Neo nazis attack families at drag queen story hour

You're in a cult.
You're in a cult.

Ah. Is that bulletin point 6 or 7 in your worn out little hand book?

It's a handy phrase to throw out there and done more often than ever, isn't it? People are growing very tired of the outlandish acts and words of the far left in this country. It's our country too and it's about time the looneys of the left are reminded of this.
Religious leaders want them all to themselves.

Those who continually finger point at the clergy are trying to talk us into letting they themselves get their hands on kids. As if to say, you let the priests do it, so now you must let us do it.


Keep arguing for your millstone and, sure enough, you'll get it.

Ah. Is that bulletin point 6 or 7 in your worn out little hand book?

It's a handy phrase to throw out there and done more often than ever, isn't it? People are growing very tired of the outlandish acts and words of the far left in this country. It's our country too and it's about time the looneys of the left are reminded of this.

Now now he's an independent

Snickers and inserts eye roll here

Those who continually finger point at the clergy are trying to talk us into letting they themselves get their hands on kids. As if to say, you let the priests do it, so now you must let us do it.


Keep arguing for your millstone and, sure enough, you'll get it.


That's scary as hell.

Those who continually finger point at the clergy are trying to talk us into letting they themselves get their hands on kids. As if to say, you let the priests do it, so now you must let us do it.


Keep arguing for your millstone and, sure enough, you'll get it.

" 6But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea."

^That's Jesus' words. This drag queen queer story kid crap certainly warrants millstones and a boat ride.

Jesus was no pacifist. He whipped the money changers in the temple. Turned over their tables and commenced to whipping the crap out of them.

WWJD? Boat ride + millstone.
Its a shame they didn't have one of those flash mob Hakkas start up at the same time.
Flash mob Hakka= cool!
Neo Nazis=uncool!
Its fun watching conservatives both defend the same group that they called the Feds, Antifa among other things....

Why feel the need to defend the FBI? just because they are harassing fags? Who else would you ally with if you think are going against "fags"??

oh I know, muslims...


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