Netanyahu say's hell no to "refugees"

No room for refugees. Sorry it's on 3.5 acres.

View attachment 49550

Oligarch building Israel's biggest mansion

PM Netanyahu about to get new neighbor: Jewish Russian business magnate Valery Kogan buys, tears down seven villas in Caesarea to build most expensive, luxurious home in country

Ofer Petersburg


09.27.13, 14:30 / Israel Business

While the housing crisis in Israel is worsening by the day, in Caesarea construction is underway for a grandiose palace overlooking the sea, not far from the villa of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The proud owner of the most expensive mansion ever built in Israel, Jewish Russian oligarch Valery Kogan, bought and tore down seven villas in favor of his new home, which is being constructed on a property of 3.5 acres and designed in a style resembling the White House in Washington.

PS penny dear-----I do not understand your use of the word "oligarch" I am not even sure that it is a word. --------that article that shows the house----is from
the newspaper hubby buys Yediot ahronot------somehow either I missed or it is so old I forgot-------or the subject did not exicite me as it seems to excite you----some
rich guy has a big house-----was never much of an issue for me. There used to
be a TV program "LIFE STYLES OF THE RICH AND FAMOUS"-------It annoyed
me. How long have you been so JEALOUS of wealthy people?
Israel, we already know you respond to bottle rockets by blowing up hospitals, now you want to reject refugees?

who is "we"-------to what "bottle rockets" do this strange group of idiots (aka 'we') refer?
Palestinians will launch a tiny rocket and Israel will respond with a massive attack. The "we" is a figure of speech.
good for Bibi and his clear thinking . Why ruin Israel with more muslims for upcoming Israelis . Also good on massive retribution for sending 'pali rockets' . If 'palis' don't like the retribution tell them to stop sending 'rockets' David .
you gave me a 'funny' Coyote. whats funny about my reasoning , why let more 'muslims'into Israel to just drag Israel down for future Israelis . After all more 'muslims' in Israel can't be healthy for Israel Coyote .
When someone says that muslims are not apart of Israeli culture, they don't know what they are talking about

But as we all know Israel is a Jewish state, and that's the whole point of it's existence.

You said Muslims were not apart of Israeli culture, you're wrong. VERY wrong. Muslims make up more than 20% of the population. More so than Jews make up the U.S. population but we wouldn't exclude them from our culture, right?

I mean, unless you're a right wing xenophobic asshole that is.

Well it looks like you and the two people that thanked you, as well as the one person that agreed with you have trouble reading. Here's what I said:

Netanyahu understands his first loyalty is to preserving his country's culture and the well being of it's citizens. He knows the more Muslims come in, the more likely Israel's future will be in jeopardy.
Wish European leaders would show the same responsibility to it's citizens.

Now no where in there do I say the Muslims that live in Israel are not part of the culture, I simply say the more Muslims, the more at risk the Jewish state will be in. You don't deny Israel is the Jewish state, right ? And you don't deny there is a history of Muslims and Israeli Jews having major disagreements, right ?

You specifically pointed out that Netanhahu's "first loyalty" is preserving culture and I'm assuming you think additional Muslims would cloud that purity. That was your point, correct?

Personally, I would think in a free society one of the last responsibilities for a leader is to dictate culture.

Funny you mention a leader's responsibility to dictate culture in a thread about Israel. You rightwiners aren't all buffoonish cartoon characters, are you?

Odd thing is, you don't just reply to me, but those who clicked this or that button on my post, how thin skinned are you?

I'm not thin skinned, I just thought it interesting that apparently it wasn't just you that misread what I posted.
I mean , let more 'muslims' into Israel and there'd just be more bus and pizza shop bombings and other mayhem Coyote .
No room for refugees. Sorry it's on 3.5 acres.

View attachment 49550

Oligarch building Israel's biggest mansion

PM Netanyahu about to get new neighbor: Jewish Russian business magnate Valery Kogan buys, tears down seven villas in Caesarea to build most expensive, luxurious home in country

Ofer Petersburg


09.27.13, 14:30 / Israel Business

While the housing crisis in Israel is worsening by the day, in Caesarea construction is underway for a grandiose palace overlooking the sea, not far from the villa of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The proud owner of the most expensive mansion ever built in Israel, Jewish Russian oligarch Valery Kogan, bought and tore down seven villas in favor of his new home, which is being constructed on a property of 3.5 acres and designed in a style resembling the White House in Washington.

PS penny dear-----I do not understand your use of the word "oligarch" I am not even sure that it is a word. --------that article that shows the house----is from
the newspaper hubby buys Yediot ahronot------somehow either I missed or it is so old I forgot-------or the subject did not exicite me as it seems to excite you----some
rich guy has a big house-----was never much of an issue for me. There used to
be a TV program "LIFE STYLES OF THE RICH AND FAMOUS"-------It annoyed
me. How long have you been so JEALOUS of wealthy people?

I didn't use it , the paper did, google it, save it with the "jealousy" bit, and never ever tell me how "tiny Israel is" which I hear all the time, can't the jews have such a tiny bit of land. I wouldn't live in Israel if you gave me house, I like Mi just fine. Here article:
Oligarch building Israel's biggest mansion
Last edited:
No room for refugees. Sorry it's on 3.5 acres.

View attachment 49550

Oligarch building Israel's biggest mansion

PM Netanyahu about to get new neighbor: Jewish Russian business magnate Valery Kogan buys, tears down seven villas in Caesarea to build most expensive, luxurious home in country

Ofer Petersburg


09.27.13, 14:30 / Israel Business

While the housing crisis in Israel is worsening by the day, in Caesarea construction is underway for a grandiose palace overlooking the sea, not far from the villa of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The proud owner of the most expensive mansion ever built in Israel, Jewish Russian oligarch Valery Kogan, bought and tore down seven villas in favor of his new home, which is being constructed on a property of 3.5 acres and designed in a style resembling the White House in Washington.

PS penny dear-----I do not understand your use of the word "oligarch" I am not even sure that it is a word. --------that article that shows the house----is from
the newspaper hubby buys Yediot ahronot------somehow either I missed or it is so old I forgot-------or the subject did not exicite me as it seems to excite you----some
rich guy has a big house-----was never much of an issue for me. There used to
be a TV program "LIFE STYLES OF THE RICH AND FAMOUS"-------It annoyed
me. How long have you been so JEALOUS of wealthy people?

I didn't use it , the paper did, google it, save it with the "jealousy" bit, and never ever tell me how "tiny Israel is" which I hear all the time, can't the jews have such a tiny bit of land. I wouldn't live in Israel if you gave me house, I like Mi just fine. Here article:
Oligarch building Israel's biggest mansion

He is probably a crook.

your post, penny dear-----is even more addled than usual. You
"didn't use" WHAT??? " the paper did" what?? You "hear
all the time" how "tiny Israel is" strange topic of conversation in that
health care facility you seem to imagine you work Mi is bigger than is
Israel and it is a state -----not a country. Israel is a very tiny country.
I have no intention of giving you a house and
I am sure Israel will manage fine without you. You are definitely
a whore------besides being a parrot.
Oh----I got your citation------you copied and pasted without attribution--
I will not report you ------you are not worth the effort. I believe that the
periodical misused the word OLIGARCH-----they should stick to hebrew
Oh----I got your citation------you copied and pasted without attribution--
I will not report you ------you are not worth the effort. I believe that the
periodical misused the word OLIGARCH-----they should stick to hebrew

Well that Israel for you, always misrepresenting in their articles, Oh yes I forgot to give the link, something you never do, which is back up anything you post.
Oh----I got your citation------you copied and pasted without attribution--
I will not report you ------you are not worth the effort. I believe that the
periodical misused the word OLIGARCH-----they should stick to hebrew

Well that Israel for you, always misrepresenting in their articles, Oh yes I forgot to give the link, something you never do, which is back up anything you post.

where was it "misrepresented"? whoever wrote it, used a single word incorrectly----
that is not "misrepresentation" As "backing up"-----I write my own opinion and
information from my own experience -----nothing that requires attribution.
You simply COPY ---from the internet and do not supply attribution---that
action is called Plagiarism. I am sometimes surprised when I google your
shit------you do not even bother to paraphrase-----you just lift your stuff whole--
is that how you did your school reports? did you copy from the kid next to you
when taking a history test?
Given the size and population of Israel how many refugees does anyone think they could realistically take in and manage?

Israel already has an unmanageable refugee problem. No sane person would
expect it to take any at all. Indonesia is GINORMOUS------the refugees would be
a d
Nutanyahoo is up to his eyeballs in ethnic cleansing as he desperately tries to vanish the remaining native Palestinians.

Vanishing the Palestinians

thanks-----I read your citation---very typical islamo Nazi shit propaganda.
""" Palestinians" who are "PALESTINIANS? for almost more than 1600 years THE ONLY "PALESTINIANS" in the whole world----the WHOLE UNIVERSE were JOOOOOOOD living in their own land called PALESTINA by the filthy pig ROMANS and then the filthy pig arab invaders-----and then the filthy pig OTTOMAN EMPIRE CALIPHATE SHIT-----and then THE BRITISH EMPIRE----all
"Palestinians" were JOOOOOOOS My very own husband is a PALESTINIAN
---on all of his legal papers from infancy until 1948 when he became an Israeli.
"Palestinians" never "vanished" they do not even exist
Given the size and population of Israel how many refugees does anyone think they could realistically take in and manage?

Israel already has an unmanageable refugee problem. No sane person would
expect it to take any at all. Indonesia is GINORMOUS------the refugees would be
a d
Nutanyahoo is up to his eyeballs in ethnic cleansing as he desperately tries to vanish the remaining native Palestinians.

Vanishing the Palestinians

thanks-----I read your citation---very typical islamo Nazi shit propaganda.
""" Palestinians" who are "PALESTINIANS? for almost more than 1600 years THE ONLY "PALESTINIANS" in the whole world----the WHOLE UNIVERSE were JOOOOOOOD living in their own land called PALESTINA by the filthy pig ROMANS and then the filthy pig arab invaders-----and then the filthy pig OTTOMAN EMPIRE CALIPHATE SHIT-----and then THE BRITISH EMPIRE----all
"Palestinians" were JOOOOOOOS My very own husband is a PALESTINIAN
---on all of his legal papers from infancy until 1948 when he became an Israeli.
"Palestinians" never "vanished" they do not even exist

Here's another citation you may enjoy:

Book review: "Married to Another Man"
yes-----I always enjoy islamo Nazi stinking shit that HAPPY TOGETHER----good idea ---------all of the LEVANT should be HAPPY TOGETHER and reject the vile stench of shariah I have a strong desire to do a barbecue in Mecca------KOSHER---of course
Given the size and population of Israel how many refugees does anyone think they could realistically take in and manage?

Israel already has an unmanageable refugee problem. No sane person would
expect it to take any at all. Indonesia is GINORMOUS------the refugees would be
a d
Nutanyahoo is up to his eyeballs in ethnic cleansing as he desperately tries to vanish the remaining native Palestinians.

Vanishing the Palestinians

thanks-----I read your citation---very typical islamo Nazi shit propaganda.
""" Palestinians" who are "PALESTINIANS? for almost more than 1600 years THE ONLY "PALESTINIANS" in the whole world----the WHOLE UNIVERSE were JOOOOOOOD living in their own land called PALESTINA by the filthy pig ROMANS and then the filthy pig arab invaders-----and then the filthy pig OTTOMAN EMPIRE CALIPHATE SHIT-----and then THE BRITISH EMPIRE----all
"Palestinians" were JOOOOOOOS My very own husband is a PALESTINIAN
---on all of his legal papers from infancy until 1948 when he became an Israeli.
"Palestinians" never "vanished" they do not even exist

Here's another citation you may enjoy:

Book review: "Married to Another Man"

Looks like a good read, of course we all know Palestine was inhabited by Palestinians no matter how hard they try and deny it. Great title, even though they deny anyone said it, but it sure sounds like something rabbis would say.

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