for their livestock and chose it instead of vaccine thanks to assholes like you.
You Lie!

They were born, raised & lived as Farmers in Ralls county Missouri their entire lives except for military service & oil pipeline construction work.

They always had ivermectin for their livestock and chose it instead of vaccine thanks to assholes like you.
Baloney..........why should I believe a liar like you.

That is animal form of the medicine you fucking IDIOT.......and had people like you not been in bed with PFIZER it could have been prescribed as off label use like the rest of the world.

And it FUCKING WORKS.............It's pill for HUMANS YOU FREAKING IDIOT


Why are you Murdering Americans?
I love it. I am glad it worked out for her.

A good nurse is a gem, doctors will fight for them. When my wife left her pervious hospital to join the VA she had a number of doctors that asked her what they could to to get her to stay. Sadly management is normally oblivious to who is good and who is not. I am glad it worked out for your neighbor.

That's what I am talking about ...
If a person is confident and good at what they do, they don't need to let people push them around.

In her case it might have some to do with management just having other fish to fry ...
And messing with her would serve no good.

She's smart and takes all other precautions, and the vaccine was just something she wasn't going to budge on.
Her and her husband own land on top of the Haynesville Shale and are currently making more money in the mailbox than she brings home in pay.

She doesn't have to work for them ... She still does because it is her calling.


So do I ... My closet neighbor to the East is a nurse.

When she refused to get vaccinated the hospital she works for sent a bunch of paperwork home with her to file for an exemption.
She asked me to look at it and was bunch of stuff about how to claim for a Religious Exemption.
I read through it, looked at the questions, and it was a bunch of garbage.

I asked if she had a religious objection to the vaccine, and she said she didn't.
I told her not to answer the questionnaire the way they wanted her to, because they were just trying to get her to lie.
Then I told her to write what she really thought in that big space at the bottom and put the ball back in their court.

She Wrote:
"I am the number one requested maternity nurse in this region.
I work 12 hours a day and up to 6 days a week.
I have been delivering babies for over 25 years, and some of them yours.

You better figure something out, or you are going to piss some doctors off."

Short, sweet, simple ... And it worked.
She is still unvaccinated, working there, and they aren't bothering her anymore.

See she didn't quit or get fired for refusing the jab. However almost 1 in 5 did leave due to the infected over-working & infecting them.

Nearly 1 in 5 Health Care Workers Have Quit Their Jobs During the Pandemic

Only 1% of all workers overall–said they left a job because of a COVID-19 vaccine mandate from their employer
See she didn't quit or get fired for refusing the jab. However almost 1 in 5 did leave due to the infected over-working & infecting them.

I would go to bat for my neighbor the nurse, simply because she is one of the best at what she does.
In the pursuit of excellence ... Sometimes, you just leave everything in the hands of the people that know what they are doing.

She also works at a Teaching Hospital ...
Where the wealth of experience she has can actually have some additional potential value.

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When the truth comes out about these vaccines, these people are going to look like barking fools.
Lol, so what is the truth about the vaccine are vampire pedophile lizard people giving us the the mark of the beast? Or is the vax a homing mechanism for giant Jewish space lasers? Mass conspiracy by the elite s to kill us all? Is it going to turn you gay? So what is the deal ?

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