Netanyahu Cancels Visit as White House Regrets Loss of Life Following Israel Flotilla

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu canceled plans to visit the White House on Tuesday after Israeli commandos killed at least 10 activists aboard a flotilla heading toward Gaza overnight with aid and arms in violation of an Israeli blockade.

The White House is taking a cautious approach before chastising Israel as it awaits more details on what happened in the conflict. The United Nations was preparing an emergency session that would most likely end in condemnation.

Netanyahu had been expected to arrive in Washington, D.C., Tuesday after leaving Canada, where he's been meeting with officials there. Instead, he is headed back to Israel.

White House spokesman Bill Burton said Monday the United States "deeply regrets the loss of life and injuries sustained" in the incident. - Netanyahu Cancels Visit as White House Regrets Loss of Life Following Israel Flotilla Conflict

:lol::lol::lol::lol: but chastaize them they will.. you can count on it.. Good for Benjamen. he stays put when it's important.. and secondly he will have someone to eat his dinner with in Israel.

Why do some Americans treat Israel as if IT is our country right or wrong?
I didn't say it was a country. I suspect you know the history, your just being an ass, so I won't bother to write it out for you.

Bwahahahahahahaahahah!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOL....

"I cannot prove my point, since its bullshit, so I'm taking my tricycle - and I'm going home right now!!!"

Wait a minute....I think I know you. :eusa_eh:

Another Hannity reject....HillaryNeedsAVacation.
On June 8, 1967 the USS Liberty a US Navy technical research ship was attacked by Israeli Air Force jets and torpedo boats. 34 Americans died and 171 were wounded. The Liberty was about 30 miles north of the Egyptian city of Arish in international waters when fired upon.

(USS Liberty incident)

And Britain intentionally burned down the White House - can we attack them?

Iran is providing weapons and bombs that are killing US troops in iraq - can we attack them?

The US mistakenly shot down an iranian commerical airliner in 1987 - can iran attack the US?

Shit happens in war, get used to it...

USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They burned the WH and the Capital because we burned their Canadian capital...tit for tat.
Turkey's announced there will be more aid ships bound for Gaza; however, these ships will have special forces hired killers on board to repel borders.

The Turks vs the Jews...anybody got the over-under on the epic showdown between two of America's closest allies?

The Arab League is meeting on Tuesday. Don't be surprised if Egypt reneges on its contribution to the blockade of Gaza. Jordan may also rethink its treaty with Israel.

Wars and rumors of war may sound academic today, but think ahead to one possible October surprise. Imagine DOW 3800 on Halloween with 90% of Americans focused on their world the way they were during the week following 9/11/2001.

Think Obama might resort to war...

It won't be anyone in his family who dies.

How about yours?
Christ. Must you really make me address posts as asinine as these? That SOME arab muslims are interested in that does not mean ALL are.

Name one arab muslim majority country or area like the WB /Gaza strip where the christian population has increased since 1990...good luck...

So you went from saying that they were offered what they saying that they should have accepted what they were offered. Funny how as soon as I ask for details your facts change.

It was never a take-it-or leave it situation. Because they did not get EVERYTHING they asked for right away was not justification to initiate a war or terrorism, its called NEGOTIATIONS.

They were offered a country that was not where they wanted it to be.

Where was the country they were offered that was in a different location than where they wanted?

And somehow I doubt you have the intellectual capacity or the empathy to put yourself in their shoes.

As expected, when a moron cannot debate, they personally insult. I'm doing the same thing everyone else has done to you and I should have long ago - put you on ignore. Bye bye
Turkey's announced there will be more aid ships bound for Gaza; however, these ships will have special forces hired killers on board to repel borders.

The Turks vs the Jews...anybody got the over-under on the epic showdown between two of America's closest allies?

The Arab League is meeting on Tuesday. Don't be surprised if Egypt reneges on its contribution to the blockade of Gaza. Jordan may also rethink its treaty with Israel.

Wars and rumors of war may sound academic today, but think ahead to one possible October surprise. Imagine DOW 3800 on Halloween with 90% of Americans focused on their world the way they were during the week following 9/11/2001.

Think Obama might resort to war...

It won't be anyone in his family who dies.

How about yours?

More links to garbage the arab world will be "aflame" if the US attacks iraq, and the arab street will "rage" if the US enters Afghanistan...same old shit.

Turkey isn't doing squat, and they know it. They are pandering to the fascist muslim filth in iran and Gaza to ingratiate themselves further with scum like ahmadinjad. NOTHING will come of this, it will pass like always.

And if by some chance it doesn't - it will give the US and Israel a wonderful opportunity to clear the terrorist dogshit out of multiple countries...
Christ. Must you really make me address posts as asinine as these? That SOME arab muslims are interested in that does not mean ALL are.

Name one arab muslim majority country or area like the WB /Gaza strip where the christian population has increased since 1990...good luck...


Ok, first of all, way to set the field up in your own favor. This is NOT the only qualification that one can use to determine religious freedom. Why between now and 1990? Why not between now and 2000? But. Despite that you've created a ridiculously arbitrary category....

From CIA factbook:

Muslim (Shia and Sunni) 81.2%, Christian 9%, other 9.8% (2001 census)

CIA factbook (1990 version)

Religion: 83% Muslim, about 16% Hindu, less than 1% Buddhist, Christian,
and other

So sorry baby. You couldn't even get it right when you marked the cards, could you?

So you went from saying that they were offered what they saying that they should have accepted what they were offered. Funny how as soon as I ask for details your facts change.

It was never a take-it-or leave it situation. Because they did not get EVERYTHING they asked for right away was not justification to initiate a war or terrorism, its called NEGOTIATIONS.

At one point it is a take it or leave it situation. And you don't think its a justification, they did. Regardless, its clear that you lied when you said they were offered everything they wanted.

They were offered a country that was not where they wanted it to be.

Where was the country they were offered that was in a different location than where they wanted?

And somehow I doubt you have the intellectual capacity or the empathy to put yourself in their shoes.

As expected, when a moron cannot debate, they personally insult. I'm doing the same thing everyone else has done to you and I should have long ago - put you on ignore. Bye bye

Oh, the irony of it. Couldn't you have told me this at the beginning? I wouldn't have bothered looking up facts to dispel the weird shit you say.
They've lived there for thousands of years.

American Indians didn't have a country. That doesn't mean it wasn't their land.

Jews lived there for thousands of years also.

Are you going to give up your land and give it back to the Indians?

I'd be happy to be taxed to provide significantly better educational, economic, and public health benefits for American Indians.

And you have the nerve to call someone else an idiot? See mirror, the full definition couldn't be much clearer.....

BTW, you can pay my share too....
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu canceled plans to visit the White House on Tuesday after Israeli commandos killed at least 10 activists aboard a flotilla heading toward Gaza overnight with aid and arms in violation of an Israeli blockade.

The White House is taking a cautious approach before chastising Israel as it awaits more details on what happened in the conflict. The United Nations was preparing an emergency session that would most likely end in condemnation.

Netanyahu had been expected to arrive in Washington, D.C., Tuesday after leaving Canada, where he's been meeting with officials there. Instead, he is headed back to Israel.

White House spokesman Bill Burton said Monday the United States "deeply regrets the loss of life and injuries sustained" in the incident. - Netanyahu Cancels Visit as White House Regrets Loss of Life Following Israel Flotilla Conflict

:lol::lol::lol::lol: but chastaize them they will.. you can count on it.. Good for Benjamen. he stays put when it's important.. and secondly he will have someone to eat his dinner with in Israel.

aid and arms

Prove the arms part.

Willow doesn't DO proof, it just spews!
The question the fake activists and their dogshit sycophants here refuse to answer, is since israel already has a mechanism in place for accepting aid and quickly passing it along to the gazan population, WHY didn't the ships just work with the israelis instead of provoking a crises?

Oh that's right, arab muslims/muslims/leftists are allowed to use violence when they want to, the same human norms do not apply to them.

Now that Israel has its hooks on that aid it will never see Gaza. That is Israel's mechanism.
Turkey's announced there will be more aid ships bound for Gaza; however, these ships will have special forces hired killers on board to repel borders.

The Turks vs the Jews...anybody got the over-under on the epic showdown between two of America's closest allies?

The Arab League is meeting on Tuesday. Don't be surprised if Egypt reneges on its contribution to the blockade of Gaza. Jordan may also rethink its treaty with Israel.

Wars and rumors of war may sound academic today, but think ahead to one possible October surprise. Imagine DOW 3800 on Halloween with 90% of Americans focused on their world the way they were during the week following 9/11/2001.

Think Obama might resort to war...

It won't be anyone in his family who dies.

How about yours?

More links to garbage the arab world will be "aflame" if the US attacks iraq, and the arab street will "rage" if the US enters Afghanistan...same old shit.

Turkey isn't doing squat, and they know it. They are pandering to the fascist muslim filth in iran and Gaza to ingratiate themselves further with scum like ahmadinjad. NOTHING will come of this, it will pass like always.

And if by some chance it doesn't - it will give the US and Israel a wonderful opportunity to clear the terrorist dogshit out of multiple countries...
What makes you "think" the US will side with Israel instead of Turkey?

Considering the fact that Israeli piracy victimized ships in international waters flying the Irish, Greek, and Turkish flags, should not all NATO members and EU countries immediately cease their relationships with Israel and close their airspace to Israeli aircraft?

Israel and her handmaidens think their "power of deterrence" expands with the number of innocent dead they leave in their wake.

How's that for terrorist dogshit....
What makes you "think" the US will side with Israel instead of Turkey?

Considering the fact that Israeli piracy victimized ships in international waters flying the Irish, Greek, and Turkish flags, should not all NATO members and EU countries immediately cease their relationships with Israel and close their airspace to Israeli aircraft?

Israel and her handmaidens think their "power of deterrence" expands with the number of innocent dead they leave in their wake.

How's that for terrorist dogshit....

The mentally ill foaming at the mouth in a corner...
You run a blockade, you are going to get your nose bloody. People from Turkey did this, not the Turkish government. I have as much sympathy for them as I do the whale savers.
I bet Obama is smokin a carton a day...Egypt just pulled out of the blockade by the way..Israel comes back and says we should of used more force...Turkey is sending more ships...Welcome to the land of extremely difficult decisions Obama...
I wasn't talking about what Israel said/did. I was talking about what YOU said, genius.

They didn't feel like allowing Israel to inspect. Nor are they required too.

Clearly, like most emotional libs, facts are not part of your "thought" process:

Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security."

Proportionality is also part of international law as well. Tell me what is proportional about killing 19 civilians because they tried to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza.

You and your fellow terrorist sympathizers always bring up "proportionality". I'll go along with that when I see the other side live up to it.
1) Its an irrelevant point. I don't need to avoid it, nor do I need to address it.

Hardly, it proves my point that arab muslims are not interested in settling and compromising on land disputes - they are only interested in ethnically cleansing everyone else out of the middle east. The "land" argument is just patent nonsense covering their true goals.

Christ. Must you really make me address posts as asinine as these? That SOME arab muslims are interested in that does not mean ALL are.

So you went from saying that they were offered what they saying that they should have accepted what they were offered. Funny how as soon as I ask for details your facts change.

3) Do point to specific strawmen I've created.

"think they want a little bit more than just a country, somewhere."

Again, they were offered a country right in the Mandate, not on mars. So don't give this BS line about how they were only offered a country in some far flung place.

I need someone with more facts and intelligence from the pro-arab side; you're failing miserably... :eusa_whistle:

They were offered a country that was not where they wanted it to be. Location matters. And yeah maybe you don't think its a big deal, but then you don't have to live there. And somehow I doubt you have the intellectual capacity or the empathy to put yourself in their shoes.

That's quite an emotional post. I think I'm gonna cry. I'm beginning to see a pattern here. Is everyone who disagrees with you lacking "intellectual capacity"?

You sure are not lacking in emotional capacity for a tribe of thugs who raise their children to be suicide bombers.
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I wasn't talking about what Israel said/did. I was talking about what YOU said, genius.

They didn't feel like allowing Israel to inspect. Nor are they required too.

Clearly, like most emotional libs, facts are not part of your "thought" process:

Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security."

Proportionality is also part of international law as well. Tell me what is proportional about killing 19 civilians because they tried to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Just an observation but, if you die because you take sticks and stones to a gunfight, then it might just be Darwin claiming his own.
I like to show up for a job with all the right tools too. Sometimes things don't work out that way and you have to use what you have. There was a blockade. The aid-givers knew they would probably be challenged. They had a choice to stand down. They decided to fight. What is the big surprise here?
Stand strong, Israel! You're doing the right thing to turn back a dozen ships with 500 activists on them carrying a cache of knives, a rocket, food/supplies and lots of cement to build bunkers with.

If all those "humanitarian" activists are loosed on your soil, a new and tragic chapter of history will be written.

Praying for Israel.

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