Nestle Moving Out of California

The problem with Nestle or Kraft (medium priced name brand foods) is that they're getting squeezed from one side by upscale products, and from the other side by cheaper in-store brands. If you're wealthy, you buy the organic 99℅ pure cacao bar. If you're poor you get a stale candy bar from the Dollar Tree.

Nestle's future doesn't excite anyone. It's a waning business model. So it would have been stupid for Glendale to match Virginia's taxpayer funded bribe.

Nestle wanted/needed to show investors they were willing to cut costs, because their business is lagging. Also, their production facilities and 80℅ of their customers live east of the Mississippi. There's more fat cookie glutons over there who don't know anything about nutrition. The whole thing makes perfect sense, but not much of it has to do with politics (other than lobbyists moving close to DC).

California has a population just short of 40 million.....For the past couple of years, it has led the nation in job growth....It's unemployment rate is at historic lows...

I suspect it will be just fine...
Where do you get your fake news from, CNN? California unemployment is rising, it's what happens when you tax and regulate the shit out of people, and then ask them to also pay benefits for millions of illegals.

California’s unemployment rate rises for first time since 2010
You didn't even read your own citation, did you, Idiot?
Yeah well, considering that you have mostly liberal run news in CA it's not unexpected they'll put favorable spin on it.
By explaining how U3 works?

Were you born this stupid, Roud?
What the fuck do you know about CA. People are taxed UP THE KAZOO, the poor keep getting poorer and the rich keep getting richer. Real estate or rentals in safe areas is unaffordable. More people driven to govt paid subsidies while the divide between the have's and the have-nots spreads. A liberal run state about to collapse.
Anyone else read this post and have a laugh?
Sorry. There isn't a column' in the survey which accounts for SF 'man-buns' whose girlfriends don't want to move to where the work is.
If your 'friend' was half a man his girlfriend would want to be with him.
What a fucking IDIOT!!!!!!!!
America's Top States for Business 2016: The full list

The future of the California economy hinges on developing the internet of things, smart-home technology, wearable technology, robotics, information technology, etc.

Chocolate milk powder can be made anywhere.'s their corporate headquarters.....idiot.....

Okay, I'll admit I've not been fully briefed on the all-important toll house cookie situation here in California. So they're moving their corporate headquarters from a high rent area to a place with a lot of office vacancies. Totally understandable, and not a major economic loss.

Other companies and people are doing the same. The astronomical cost of living, taxes, failed government, to say nothing of the oppressive traffic. The debt of California, including their unfunded liabilities, is shocking. The state, led by Governor Moonbeam cannot resist buying any and all bright shiny objects . The state of Florida is in excellent financial condition along with our retirement funds. We rejected six billion dollars from the Federal government to go toward building a high-speed rail. California jumped at the thought of a high-speed rail in their state. The result is nothing has been done on the train and the estimated cost has already doubled. That is just part of the reason the state is on the decline.
GDP/Capita (2015)

Florida - 44,650

California - 61,200

any questions?

Cute try.
Cost of living in California...50th. It can't go any lower, meaning the most expensive.

I like the fact that each state has its own unique character. And if you don't like one state, you have the freedom to move to another. I'm a lifelong northern Californian, can't imagine ever moving away, definately not to southern Cal.

California doesn't try to compete with clone industries that copy our shit and sprout up elsewhere. We invent tomorrow's growth industries, some of which I've already mentioned. The future home, the future armies, the future gadgets, etc.

I'm not worried about Nestle moving. They got public money thrown at them by Virginia and Ohio. The taxpayers of Glendale didn't have to pay for Nestle to stay. No big loss. Congratulations to Virginia, you paid millions for 750 jobs. Good luck with that.

At least Virgina and Ohio are throwing tax money at projects that are holes into which California throws billions of tax dollars. Shameful.

Seven hundred fifty moderately high paying jobs result in over $56 million in salaries alone. A vacant building now occupied results in a positive cash flow instead of negative. Then there are the secondary jobs. Do you know what is a secondary job?
The problem with Nestle or Kraft (medium priced name brand foods) is that they're getting squeezed from one side by upscale products, and from the other side by cheaper in-store brands. If you're wealthy, you buy the organic 99℅ pure cacao bar. If you're poor you get a stale candy bar from the Dollar Tree.

Nestle's future doesn't excite anyone. It's a waning business model. So it would have been stupid for Glendale to match Virginia's taxpayer funded bribe.

Nestle wanted/needed to show investors they were willing to cut costs, because their business is lagging. Also, their production facilities and 80℅ of their customers live east of the Mississippi. There's [There are] more fat cookie glutons [gluttons] over there who don't know anything about nutrition. The whole thing makes perfect sense, but not much of it has to do with politics (other than lobbyists moving close to DC).

Your ignorance about Nestle is...staggering! You sound like a whining 10-year-old boy, playing a game of marbles and lost all of his own saying..." well...I didn't want those marbles anyway, you can just have them!

Nestle's base of operations is in Switzerland. Their shares sell in the $73 to $75 range with over 3 billion shares outstanding. They also sell bottled water under several different brands, upscale chocolates, and Purina is also one of their brands. They are in the process of expanding their Eau Claire Plant.

California has gotten skunked out of ANOTHER corporation as they sink deeper into debt.

Of this you are proud?
California has a population just short of 40 million.....For the past couple of years, it has led the nation in job growth....It's unemployment rate is at historic lows...

I suspect it will be just fine...
Where do you get your fake news from, CNN? California unemployment is rising, it's what happens when you tax and regulate the shit out of people, and then ask them to also pay benefits for millions of illegals.

California’s unemployment rate rises for first time since 2010
You didn't even read your own citation, did you, Idiot?
Yeah well, considering that you have mostly liberal run news in CA it's not unexpected they'll put favorable spin on it.
By explaining how U3 works?

Were you born this stupid, Roud?
What the fuck do you know about CA. People are taxed UP THE KAZOO, the poor keep getting poorer and the rich keep getting richer. Real estate or rentals in safe areas is unaffordable. More people driven to govt paid subsidies while the divide between the have's and the have-nots spreads. A liberal run state about to collapse.

Yes, and their vaunted Silly Con Valley companies routinely conspire t keep wages down as well, have been for a long time; they recently got caught at it, finally, but it was obvious to techs in many fields a long time ago. Norman Matloff has been documenting it since the late 1980's. These are those billionaires who have everybody bullshitted into thinking they are great modern liberal progressives n stuff, never mind they are no different in their business practices than the sweatshop operators of the Gilded Age.

I like the fact that each state has its own unique character. And if you don't like one state, you have the freedom to move to another. I'm a lifelong northern Californian, can't imagine ever moving away, definately not to southern Cal.

California doesn't try to compete with clone industries that copy our shit and sprout up elsewhere. We invent tomorrow's growth industries, some of which I've already mentioned. The future home, the future armies, the future gadgets, etc.

I'm not worried about Nestle moving. They got public money thrown at them by Virginia and Ohio. The taxpayers of Glendale didn't have to pay for Nestle to stay. No big loss. Congratulations to Virginia, you paid millions for 750 jobs. Good luck with that.

At least Virgina and Ohio are throwing tax money at projects that are holes into which California throws billions of tax dollars. Shameful.

Seven hundred fifty moderately high paying jobs result in over $56 million in salaries alone. A vacant building now occupied results in a positive cash flow instead of negative. Then there are the secondary jobs. Do you know what is a secondary job?

Those employees will see their salaries and wages effectively doubled and tripled in buying power by merely moving out of CA; the cost of living there is ridiculous for working and middle class incomes.
California has a population just short of 40 million.....For the past couple of years, it has led the nation in job growth....It's unemployment rate is at historic lows...

I suspect it will be just fine...
Where do you get your fake news from, CNN? California unemployment is rising, it's what happens when you tax and regulate the shit out of people, and then ask them to also pay benefits for millions of illegals.

California’s unemployment rate rises for first time since 2010
You didn't even read your own citation, did you, Idiot?
Yeah well, considering that you have mostly liberal run news in CA it's not unexpected they'll put favorable spin on it.
By explaining how U3 works?

Were you born this stupid, Roud?
What the fuck do you know about CA. People are taxed UP THE KAZOO, the poor keep getting poorer and the rich keep getting richer. Real estate or rentals in safe areas is unaffordable. More people driven to govt paid subsidies while the divide between the have's and the have-nots spreads. A liberal run state about to collapse.
Just national socialist right wing propaganda?

The economy of California is the largest in the United States. As of 2015, California's gross state product (GSP) is about $2.496 trillion. The state's GSP grew 4.1% in 2015.
The future of the California economy hinges on developing the internet of things, smart-home technology, wearable technology, robotics, information technology, etc.

Chocolate milk powder can be made anywhere.'s their corporate headquarters.....idiot.....

Okay, I'll admit I've not been fully briefed on the all-important toll house cookie situation here in California. So they're moving their corporate headquarters from a high rent area to a place with a lot of office vacancies. Totally understandable, and not a major economic loss.

Other companies and people are doing the same. The astronomical cost of living, taxes, failed government, to say nothing of the oppressive traffic. The debt of California, including their unfunded liabilities, is shocking. The state, led by Governor Moonbeam cannot resist buying any and all bright shiny objects . The state of Florida is in excellent financial condition along with our retirement funds. We rejected six billion dollars from the Federal government to go toward building a high-speed rail. California jumped at the thought of a high-speed rail in their state. The result is nothing has been done on the train and the estimated cost has already doubled. That is just part of the reason the state is on the decline.
GDP/Capita (2015)

Florida - 44,650

California - 61,200

any questions?

Cute try.
Cost of living in California...50th. It can't go any lower, meaning the most expensive.
just national socialist right wing propaganda without any links.
Where do you get your fake news from, CNN? California unemployment is rising, it's what happens when you tax and regulate the shit out of people, and then ask them to also pay benefits for millions of illegals.

California’s unemployment rate rises for first time since 2010
You didn't even read your own citation, did you, Idiot?
Yeah well, considering that you have mostly liberal run news in CA it's not unexpected they'll put favorable spin on it.
By explaining how U3 works?

Were you born this stupid, Roud?
What the fuck do you know about CA. People are taxed UP THE KAZOO, the poor keep getting poorer and the rich keep getting richer. Real estate or rentals in safe areas is unaffordable. More people driven to govt paid subsidies while the divide between the have's and the have-nots spreads. A liberal run state about to collapse.

Yes, and their vaunted Silly Con Valley companies routinely conspire t keep wages down as well, have been for a long time; they recently got caught at it, finally, but it was obvious to techs in many fields a long time ago. Norman Matloff has been documenting it since the late 1980's. These are those billionaires who have everybody bullshitted into thinking they are great modern liberal progressives n stuff, never mind they are no different in their business practices than the sweatshop operators of the Gilded Age.
propaganda, is all the right wing has. why not valid links?

I like the fact that each state has its own unique character. And if you don't like one state, you have the freedom to move to another. I'm a lifelong northern Californian, can't imagine ever moving away, definately not to southern Cal.

California doesn't try to compete with clone industries that copy our shit and sprout up elsewhere. We invent tomorrow's growth industries, some of which I've already mentioned. The future home, the future armies, the future gadgets, etc.

I'm not worried about Nestle moving. They got public money thrown at them by Virginia and Ohio. The taxpayers of Glendale didn't have to pay for Nestle to stay. No big loss. Congratulations to Virginia, you paid millions for 750 jobs. Good luck with that.

At least Virgina and Ohio are throwing tax money at projects that are holes into which California throws billions of tax dollars. Shameful.

Seven hundred fifty moderately high paying jobs result in over $56 million in salaries alone. A vacant building now occupied results in a positive cash flow instead of negative. Then there are the secondary jobs. Do you know what is a secondary job?

Those employees will see their salaries and wages effectively doubled and tripled in buying power by merely moving out of CA; the cost of living there is ridiculous for working and middle class incomes.
Some people commute to the Bay Area, to do the same thing, within our own State.
You didn't even read your own citation, did you, Idiot?
Yeah well, considering that you have mostly liberal run news in CA it's not unexpected they'll put favorable spin on it.
By explaining how U3 works?

Were you born this stupid, Roud?
What the fuck do you know about CA. People are taxed UP THE KAZOO, the poor keep getting poorer and the rich keep getting richer. Real estate or rentals in safe areas is unaffordable. More people driven to govt paid subsidies while the divide between the have's and the have-nots spreads. A liberal run state about to collapse.

Yes, and their vaunted Silly Con Valley companies routinely conspire t keep wages down as well, have been for a long time; they recently got caught at it, finally, but it was obvious to techs in many fields a long time ago. Norman Matloff has been documenting it since the late 1980's. These are those billionaires who have everybody bullshitted into thinking they are great modern liberal progressives n stuff, never mind they are no different in their business practices than the sweatshop operators of the Gilded Age.
propaganda, is all the right wing has. why not valid links?

What are you asking for? The lawsuits over conspiracy re the non-compete over wages agreements was in the papers recently, just a couple of months ago. Googling up Matloff is easy, and so is the large volume of info on the sweatshop operations in Asia.

I like the fact that each state has its own unique character. And if you don't like one state, you have the freedom to move to another. I'm a lifelong northern Californian, can't imagine ever moving away, definately not to southern Cal.

California doesn't try to compete with clone industries that copy our shit and sprout up elsewhere. We invent tomorrow's growth industries, some of which I've already mentioned. The future home, the future armies, the future gadgets, etc.

I'm not worried about Nestle moving. They got public money thrown at them by Virginia and Ohio. The taxpayers of Glendale didn't have to pay for Nestle to stay. No big loss. Congratulations to Virginia, you paid millions for 750 jobs. Good luck with that.

At least Virgina and Ohio are throwing tax money at projects that are holes into which California throws billions of tax dollars. Shameful.

Seven hundred fifty moderately high paying jobs result in over $56 million in salaries alone. A vacant building now occupied results in a positive cash flow instead of negative. Then there are the secondary jobs. Do you know what is a secondary job?

Those employees will see their salaries and wages effectively doubled and tripled in buying power by merely moving out of CA; the cost of living there is ridiculous for working and middle class incomes.
Some people commute to the Bay Area, to do the same thing, within our own State.

So what? The price within commuting distances of LA and anywhere around the Bay area are still outrageous compared to even Dallas, which is a boom town itself. I've worked in both, had a crappy one room 'efficiency' in Sunnyvale and a weekend place near Mount Shasta. The ghetto box cost more than the house near Shasta did, but the Shasta place still cost more to buy than what a house twice its size costs in Plano or parts of Highland Park.

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