Netanyahu now Premier Minister of the United States!

...I believe he said 'Your'' meaning those Jews he was talking to ---NOT PM of the US

Personally, I believe there is a big difference between Jews and Israeli’s; they are not one and the same.

Anyone care to guess what the differences are?

...I believe he said 'Your'' meaning those Jews he was talking to ---NOT PM of the US
He apparently confused the Jewish Republicans with Israelis.
so what?
and there is duel citizenship
He has a lot of such issues. Writes his wife´s name wrong, doesn´t know where is grandpa was born ect.
It is a serious thing when you realize that the most powerful human on earth doesn´t even know who he is talking to.
Is that in all 57 of Obama's states?

That's it. Milk that one dumb remark for all it's worth. There are so few compared to the thousands Trump supplies us with daily.
Even under sniper fire?

Good for you. That's two. Can you come up with 5 more? I can come up with 5 goofy Trump remarks in the last day or two.

I watched a little more than 3 minutes. You're grabbing at straws there buddy. The orange clown does dumber stuff than that every day.
...I believe he said 'Your'' meaning those Jews he was talking to ---NOT PM of the US
He apparently confused the Jewish Republicans with Israelis.
so what?
and there is duel citizenship
He has a lot of such issues. Writes his wife´s name wrong, doesn´t know where is grandpa was born ect.
It is a serious thing when you realize that the most powerful human on earth doesn´t even know who he is talking to.
you HATE Israel/Jews--we can tell by your threads
no other POTUS made mistakes????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????
...I believe he said 'Your'' meaning those Jews he was talking to ---NOT PM of the US
He apparently confused the Jewish Republicans with Israelis.
so what?
and there is duel citizenship
He has a lot of such issues. Writes his wife´s name wrong, doesn´t know where is grandpa was born ect.
It is a serious thing when you realize that the most powerful human on earth doesn´t even know who he is talking to.
you HATE Israel/Jews--we can tell by your threads
no other POTUS made mistakes????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????
Yeah, yeah, who doesn´t agree 100% is a Jew hater, we know it. Thanks for the reminder.
you HATE Israel/Jews--we can tell by your threads
no other POTUS made mistakes????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????

It is not a mistake to become a racist, hate filled pig; but that is just who/what Trump is which has nothing to do with Israelis who just by coincidence are racist, hate filled pigs too.

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