Net Neutrality Hits – The Media Misses, Badly


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
I absolutely love the reference to the Jurassic Press in the piece! Seems to hit it right on the head when it comes to this subject. When is anyone going to wake up to the fact that hidden behind all the leftist rhetoric is the simple truth? Net Neutrality is nothing more than an effort to bring censorship to the internet!

Read the full story with lots and lots of links @ Net Neutrality Hits - The Media Misses Badly RedState
Right now we have net neutrality. When internet providers begin to charge more and less for access to different sites, increase entry fees to protect their most lucrative sites from competition, and begin telling websites to pay exorbitant fees or be dropped as they did with Netflix, that's when we'll need net neutrality laws.
The radical left has been fooling ignorant Americans (mostly lefties) with nice sounding propaganda phrases since the president used to call Stalin "uncle Joe". The star leftie propagandist whom Hillary apparently adored so much that she wrote a paper on him, Saul Alinsky, spelled out the twisting of logic and the double meanings and the entire leftie propaganda movement in his 70's essay "Rules for Radicals" (you can look it up) which lists and defines the effort to undermine the 1st Amendment freedom of speech with a nice sounding words like "the fairness doctrine". Thanks to the Department of Education the "Rules for Radicals" have been assimilated into left wing culture and ignorant progs swallow it like pablum. Net Neutrality has an intentionally nice sounding ring because that's what the modern Alinsky democrats want the remnants of the once great United States to believe while they undermine the Constitution.
The radical left has been fooling ignorant Americans (mostly lefties) with nice sounding propaganda phrases since the president used to call Stalin "uncle Joe". The star leftie propagandist whom Hillary apparently adored so much that she wrote a paper on him, Saul Alinsky, spelled out the twisting of logic and the double meanings and the entire leftie propaganda movement in his 70's essay "Rules for Radicals" (you can look it up) which lists and defines the effort to undermine the 1st Amendment freedom of speech with a nice sounding words like "the fairness doctrine". Thanks to the Department of Education the "Rules for Radicals" have been assimilated into left wing culture and ignorant progs swallow it like pablum. Net Neutrality has an intentionally nice sounding ring because that's what the modern Alinsky democrats want the remnants of the once great United States to believe while they undermine the Constitution.
Omg listen to yourself.
The radical left has been fooling ignorant Americans (mostly lefties) with nice sounding propaganda phrases since the president used to call Stalin "uncle Joe". The star leftie propagandist whom Hillary apparently adored so much that she wrote a paper on him, Saul Alinsky, spelled out the twisting of logic and the double meanings and the entire leftie propaganda movement in his 70's essay "Rules for Radicals" (you can look it up) which lists and defines the effort to undermine the 1st Amendment freedom of speech with a nice sounding words like "the fairness doctrine". Thanks to the Department of Education the "Rules for Radicals" have been assimilated into left wing culture and ignorant progs swallow it like pablum. Net Neutrality has an intentionally nice sounding ring because that's what the modern Alinsky democrats want the remnants of the once great United States to believe while they undermine the Constitution.
Omg listen to yourself.
OMG? Didn't FDR call Stalin "uncle Joe" didn't Hillary write a paper praising Saul Alinsky? Doesn't the "Rules for Radicals " circa 1971 lay out the agenda for the propaganda network of the democrat party?

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