Net Neutrality


Gold Member
Oct 24, 2016
How long has it been since Net Neutrality been repealed? Microsoft, ATT, Comcast, Time Warner, Google, CNN and all the rest of the huge wealthy internet companies joined the Democrats in declaring what a disaster it would be. Wired, the NYT, The Washington Post all ran constant stories predicting doom and collapse. All the best celebrities opposed the repeal.
The liberal serfs here on USMB aped the celebrities and joined in the hue and cry. And then nothing happened.
So what was it about really?

Bye bye free and open Internet.

I hope you enjoy paying more for less! Less data and more paying for sites visited. I sure won't and that is why I spoke out when it first tried to be made law.


just wait til only the sites that pay big money are accessible to you.


This will be overturned in the near future. Once people figure out that it means their internet access will go way up in cost and they will be restricted from what websites they can visit there will be a cry in all the land.


Having a free and wide open access to the net is going to get a lot more expensive.

Yeah, sites like this could become a lost less populated when people have to choose between it or netflix

This is a huge literally cuts off internet entrepreneurship...

It's a nightmare come true...............BIG BIG BIG BIG mistake....

They are now going to set up tiers, just like cable or satelite TV.... You'll be paying a higher price to get the sites you've always had access to....

You must like monopolies. So don't complain when you suddenly find there's only one ISP serving your geographic area and they charge a fortune.
"Net Neutrality" pitted two entirely unsympathetic corporate players against one another: Big Bandwidth Provider vs. Big Bandwidth User.

It was totally amusing to watch liberoidals carry the water for big corporate interests like Google, Yahoo, Netflix, etcetera.
The issue was too complicated for a non-techie like me to understand.

So I just found out which side the Obama loving liberals were on, and joined the other side. ... :thup:
"Net Neutrality" pitted two entirely unsympathetic corporate players against one another: Big Bandwidth Provider vs. Big Bandwidth User.

It was totally amusing to watch liberoidals carry the water for big corporate interests like Google, Yahoo, Netflix, etcetera.

And pathetic to watch you Trumpsters carry the water for big corporate interests like Comcast, Time Warner and Cox.

You defended the railroad., We defended the passengers.

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