Neocons set to make big comeback!

That's certainly true, however I don't see much we could have done to keep North Korea from developing a nuclear weapon short of doing what we did in Iraq.

too stupid!! We could have attacked just like we did in Iraq but then left immediately after destroying 100% of the the military infrastructure and perhaps taking or killing the major scientists.
Neocons can lead the way!! Liberals are too cowardly to do what ought to be done.
If you are talking about an all out war with nuclear weapons involved, it could cost us a lot more than a couple of tenths off our GDP. There are 30,000 US servicemen in Korea and Korea is our 6th largest trading partner.

If hostilities breakout, it will escalate rapidly with the huge amount of military resources concentrated in the area. Most authorities seem to agree that North Korea will run out of supplies rapidly without China supplying them which seems unlikely. To think the North Koreans would just give up while they still have a nuclear capability is wishful thinking.

There is nothing to be gained by attacking North Korea other than hurting China & Asia harder than US. China would be foolish not to fix that mess before it comes to that. War is hell & 7 doctors were killed to day in Afghanistan, 6 of those were US doctors. The best way to take out North Korea is to bomb the shit out of their military power parade displays. We could kill a million of their leaders, soldiers & supporters in one shot. The citizens could take care of the rest with a little help from the south.

There would be no winners in another Korean war. The size of Korea and the huge military presence would mean a huge loss of life and property. The US should continue to tighten sanctions against North Korea and keep pressuring China to intercede. North Korea is becoming weaker not stronger. Building and testing a nuclear weapon takes little resources compared to fighting a war.

North Korea is a giant concentration camp. Where are the sincere bleeding heart lberals? They are only in America looking for more and more welfare from the rich who they hate so much!
Talk about disgusting.
Maybe we should stop attacking people because they might attack us.

I know that sounds radical to a neocon, but neocons lost touch with reality long, long ago.
No doubt....them and their Monroe Doctrine they can get everyone else to sacrifice their kids....while the Neocons are throwing their weight around....

That's certainly true, however I don't see much we could have done to keep North Korea from developing a nuclear weapon short of doing what we did in Iraq.

too stupid!! We could have attacked just like we did in Iraq but then left immediately after destroying 100% of the the military infrastructure and perhaps taking or killing the major scientists.
Neocons can lead the way!! Liberals are too cowardly to do what ought to be done.
And 700,000 NK troops would pour across the DMZ accompanied by Scud missiles and several thousand tanks to meet 500,000 South Korean, 30,000 US troops, 5,000 tanks, and thousands of missiles.

Yeah, that would be a real smart move.
That's certainly true, however I don't see much we could have done to keep North Korea from developing a nuclear weapon short of doing what we did in Iraq.

too stupid!! We could have attacked just like we did in Iraq but then left immediately after destroying 100% of the the military infrastructure and perhaps taking or killing the major scientists.
Neocons can lead the way!! Liberals are too cowardly to do what ought to be done.
And 700,000 NK troops would pour across the DMZ accompanied by Scud missiles and several thousand tanks to meet 500,000 South Korean, 30,000 US troops, 5,000 tanks, and thousands of missiles.

Yeah, that would be a real smart move.

thats why neo cons alway want to attack before they get nukes and missiles, while liberals are always cowardly!!
Liberals didn't think Iraq and Afghanistan were evil enough to eliminate but now they have to admit North Korea is evil enough to eliminate. But, look at the years and years of Star Wars development we lost thanks to the liberal peace freaks!

Liberals wanted to pretend there was no evil in the world and if there was it was the USA (that's why they spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb). Now, for all their liberal brilliance we all have to contend with nuclear weapons aimed at us in the hands of a maniac.

Maybe we should just wait another ten years and hope their missiles and bombs get worse rather than better!! It's the liberal way!!

I don't understand how your post supports your title for the thread.
Liberals didn't think Iraq and Afghanistan were evil enough to eliminate but now they have to admit North Korea is evil enough to eliminate. But, look at the years and years of Star Wars development we lost thanks to the liberal peace freaks!

Liberals wanted to pretend there was no evil in the world and if there was it was the USA (that's why they spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb). Now, for all their liberal brilliance we all have to contend with nuclear weapons aimed at us in the hands of a maniac.

Maybe we should just wait another ten years and hope their missiles and bombs get worse rather than better!! It's the liberal way!!

I don't understand how your post supports your title for the thread.

we're getting to a point with the Iran, North Korea axis of evil where the neo con bravery of our troops may be needed to save our lives.

Liberals spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb so who would trust them to save us? They would probably join the other side.
Liberals didn't think Iraq and Afghanistan were evil enough to eliminate but now they have to admit North Korea is evil enough to eliminate. But, look at the years and years of Star Wars development we lost thanks to the liberal peace freaks!

Liberals wanted to pretend there was no evil in the world and if there was it was the USA (that's why they spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb). Now, for all their liberal brilliance we all have to contend with nuclear weapons aimed at us in the hands of a maniac.

Maybe we should just wait another ten years and hope their missiles and bombs get worse rather than better!! It's the liberal way!!

I don't understand how your post supports your title for the thread.

we're getting to a point with the Iran, North Korea axis of evil where the neo con bravery of our troops may be needed to save our lives.

Liberals spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb so who would trust them to save us? They would probably join the other side.

Sorry, but I wasn't very specific. I understand that part, what I don't understand is the use of the word "neocon." Was it meant tongue in cheek?
I don't understand how your post supports your title for the thread.

we're getting to a point with the Iran, North Korea axis of evil where the neo con bravery of our troops may be needed to save our lives.

Liberals spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb so who would trust them to save us? They would probably join the other side.

Sorry, but I wasn't very specific. I understand that part, what I don't understand is the use of the word "neocon." Was it meant tongue in cheek?

dear, neo cons were the ones who had the courage to take on Iraq and Afghanistan and they are the ones with the courage to take on
Iran and North Korea.

Liberals spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb so we would not want to count on them to defend us would we??
No I think we should wait ten years until their bombs and missiles are much improved. And then we can handle Iran too! Its always better to put off today what you can do tomorrow!!

Why would you want to use preemptive war against a country that has no oil? :cuckoo: Talk about pissing off people creating more enemies, pissing away money with no chance of any beneficial pay-back. :cuckoo:

Trying to reason with Special Ed is like trying to teach Shakespeare to a banana slug. That's why I have him on ignore.

The quality of insights Edmund brings to the table are not typically available without taking risks associated with getting close enough to hear homeless folks off their meds discussing issues of the day.

Okay, Fox News can get close with Hannity and Huckleberry.
EdwardBaiamonte just wants more big government spending.

Our missile defense will shoot down anything North Korea can launch. If they are stupid enough to launch a nuke for us to shoot down, it will be at their peril. We will vaporize their entire country.
But who said they have to use a missile to deliver a nuclear device? There are a number of ways to bring a nuclear weapon into the US which in my opinion is much more likely to be successful that a 6,000 to 7,000 mile missile shot.

So the preemptive war Bush doctrine is still alive & well. I guess we had best get to invading them then.

The problem is what to do with them after we take out their leader & take away their nukes. Have we gained anything? North Korea is a worthless piece of dirt. Long costly nation-building wars suck. With Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Iraq & Iran we at least gain oil reserves or critical oil routes.


I guess this means that we ought to invade Canada, huh?
So you can hardly wait to see the first bombs fall.

No I think we should wait ten years until their bombs and missiles are much improved. And then we can handle Iran too! Its always better to put off today what you can do tomorrow!!

Why would you want to use preemptive war against a country that has no oil? :cuckoo: Talk about pissing off people creating more enemies, pissing away money with no chance of any beneficial pay-back. :cuckoo:

Dear, the payback is they wouldn't get to nuke us as they are threatening!!

Is that simple logic really over the liberals head!!
Why would you want to use preemptive war against a country that has no oil? :cuckoo: Talk about pissing off people creating more enemies, pissing away money with no chance of any beneficial pay-back. :cuckoo:

Trying to reason with Special Ed is like trying to teach Shakespeare to a banana slug. That's why I have him on ignore.

The quality of insights Edmund brings to the table are not typically available without taking risks associated with getting close enough to hear homeless folks off their meds discussing issues of the day.

Okay, Fox News can get close with Hannity and Huckleberry.

Ad hominem from typical, violent liberal without IQ for substance.
Neocons set to make big comeback!

That’s bad news for some innocent, unsuspecting country soon to be subject to neo-con ‘nation-building,’ and the countless Americans who will needlessly die as a consequence.

But neo-cons will have their Empire, regardless the cost in treasure and blood.
Neocons set to make big comeback!

That’s bad news for some innocent, unsuspecting country soon to be subject to neo-con ‘nation-building,’ and the countless Americans who will needlessly die as a consequence.

But neo-cons will have their Empire, regardless the cost in treasure and blood.
Well dear, Jefferson conceived of America as an empire of liberty. Had we let neocons build that empire over treasonous liberal opposition we would not have had world wars and now be facing nuclear threats from the Axis of evil!!
Liberals didn't think Iraq and Afghanistan were evil enough to eliminate but now they have to admit North Korea is evil enough to eliminate. But, look at the years and years of Star Wars development we lost thanks to the liberal peace freaks!

Liberals wanted to pretend there was no evil in the world and if there was it was the USA (that's why they spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb). Now, for all their liberal brilliance we all have to contend with nuclear weapons aimed at us in the hands of a maniac.

Maybe we should just wait another ten years and hope their missiles and bombs get worse rather than better!! It's the liberal way!!

I don't understand how your post supports your title for the thread.
They don't. He's just babbling nonsense. I wouldn't waste my time replying.
Liberals didn't think Iraq and Afghanistan were evil enough to eliminate but now they have to admit North Korea is evil enough to eliminate. But, look at the years and years of Star Wars development we lost thanks to the liberal peace freaks!

Liberals wanted to pretend there was no evil in the world and if there was it was the USA (that's why they spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb). Now, for all their liberal brilliance we all have to contend with nuclear weapons aimed at us in the hands of a maniac.

Maybe we should just wait another ten years and hope their missiles and bombs get worse rather than better!! It's the liberal way!!

I don't understand how your post supports your title for the thread.
They don't. He's just babbling nonsense. I wouldn't waste my time replying.

Well dear, Jefferson conceived of America as an empire of liberty. Had we let neocons build that empire over treasonous liberal opposition we would not have had world wars and now be facing nuclear threats from the Axis of evil!!
we're getting to a point with the Iran, North Korea axis of evil where the neo con bravery of our troops may be needed to save our lives.

Liberals spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb so who would trust them to save us? They would probably join the other side.

Sorry, but I wasn't very specific. I understand that part, what I don't understand is the use of the word "neocon." Was it meant tongue in cheek?

dear, neo cons were the ones who had the courage to take on Iraq and Afghanistan and they are the ones with the courage to take on
Iran and North Korea.

Liberals spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb so we would not want to count on them to defend us would we??

Let's back up. A neocon is a supporter of big government who supports using the military to spread democracy.

I'm not clear that spreading democracy was their objective originally in Iraq or Afghanistan or at all in Iran or North Korea and I'm not sure they are generally big government spenders. Certainly W was. But he had support from a lot of fiscal conservatives as well who are by definition not neocons.

Obama is a big government spender and he may not have ran as a neocon, but he's certainly led as one toppling Qadaffi and supporting the Arab Spring.

Again it's your use of the word "neocon" that's confusing me.
I don't understand how your post supports your title for the thread.
They don't. He's just babbling nonsense. I wouldn't waste my time replying.

Well dear, Jefferson conceived of America as an empire of liberty. Had we let neocons build that empire over treasonous liberal opposition we would not have had world wars and now be facing nuclear threats from the Axis of evil!!

Jefferson was in no possible way a neocon.

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