Neocons set to make big comeback!

Liberals didn't think Iraq and Afghanistan were evil enough to eliminate but now they have to admit North Korea is evil enough to eliminate. But, look at the years and years of Star Wars development we lost thanks to the liberal peace freaks!

Liberals wanted to pretend there was no evil in the world and if there was it was the USA (that's why they spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb). Now, for all their liberal brilliance we all have to contend with nuclear weapons aimed at us in the hands of a maniac.

Maybe we should just wait another ten years and hope their missiles and bombs get worse rather than better!! It's the liberal way!!

And the parody of brilliance continues!

One issue to deal with, though: why did not Bush take care of it as he said he would instead of leaving it with us.
They don't. He's just babbling nonsense. I wouldn't waste my time replying.

Well dear, Jefferson conceived of America as an empire of liberty. Had we let neocons build that empire over treasonous liberal opposition we would not have had world wars and now be facing nuclear threats from the Axis of evil!!

Jefferson was in no possible way a neocon.

As I said he conceived of America as an empire of liberty. But, he was a intellectual neocon, i.e., he thought the benefits of the Republican conservative revolutions in the USA and France( which he supported no matter how bloody) would be so obvious that with a little persuasion the world would follow along without continuous revolution and war.

He had no idea that a cancerous liberalism would ascend and almost prevail even after slowly starving 100 million to death in the USSR and China. At least he hoped conservatism would prevail despite what he had seen from studying all of history.

"The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground".-Jefferson
Well dear, Jefferson conceived of America as an empire of liberty. Had we let neocons build that empire over treasonous liberal opposition we would not have had world wars and now be facing nuclear threats from the Axis of evil!!

Jefferson was in no possible way a neocon.

As I said he conceived of America as an empire of liberty. But, he was a intellectual neocon, i.e., he thought the benefits of the Republican conservative revolutions in the USA and France( which he supported no matter how bloody) would be so obvious that with a little persuasion the world would follow along without continuous revolution and war.

He had no idea that a cancerous liberalism would ascend and almost prevail even after slowly starving 100 million to death in the USSR and China. At least he hoped conservatism would prevail despite what he had seen from studying all of history.

"The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground".-Jefferson

You don't know what neocon means.
Jefferson was in no possible way a neocon.

As I said he conceived of America as an empire of liberty. But, he was a intellectual neocon, i.e., he thought the benefits of the Republican conservative revolutions in the USA and France( which he supported no matter how bloody) would be so obvious that with a little persuasion the world would follow along without continuous revolution and war.

He had no idea that a cancerous liberalism would ascend and almost prevail even after slowly starving 100 million to death in the USSR and China. At least he hoped conservatism would prevail despite what he had seen from studying all of history.

"The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground".-Jefferson

You don't know what neocon means.

would you consider presenting a reason for your feeling?????????
As I said he conceived of America as an empire of liberty. But, he was a intellectual neocon, i.e., he thought the benefits of the Republican conservative revolutions in the USA and France( which he supported no matter how bloody) would be so obvious that with a little persuasion the world would follow along without continuous revolution and war.

He had no idea that a cancerous liberalism would ascend and almost prevail even after slowly starving 100 million to death in the USSR and China. At least he hoped conservatism would prevail despite what he had seen from studying all of history.

"The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground".-Jefferson

You don't know what neocon means.

would you consider presenting a reason for your feeling?????????

I already did. Go back to post #59
But who said they have to use a missile to deliver a nuclear device? There are a number of ways to bring a nuclear weapon into the US which in my opinion is much more likely to be successful that a 6,000 to 7,000 mile missile shot.

So the preemptive war Bush doctrine is still alive & well. I guess we had best get to invading them then.

The problem is what to do with them after we take out their leader & take away their nukes. Have we gained anything? North Korea is a worthless piece of dirt. Long costly nation-building wars suck. With Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Iraq & Iran we at least gain oil reserves or critical oil routes.


I guess this means that we ought to invade Canada, huh?

Canadian oil has expensive to extract low EROEI oil unlike the Middle East which has cheaply extracted high EROEI oil. Canada freely sells us oil, so invading them gains us nothing. Mid East oil holds prices down.
The only potential problem is whether we have the capacity to defend ourselves after decades of libturds dragging their feet on defense!!

:lol: Get a dictionary :cuckoo:

Invading a country that has not attacked is not defense! It is an offensive war.

Do you even have a functioning brain cell?

Why launch an offensive attack unless they have something you want to take? Unlike the Mid-East, North Korea has no oil, pipeline trade routes or anything else we need. Would you spend money & risk life to rob a bank that you know has no money? If the empty bank armed itself, would that make it worth attacking even more? :cuckoo:
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Liberals didn't think Iraq and Afghanistan were evil enough to eliminate but now they have to admit North Korea is evil enough to eliminate. But, look at the years and years of Star Wars development we lost thanks to the liberal peace freaks!

Liberals wanted to pretend there was no evil in the world and if there was it was the USA (that's why they spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb). Now, for all their liberal brilliance we all have to contend with nuclear weapons aimed at us in the hands of a maniac.

Maybe we should just wait another ten years and hope their missiles and bombs get worse rather than better!! It's the liberal way!!

Well, the problem is that we did not get together and sing Kumbaya. Also, Dennis Rodman is on it, so we should be safe. Also, aren't you forgetting that Obama can do no wrong? And if we get Hillary then there's eight more years of guaranteed bliss. So, we're good.
I already did. Go back to post #59

why not tell me here??

So do you keep a small refrigerator by your sofa for beer because you're too lazy to walk to the kitchen?

too stupid!! libturds always think the
won arguments and made good points, but we all know liberalism is based on pure ignorance. Easy to prove: please say something intelligent in support of liberalism. See??

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