Netanyahu say's hell no to "refugees"

Israel, we already know you respond to bottle rockets by blowing up hospitals, now you want to reject refugees?

who is "we"-------to what "bottle rockets" do this strange group of idiots (aka 'we') refer?
Palestinians will launch a tiny rocket and Israel will respond with a massive attack. The "we" is a figure of speech.

when did that happen? there has not been a period of time as long as single month that Palestinians have not launched nail bombs into Israel--------ONE??----they have sent over tens of thousands. Did you ever see the autopsy videos of
children who happened to be in the vicinity of those bombs? ------nail bombs transform a child's brain to a puddle of Ketchup-- (you will never see the videos----
take my word for it------nail bombs are not bottle rockets
Israel, we already know you respond to bottle rockets by blowing up hospitals, now you want to reject refugees?

who is "we"-------to what "bottle rockets" do this strange group of idiots (aka 'we') refer?
Palestinians will launch a tiny rocket and Israel will respond with a massive attack. The "we" is a figure of speech.
good for Bibi and his clear thinking . Why ruin Israel with more muslims for upcoming Israelis . Also good on massive retribution for sending 'pali rockets' . If 'palis' don't like the retribution tell them to stop sending 'rockets' David .
Israel, we already know you respond to bottle rockets by blowing up hospitals, now you want to reject refugees?

Bottle rockets? :lmao: Lay off the kool-aid.

thanks sayit-----those mobile rocket launchers and the rockets are GIFTS TO GAZA from the "HELPFUL IRANIANS" Note the site ------in the midst of people-----
MOBILE MISSILE launchers------shoot, kill and SCOOT AWAY ----so the children in the street can absorb return fire-----Penelope will tell you how noble are the gift givers
Israel, we already know you respond to bottle rockets by blowing up hospitals, now you want to reject refugees?

Bottle rockets? :lmao: Lay off the kool-aid.

thanks sayit-----those mobile rocket launchers and the rockets are GIFTS TO GAZA from the "HELPFUL IRANIANS" Note the site ------in the midst of people-----
MOBILE MISSILE launchers------shoot, kill and SCOOT AWAY ----so the children in the street can absorb return fire-----Penelope will tell you how noble are the gift givers

People like Pene don't care about the cost in human life. As long as some Joooz are hurt she's good with it.
Most of them are Palestinians that fled Israel, why go back into the hell hole they made of the west back, and smell their shit (literally)

Israel needs to save place for elite Russians and French "secular Jews" like that one Russian that built a sprawling ranch on 3 acres.

Soon you middle class Jews in Israel will be living like the Palestinians.:badgrin:
Most of them are Palestinians that fled Israel, why go back into the hell hole they made of the west back, and smell their shit (literally)

Israel needs to save place for elite Russians and French "secular Jews" like that one Russian that built a sprawling ranch on 3 acres.

Soon you middle class Jews in Israel will be living like the Palestinians.:badgrin:

Most of whom are "Palestinians" penny dear???? Da joooos done cleaned up the shit of the West Bank------no more cholera there at all -------not even Leprosy (of course as a health care worker you know that Leprosy is not a shit borne disease---but cholera is) Elite Russians? you haven't been out from under your rock much, Penny dear. Who is the Russian who built a SPRAWLING RANCH on 3 acres and where is this VAST UNDERTAKING? (I can hear Texans laughing from here-------they are even laughing in Jersey) getting back to
the sprawling ranch-----how long does it take the owner to race his horse over that
vast piece of land?
Most of them are Palestinians that fled Israel, why go back into the hell hole they made of the west back, and smell their shit (literally)

Israel needs to save place for elite Russians and French "secular Jews" like that one Russian that built a sprawling ranch on 3 acres.

Soon you middle class Jews in Israel will be living like the Palestinians.:badgrin:

Most of whom are "Palestinians" penny dear???? Da joooos done cleaned up the shit of the West Bank------no more cholera there at all -------not even Leprosy (of course as a health care worker you know that Leprosy is not a shit borne disease---but cholera is) Elite Russians? you haven't been out from under your rock much, Penny dear. Who is the Russian who built a SPRAWLING RANCH on 3 acres and where is this VAST UNDERTAKING? (I can hear Texans laughing from here-------they are even laughing in Jersey) getting back to
the sprawling ranch-----how long does it take the owner to race his horse over that
vast piece of land?

Nope more sewage than ever before. I posted about the Russian who built the ranch on 3 acres in Israel. I mean what kind a jerk does that, a Russian Billionaire, and who let him so it, the Israel government who wants his money.

Syrians are smart and do not want to enter hell.
Most of them are Palestinians that fled Israel, why go back into the hell hole they made of the west back, and smell their shit (literally)

Israel needs to save place for elite Russians and French "secular Jews" like that one Russian that built a sprawling ranch on 3 acres.

Soon you middle class Jews in Israel will be living like the Palestinians.:badgrin:

Most of whom are "Palestinians" penny dear???? Da joooos done cleaned up the shit of the West Bank------no more cholera there at all -------not even Leprosy (of course as a health care worker you know that Leprosy is not a shit borne disease---but cholera is) Elite Russians? you haven't been out from under your rock much, Penny dear. Who is the Russian who built a SPRAWLING RANCH on 3 acres and where is this VAST UNDERTAKING? (I can hear Texans laughing from here-------they are even laughing in Jersey) getting back to
the sprawling ranch-----how long does it take the owner to race his horse over that
vast piece of land?

Nope more sewage than ever before. I posted about the Russian who built the ranch on 3 acres in Israel. I mean what kind a jerk does that, a Russian Billionaire, and who let him so it, the Israel government who wants his money.

Syrians are smart and do not want to enter hell.

Is 3 acres a GIANT piece of land in the place that harbors you, Penelope? I missed the article--------3 acres was not a whole lot even in the little town in which
I grew up------North east USA I doubt that such a place would be called a RANCH-------let alone a SPRAWLING RANCH --------acres? they don't use
the term ACRE in Israel-----the term is dunam------if it was three dunums-----
well------its not much----a little house and a rose garden---tomatoes in the back
No room for refugees. Sorry it's on 3.5 acres.


Oligarch building Israel's biggest mansion

PM Netanyahu about to get new neighbor: Jewish Russian business magnate Valery Kogan buys, tears down seven villas in Caesarea to build most expensive, luxurious home in country

Ofer Petersburg


09.27.13, 14:30 / Israel Business

While the housing crisis in Israel is worsening by the day, in Caesarea construction is underway for a grandiose palace overlooking the sea, not far from the villa of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The proud owner of the most expensive mansion ever built in Israel, Jewish Russian oligarch Valery Kogan, bought and tore down seven villas in favor of his new home, which is being constructed on a property of 3.5 acres and designed in a style resembling the White House in Washington.
When someone says that muslims are not apart of Israeli culture, they don't know what they are talking about

But as we all know Israel is a Jewish state, and that's the whole point of it's existence.

You said Muslims were not apart of Israeli culture, you're wrong. VERY wrong. Muslims make up more than 20% of the population. More so than Jews make up the U.S. population but we wouldn't exclude them from our culture, right?

I mean, unless you're a right wing xenophobic asshole that is.

Well it looks like you and the two people that thanked you, as well as the one person that agreed with you have trouble reading. Here's what I said:

Netanyahu understands his first loyalty is to preserving his country's culture and the well being of it's citizens. He knows the more Muslims come in, the more likely Israel's future will be in jeopardy.
Wish European leaders would show the same responsibility to it's citizens.

Now no where in there do I say the Muslims that live in Israel are not part of the culture, I simply say the more Muslims, the more at risk the Jewish state will be in. You don't deny Israel is the Jewish state, right ? And you don't deny there is a history of Muslims and Israeli Jews having major disagreements, right ?
Most of them are Palestinians that fled Israel, why go back into the hell hole they made of the west back, and smell their shit (literally)

Israel needs to save place for elite Russians and French "secular Jews" like that one Russian that built a sprawling ranch on 3 acres.

Soon you middle class Jews in Israel will be living like the Palestinians.:badgrin:

Most of whom are "Palestinians" penny dear???? Da joooos done cleaned up the shit of the West Bank------no more cholera there at all -------not even Leprosy (of course as a health care worker you know that Leprosy is not a shit borne disease---but cholera is) Elite Russians? you haven't been out from under your rock much, Penny dear. Who is the Russian who built a SPRAWLING RANCH on 3 acres and where is this VAST UNDERTAKING? (I can hear Texans laughing from here-------they are even laughing in Jersey) getting back to
the sprawling ranch-----how long does it take the owner to race his horse over that
vast piece of land?

Nope more sewage than ever before. I posted about the Russian who built the ranch on 3 acres in Israel. I mean what kind a jerk does that, a Russian Billionaire, and who let him so it, the Israel government who wants his money.

Syrians are smart and do not want to enter hell.

I googled penny dear------you picked up your little piece of islamo Nazi propaganda shit on a situation that happened seven years ago--------a jewish
philanthropist of Russian background built some houses for other
Russian refugees somewhere in Samaria Sprawling ranch? Lots of
Syrian Christians are already in Israel------they have been fleeing that shit hole
for DECADES. When my son was in the Navy---he met a Syrian Christian fluent
in Hebrew------that kid migrated to the USA but his family is still in Israel. ----
he explained his father's politics "more likud than likud----he wants all the muslims
thrown out of Israel----sees no reason to have any there" I will explain how they got there-----they ESCAPED over the hills----of the GOLAN. Fortunately
when the Syrians shot at them ----they missed
Last edited:
No room for refugees. Sorry it's on 3.5 acres.

View attachment 49550

Oligarch building Israel's biggest mansion

PM Netanyahu about to get new neighbor: Jewish Russian business magnate Valery Kogan buys, tears down seven villas in Caesarea to build most expensive, luxurious home in country

Ofer Petersburg


09.27.13, 14:30 / Israel Business

While the housing crisis in Israel is worsening by the day, in Caesarea construction is underway for a grandiose palace overlooking the sea, not far from the villa of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The proud owner of the most expensive mansion ever built in Israel, Jewish Russian oligarch Valery Kogan, bought and tore down seven villas in favor of his new home, which is being constructed on a property of 3.5 acres and designed in a style resembling the White House in Washington.

oh ---is that the problem -----someone built a mansion in Israel------3.5 acres------
that's smaller than Khadaffy's house in New Jersey (may the poor guy rest in whatever hell hole he landed) I have heard that the person in question built
housing for Russian refugees over there-------probably that's it. I think the white house is on a LOT ----- MORE than 3.5 acres. 3.5 acres is a large lot for Israel----
what point are you struggling to make-----you are jealous?. My house is on a smaller lot----I wish I had 3.5 acres------I wish I could get khadaffy's house in Jersey
When someone says that muslims are not apart of Israeli culture, they don't know what they are talking about

But as we all know Israel is a Jewish state, and that's the whole point of it's existence.

You said Muslims were not apart of Israeli culture, you're wrong. VERY wrong. Muslims make up more than 20% of the population. More so than Jews make up the U.S. population but we wouldn't exclude them from our culture, right?

I mean, unless you're a right wing xenophobic asshole that is.

Well it looks like you and the two people that thanked you, as well as the one person that agreed with you have trouble reading. Here's what I said:

Netanyahu understands his first loyalty is to preserving his country's culture and the well being of it's citizens. He knows the more Muslims come in, the more likely Israel's future will be in jeopardy.
Wish European leaders would show the same responsibility to it's citizens.

Now no where in there do I say the Muslims that live in Israel are not part of the culture, I simply say the more Muslims, the more at risk the Jewish state will be in. You don't deny Israel is the Jewish state, right ? And you don't deny there is a history of Muslims and Israeli Jews having major disagreements, right ?

You specifically pointed out that Netanhahu's "first loyalty" is preserving culture and I'm assuming you think additional Muslims would cloud that purity. That was your point, correct?

Personally, I would think in a free society one of the last responsibilities for a leader is to dictate culture.

Funny you mention a leader's responsibility to dictate culture in a thread about Israel. You rightwiners aren't all buffoonish cartoon characters, are you?

Odd thing is, you don't just reply to me, but those who clicked this or that button on my post, how thin skinned are you?
Last edited:
When someone says that muslims are not apart of Israeli culture, they don't know what they are talking about

But as we all know Israel is a Jewish state, and that's the whole point of it's existence.

You said Muslims were not apart of Israeli culture, you're wrong. VERY wrong. Muslims make up more than 20% of the population. More so than Jews make up the U.S. population but we wouldn't exclude them from our culture, right?

I mean, unless you're a right wing xenophobic asshole that is.

Well it looks like you and the two people that thanked you, as well as the one person that agreed with you have trouble reading. Here's what I said:

Netanyahu understands his first loyalty is to preserving his country's culture and the well being of it's citizens. He knows the more Muslims come in, the more likely Israel's future will be in jeopardy.
Wish European leaders would show the same responsibility to it's citizens.

Now no where in there do I say the Muslims that live in Israel are not part of the culture, I simply say the more Muslims, the more at risk the Jewish state will be in. You don't deny Israel is the Jewish state, right ? And you don't deny there is a history of Muslims and Israeli Jews having major disagreements, right ?

You specifically pointed out that Netanhahu's "first loyalty" is preserving culture and I'm assuming you think additional Muslims would cloud that purity. That was your point, correct?

Personally, I would think in a free society one of the last responsibilities for a leader is to dictate culture.

Funny you mention a leader's responsibility to dictate culture in a thread about Israel. You rightwiners aren't all buffoonish cartoon characters, are you?

Odd thing is, you don't just reply to me, but those who clicked this or that button on my post, how thin skinned are you?

Your post is a bit on the Jibberish side. Israel is a jewish country----correct.
Syria is an arab/muslim country----correct. Technically Syria and Israel are
in a state of war--------they never made a peace agreement after the 1967
war Your personal thoughts on Netanyahu's role are silly. Did someone say
that he DICTATES CULTURE? --------what sort of "culture" did he "dictate"?

It likely that people do not respond to your post because your post does not
make a whole lot of sense. It is not a good idea for a country to incorporate
a large number of people who have been actively propagandized to hate that
country and even KILL its citizens whenever possible
When someone says that muslims are not apart of Israeli culture, they don't know what they are talking about

But as we all know Israel is a Jewish state, and that's the whole point of it's existence.

You said Muslims were not apart of Israeli culture, you're wrong. VERY wrong. Muslims make up more than 20% of the population. More so than Jews make up the U.S. population but we wouldn't exclude them from our culture, right?

I mean, unless you're a right wing xenophobic asshole that is.

Well it looks like you and the two people that thanked you, as well as the one person that agreed with you have trouble reading. Here's what I said:

Netanyahu understands his first loyalty is to preserving his country's culture and the well being of it's citizens. He knows the more Muslims come in, the more likely Israel's future will be in jeopardy.
Wish European leaders would show the same responsibility to it's citizens.

Now no where in there do I say the Muslims that live in Israel are not part of the culture, I simply say the more Muslims, the more at risk the Jewish state will be in. You don't deny Israel is the Jewish state, right ? And you don't deny there is a history of Muslims and Israeli Jews having major disagreements, right ?

You specifically pointed out that Netanhahu's "first loyalty" is preserving culture and I'm assuming you think additional Muslims would cloud that purity. That was your point, correct?

Personally, I would think in a free society one of the last responsibilities for a leader is to dictate culture.

Funny you mention a leader's responsibility to dictate culture in a thread about Israel. You rightwiners aren't all buffoonish cartoon characters, are you?

Odd thing is, you don't just reply to me, but those who clicked this or that button on my post, how thin skinned are you?

Your post is a bit on the Jibberish side. Israel is a jewish country----correct.
Syria is an arab/muslim country----correct. Technically Syria and Israel are
in a state of war--------they never made a peace agreement after the 1967
war Your personal thoughts on Netanyahu's role are silly. Did someone say
that he DICTATES CULTURE? --------what sort of "culture" did he "dictate"?

It likely that people do not respond to your post because your post does not
make a whole lot of sense. It is not a good idea for a country to incorporate
a large number of people who have been actively propagandized to hate that
country and even KILL its citizens whenever possible

Over 20% of Israel is Muslim. Do you think our President's "first loyalty" is to protect our culture from outside influences?

We can have an entire discussion on what Israel's role is in accepting refugees, culture is nothing more than an excuse. That was my point, it should have been obvious. In the future I'll be sure to dumb it down just for you.
But as we all know Israel is a Jewish state, and that's the whole point of it's existence.

You said Muslims were not apart of Israeli culture, you're wrong. VERY wrong. Muslims make up more than 20% of the population. More so than Jews make up the U.S. population but we wouldn't exclude them from our culture, right?

I mean, unless you're a right wing xenophobic asshole that is.

Well it looks like you and the two people that thanked you, as well as the one person that agreed with you have trouble reading. Here's what I said:

Netanyahu understands his first loyalty is to preserving his country's culture and the well being of it's citizens. He knows the more Muslims come in, the more likely Israel's future will be in jeopardy.
Wish European leaders would show the same responsibility to it's citizens.

Now no where in there do I say the Muslims that live in Israel are not part of the culture, I simply say the more Muslims, the more at risk the Jewish state will be in. You don't deny Israel is the Jewish state, right ? And you don't deny there is a history of Muslims and Israeli Jews having major disagreements, right ?

You specifically pointed out that Netanhahu's "first loyalty" is preserving culture and I'm assuming you think additional Muslims would cloud that purity. That was your point, correct?

Personally, I would think in a free society one of the last responsibilities for a leader is to dictate culture.

Funny you mention a leader's responsibility to dictate culture in a thread about Israel. You rightwiners aren't all buffoonish cartoon characters, are you?

Odd thing is, you don't just reply to me, but those who clicked this or that button on my post, how thin skinned are you?

Your post is a bit on the Jibberish side. Israel is a jewish country----correct.
Syria is an arab/muslim country----correct. Technically Syria and Israel are
in a state of war--------they never made a peace agreement after the 1967
war Your personal thoughts on Netanyahu's role are silly. Did someone say
that he DICTATES CULTURE? --------what sort of "culture" did he "dictate"?

It likely that people do not respond to your post because your post does not
make a whole lot of sense. It is not a good idea for a country to incorporate
a large number of people who have been actively propagandized to hate that
country and even KILL its citizens whenever possible

Over 20% of Israel is Muslim. Do you think our President's "first loyalty" is to protect our culture from outside influences?

We can have an entire discussion on what Israel's role is in accepting refugees, culture is nothing more than an excuse. That was my point, it should have been obvious. In the future I'll be sure to dumb it down just for you.

what does the fact that 20 % of the population of Israel is muslim have to do with
accepting refugees from a country with which Israel is in a state of war----the
hostility ----according to the policy of that country being the fact that Israel
is a jewish country? You seem not to grasp this very simple idea. Israel
was founded as a refuge for jews. The fact that Israel was founded as a refuge
for Jews ------is the MAIN reason that muslims maintain a policy that its existence
must be ended as a principle of religion. It is a very simple concept that you are having a problem grasping. Israel is not the United States.
Most of them are Palestinians that fled Israel, why go back into the hell hole they made of the west back, and smell their shit (literally)

Israel needs to save place for elite Russians and French "secular Jews" like that one Russian that built a sprawling ranch on 3 acres.

Soon you middle class Jews in Israel will be living like the Palestinians.:badgrin:

Most of whom are "Palestinians" penny dear???? Da joooos done cleaned up the shit of the West Bank------no more cholera there at all -------not even Leprosy (of course as a health care worker you know that Leprosy is not a shit borne disease---but cholera is) Elite Russians? you haven't been out from under your rock much, Penny dear. Who is the Russian who built a SPRAWLING RANCH on 3 acres and where is this VAST UNDERTAKING? (I can hear Texans laughing from here-------they are even laughing in Jersey) getting back to
the sprawling ranch-----how long does it take the owner to race his horse over that
vast piece of land?

Nope more sewage than ever before. I posted about the Russian who built the ranch on 3 acres in Israel. I mean what kind a jerk does that, a Russian Billionaire, and who let him so it, the Israel government who wants his money.

Syrians are smart and do not want to enter hell.

Really? If that were the case there would be no reason for Bibi to announce Israel's unwillingness to accept Syrian refugees (and therefore nothing for you to whine about) and no reason for these people to be there:

"When somebody comes to the border, we don't ask them who they are. We just make sure that they don't have any weapons on them. And they get the medical aid that they require," Lerner said.

Injured Syrians find treatment in Israel -

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