Nestle Moving Out of California

The future of the California economy hinges on developing the internet of things, smart-home technology, wearable technology, robotics, information technology, etc.

Chocolate milk powder can be made anywhere.'s their corporate headquarters.....idiot.....

Okay, I'll admit I've not been fully briefed on the all-important toll house cookie situation here in California. So they're moving their corporate headquarters from a high rent area to a place with a lot of office vacancies. Totally understandable, and not a major economic loss.

Other companies and people are doing the same. The astronomical cost of living, taxes, failed government, to say nothing of the oppressive traffic. The debt of California, including their unfunded liabilities, is shocking. The state, led by Governor Moonbeam cannot resist buying any and all bright shiny objects . The state of Florida is in excellent financial condition along with our retirement funds. We rejected six billion dollars from the Federal government to go toward building a high-speed rail. California jumped at the thought of a high-speed rail in their state. The result is nothing has been done on the train and the estimated cost has already doubled. That is just part of the reason the state is on the decline.
GDP/Capita (2015)

Florida - 44,650

California - 61,200

any questions?
The bad thing is that 1200 Kalifornia Moon Bats will be moving to another state.

There should be a law that if you are a stupid Kalifornia Moon Bat you must stay in the state because the rest of the country shouldn't be contaminated with your Libtardism.
spoken like a true educated cracka

California has a population just short of 40 million.....For the past couple of years, it has led the nation in job growth....It's unemployment rate is at historic lows...

I suspect it will be just fine...
Calif budget is $1.6B in the hole. The taxes lost here are huge.

California has a population just short of 40 million.....For the past couple of years, it has led the nation in job growth....It's unemployment rate is at historic lows...

I suspect it will be just fine...
Calif budget is $1.6B in the hole. The taxes lost here are huge.
The taxes lost here are huge.

Connecticut tax losses are huge? interesting!!
and today, it's real estate market suggests it remains so...
not talking about that which im sure you know....
How can we tell what people consider a "best place to live"?

Where they put their dollars is a pretty good proxy...

what do you use?
I don't call being #32 the 'Best State To Live In'.
Fucking Missouri beats California!
Dear God you really are a fuckjng idiot!
America's Top States for Business 2016: The full list
Your list is not of "Best States to LIVE In", you fucking imbecile....

Fucking Missouri beats California!

I'd like to be a fly on the wall when you explain this to my friend who is being transferred from San Francisco, to St. Louis (he is originally from Missouri).......His fiancee (also originally from the midwest) is refusing to join him....
Anyone else read this post and have a laugh?
Sorry. There isn't a column' in the survey which accounts for SF 'man-buns' whose girlfriends don't want to move to where the work is.
If your 'friend' was half a man his girlfriend would want to be with him.
What a fucking IDIOT!!!!!!!!
America's Top States for Business 2016: The full list
Oh, there's an idiot alright.....I'm inclined to believe it is the one who has spent the past 20 years trying to get his GED....

State Migration Rates, Net Totals: 2011-2016

tell everyone what you learn about California and Missouri.....

If your 'friend' was half a man his girlfriend would want to be with him.
You play golf? The alleged "half a man" drives the ball just short of 290 yards.....250 off the deck....

He's about a 2 handicap....

Have you EVER been able to hit a driver off the deck?

In the 21st century many women have this case, she is an RN......she can work anywhere, whenever she wants.....
The bad thing is that 1200 Kalifornia Moon Bats will be moving to another state.

There should be a law that if you are a stupid Kalifornia Moon Bat you must stay in the state because the rest of the country shouldn't be contaminated with your Libtardism.
spoken like a true educated cracka
Flush has TWO masters degrees, he "Unthawing"....

In a less crowded field, Flush would be the consensus "Ignoramus of the Century"....
It's what liberals do. They like how you live and want to move there but then think you need to be more like them because...well you aren't like where they left. Liberals are dumb, it's baked in the cake.
yea and they did it to California over the the 60's and 70's the place was arguably one of the best places to live.....
and today, it's real estate market suggests it remains so...
not talking about that which im sure you know....
How can we tell what people consider a "best place to live"?

Where they put their dollars is a pretty good proxy...

what do you use?
orange county compared to san bernardino county...big difference overall ....just because a shit property might go for 300,000 in SB county does not mean its in a nice place to live.....
why is a "shit property" going for 300,000?
yea and they did it to California over the the 60's and 70's the place was arguably one of the best places to live.....
and today, it's real estate market suggests it remains so...
not talking about that which im sure you know....
How can we tell what people consider a "best place to live"?

Where they put their dollars is a pretty good proxy...

what do you use?
orange county compared to san bernardino county...big difference overall ....just because a shit property might go for 300,000 in SB county does not mean its in a nice place to live.....

There are some nice houses in Fontana and Cucamonga (I refuse to call it "Rancho," Rancho what? Rancho Santa Margareta? Rancho Cordoba? /rant) but who would want to live in the incessant wind? A McMansion in the wind tunnel would still be pretty miserable, IMO.
Rancho Santa Margarita is in OC and you got to have a few bucks to live there....

California has a population just short of 40 million.....For the past couple of years, it has led the nation in job growth....It's unemployment rate is at historic lows...

I suspect it will be just fine...
Where do you get your fake news from, CNN? California unemployment is rising, it's what happens when you tax and regulate the shit out of people, and then ask them to also pay benefits for millions of illegals.

California’s unemployment rate rises for first time since 2010
Right wing national socialist propaganda at its finest?

California’s unemployment rate rose to 5.4 percent in June from 5.2 percent in May, its first increase in almost six years, the Employment Development Department reported Friday.--
Is there a citation you can provide which might provide some insight into what informs this bleat?

Did Brown offend the gods who control precipitation in the Sierras?

California is on a 7 year cycle. Forget the utter bullshit that the Totalitarian thugs in Sacramento spew, we are and have been for the last 500+ years on a 7 year cycle of 4 years of drought, 1 mild year, 1 wet year, 1 mild year, 4 years of drought, ad infintium.

This years "unprecedented rains' are not unprecedented at all, or unexpected.

When Brown and the Stalinist thugs in Sacramento cut off all water the the Imperial and San Joaquin valleys, it was an act of malice specifically designed to destroy the agricultural sector in the state. Driven by his owners in Palo Alto, Brown has declare agriculture not green friendly.

It would be interesting to find out how much money the ruling Communists have in agriculture in Chile and Mexico, It's a good bet the crooks and thugs are lining their pockets with this. Have Bezos and Zuckerberg allowed their little puppet Brown to admit the drought is over, yet? It's raining again today, it will be hard for them to continue the farce for too much longer.

Man-Made Drought: A Guide To California's Water Wars
I thought Only national socialist right wingers were into, "astrology".

Not much water infrastructure has been built since 1979, despite a doubling of the population since that year.--
yea and they did it to California over the the 60's and 70's the place was arguably one of the best places to live.....
and today, it's real estate market suggests it remains so...
not talking about that which im sure you know....
How can we tell what people consider a "best place to live"?

Where they put their dollars is a pretty good proxy...

what do you use?
orange county compared to san bernardino county...big difference overall ....just because a shit property might go for 300,000 in SB county does not mean its in a nice place to live.....
why is a "shit property" going for 300,000?
because its in San might be a pricey property,but not a great place to Orange County the shittier cities like Garden Grove,are old and have have old houses and will still sell for 3-4 hundred thousand but a shitty place to live for OC.....just because a property is worth a few bucks does not mean its in a great place to live,at least in California....
California has a population just short of 40 million.....For the past couple of years, it has led the nation in job growth....It's unemployment rate is at historic lows...

I suspect it will be just fine...
Ya fucking part time 'McJobs'!
Ask ANY of these employees how they are surviving on M.W.
Exclusive: America's part-time economy
Why does Divine Wind get all out of shape because I address you idiots as idiots?

You are citing something from 2014.....

Employment Level: Part-Time for Economic Reasons, Nonagricultural Industries (LNS12032197)
(in ,000s)
Feb. 2009 - 8687

Jan 2017 - 5769

any questions?
America's Top States for Business 2016: The full list
How does that address your confusion about part time employment?
YOU claimed that Cal. is the "best state to live in".
Fucking dummy!
America's Top States for Business 2016: The full list
In support of which I offer its real estate market.....which provides insight into the demand for homes in that hellhole.....

For some reason, you keep coming back with this idiotic ranking for "Business", which is what some idiot comes up with when assigned the task of filling space.....if you want to know how Businesses actually fell about it, you'd could see what they actually do.....

and judging by employment and net migration data, Businesses continue to expand in California....they do so because it helps attract the kind of talent that can afford to live where it really wants to.....

California has a population just short of 40 million.....For the past couple of years, it has led the nation in job growth....It's unemployment rate is at historic lows...

I suspect it will be just fine...
Ya fucking part time 'McJobs'!
Ask ANY of these employees how they are surviving on M.W.
Exclusive: America's part-time economy
No wonder, nobody takes the national socialist right wing seriously about economics:

On the other hand, Californian colleges and universities awarded 12 degrees or certificates for every thousand people in 2009-2010 and 2010-2011, compared to 9 degrees or certificates per thousand in Texas.--

Or the general welfare:

Your employees won’t do you any good if they’re too sick to come to work. It’s hard to come up with an overall statistic for health, but life expectancy at birth might be the closest proxy. The figure is 80.4 years in California and 78.3 years in Texas, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. Healthcare coverage is slightly better in California as well. In Texas, 24 percent of the people are uninsured, compared to 20 percent in California.

The environment plays a role in attracting good employees and keeping them healthy. Forbes in 2007 ranked California as the 14th greenest state in the nation, and gave Texas a rank of 34. The publication based its ranking on such factors as energy consumption and pollution.

And, I guess this denies and disparages the national socialist right wing, "theory", that more guns equal less crime:

You’ll want your business safe from crime in its new location. The Census Bureau reported 473.4 violent crimes and 2,728.2 property crimes per 100,000 people in California, compared to 491.4 violent crimes and 4,017.2 property crimes in Texas for the year 2009.
and today, it's real estate market suggests it remains so...
not talking about that which im sure you know....
How can we tell what people consider a "best place to live"?

Where they put their dollars is a pretty good proxy...

what do you use?
orange county compared to san bernardino county...big difference overall ....just because a shit property might go for 300,000 in SB county does not mean its in a nice place to live.....
why is a "shit property" going for 300,000?
because its in San might be a pricey property,but not a great place to Orange County the shittier cities like Garden Grove,are old and have have old houses and will still sell for 3-4 hundred thousand but a shitty place to live for OC.....just because a property is worth a few bucks does not mean its in a great place to live,at least in California....

Stop......think......why is a "shitty" property in San Bernardino going for 300k?

(Hint: demand)

the reason these properties are worth more than you want them to be is because the aggregate market believes differently.....


4 beds, 2 baths, 3100 sq ft......Dothan Alabama, 319,000.....

a bit more than 100/sq ft...

San Bernardino?

180/sq ft.....

We call this a "market signal"...
The future of the California economy hinges on developing the internet of things, smart-home technology, wearable technology, robotics, information technology, etc.

Chocolate milk powder can be made anywhere.'s their corporate headquarters.....idiot.....

Okay, I'll admit I've not been fully briefed on the all-important toll house cookie situation here in California. So they're moving their corporate headquarters from a high rent area to a place with a lot of office vacancies. Totally understandable, and not a major economic loss.

Other companies and people are doing the same. The astronomical cost of living, taxes, failed government, to say nothing of the oppressive traffic. The debt of California, including their unfunded liabilities, is shocking. The state, led by Governor Moonbeam cannot resist buying any and all bright shiny objects . The state of Florida is in excellent financial condition along with our retirement funds. We rejected six billion dollars from the Federal government to go toward building a high-speed rail. California jumped at the thought of a high-speed rail in their state. The result is nothing has been done on the train and the estimated cost has already doubled. That is just part of the reason the state is on the decline.

I like the fact that each state has its own unique character. And if you don't like one state, you have the freedom to move to another. I'm a lifelong northern Californian, can't imagine ever moving away, definately not to southern Cal.

California doesn't try to compete with clone industries that copy our shit and sprout up elsewhere. We invent tomorrow's growth industries, some of which I've already mentioned. The future home, the future armies, the future gadgets, etc.

I'm not worried about Nestle moving. They got public money thrown at them by Virginia and Ohio. The taxpayers of Glendale didn't have to pay for Nestle to stay. No big loss. Congratulations to Virginia, you paid millions for 750 jobs. Good luck with that.

California has a population just short of 40 million.....For the past couple of years, it has led the nation in job growth....It's unemployment rate is at historic lows...

I suspect it will be just fine...

It's been losing Congressional seats because of population loss, so yeah I'm sure its unemployment rate is going down ...
Not a fan of Nestle; it's a company that will deliberately sell poisoned food to feed children. It's perfect for California, though, so it should be barred from moving into another state.
The future of the California economy hinges on developing the internet of things, smart-home technology, wearable technology, robotics, information technology, etc.

Chocolate milk powder can be made anywhere.'s their corporate headquarters.....idiot.....

Okay, I'll admit I've not been fully briefed on the all-important toll house cookie situation here in California. So they're moving their corporate headquarters from a high rent area to a place with a lot of office vacancies. Totally understandable, and not a major economic loss.

Other companies and people are doing the same. The astronomical cost of living, taxes, failed government, to say nothing of the oppressive traffic. The debt of California, including their unfunded liabilities, is shocking. The state, led by Governor Moonbeam cannot resist buying any and all bright shiny objects . The state of Florida is in excellent financial condition along with our retirement funds. We rejected six billion dollars from the Federal government to go toward building a high-speed rail. California jumped at the thought of a high-speed rail in their state. The result is nothing has been done on the train and the estimated cost has already doubled. That is just part of the reason the state is on the decline.
GDP/Capita (2015)

Florida - 44,650

California - 61,200

any questions?
All you need to know about the California economy:
The bad thing is that 1200 Kalifornia Moon Bats will be moving to another state.

There should be a law that if you are a stupid Kalifornia Moon Bat you must stay in the state because the rest of the country shouldn't be contaminated with your Libtardism.

I agree.

Kali Moon Bats are - " like a plague carrying swarm of locusts.....moving from one place to another after they have decimated everything". :mad-61:

The bad thing is that 1200 Kalifornia Moon Bats will be moving to another state.

There should be a law that if you are a stupid Kalifornia Moon Bat you must stay in the state because the rest of the country shouldn't be contaminated with your Libtardism.

I agree.

Kali Moon Bats are - " like a plague carrying swarm of locusts.....moving from one place to another after they have decimated everything". :mad-61:


Those Moon Bats from Kalifornia sure as hell screwed up Oregon and Washington, didn't they?

There should be a law against them Califonicating the rest of the country.
not talking about that which im sure you know....
How can we tell what people consider a "best place to live"?

Where they put their dollars is a pretty good proxy...

what do you use?
orange county compared to san bernardino county...big difference overall ....just because a shit property might go for 300,000 in SB county does not mean its in a nice place to live.....
why is a "shit property" going for 300,000?
because its in San might be a pricey property,but not a great place to Orange County the shittier cities like Garden Grove,are old and have have old houses and will still sell for 3-4 hundred thousand but a shitty place to live for OC.....just because a property is worth a few bucks does not mean its in a great place to live,at least in California....

Stop......think......why is a "shitty" property in San Bernardino going for 300k?

(Hint: demand)

the reason these properties are worth more than you want them to be is because the aggregate market believes differently.....


4 beds, 2 baths, 3100 sq ft......Dothan Alabama, 319,000.....

a bit more than 100/sq ft...

San Bernardino?

180/sq ft.....

We call this a "market signal"...
slim there are houses in Garden Grove California that were built in the 60's and are old looking in half ass neighborhoods that are selling for 3-4 hundred thousand and would probably costs thousands more to improve the house.....i would not pay that much for these old run down houses and were they are located,but thats the price they are asking for and there are people paying it,i assume they dont know any and the wife just bought a 3 bed 2 bath house with a nice back yard attached garage that is 15 years old and in great shape for 155 in a gated community at the foothill of the mountains on the outskirts of Las Vegas in what appears to be a solid middle class area with very low California this same house would be 300 thousand in a shitty city like Garden Grove or Costa Mesa with a lot more the Anaheim hills the houses when i left were selling for 500-600 thousand with hardly any can call it the "market signal" i call it over priced houses in California....

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