NeoLiberalism And Its Devastating Effect On Black Citizens


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.The NeoLiberals are the chest-pounding moral elitists who call anyone not behind the fake Critical Race Theory, racists.

This poster, a stereotypically perfect example:

“…blacks being massacred by cops all around this country…” post 47

You need read none of his other posts to be able to discern his views on America, Republicans, reparations, right down to censoring speech and microaggressions.

2. In his essay DO BLACK PEOPLE ENJOY BEING TOLD THEY ARE WEAK AND DUMB? THE ELECT HOPE SO” @, Professor John McWhorter describes many of this sort.

“Given the buzzwords, the period of composition, and current practice at such schools nationwide, we are reasonable to assume that the program [the neoLiberals are ] espousing will include excusing black students from real standards, teaching students to distrust one another across racial boundaries, narrowing scholastic coverage to “center” issues of oppression and inequity, “decentering,” well, just plain school as “too white,” assigning KenDiAngelonian texts as scripture, and creating an atmosphere where students and teachers are afraid to take issue with any of this because they don’t want to be rhetorically roasted alive and socially excommunicated.

And (their) position is “If parents don’t like what we’re doing they can go f**k themselves. We’re right and they’re wrong.”

[The neoLiberal] despite his sport coats and probably pacific demeanor, is a zealot….today’s “antiracism” is a higher morality these “Nice White People” are too benighted to understand (although quite a few of them are South Asian and African, but never mind).”

3. McWhorter explains
"Why do so many of us (blacks) accept this condescension as a compliment, almost enjoying being told we are too dumb to be truly educated, to be specific, or to be subject to genuine competition? Psychology has an answer to this question: a personal trait called the tendency for interpersonal victimhood, or an embrace of victimhood status.

In a word, there are people who exaggerate the degree of their victimhood, and by extension, groups of people who do. For clinical details, this article is useful; I also recommend this overview. There is a whole literature on this syndrome.

The syndrome manifests itself according to these four facets:

1) Constantly seeking recognition of one’s victimhood

2) Frequently ruminating about past discrimination

3) A sense of moral elitism, as a way to maintain a positive self-image

4) Lack of empathy for the pain and suffering of others”
4. By now, most know that the Democrat Party will say anything and do anything to keep black Americans voting for them. Convincing said voters that they are victims and need the backing of the Democrats to survive is a major theme….and far too many actually believe this.

“The constant seeking of recognition as a victim – i.e. beyond what reality would lead one to expect – is, unfortunately, most writing on race today: the guilty sense you may have that racism exists but a great many thinkers exaggerate about it is stimulated by this facet of the victimhood identity. Too, the sense one may have that black people resist the basic coping strategy of getting beyond the past is due to the ruminating aspect.

The moral elitism is behind the essentialization of whites as a monolithic clump of evil (with whites like Robin DiAngelo encouraging it), while the lack of empathy for others’ suffering comes out in, for example, indignation that Asians battle the discrimination against them in elite university admissions policies, the idea being that it is “racist” for them to resist this bias because it benefits black admits.”

Yet, if one asks the ‘victims’ or their white Liberal protagonists to give examples of white racism, systemic racism, white privilege, they are stumped.
All communities that have a strong desire to be victims, are very easily manipulated.
5. “What causes a person to embrace the victimhood mindset?
What is called anxious attachment, stemming from doubts about one’s social value….psychologists specify that the victimhood mindset need not come from actual victimhood: … one can be socialized into embracing the victimhood mindset because, on a day to day level, it can function as a source of comfort and even belonging.

…focus on what a person, or a people, gain from letting go of the temptations of this victimhood mindset.

“What if we all learned at a young age that our traumas don’t have to define us? That it’s possible to have experienced a trauma and for victimhood to not form the core of our identity? That it’s even possible to grow from trauma, to become a better person, to use the experiences we’ve had in our lives toward working to instill hope and possibility to others who were in a similar situation?

What if we all learned that it’s possible to have healthy pride for an in-group without having out-group hate?”

A neoliberal “reads such a thing and glumly shakes his head. …humanistic wisdom is exactly what a [neoliberal] is opposed to, because it isn’t about showing that you aren’t a racist.

A [neoLiberal] wants black people to embrace a victimhood mindset because it makes him feel anointed.” DO BLACK PEOPLE ENJOY BEING TOLD THEY ARE WEAK AND DUMB? THE ELECT HOPE SO.

A pretty good description of our Democrat posters.
6. “Black people, black parents, black students, must understand the nature of this victimhood mindset, the fact that we suffer from it disproportionately, and get out from under it, whether [neoLiberals] likes it or not.
We must get past the idea that for the descendants of African slaves and only us, studied defeatism is a strategy for success and contentment.”

7. The neoLiberals will fight tooth and nail to maintain blacks in a position of victimhood, and dependency. Because...if they are not victims.....

......they don't need Democrats.


Neoliberalism rejects the welfare state, heavily promotes capitalism and defends the concentration of wealth and unequal distribution of property and natural resources.

Neoliberalism rejects the welfare state, heavily promotes capitalism and defends the concentration of wealth and unequal distribution of property and natural resources.

That's totally false, and an excellent reason why I am the only source of knowledge you will ever need.

And the only 'fact checker' as well.

NeoLiberalism is the giant step that what we called Liberals for the past several decades have finally taken the step into complete totalitarianism.

The original Liberals, more correctly called classical liberals are today's conservatives...
The Founders, classical liberals, conservatives
individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
“free markets, free voices, free people”

The Socialist Party feel so far out of favor that Communist John Dewey had them change their name to Liberal.
The Left goes under any and all of these on any given day: Liberal, Progressive, Democrat, Woke, Socialist, Nazis, Fascist, Communist, NeoLiberal, AntiRacist.....totalitarian
They are collectivists all, and believe the only rights individuals have are those that government allows them to have.
The only religion they allow is Militant Secularism.

They believe they have replaced God with themselves, and lie as a birthright.

Please never repeat the mistake of your post ever again.
1.The NeoLiberals are the chest-pounding moral elitists who call anyone not behind the fake Critical Race Theory, racists.

This poster, a stereotypically perfect example:

“…blacks being massacred by cops all around this country…” post 47

You need read none of his other posts to be able to discern his views on America, Republicans, reparations, right down to censoring speech and microaggressions.

2. In his essay DO BLACK PEOPLE ENJOY BEING TOLD THEY ARE WEAK AND DUMB? THE ELECT HOPE SO” @, Professor John McWhorter describes many of this sort.

“Given the buzzwords, the period of composition, and current practice at such schools nationwide, we are reasonable to assume that the program [the neoLiberals are ] espousing will include excusing black students from real standards, teaching students to distrust one another across racial boundaries, narrowing scholastic coverage to “center” issues of oppression and inequity, “decentering,” well, just plain school as “too white,” assigning KenDiAngelonian texts as scripture, and creating an atmosphere where students and teachers are afraid to take issue with any of this because they don’t want to be rhetorically roasted alive and socially excommunicated.

And (their) position is “If parents don’t like what we’re doing they can go f**k themselves. We’re right and they’re wrong.”

[The neoLiberal] despite his sport coats and probably pacific demeanor, is a zealot….today’s “antiracism” is a higher morality these “Nice White People” are too benighted to understand (although quite a few of them are South Asian and African, but never mind).”

3. McWhorter explains
"Why do so many of us (blacks) accept this condescension as a compliment, almost enjoying being told we are too dumb to be truly educated, to be specific, or to be subject to genuine competition? Psychology has an answer to this question: a personal trait called the tendency for interpersonal victimhood, or an embrace of victimhood status.

In a word, there are people who exaggerate the degree of their victimhood, and by extension, groups of people who do. For clinical details, this article is useful; I also recommend this overview. There is a whole literature on this syndrome.

The syndrome manifests itself according to these four facets:

1) Constantly seeking recognition of one’s victimhood

2) Frequently ruminating about past discrimination

3) A sense of moral elitism, as a way to maintain a positive self-image

4) Lack of empathy for the pain and suffering of others”

They are not neo-liberals!
They are neo-Marxists!
Please use the correct terminology.

Both require you to bend the knee and the neck to government.

The template for Western Hemisphere Neo-Marxism is Venezuela.
Divide by race, unleash political and traditional gangs, hijack elections, ignore the Constitution, then double down.

It's actually way more than 1 ".
The template for Western Hemisphere Neo-Marxism is Venezuela.
Divide by race, unleash political and traditional gangs, hijack elections, ignore the Constitution, then double down.

It's actually way more than 1 ".

They're socialists until they're strong enough to open the concentration camps and gulags.

If you have any doubt about the affinity of these groups, their designations notwithstanding, consider this:

democratic socialists singing the internationale

That's the Bolshevik theme song.....
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8. But accepting the largesse, the charity, of the neoLiberals as payment under their assumed victim status, is no longer true for all blacks.

Here’s one response:

“They Don’t Speak for Me

The need for free black thought in academia—and beyond

The world treats these “spokespeople” as the de facto experts on what you are all about; when you express a viewpoint that does not align with theirs, they and their listeners see you as an aberration or a misguided soul. Then people start to see you as inauthentic or a cautionary tale of what can happen when someone does not abide by the rules and mandates of the spokespeople.

I’m black, a professor of rhetoric, my environment is academia, and the aforementioned spokespeople are those who insist that they speak for all black academics, if not all blacks, generally.

…my colleagues and I have created Free Black Thought, a website that “seeks to represent the rich diversity of black thought beyond the relatively narrow spectrum of views promoted by mainstream outlets as defining ‘the black perspective.’”

Free Black Thought seeks to help people discover the diversity of views among people of African descent, whether they are academics, politicians, activists, artists, or entrepreneurs.” African-American Viewpoint Diversity in Academia | City Journal

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