Netanyahu Or Obama; Who Do YOU Trust?

Who do you trust?

  • Bibi

    Votes: 34 77.3%
  • Obama

    Votes: 10 22.7%

  • Total voters
On Tuesday night, "The Nightly Show" host Larry Wilmore leaned into his critcism of GOP leadership for inviting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress and needle the President.

Wilmore noted that Obama used the exact same language as Netanyahu regarding Iran's potential nuclear program the day before the address, and wondered why the Israeli leader was even invited.

"He could've just called," Wilmore said. Soon it became clear to him that Republicans were interested in hearing a take on Iran from someone other than the Democratic commander-in-chief.

"You made Netanyahu come all the way over here just to embarrass Obama? He's the prime minister of Israel, not the 'Better Call Saul' of international diplomacy!" he said.

Wilmore then ran a fake ad for "Netanyahu & Partners," a firm dedicated to redressing conservative grievances once a country decides to "elect a black."
Nightly Show Republicans Invited Netanyahu For Racist Reasons VIDEO
Semper fi except if the President is Black and some foreign freak comes to bad mouth the US

You were probably just fine with Caulerone trashing our immigration laws, when he was invited here by Obozo and company. You condemn that trashing or America too? Or just the stuff that fits your America hating agenda?
Semper fi except if the President is Black and some foreign freak comes to bad mouth the US

You were probably just fine with Caulerone trashing our immigration laws, when he was invited here by Obozo and company. You condemn that trashing or America too? Or just the stuff that fits your America hating agenda?
Semper fi except if the President is Black and some foreign freak comes to bad mouth the US

You were probably just fine with Caulerone trashing our immigration laws, when he was invited here by Obozo and company. You condemn that trashing or America too? Or just the stuff that fits your America hating agenda?

Yeah that's what I thought, you have nothing.
25 to 6 for Bibi, ahhhaaaaaaa, Obozo is sure sucking the big one.
A picture of when he went by what name? Oh yes that "fighting spirit" , he still has it today hey.
Personally the smarter man would rather peace than war.
Yeah Clinton thought the same thing, and we got 911. Sometimes you have to go to war to get peace.

911 was done by Israel and neocons in our government.

Wow you are a lunatic!


That's Just Penelope:)
Why does Bibi's speech win such publicity?

Can it possibly be because Americans were not open enough and feel a strange need to hide what went there, really?

What is Obama afraid of USA and Israel finding out, and why does he has to warn Netanyahu to "expose" secrets? isn't this deal supposed to be open to criticism?

I'm just sayin'.
Bush had a lot more to deal with than obama. He had the dot com bust, 911, Katrina, and the housing bust. Obama I admit was handed a mess, but it looks like he has done his best to keep the economy down.

Obama has kept the economy down while nearly tripling the Stock Market valuations...this is a very tricky Negro a Magic Negro
When you throw billions of dollars into it. What do you think is gonna happen?
Look at who you wanting to run in 2016, the Clinton's. Bill a liar and a pedophile, Hillary a liar and a law breaker. Talk about a head in your ass. Lol
You are the GOP the party that nearly destroyed America with President Bozo 43 dumbest white man in history
Smarter than obozo, he made Carter a very happy man.

Sorry but while Obama hasn't been the greatest, he's been much better than Bush. Bush caused disasters. Obama is just slow to fix them.
Bush had a lot more to deal with than obama. He had the dot com bust, 911, Katrina, and the housing bust. Obama I admit was handed a mess, but it looks like he has done his best to keep the economy down.

Sure. Bush was always busy with the country's business.

Really golf? You really want to go there?
The stock market is not taking very many people off of SNAP,
That is why Obama is pushing for a rise in wages...Walmart and others use the SNAP program to subsidize their slave wages ...people working full time still qualify for food stamps because of this corporate abuse of labor..
Walmart just gave raises.

What kind of dimwit stays stuck at minimum wage anyway?
Why does Bibi's speech win such publicity?

Can it possibly be because Americans were not open enough and feel a strange need to hide what went there, really?

What is Obama afraid of USA and Israel finding out, and why does he has to warn Netanyahu to "expose" secrets? isn't this deal supposed to be open to criticism?

I'm just sayin'.

Good questions and like Barry-Care, the Regime doesn't want the deal looked at too closely....the Devil is always in the details....especially when you're dealing with the Devil. I wouldn't send Kerry to order a happy meal at McDonalds.
He picks up the torch and runs when Hillary decides to not seek the nomination.

Could be. Like Gore, Flippy probably figures he won in 2004 and is really president. He's been laughed out of every capital in the ME so now he's hanging out in Geneva getting screamed at by the Iranian foreign minister. :lol:
Tyrone is about to run out of luck for trolling this thread.
I almost had to quit reading your threads, five queers wanting to slam your ass for every worthy post.

Ma always said being the pretty one was the Curse.

Nah, they hate me because they're afraid of me....same ol deal as Rectile in BB....the attraction to danger becomes an obsession with it as long as they're at a safe distance.
I think there were many Americans today that wished Netanyahu could be our president, rather than this idiot we have in office.

They are called traitors.

No your president is called a traitor Mr. brain stem.

I don't see him ruled by a foreign leader.

Why does Bibi's speech win such publicity?

Can it possibly be because Americans were not open enough and feel a strange need to hide what went there, really?

What is Obama afraid of USA and Israel finding out, and why does he has to warn Netanyahu to "expose" secrets? isn't this deal supposed to be open to criticism?

I'm just sayin'.

It's transparency Obozo style.
Why does Bibi's speech win such publicity?

Can it possibly be because Americans were not open enough and feel a strange need to hide what went there, really?

What is Obama afraid of USA and Israel finding out, and why does he has to warn Netanyahu to "expose" secrets? isn't this deal supposed to be open to criticism?

I'm just sayin'.

Good questions and like Barry-Care, the Regime doesn't want the deal looked at too closely....the Devil is always in the details....especially when you're dealing with the Devil. I wouldn't send Kerry to order a happy meal at McDonalds.

We know exactly what's going to happen. The spineless Kerry / Obozo team will give Iran billions of OUR money. They will promise to stop, and they will turn around and use our money to keep on keeping on. No chance those 2 bozos could actually get something positive accomplished.
Tyrone is about to run out of luck for trolling this thread.
I almost had to quit reading your threads, five queers wanting to slam your ass for every worthy post.

Ma always said being the pretty one was the Curse.

Nah, they hate me because they're afraid of me....same ol deal as Rectile in BB....the attraction to danger becomes an obsession with it as long as they're at a safe distance.
Youre a pussy. No one is afraid of a pussy. On top of that you are POS that faked being a marine to appear tough. How embarrassing for you that you got caught.

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