Neo Nazis in court

What is good about these people ?
They love their country, heritage, and culture; and seek to preserve it. What's not to like? The problem with you self proclaimed lovers of "diversity", is that you don't love diversity. You actively engage in promotions, and practices that can result in only one outcome... The elimination of diversity.
If one of you fuckers owned a paint shop the first thing you'd do; is dump every can in the shop into on giant vat, and mix it. Then you'd try and sell it as the the most "superior paint on the market". While many dumb bastards might buy it. The rest would simply see if for what it is...
Hitler "loved" his country apparently. Jewish people have lived in the UK forever. Its their country too. Loving your country isnt about hating people who live there, or killing our MPs.
Forever? No... And traitors deserve death. It's a patriots duty.
I am not suggesting that they deserve a death penalty. They just need to be put where they cannot cause mischief.
And now that the MP is dead, he'll cause no further mischief. Nor is he costing rest of society one red penny. His cancerous influence has also been removed from the body of public influence. They've done well. Indeed a great service to their people. Martyrs really.

Well Jo Cox was a woman. There are other outcomes from her assassination.

She will also miss watching her children grow up and they will miss their mother.


Here they are wearing protective vests at their mothers memorial service. No doubt when they are old enough they will appreciate the wisdom of your sentiments.
What crime did they commit? I don't get it.
They were planning a race war and were members of a banned organisation.

I bet you ten bucks that the "plan" was literally a harmless ironic joke.. There's something important missing from leftist brains, it renders you incapable of deciphering truth from fiction. That deficiency is what makes you such useful idiots for the establishment.
Everything is cyclical and right now we are seeing more alt right slime coming out from under their rocks.

All we can do is keep fighting them.


You occupy the space under the rucks now.

These guys just kept fighting you...and they won.

Suck on it.
British soldiers appear in court charged with 'neo-Nazi' terror offences

The same group that assassinated Jo Cox MP. Worrying times.

Where is your evidence, Tammy? AFAIK There is no evidence that the murderer of Jo Cox had any association with this group at all before the murder.
Neo-Nazi group National Action banned by UK home secretary

National Action has held demonstrations in UK cities with banners that say “Hitler was right”, and speakers have been filmed telling a small group of supporters about “the disease of international Jewry” and that “when the time comes they’ll be in the chambers”.

The group has also been filmed training supporters in hand-to-hand combat, and putting up posters across Liverpool and Newbury declaring them “white zones”. The slogan on its website is “Death to traitors, freedom for Britain,” which was the only statement given in court by Cox’s murderer, Thomas Mair.
What crime did they commit? I don't get it.
They were planning a race war and were members of a banned organisation.
The tiny group were unknown to 99.99999999% of the population until the gvmnt handed them instant notoriety on a plate by banning them. They had about 40 people max turn up at 'events' - now they probably have more kudos.

Since they haven't actually DONE anything, apart from put up silly signs that say 'white area' ( just like the Muslims who put up signs saying 'shariah controlled area') the gvmnt has declared thoughts and views illegal.

I guess it won't be long before they will be having to apply the same illegal status to a great many muslims, mosques and Islamic schools in the UK, since they are by and large anti Semitic also.

Oh, and maybe ban the Labour Party, since they too are riddled with anti semitism. This could become very Orwellian, couldn't It Tammy?
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British soldiers appear in court charged with 'neo-Nazi' terror offences

The same group that assassinated Jo Cox MP. Worrying times.

Where is your evidence, Tammy? AFAIK There is no evidence that the murderer of Jo Cox had any association with this group at all before the murder.
Neo-Nazi group National Action banned by UK home secretary

National Action has held demonstrations in UK cities with banners that say “Hitler was right”, and speakers have been filmed telling a small group of supporters about “the disease of international Jewry” and that “when the time comes they’ll be in the chambers”.

The group has also been filmed training supporters in hand-to-hand combat, and putting up posters across Liverpool and Newbury declaring them “white zones”. The slogan on its website is “Death to traitors, freedom for Britain,” which was the only statement given in court by Cox’s murderer, Thomas Mair.
They adopted the slogan after hearing Mair say it at his court case, Tammy.

They are saying the same kind of things said by Islamic groups across the UK, who are also keen on putting up signs saying 'shariah only zones' and intimidating non Muslims in these areas over their clothing etc, I recall you made excuses for the Muslims doing this and said it was no biggie.

Since when was training for hand to hand combat illegal?

The gvmnt is making thoughts and free speech illegal - the thoughts and speech might be odious, but making them illegal is Orwellian.
But just up your authoritarian street, eh Tammy?
Well - that is until they start applying the same draconian crap to Islamic groups, mosques and Islamic schools - which they will now come under increasing pressure to do. Congrats!
British soldiers appear in court charged with 'neo-Nazi' terror offences

The same group that assassinated Jo Cox MP. Worrying times.

Where is your evidence, Tammy? AFAIK There is no evidence that the murderer of Jo Cox had any association with this group at all before the murder.
Neo-Nazi group National Action banned by UK home secretary

National Action has held demonstrations in UK cities with banners that say “Hitler was right”, and speakers have been filmed telling a small group of supporters about “the disease of international Jewry” and that “when the time comes they’ll be in the chambers”.

The group has also been filmed training supporters in hand-to-hand combat, and putting up posters across Liverpool and Newbury declaring them “white zones”. The slogan on its website is “Death to traitors, freedom for Britain,” which was the only statement given in court by Cox’s murderer, Thomas Mair.
They adopted the slogan after hearing Mair say it at his court case, Tammy.

They are saying the same kind of things said by Islamic groups across the UK, who are also keen on putting up signs saying 'shariah only zones' and intimidating non Muslims in these areas over their clothing etc, I recall you made excuses for the Muslims doing this and said it was no biggie.

Since when was training for hand to hand combat illegal?

The gvmnt is making thoughts and free speech illegal - the thoughts and speech might be odious, but making them illegal is Orwellian.
But just up your authoritarian street, eh Tammy?
Well - that is until they start applying the same draconian crap to Islamic groups, mosques and Islamic schools - which they will now come under increasing pressure to. Congrats!
No it was the other way around.
What crime did they commit? I don't get it.
They were planning a race war and were members of a banned organisation.
The tiny group were unknown to 99.99999999% of the population until the gvmnt handed them instant notoriety on a plate by banning them. They had about 40 people max turn up at 'events' - now they probably have more kudos.

Since they haven't actually DONE anything, apart from put up silly signs that say 'white area' ( just like the Muslims who put up signs saying 'shariah controlled area') the gvmnt has declared thoughts and views illegal.

I guess it won't be long before they will be having to apply the same illegal status to a great many muslims, mosques and Islamic schools in the UK, since they are by and large anti Semitic also.

Oh, and maybe ban the Labour Party, since they too are riddled with anti semitism. This could become very Orwellian, couldn't It Tammy?
If that is the case they will get off. Lets see what the prosecution has.
British soldiers appear in court charged with 'neo-Nazi' terror offences

The same group that assassinated Jo Cox MP. Worrying times.

Where is your evidence, Tammy? AFAIK There is no evidence that the murderer of Jo Cox had any association with this group at all before the murder.
Neo-Nazi group National Action banned by UK home secretary

National Action has held demonstrations in UK cities with banners that say “Hitler was right”, and speakers have been filmed telling a small group of supporters about “the disease of international Jewry” and that “when the time comes they’ll be in the chambers”.

The group has also been filmed training supporters in hand-to-hand combat, and putting up posters across Liverpool and Newbury declaring them “white zones”. The slogan on its website is “Death to traitors, freedom for Britain,” which was the only statement given in court by Cox’s murderer, Thomas Mair.
They adopted the slogan after hearing Mair say it at his court case, Tammy.

They are saying the same kind of things said by Islamic groups across the UK, who are also keen on putting up signs saying 'shariah only zones' and intimidating non Muslims in these areas over their clothing etc, I recall you made excuses for the Muslims doing this and said it was no biggie.

Since when was training for hand to hand combat illegal?

The gvmnt is making thoughts and free speech illegal - the thoughts and speech might be odious, but making them illegal is Orwellian.
But just up your authoritarian street, eh Tammy?
Well - that is until they start applying the same draconian crap to Islamic groups, mosques and Islamic schools - which they will now come under increasing pressure to. Congrats!
No it was the other way around.
No it wasn't. The only connection with the loner Mair and this group is that they adopted the statement Mair made in court to demonstrate their support of him.
What crime did they commit? I don't get it.
They were planning a race war and were members of a banned organisation.
The tiny group were unknown to 99.99999999% of the population until the gvmnt handed them instant notoriety on a plate by banning them. They had about 40 people max turn up at 'events' - now they probably have more kudos.

Since they haven't actually DONE anything, apart from put up silly signs that say 'white area' ( just like the Muslims who put up signs saying 'shariah controlled area') the gvmnt has declared thoughts and views illegal.

I guess it won't be long before they will be having to apply the same illegal status to a great many muslims, mosques and Islamic schools in the UK, since they are by and large anti Semitic also.

Oh, and maybe ban the Labour Party, since they too are riddled with anti semitism. This could become very Orwellian, couldn't It Tammy?
If that is the case they will get off. Lets see what the prosecution has.
But you already said they should be locked up, so I'm still waiting for you to tell me on what basis they should be locked up.
So far it seems that you believe they should be locked up for their thoughts - thoughts shared by a great many UK Muslims, and for the same words used in mosques and Islamic schools.
It's very generous of you not to want them executed though :rolleyes:
British soldiers appear in court charged with 'neo-Nazi' terror offences

The same group that assassinated Jo Cox MP. Worrying times.
Why doesn't the issue of the Labour Party and Muslim antisemitism in the UK also constitute 'worrying times' to you, dear Tammy?
Why is it only 'worrying' to you when the anti Semites are white British? Why are you such a flaming shameless hypocrite?

Labour’s anti-Semitism problem stems from its grassroots

....The modern Labour party claims to be an anti-racist movement, but because of demographic changes in the UK in certain areas it has to run on a covertly racist ticket. Try getting elected in Bradford as a Jew or a philo-Semite. And what exactly do people think the voters of Bradford West want? This is a constituency that voted for George Galloway even after everything one needed to know about Galloway was known. It is a constituency which he, while the local MP, declared an ‘Israel-free zone’ and where journalists of Jewish appearance or name were physically assaulted. Is it an accident that David Ward (remember him?) of the Lib Dems represented Bradford East?

Why did that happen? The simple reason is, as Mehdi Hasan once said, that anti-Semitism among Britain’s Muslim communities is ‘routine and commonplace.’ It is, as Mehdi said, the ‘dirty little secret’ of Britain’s Muslims. Numerous polls have shown a glimpse of the same thing. And that, right there, is Labour’s problem: the more Muslims you have, the more anti-Semitism you have. Of course the party will not admit this. Not least because it goes directly against New Labour’s policy of mass immigration. The architects of that grand policy in the late 1990s thought that the more people you brought into Britain the more ‘diverse’, ‘vibrant’ and ‘tolerant’ our society would become. Instead they have imported, among other things, a new generation of racists....

Labour’s anti-Semitism problem stems from its grassroots | Coffee House
British soldiers appear in court charged with 'neo-Nazi' terror offences

The same group that assassinated Jo Cox MP. Worrying times.

Where is your evidence, Tammy? AFAIK There is no evidence that the murderer of Jo Cox had any association with this group at all before the murder.
Neo-Nazi group National Action banned by UK home secretary

National Action has held demonstrations in UK cities with banners that say “Hitler was right”, and speakers have been filmed telling a small group of supporters about “the disease of international Jewry” and that “when the time comes they’ll be in the chambers”.

The group has also been filmed training supporters in hand-to-hand combat, and putting up posters across Liverpool and Newbury declaring them “white zones”. The slogan on its website is “Death to traitors, freedom for Britain,” which was the only statement given in court by Cox’s murderer, Thomas Mair.
If you mean Newbury Berkshire, I was there for a couple of weeks on my boat until a only few days ago. Quite a nice place, but I saw more or less only white people there. Is that the Newbury you mean?
British soldiers appear in court charged with 'neo-Nazi' terror offences

The same group that assassinated Jo Cox MP. Worrying times.
Why doesn't the issue of the Labour Party and Muslim antisemitism in the UK also constitute 'worrying times' to you, dear Tammy?
Why is it only 'worrying' to you when the anti Semites are white British? Why are you such a flaming shameless hypocrite?

Labour’s anti-Semitism problem stems from its grassroots

....The modern Labour party claims to be an anti-racist movement, but because of demographic changes in the UK in certain areas it has to run on a covertly racist ticket. Try getting elected in Bradford as a Jew or a philo-Semite. And what exactly do people think the voters of Bradford West want? This is a constituency that voted for George Galloway even after everything one needed to know about Galloway was known. It is a constituency which he, while the local MP, declared an ‘Israel-free zone’ and where journalists of Jewish appearance or name were physically assaulted. Is it an accident that David Ward (remember him?) of the Lib Dems represented Bradford East?

Why did that happen? The simple reason is, as Mehdi Hasan once said, that anti-Semitism among Britain’s Muslim communities is ‘routine and commonplace.’ It is, as Mehdi said, the ‘dirty little secret’ of Britain’s Muslims. Numerous polls have shown a glimpse of the same thing. And that, right there, is Labour’s problem: the more Muslims you have, the more anti-Semitism you have. Of course the party will not admit this. Not least because it goes directly against New Labour’s policy of mass immigration. The architects of that grand policy in the late 1990s thought that the more people you brought into Britain the more ‘diverse’, ‘vibrant’ and ‘tolerant’ our society would become. Instead they have imported, among other things, a new generation of racists....

Labour’s anti-Semitism problem stems from its grassroots | Coffee House

Aah, Douglas Murray strikes again, writing drivel for the neo-con publication, the Spectator...bad things about the Labour Party, gosh what a surprise. :rolleyes:

Just curious why you are pushing your Islamophobic agenda on a thread about neo-Nazis in the British army?
National Action has held demonstrations in UK cities with banners that say “Hitler was right”, and speakers have been filmed telling a small group of supporters about “the disease of international Jewry” and that “when the time comes they’ll be in the chambers”.
And yet you vote for the antisemitic Labour Party.
British soldiers appear in court charged with 'neo-Nazi' terror offences

The same group that assassinated Jo Cox MP. Worrying times.

Where is your evidence, Tammy? AFAIK There is no evidence that the murderer of Jo Cox had any association with this group at all before the murder.
Neo-Nazi group National Action banned by UK home secretary

National Action has held demonstrations in UK cities with banners that say “Hitler was right”, and speakers have been filmed telling a small group of supporters about “the disease of international Jewry” and that “when the time comes they’ll be in the chambers”.

The group has also been filmed training supporters in hand-to-hand combat, and putting up posters across Liverpool and Newbury declaring them “white zones”. The slogan on its website is “Death to traitors, freedom for Britain,” which was the only statement given in court by Cox’s murderer, Thomas Mair.
They adopted the slogan after hearing Mair say it at his court case, Tammy.

They are saying the same kind of things said by Islamic groups across the UK, who are also keen on putting up signs saying 'shariah only zones' and intimidating non Muslims in these areas over their clothing etc, I recall you made excuses for the Muslims doing this and said it was no biggie.

Since when was training for hand to hand combat illegal?

The gvmnt is making thoughts and free speech illegal - the thoughts and speech might be odious, but making them illegal is Orwellian.
But just up your authoritarian street, eh Tammy?
Well - that is until they start applying the same draconian crap to Islamic groups, mosques and Islamic schools - which they will now come under increasing pressure to. Congrats!
No it was the other way around.
No it wasn't. The only connection with the loner Mair and this group is that they adopted the statement Mair made in court to demonstrate their support of him.
I will take your word for it Tilly. I cant be arsed delving into that cess pit.
What crime did they commit? I don't get it.
They were planning a race war and were members of a banned organisation.
The tiny group were unknown to 99.99999999% of the population until the gvmnt handed them instant notoriety on a plate by banning them. They had about 40 people max turn up at 'events' - now they probably have more kudos.

Since they haven't actually DONE anything, apart from put up silly signs that say 'white area' ( just like the Muslims who put up signs saying 'shariah controlled area') the gvmnt has declared thoughts and views illegal.

I guess it won't be long before they will be having to apply the same illegal status to a great many muslims, mosques and Islamic schools in the UK, since they are by and large anti Semitic also.

Oh, and maybe ban the Labour Party, since they too are riddled with anti semitism. This could become very Orwellian, couldn't It Tammy?
It already is Orwellian and has been for centuries.

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