Netanyahu Or Obama; Who Do YOU Trust?

Who do you trust?

  • Bibi

    Votes: 34 77.3%
  • Obama

    Votes: 10 22.7%

  • Total voters
He went to a crossfit class and claimed it was Boot Camp

I went to basic training not boot camp...not that a putz protester like you would know the difference. Same offer stands for any of you queers....$5K buys you a look at my DD214.....put your money where your mouff is my ni66ers. :badgrin:
He went to a crossfit class and claimed it was Boot Camp

I went to basic training not boot camp...not that a putz protester like you would know the difference. Same offer stands for any of you queers....$5K buys you a look at my DD214.....put your money where your mouff is my ni66ers. :badgrin:
No one is going to pay you 5k to be swindled. You already faked being a marine. Do you really think anyone would trust a cave :piss2:like you? :laugh:
He went to a crossfit class and claimed it was Boot Camp

I went to basic training not boot camp...not that a putz protester like you would know the difference. Same offer stands for any of you queers....$5K buys you a look at my DD214.....put your money where your mouff is my ni66ers. :badgrin:
In the meantime, the queers have jacked another thread.

Bibi beating Obie 4 to one.
26-6...the Yid over the progs sissies should all drown yourselves for backing that nappy headed mongrel.. :blsmile:
He went to a crossfit class and claimed it was Boot Camp

I went to basic training not boot camp...not that a putz protester like you would know the difference. Same offer stands for any of you queers....$5K buys you a look at my DD214.....put your money where your mouff is my ni66ers. :badgrin:

I believe you, bull. describe your sweater-----color and---uhm patches---
----and I will SWEAR you were a marine----if you get it right.
I believe you, bull. describe your sweater-----color and---uhm patches---
----and I will SWEAR you were a marine----if you get it right.

Never claimed to be USMC, rosie....the BullKurtzUSMC character was a goof I created based on a couple DIs I had and a Gunny at Da Nang who tried to drill devil dawgs just back from a dance with Nathan....they just stood around and laughed at him while he screamed he was gonna Article 15 the whole fucking bunch of them. I'm 1st Cavalry....
He lied about being a Marine for years and now we are supposed to treat him with credibility when he says he has 5 grand? Ni66a please
I believe you, bull. describe your sweater-----color and---uhm patches---
----and I will SWEAR you were a marine----if you get it right.

Never claimed to be USMC, rosie....the BullKurtzUSMC character was a goof I created based on a couple DIs I had and a Gunny at Da Nang who tried to drill devil dawgs just back from a dance with Nathan....they just stood around and laughed at him while he screamed he was gonna Article 15 the whole fucking bunch of them. I'm 1st Cavalry....
Stop lying. We already busted you. Here you clearly got frightened and thought claiming you were a marine actually would intimidate me.

Red Lobster suspends waitress after she was insulted with a racial slur Page 85 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You want to talk to a retired MARINE about gettin "froggy" do ya? You best leave that right where it sits, sonny. Oh, and I grew up in Detroit, know 50 times what you do about urban blacks, and never heard a black man use the word "prattle".
How can this possibly we have a free press?..if we have a free press ......we are not free...we do not have a free press...anyone in the media who brings up Israel has Nukes will lose their CAREER

It’s astonishing that in the breathless run-up to Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu’s appearance before a joint session of the U.S. Congress to warn of a nuclear-armed Iran, no one—politicians, editorial writers, media pundits—point out that there already is a nuclear power in the Middle East—Netanyahu’s Israel.

Israel has had nuclear bombs for more than 50 years and never used them---
-----Iran has done everything it can possible do to arm it's Hezbollah with
obscene bombs designed to blow the brains out of children----as many as
possible. YOU SEEM DELIGHTED TO TRUST THEM WITH NUCLEAR BOMBS----I do not trust them with radioactive materials

Who do you think is willing to trust Iran with nuclear bombs? Find out what is actually happening before you say anything else that stupid.

i don't trust any government with nukes. I suggest we actually find out what's happening before we say anything else that stupid.

RFLMAO "have nukes, will lie" ?? I don't trust any muslim who has access
to a pressure cooker----or even a knife---or a stick---or a rock. What government
do you trust, HAISSI HABIBI?
Since the Jordanian pilot roast-----I would not trust a muslim with a shishkebob '
stick. Weapons don't murder---muzzies murder
hey rosie, the rod in revelations, is that the nuke coming in? sounds like it to me. shall the holy jews throw the first punch because they are scared? Let's take it to the people actually gonna pay for all this non sense you middle east beast of all perversions can't stop. I know, I'll have my God, the God of all good people, settle this once and for all. So let it be written ,. so let it be done. a men?
I'm pretty sure he was one of those short fat white kids that didnt have enough rhythm to march and got out on a trainee discharge. :laugh:

Here's your soul mate derodio getting busted, Lucy....maybe I should scour the interwebs to retrieve your lies about serving....there are plenty of them as I recall.

HOOK AND DRAW Understanding the 21 Rule Page 3 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Dont try to deflect. We are talking about you cave chimp. Besides where is your proof he is lying?
wasn't that the one in apocalypse now? lol. did you see it all over there or from your arm chair? if you think the bombs of today are accurate and still kill innocents close by, how do you suppose you didn't with unguided ordinances of that day? also, you fought a bullshit war we never should have been in. it's time to stop being so proud of that fact and maybe ask for forgiveness for following orders against humanity. thanks for your fake service just the same. knowing their are "men" like you out there that will kill for a lie with out thinking why makes me sleep better at night? no it doesn't at all actually.

I have no idea; I don't go to war movies as a rule although I did see "Platoon" and thought that was fairly accurate. So you're accusing me of being both a fake and a war criminal in the same disjointed, poorly worded and punctuated rant....why should I give a shit what a dune coon believes?
you shouldn't. just go on believing what they told you before you dropped bombs on people you and we had no rightful business fucking with. you gave a shit about what some other idiot told you to do and you became a pawn or really a dog of unjust war for profit. you'r like isis warrior only you think you are better some how. Guess you staying in a plane way up in the sky makes you worth more as a weapon of masses destruction. But who's paying for your serves and how much did you get for your soul?
He lied about being a Marine for years and now we are supposed to treat him with credibility when he says he has 5 grand? Ni66a please

Right here folks...this is an Obama voter. Has no idea what my offer was...thinks I'm claiming I have $5K...and after reading my post no more than 3 minutes ago. No short-term memory, incontinent, covered in eczema and anal warts....a prototype prog I tells ya. :lol:
How can this possibly we have a free press?..if we have a free press ......we are not free...we do not have a free press...anyone in the media who brings up Israel has Nukes will lose their CAREER

It’s astonishing that in the breathless run-up to Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu’s appearance before a joint session of the U.S. Congress to warn of a nuclear-armed Iran, no one—politicians, editorial writers, media pundits—point out that there already is a nuclear power in the Middle East—Netanyahu’s Israel.

Israel has had nuclear bombs for more than 50 years and never used them---
-----Iran has done everything it can possible do to arm it's Hezbollah with
obscene bombs designed to blow the brains out of children----as many as
possible. YOU SEEM DELIGHTED TO TRUST THEM WITH NUCLEAR BOMBS----I do not trust them with radioactive materials

Who do you think is willing to trust Iran with nuclear bombs? Find out what is actually happening before you say anything else that stupid.

i don't trust any government with nukes. I suggest we actually find out what's happening before we say anything else that stupid.

RFLMAO "have nukes, will lie" ?? I don't trust any muslim who has access
to a pressure cooker----or even a knife---or a stick---or a rock. What government
do you trust, HAISSI HABIBI?
Since the Jordanian pilot roast-----I would not trust a muslim with a shishkebob '
stick. Weapons don't murder---muzzies murder
hey rosie, the rod in revelations, is that the nuke coming in? sounds like it to me. shall the holy jews throw the first punch because they are scared? Let's take it to the people actually gonna pay for all this non sense you middle east beast of all perversions can't stop. I know, I'll have my God, the God of all good people, settle this once and for all. So let it be written ,. so let it be done. a men?

In what language was the book of revulsions written?. The first nation to drop a
nuclear bomb was the USA. From what dung heap were you spawned.
I was born in the USA as were both of my parents---both of them, jews.
If you allude to the creed or nationality of posters but decline to divulge your own
creed and nationality----it is because you are a craven, cowardly dog
He lied about being a Marine for years and now we are supposed to treat him with credibility when he says he has 5 grand? Ni66a please

Right here folks...this is an Obama voter. Has no idea what my offer was...thinks I'm claiming I have $5K...and after reading my post no more than 3 minutes ago. No short-term memory, incontinent, covered in eczema and anal warts....a prototype prog I tells ya. :lol:

Oh you're right...I just reread it and you dont have 5 grand.

You also dont have any credibility, which is worst than misreading one of your bullshit stories on seeing combat.

You must mean you saw a Wombat and misspelled it
This is a post for SheilaBull
Bibi's Blustery Blunder

To allow an Israeli politician to use the venue of the United States Congress as a platform for political grandstanding in support of his re-election bid is equally demeaning to Americans and Israelis alike.

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