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is this the religion forum? Aren't you trolling? at the very least you're rude.

What i believe has no impact on your daily life so mind your own business.

The Nephilim Tradition From Ancient Sumer | Ancient ...

The Nephilim Tradition From Ancient Sumer. By Willem McLoud; Archaeology & Science; 4;

The oldest literary tradition about great heroic kings claiming to have been scions of the gods dates back to the Sumerian King List in which the First Dynasty of Uruk is described as having been descended from the sun god, Utu. There are, however, myths that might even be older, myths that hold the key to gaining a
The Septuagint translation of Hebrew was well in use centuries before Jesus' time. You are suggesting that one run over a dollar in order to pick up a dime. As was pointed out......there is no problem in the Septuagint translation of Hebrew when considering the context that self defines the terms "Sons of God" and "Daughters of men" in consideration of what the term Nephilim meant when the language used defined the Nephilim in question as being MEN OF OLD, having preexisted the history recorded in Genesis 6:4...........what ever TEXT you wish to use.........Hebrew, Septuagint, Koine Greek (the common language used for centuries during New Testament times)..............the content and context defines Nephilim as "men of RENOUN"..........not physical giants but great men of stature. Even in Hebrew its an easy thing to determine that angels are spiritual beings that cannot possibly mate with humans.

Example: Jesus is quoted in the New Testament referencing the Book of Daniel................the Dead Sea Scrolls contained a complete copy of the Book of Daniel. These scrolls are dated up to 2 centuries before the time of Jesus.

The strange thing? The New Testament quotes of Jesus in referencing the Book of Daniel were written in Koine Greek. If Greek was in use via Jesus and His Apostles ...............in proving that the Book of Daniel lost nothing in translation, its good enough for anyone to use. Why? Because there is approx 1100 years between translations, before the Dead Sea Scrolls were found the oldest copy was dated 900 years after the time of Jesus........but, its proven that nothing has been lost in translation through the GREEK language when translated from Hebrew.........the Dead Sea Scrolls were copied 200 years before the time of Jesus.

Why would Father God attempt to pigeon hole and hide His Revelations to men and limit knowledge to the use of a DEAD LANGUAGE? How is the promise made to father Abraham supposed to be fulfilled in spreading the lineage of Abraham all around the globe......if knowledge is limited to a few SPECIAL FEW "men of RENOUN"?

This is much like the Roman Church hiding the actual text of the New Testament, making it illegal to record any scripture in any language except LATIN ........where it required SPECIAL TRAINING even to read the scriptures.

Beware of anyone attempting to suggest that their faith is the only one that can correctly read from the Holy Scriptures.

Daniel was written in the 2nd century BC during the reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes.

Sumerian Nephilim

The Akkadians migrated from the Arabian Peninsula.

Sumerian Nephilim. The Akkadian Empire was an empire centered in the city of Akkad in what is today ancient Iraq, or Mesopotamia.

The Akkadian state was the predecessor of Babylonia and the Assyriaian Empires. Akkad is mentioned once in Genesis 10:10: And the beginning of his (Nimrod’s) kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar ( KJV ).
This topic gets a bit involved and complex and apologies I haven't time here to go into further and essential details, but some essential skim the top points anyway.

The Hebrew Holy Book, Torah, contains what is the first five books of the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. Accounts go that about 2000 BC when Abram made his pact with YHWH, and became Abraham, resulting in the Hebrew/Jewish "Chosen People", much of their legacy was oral tradition and only became written after the time of their captivity by the Babylonians, exposure to that culture and it's written records, and these in slightly altered form would be the start of written accounts by the Hebrews/Jews; the Torah and portions later of the Old Testament;
Torah (/ˈtɔːrə, ˈtoʊrə/; Hebrew: תּוֹרָה‎, "Instruction", "Teaching" or "Law") has a range of meanings. It can most specifically mean the first five books (Pentateuch or Five Books of Moses) of the Hebrew Bible, namely (in their commonly used names) Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. This is known in the Jewish tradition as the Written Torah.

It can also mean the continued narrative from all the 24 books, from the Book of Genesis to the end of the Tanakh (Chronicles). If in bound book form, it is called Chumash, and is usually printed with the rabbinic commentaries (perushim). If meant for liturgic purposes, it takes the form of a Torah scroll (Sefer Torah), which contains strictly the five books of Moses.
From the Sumer~Akkad~Babylon culture the Hebrews/Jews acquired the basis of their scripture, a variation of that Mesopotamian cultural lineage, and what in Hebrew is called Nephilim was to the Sumers, etc. the Anunnaki. One literal translation being "Those from Heaven (Anun) came to (na) Earth(ki)". Hint being we are talking about being come down from the sky to Earth, or what might be seen now as non-terrestrial(NT) or extra-terrestrial(ET) beings.

When we consider if the Torah/OT Genesis is to be taken with any degree of truth or accuracy, allowing for limits of language and terms such that distant and low technology era and it's concepts and language had to express with, then the implication of Genesis, chapter six, verses 1-6 about the "sons of the gods"(plural in both case in original Hebrew) mating (sexual relations) with the "daughters of man" and having offspring of such coitus, then the genetic/DNA nature of both have to be closely enough related in genes and chromosome structure for sperm and egg to join.

While humans reportedly share about 98-99% common genes/DNA with our closest animal relatives, the simians/apes: chimps, gorillas, orangutans; the simian DNA is arranged in two matching strands of 24 chromosomes each, while humans have 23 chromosomes. In humans, two of the ape chromos have merged into a single, longer chromo and this would have to be the case with the NT/ET "sons of the gawds" if their coitus with human females were to produce offspring, especially ones that would also be able to reproduce via further coitus with either "gods" or humans.

Yes there is a whole huge "can of worms" implications here which complicates both the Creationist Dogma (which may have been planted with humans via those Anunnaki) and the position of the Secular/Science Evolutionists. Neither is likely to enjoy the concept of outside Intervention with natural evolutionary process here on Earth by non-Earthly beings to make reproduction with an indigenous but hybrid species possible.

As if that weren't enough of a difficult pill to digest, the back story may be further complicated via other inter-stellar events of the distant past, what I have developed into the "Geminga Scenario" which will have to wait for a later time when I have the time and energy to present.

Bottom line is that not only is there more to the story of the "Nephilim", but even more disturbing a story to human species origin and that of our starting civilizations which neither pole/extreme of conventional history, theology, and/or academics wants to acknowledge or deal with.

More later ....
This topic gets a bit involved and complex and apologies I haven't time here to go into further and essential details, but some essential skim the top points anyway.

The Hebrew Holy Book, Torah, contains what is the first five books of the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. Accounts go that about 2000 BC when Abram made his pact with YHWH, and became Abraham, resulting in the Hebrew/Jewish "Chosen People", much of their legacy was oral tradition and only became written after the time of their captivity by the Babylonians, exposure to that culture and it's written records, and these in slightly altered form would be the start of written accounts by the Hebrews/Jews; the Torah and portions later of the Old Testament;
Torah (/ˈtɔːrə, ˈtoʊrə/; Hebrew: תּוֹרָה‎, "Instruction", "Teaching" or "Law") has a range of meanings. It can most specifically mean the first five books (Pentateuch or Five Books of Moses) of the Hebrew Bible, namely (in their commonly used names) Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. This is known in the Jewish tradition as the Written Torah.

It can also mean the continued narrative from all the 24 books, from the Book of Genesis to the end of the Tanakh (Chronicles). If in bound book form, it is called Chumash, and is usually printed with the rabbinic commentaries (perushim). If meant for liturgic purposes, it takes the form of a Torah scroll (Sefer Torah), which contains strictly the five books of Moses.
From the Sumer~Akkad~Babylon culture the Hebrews/Jews acquired the basis of their scripture, a variation of that Mesopotamian cultural lineage, and what in Hebrew is called Nephilim was to the Sumers, etc. the Anunnaki. One literal translation being "Those from Heaven (Anun) came to (na) Earth(ki)". Hint being we are talking about being come down from the sky to Earth, or what might be seen now as non-terrestrial(NT) or extra-terrestrial(ET) beings.

When we consider if the Torah/OT Genesis is to be taken with any degree of truth or accuracy, allowing for limits of language and terms such that distant and low technology era and it's concepts and language had to express with, then the implication of Genesis, chapter six, verses 1-6 about the "sons of the gods"(plural in both case in original Hebrew) mating (sexual relations) with the "daughters of man" and having offspring of such coitus, then the genetic/DNA nature of both have to be closely enough related in genes and chromosome structure for sperm and egg to join.

While humans reportedly share about 98-99% common genes/DNA with our closest animal relatives, the simians/apes: chimps, gorillas, orangutans; the simian DNA is arranged in two matching strands of 24 chromosomes each, while humans have 23 chromosomes. In humans, two of the ape chromos have merged into a single, longer chromo and this would have to be the case with the NT/ET "sons of the gawds" if their coitus with human females were to produce offspring, especially ones that would also be able to reproduce via further coitus with either "gods" or humans.

Yes there is a whole huge "can of worms" implications here which complicates both the Creationist Dogma (which may have been planted with humans via those Anunnaki) and the position of the Secular/Science Evolutionists. Neither is likely to enjoy the concept of outside Intervention with natural evolutionary process here on Earth by non-Earthly beings to make reproduction with an indigenous but hybrid species possible.

As if that weren't enough of a difficult pill to digest, the back story may be further complicated via other inter-stellar events of the distant past, what I have developed into the "Geminga Scenario" which will have to wait for a later time when I have the time and energy to present.

Bottom line is that not only is there more to the story of the "Nephilim", but even more disturbing a story to human species origin and that of our starting civilizations which neither pole/extreme of conventional history, theology, and/or academics wants to acknowledge or deal with.

More later ....

Good work. I look forward to your next installment.

Yep they were called Anunnaki.. Oddly enough the Akkadians migrated from the Arabian Peninsula.

The Nephilim (/ˈnɛfɪˌlɪm/; Hebrew: נְפִילִים‎) are mysterious beings or people mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. They are large and strong; the word Nephilim is loosely translated as giants in some Bibles but left untranslated in others. Some traditional Jewish explanations interpret them as fallen angels.

So...anyone believe this? Anne Rice touched on it, I believe, with her Mayfair Witch chronicles...Taltos is what she called them. But they were from Atlantis, or supposedly from there. Still...it's an interesting concept. What about all those HUGE skeletons that have been found and debunked but maybe were NOT supposed to be debunked? Some is hogwash, but there is much we don't know. Like, the ocean still has not been fully explored. So who is to say
Nephilim weren't real?

I believe it. If you have time, here's a good video on the topic, that debunks the "Sons of Seth" view.

The guy who made the video (His channel was called FaceLikeTheSun) is no longer on YouTube, apparently they deleted his channel just like they've deleted tons of other good interesting channels and people who expose lies and speak too much truth.

But it looks like someone mirrored this video:

buttercup , I was just kinda joking. :)

But when you think about it, why wouldn't giants have big feet? What if they had really tiny feet? It would be very difficult for them to walk, like some clumsy wannabe fashion model wearing tiny high heeled shoes that are several sizes too small.

"Stryder50, post: 27573632, member: 78158"]
This topic gets a bit involved and complex and apologies I haven't time here to go into further and essential details, but some essential skim the top points anyway.

The Hebrew Holy Book, Torah, contains what is the first five books of the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. Accounts go that about 2000 BC when Abram made his pact with YHWH, and became Abraham, resulting in the Hebrew/Jewish "Chosen People", much of their legacy was oral tradition and only became written after the time of their captivity by the Babylonians, exposure to that culture and it's written records, and these in slightly altered form would be the start of written accounts by the Hebrews/Jews; the Torah and portions later of the Old Testament;
Torah (/ˈtɔːrə, ˈtoʊrə/; Hebrew: תּוֹרָה‎, "Instruction", "Teaching" or "Law") has a range of meanings. It can most specifically mean the first five books (Pentateuch or Five Books of Moses) of the Hebrew Bible, namely (in their commonly used names) Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. This is known in the Jewish tradition as the Written Torah.

It can also mean the continued narrative from all the 24 books, from the Book of Genesis to the end of the Tanakh (Chronicles). If in bound book form, it is called Chumash, and is usually printed with the rabbinic commentaries (perushim). If meant for liturgic purposes, it takes the form of a Torah scroll (Sefer Torah), which contains strictly the five books of Moses.
From the Sumer~Akkad~Babylon culture the Hebrews/Jews acquired the basis of their scripture, a variation of that Mesopotamian cultural lineage, and what in Hebrew is called Nephilim was to the Sumers, etc. the Anunnaki. One literal translation being "Those from Heaven (Anun) came to (na) Earth(ki)". Hint being we are talking about being come down from the sky to Earth, or what might be seen now as non-terrestrial(NT) or extra-terrestrial(ET) beings.

When we consider if the Torah/OT Genesis is to be taken with any degree of truth or accuracy, allowing for limits of language and terms such that distant and low technology era and it's concepts and language had to express with, then the implication of Genesis, chapter six, verses 1-6 about the "sons of the gods"(plural in both case in original Hebrew) mating (sexual relations) with the "daughters of man" and having offspring of such coitus, then the genetic/DNA nature of both have to be closely enough related in genes and chromosome structure for sperm and egg to join.

While humans reportedly share about 98-99% common genes/DNA with our closest animal relatives, the simians/apes: chimps, gorillas, orangutans; the simian DNA is arranged in two matching strands of 24 chromosomes each, while humans have 23 chromosomes. In humans, two of the ape chromos have merged into a single, longer chromo and this would have to be the case with the NT/ET "sons of the gawds" if their coitus with human females were to produce offspring, especially ones that would also be able to reproduce via further coitus with either "gods" or humans.

Yes there is a whole huge "can of worms" implications here which complicates both the Creationist Dogma (which may have been planted with humans via those Anunnaki) and the position of the Secular/Science Evolutionists. Neither is likely to enjoy the concept of outside Intervention with natural evolutionary process here on Earth by non-Earthly beings to make reproduction with an indigenous but hybrid species possible.

As if that weren't enough of a difficult pill to digest, the back story may be further complicated via other inter-stellar events of the distant past, what I have developed into the "Geminga Scenario" which will have to wait for a later time when I have the time and energy to present.

Bottom line is that not only is there more to the story of the "Nephilim", but even more disturbing a story to human species origin and that of our starting civilizations which neither pole/extreme of conventional history, theology, and/or academics wants to acknowledge or deal with.

More later ....
buttercup , I was just kinda joking. :)

But when you think about it, why wouldn't giants have big feet? What if they had really tiny feet? It would be very difficult for them to walk, like some clumsy wannabe fashion model wearing tiny high heeled shoes that are several sizes too small.

Oh, I agree, they definitely would have had big feet. lol. I've just been tired of trollish people, so the thumbing down was just the mood I was in.
Good work. I look forward to your next installment.

Yep they were called Anunnaki.. Oddly enough the Akkadians migrated from the Arabian Peninsula.
There was quite a bit of migration around that area back then. Both Iraq/Mesopotamia and Arabia being close and part of the three continent crossroads this region was.

Might do next installment later today.
There was quite a bit of migration around that area back then. Both Iraq/Mesopotamia and Arabia being close and part of the three continent crossroads this region was.

Might do next installment later today.

Make sure you flag me. The Akkadians had a written language in 3500 BC.

The Nephilim (/ˈnɛfɪˌlɪm/; Hebrew: נְפִילִים‎) are mysterious beings or people mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. They are large and strong; the word Nephilim is loosely translated as giants in some Bibles but left untranslated in others. Some traditional Jewish explanations interpret them as fallen angels.

So...anyone believe this? Anne Rice touched on it, I believe, with her Mayfair Witch chronicles...Taltos is what she called them. But they were from Atlantis, or supposedly from there. Still...it's an interesting concept. What about all those HUGE skeletons that have been found and debunked but maybe were NOT supposed to be debunked? Some is hogwash, but there is much we don't know. Like, the ocean still has not been fully explored. So who is to say
Nephilim weren't real?
Years ago when I visited Chichen Itza in Mexico. There was a ball court on the grounds, surrounded by Stone seats, the seats were so high you had to put your hands on the edges and job into them to sit down. I came to the conclusion but they were not meant for regular human beings. There was a reclining figure, if it was standing straight up it would be 12 or 14 ft tall. The game played in that courtyard was next to impossible for normal sized people to play, but very possible or larger beings. If you tried to climb the pyramid there, the steps were high and narrow. I concluded the entire place was designed for and by someone else other than human beings.

The Nephilim (/ˈnɛfɪˌlɪm/; Hebrew: נְפִילִים‎) are mysterious beings or people mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. They are large and strong; the word Nephilim is loosely translated as giants in some Bibles but left untranslated in others. Some traditional Jewish explanations interpret them as fallen angels.

So...anyone believe this? Anne Rice touched on it, I believe, with her Mayfair Witch chronicles...Taltos is what she called them. But they were from Atlantis, or supposedly from there. Still...it's an interesting concept. What about all those HUGE skeletons that have been found and debunked but maybe were NOT supposed to be debunked? Some is hogwash, but there is much we don't know. Like, the ocean still has not been fully explored. So who is to say
Nephilim weren't real?
Another group you might want to look up is the Dogon. Very interesting, isolated people in central Africa, having a distinct language akin to ancient Egyptian, when discovered in 1933 by British explorers, they were asked why they were there up on the isolated plateau, what they were doing. They replied, we are the caretakers of this place, the great ones put us here. When asked about who the great ones were. They pointed up to the sky, they describe a small blue star next to Sirius. The explorers were baffled because they couldn't see a star there. In 1972, with the development all of the electron telescope that star was discover. Enjoy. The great ones were teachers from that star.
Make sure you flag me. The Akkadians had a written language in 3500 BC.
I'll try to do that ...
... meanwhile, for general reference ....
The Akkadian Empire (/əˈkeɪdiən/)[4] was the first ancient empire of Mesopotamia after the long-lived civilization of Sumer. It was centered in the city of Akkad /ˈækæd/[5] and its surrounding region. The empire united Akkadian (Assyrian and Babylonian) and Sumerian speakers under one rule. The Akkadian Empire exercised influence across Mesopotamia, the Levant, and Anatolia, sending military expeditions as far south as Dilmun and Magan (modern Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Oman) in the Arabian Peninsula.[6]

During the 3rd millennium BC, there developed a cultural symbiosis between the Sumerians and the Akkadians, which included widespread bilingualism.[7] Akkadian, an East Semitic language,[8] gradually replaced Sumerian as a spoken language sometime between the end of the 3rd and the early 2nd millennia BC (the exact dating being a matter of debate).[9]

The Akkadian Empire reached its political peak between the 24th and 22nd centuries BC, following the conquests by its founder Sargon of Akkad.[10] Under Sargon and his successors, the Akkadian language was briefly imposed on neighboring conquered states such as Elam and Gutium. Akkad is sometimes regarded as the first empire in history, though the meaning of this term is not precise, and there are earlier Sumerian claimants.[11][12]

After the fall of the Akkadian Empire, the people of Mesopotamia eventually coalesced into two major Akkadian-speaking nations: Assyria in the north, and, a few centuries later, Babylonia in the south.
The above Wiki link makes mention of the Late Bronze Age Collapse;
The Late Bronze Age collapse was a dark age transition in a large area covering much of Southeast Europe, West Asia and North Africa (comprising the overlapping regions of the Near East, the Eastern Mediterranean and North Africa, with the Balkans, the Aegean, Anatolia, and the Caucasus), which took place from the Late Bronze Age to the emerging Early Iron Age. It was a transition which historians believe was violent, sudden, and culturally disruptive, and involved societal collapse for some civilizations during the 12th century BCE. The palace economy of Mycenaean Greece, the Aegean region and Anatolia that characterized the Late Bronze Age disintegrated, transforming into the small isolated village cultures of the Greek Dark Ages. The Hittite Empire of Anatolia and the Levant collapsed, while states such as the Middle Assyrian Empire in Mesopotamia and the New Kingdom of Egypt survived but were considerably weakened.

Competing and even mutually compatible theories for the ultimate cause of the Late Bronze Age collapse have been made since the 19th century. These include volcanic eruptions, droughts, invasions by the Sea Peoples or migrations of Dorians, economic disruptions due to the rising use of ironworking, and changes in military technology and methods of war that saw the decline of chariot warfare.
Yet there is one more disturbing possibility, likely probability, that most historians are either not aware of or reluctant to consider ...

Comets and The Bronze Age Collapse

By Bob Kobres
Mirrored from The Cosmic Tusk.
The original page is here.
. . . and from heaven a great star shall fall on the dread ocean and burn up the deep sea, with Babylon itself and the land of Italy, by reason of which many of the Hebrews perished,

. . . Be afraid, ye Indians and high-hearted Ethiopians: for when the fiery wheel of the ecliptic(?) . . . and Capricorn . . . and Taurus among the Twins encircles the mid-heaven, when the Virgin ascending and the Sun fastening the girdle round his forehead dominates the whole firmament; there shall be a great conflagration from the sky, falling on the earth;

Are these lines from Book V of the SIBYLLINE ORACLES eschatological nonsense? Contemporary astronomical evidence suggests a historic basis for words describing cosmic calamity. British astronomers, Victor Clube and Bill Napier, in THE COSMIC WINTER (1990) and other recent works, provide students of the past with newly discovered celestial clues which indicate that Earth has been periodically pelted with comet fragments throughout the Holocene period. The evidence for the break-up of a large (> 50 km), short period (approximately 3.3 years), Earth-orbit-crossing comet is substantial and should be considered as hard as anything a trowel might turn up. What astronomical information cannot convey is the actual effect these periodic bombardment episodes had on human culture; only further digging and sifting will illuminate that aspect.

Some of what can be uncovered has been buried by prior premise and so can be brought to light by review of literature published over the years. For instance, the oracles quoted above are from a 1918 translation of the "Sibylline" by H.N. Bate. Further into Book V these lines appear:

And then in his anger the immortal God who dwells on high shall hurl from the sky a fiery bolt on the head of the unholy: and SUMMER SHALL CHANGE TO WINTER IN THAT DAY.
Another group you might want to look up is the Dogon. Very interesting, isolated people in central Africa, having a distinct language akin to ancient Egyptian, when discovered in 1933 by British explorers, they were asked why they were there up on the isolated plateau, what they were doing. They replied, we are the caretakers of this place, the great ones put us here. When asked about who the great ones were. They pointed up to the sky, they describe a small blue star next to Sirius. The explorers were baffled because they couldn't see a star there. In 1972, with the development all of the electron telescope that star was discover. Enjoy. The great ones were teachers from that star.
Thanks. I'm aware of the Dogon and have looked into that part of the puzzle a while back. As for those "Visitors" they had ...

... Or they traveled from the general direction of Sirius, which if one looks at the 3D version of our neighborhood of the galaxy, could be a stepping stone coming from more distant stars we see in the constellation of Orion.

Which is where the pulsar Geminga was until about 300-330,000 years when it went supernova;
A roaming group of hunters, the direct ancestors of modern humans, gaze at a new star, a piercing pinpoint of bright, white light that shines in the late afternoon sky. As evening draws in, the light reveals its source; the dazzling glint of a sword, the blade of another hunter who has emerged from the night — the constellation of Orion. A full moon rises and its shadows compete with those of the new star; except that the star is only new to Homo heidelbergensis and its glare, which outshines an entire galaxy for months on end, is the last that anyone will see of it for around 340,000 years.

Our ancestors have witnessed not a new star, but the death of an old one; a spectacular supernova at relatively close quarters, the swan song of a sun that was at least eight times as large as our own and an explosion so large that its remains are still hurtling across the sky at 15,000 miles an hour. Today, we know the remnants of this star as Geminga.

It’s well named. In 1972, Italian astrophysicists discovered a powerful source of radiation coming from an apparently empty patch of sky in the constellation of Gemini. Geminga, it turns out, is not only a handy contraction of “Gemini gamma radiation source”, but is also pronounced exactly the same as a word in the Milanese dialect that means “it isn’t there”. It was there, however, it just took some time to see what’s left of it; a rapidly spinning, super-dense radioactive ball bearing just 12 kilometres in diameter which emits a faint glow a million times dimmer than even the least enthusiastic star that can be seen by the naked eye.

It’s ironic that Geminga is only barely visible, because the manner of its disintegration blew away a local patch of gas and dust that normally fills the space between the stars — the interstellar medium — and left us an exceptionally bright night sky as a consequence. Scientists call this hole in the cosmic cobwebs that normally obscure our view the ‘Local Bubble’ and its effect on our outlook is surely staggering. To see why, you only need to imagine the night sky without its canopy of stars.

In the 1950s, science fiction authors Robert Silverberg and Randall Garrett invented a planet that was permanently sheathed in clouds — Nidor — where the human-like occupants had no concept of a universe beyond the clouds. Perhaps because of the lack of any external stimulation, Silverberg and Garrett painted Nidorian culture and technology stuck in an agrarian phase not unlike early Renaissance Europe.

Although a work of speculative fiction, the mind can only boggle at how different our civilisation might have turned out without such a rich and opulent night sky, a backdrop that has, perhaps, given all of our dealings on Earth something of a sense of perspective.

Without the Local Bubble, which is less like a bubble and more like an open cylinder, there would simply not be as many stars to see in the sky. Even the stars that would be visible would appear much redder and dimmer, for the same reasons that a hot, dry day in high summer produces aesthetically appealing sunsets — we’re looking at the sun through a thick layer of dust. And it’s not just a clearer view of our galaxy, where the majority of objects we see in the night sky reside, but also other galaxies — as luck would have it, the Local Bubble is oriented at right angles to the disk of the Milky Way, offering us a window of clear space to observe the rest of the Universe through.

More in next post.
And this:

Questions regarding the Near-Earth Geminga Supernova Event​


First of all, a little about Geminga...

The nature of Geminga was quite unknown for 20 years after its discovery by NASA's Second Small Astronomy Satellite (SAS-2). Finally, in March 1991 the ROSAT satellite detected a periodicity of 0.237 seconds in soft x-ray emission. Thus, it is supposed that Geminga is a sort of neutron star: the decaying core of a massive star that exploded as a supernova about 300,000 years ago.[3]

This nearby explosion may be responsible for the low density of the interstellar medium in the immediate vicinity of the Solar System. This low-density area is known as the Local Bubble.[4] Possible evidence for this includes findings by the Arecibo Observatory that local micrometre-sized interstellar meteor particles appear to originate from its direction.[5]


It is believed that the explosion occurred roughly 340,000 years ago, give or take, at a distance of about 195 light years away from Earth. The supernova appeared in the Orion constellation between Betelgeuse and Ballatrix, where it could be seen for approximately two years before fading beyond visibility leaving only the gamma-ray trace that astronomical observers have since detected. Further investigations have suggested that at it’s peak, the explosion was bright enough to be perceived, from Earth, as a second sun during the day, and a second moon at night.

Quite the spectacular event by all accounts.

Thousands of years later though, the explosion itself hit us as an expanding wall of searing gases rushed past our solar system, and studies have shown that this may have destroyed up to 20 percent of the Earth’s high altitude ozone layer. This would have resulted in Earth being exposed to much higher levels of radiation both from the supernova itself and from the sun. This increase would not be sufficient to cause mass extinction evidently, but enough to effect the overall health of life on the planet, skin cancers cause by over exposure, cataracts and the such like. It most likely would have affected climate too, which raises my first question, could this explosion have had a direct effect on the subsequent glaciations of Earth? I have been unable though to find out exactly when that hit, having found reports from a variety of sources that differ greatly...anyone got any better information on that...without equations, I have a blind spot for those, eeek! I’m looking for plain English, or thereabouts, I can read scientific papers but so far, they have only confused me more.
See also;

A tale of two pulsars' tails: Plumes offer geometry lessons to astronomers​

^^^ More on pulsars
Thanks. I'm aware of the Dogon and have looked into that part of the puzzle a while back. As for those "Visitors" they had ...

... Or they traveled from the general direction of Sirius, which if one looks at the 3D version of our neighborhood of the galaxy, could be a stepping stone coming from more distant stars we see in the constellation of Orion.

Which is where the pulsar Geminga was until about 300-330,000 years when it went supernova;
A roaming group of hunters, the direct ancestors of modern humans, gaze at a new star, a piercing pinpoint of bright, white light that shines in the late afternoon sky. As evening draws in, the light reveals its source; the dazzling glint of a sword, the blade of another hunter who has emerged from the night — the constellation of Orion. A full moon rises and its shadows compete with those of the new star; except that the star is only new to Homo heidelbergensis and its glare, which outshines an entire galaxy for months on end, is the last that anyone will see of it for around 340,000 years.

Our ancestors have witnessed not a new star, but the death of an old one; a spectacular supernova at relatively close quarters, the swan song of a sun that was at least eight times as large as our own and an explosion so large that its remains are still hurtling across the sky at 15,000 miles an hour. Today, we know the remnants of this star as Geminga.

It’s well named. In 1972, Italian astrophysicists discovered a powerful source of radiation coming from an apparently empty patch of sky in the constellation of Gemini. Geminga, it turns out, is not only a handy contraction of “Gemini gamma radiation source”, but is also pronounced exactly the same as a word in the Milanese dialect that means “it isn’t there”. It was there, however, it just took some time to see what’s left of it; a rapidly spinning, super-dense radioactive ball bearing just 12 kilometres in diameter which emits a faint glow a million times dimmer than even the least enthusiastic star that can be seen by the naked eye.

It’s ironic that Geminga is only barely visible, because the manner of its disintegration blew away a local patch of gas and dust that normally fills the space between the stars — the interstellar medium — and left us an exceptionally bright night sky as a consequence. Scientists call this hole in the cosmic cobwebs that normally obscure our view the ‘Local Bubble’ and its effect on our outlook is surely staggering. To see why, you only need to imagine the night sky without its canopy of stars.

In the 1950s, science fiction authors Robert Silverberg and Randall Garrett invented a planet that was permanently sheathed in clouds — Nidor — where the human-like occupants had no concept of a universe beyond the clouds. Perhaps because of the lack of any external stimulation, Silverberg and Garrett painted Nidorian culture and technology stuck in an agrarian phase not unlike early Renaissance Europe.

Although a work of speculative fiction, the mind can only boggle at how different our civilisation might have turned out without such a rich and opulent night sky, a backdrop that has, perhaps, given all of our dealings on Earth something of a sense of perspective.

Without the Local Bubble, which is less like a bubble and more like an open cylinder, there would simply not be as many stars to see in the sky. Even the stars that would be visible would appear much redder and dimmer, for the same reasons that a hot, dry day in high summer produces aesthetically appealing sunsets — we’re looking at the sun through a thick layer of dust. And it’s not just a clearer view of our galaxy, where the majority of objects we see in the night sky reside, but also other galaxies — as luck would have it, the Local Bubble is oriented at right angles to the disk of the Milky Way, offering us a window of clear space to observe the rest of the Universe through.

More in next post.
Wow, you really get into this stuff. I take it all for granted. Been there, done that. Again thanks, Stan. And there's more !
And this:

Questions regarding the Near-Earth Geminga Supernova Event​


First of all, a little about Geminga...


It is believed that the explosion occurred roughly 340,000 years ago, give or take, at a distance of about 195 light years away from Earth. The supernova appeared in the Orion constellation between Betelgeuse and Ballatrix, where it could be seen for approximately two years before fading beyond visibility leaving only the gamma-ray trace that astronomical observers have since detected. Further investigations have suggested that at it’s peak, the explosion was bright enough to be perceived, from Earth, as a second sun during the day, and a second moon at night.

Quite the spectacular event by all accounts.

Thousands of years later though, the explosion itself hit us as an expanding wall of searing gases rushed past our solar system, and studies have shown that this may have destroyed up to 20 percent of the Earth’s high altitude ozone layer. This would have resulted in Earth being exposed to much higher levels of radiation both from the supernova itself and from the sun. This increase would not be sufficient to cause mass extinction evidently, but enough to effect the overall health of life on the planet, skin cancers cause by over exposure, cataracts and the such like. It most likely would have affected climate too, which raises my first question, could this explosion have had a direct effect on the subsequent glaciations of Earth? I have been unable though to find out exactly when that hit, having found reports from a variety of sources that differ greatly...anyone got any better information on that...without equations, I have a blind spot for those, eeek! I’m looking for plain English, or thereabouts, I can read scientific papers but so far, they have only confused me more.
See also;

A tale of two pulsars' tails: Plumes offer geometry lessons to astronomers​

^^^ More on pulsars
Unfortunately, I have a problem with " time " allocation. Will review the data in the future. 14 worlds to visit, difficult to coordinate efforts. Manipulating time it's not an easy task. Thank you again, Stan.

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