Netanyahu Speech To Congress Is High-Risk, High-Reward


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Gold Supporting Member
Apr 17, 2009
Netyanahu's unprecedented and deliberate attempt to influence and divide American politics along these lines for his own political gain is really not good. If his actions force us into another war I see no good coming out of this at all. The talks need to be given an opportunity to work. We don't need an Iran with nuclear power but we also don't need another Middle East war with OUR soldiers stuck in the middle because Netanyahu wants it.

Netanyahu Speech To Congress Is High-Risk High-Reward Analysts Say NPR

The Republican congressional leadership responded by inviting Netanyahu — loudly critical of those talks — to give his own address to Congress in early March, ignoring usual protocol and surprising the White House with the plans.

Both the threat from Iran and relations with the U.S. are important issues in Israel. Meir Javedanfar, who teaches Iranian politics at Israel's Interdisciplinary Center says that if Netanyahu urges Congress to vote for sanctions against Iran now, he could undermine the ongoing U.S.-Iran negotiations.

"Absolutely nobody in the state of Israel wants Iran to have a nuclear weapon for a nanosecond, nobody," says Javedanfar, but sabotaging the talks would be bad for Israel.

If new sanctions were to be imposed on Iran later, if talks clearly fail, he says that would help Israel by staying aligned with the international coalition involved in the talks.

The Risk

Netanyahu is taking a risk by pushing against the Obama administration in such a high-profile way, says Yaron Ezrahi, an emeritus professor of political science at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Ezrahi worries that if negotiations with Iran fail, military action — even U.S. military action — could follow. Then, he says, Israel could be accused of undermining a diplomatic resolution.

"To involve Israel in the risk of being responsible — indirectly even — for an act of war by the United States is, I think, the utmost form of irresponsibility on the part of the Israeli leadership," Ezrahi says.

Many political watchers say another risk for Israel involves U.S. domestic politics. If the partisan way Netanyahu's speech was arranged splits congressional support for Israel along party lines, it could threaten the strong bipartisan backing Israel has long had.

On the other hand, a congressional speech on Iran two weeks before what could be a tight Israeli election could win Netanyahu votes back home, says analyst Eytan Gilboa of Israel's Bar-Ilan University.
Netyanahu's unprecedented and deliberate attempt to influence and divide American politics along these lines for his own political gain is really not good. If his actions force us into another war I see no good coming out of this at all. The talks need to be given an opportunity to work. We don't need an Iran with nuclear power but we also don't need another Middle East war with OUR soldiers stuck in the middle because Netanyahu wants it.

Netanyahu Speech To Congress Is High-Risk High-Reward Analysts Say NPR

The Republican congressional leadership responded by inviting Netanyahu — loudly critical of those talks — to give his own address to Congress in early March, ignoring usual protocol and surprising the White House with the plans.

Both the threat from Iran and relations with the U.S. are important issues in Israel. Meir Javedanfar, who teaches Iranian politics at Israel's Interdisciplinary Center says that if Netanyahu urges Congress to vote for sanctions against Iran now, he could undermine the ongoing U.S.-Iran negotiations.

"Absolutely nobody in the state of Israel wants Iran to have a nuclear weapon for a nanosecond, nobody," says Javedanfar, but sabotaging the talks would be bad for Israel.

If new sanctions were to be imposed on Iran later, if talks clearly fail, he says that would help Israel by staying aligned with the international coalition involved in the talks.

The Risk

Netanyahu is taking a risk by pushing against the Obama administration in such a high-profile way, says Yaron Ezrahi, an emeritus professor of political science at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Ezrahi worries that if negotiations with Iran fail, military action — even U.S. military action — could follow. Then, he says, Israel could be accused of undermining a diplomatic resolution.

"To involve Israel in the risk of being responsible — indirectly even — for an act of war by the United States is, I think, the utmost form of irresponsibility on the part of the Israeli leadership," Ezrahi says.

Many political watchers say another risk for Israel involves U.S. domestic politics. If the partisan way Netanyahu's speech was arranged splits congressional support for Israel along party lines, it could threaten the strong bipartisan backing Israel has long had.

On the other hand, a congressional speech on Iran two weeks before what could be a tight Israeli election could win Netanyahu votes back home, says analyst Eytan Gilboa of Israel's Bar-Ilan University.

Considering you are on the forefront of those who keep yammering away about how a person has to be a complete zealot like yourself by supporting absolutely everything Islamic, or else cannot be considered a proper "liberal", to accuse others of being divisive is about the most hypocritical display imaginable.
He has no right to come and address our congress without being invited by the President of the US. He needs to stay home and stay the hell out of our business. If he wants to attack Iran go ahead , but no he wants the US men to die before the Jews. I bet the Israelites didn't have to see the men come home from the Iraq war with torn off legs and arms,

time for Israel to fight on its own, it has lots of weapons and nukes. Leave us alone.
Netyanahu's unprecedented and deliberate attempt to influence and divide American politics along these lines for his own political gain is really not good. If his actions force us into another war I see no good coming out of this at all. The talks need to be given an opportunity to work. We don't need an Iran with nuclear power but we also don't need another Middle East war with OUR soldiers stuck in the middle because Netanyahu wants it.

Netanyahu Speech To Congress Is High-Risk High-Reward Analysts Say NPR

The Republican congressional leadership responded by inviting Netanyahu — loudly critical of those talks — to give his own address to Congress in early March, ignoring usual protocol and surprising the White House with the plans.

Both the threat from Iran and relations with the U.S. are important issues in Israel. Meir Javedanfar, who teaches Iranian politics at Israel's Interdisciplinary Center says that if Netanyahu urges Congress to vote for sanctions against Iran now, he could undermine the ongoing U.S.-Iran negotiations.

"Absolutely nobody in the state of Israel wants Iran to have a nuclear weapon for a nanosecond, nobody," says Javedanfar, but sabotaging the talks would be bad for Israel.

If new sanctions were to be imposed on Iran later, if talks clearly fail, he says that would help Israel by staying aligned with the international coalition involved in the talks.

The Risk

Netanyahu is taking a risk by pushing against the Obama administration in such a high-profile way, says Yaron Ezrahi, an emeritus professor of political science at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Ezrahi worries that if negotiations with Iran fail, military action — even U.S. military action — could follow. Then, he says, Israel could be accused of undermining a diplomatic resolution.

"To involve Israel in the risk of being responsible — indirectly even — for an act of war by the United States is, I think, the utmost form of irresponsibility on the part of the Israeli leadership," Ezrahi says.

Many political watchers say another risk for Israel involves U.S. domestic politics. If the partisan way Netanyahu's speech was arranged splits congressional support for Israel along party lines, it could threaten the strong bipartisan backing Israel has long had.

On the other hand, a congressional speech on Iran two weeks before what could be a tight Israeli election could win Netanyahu votes back home, says analyst Eytan Gilboa of Israel's Bar-Ilan University.

Considering you are on the forefront of those who keep yammering away about how a person has to be a complete zealot like yourself by supporting absolutely everything Islamic, or else cannot be considered a proper "liberal", to accuse others of being divisive is about the most hypocritical display imaginable.

Funny how sanctions only to be enacted, if Iran doesn't agree dismantle it's nuclear program is an obstacle. I used to think this women Coyote was a simply a ignorant person. Now I believe she really is part of the Islamonazi propaganda machine.
He has no right to come and address our congress without being invited by the President of the US. He needs to stay home and stay the hell out of our business. If he wants to attack Iran go ahead , but no he wants the US men to die before the Jews. I bet the Israelites didn't have to see the men come home from the Iraq war with torn off legs and arms,

time for Israel to fight on its own, it has lots of weapons and nukes. Leave us alone.
Bibi is coming here on a vacation, not to lead a coup on Obozo.
He has no right to come and address our congress without being invited by the President of the US...
Au contraire. He was invited by the US House of Representatives - the People's chamber - an equal partner in the governance of the United States.

...He needs to stay home and stay the hell out of our business...
He can do what he likes, and he, like any other foreign leader, is entitled to try to influence American politics.

Although, given that the Congress had already turned its back upon His Imperial Majesty - Obumble I - I'd say that that 'influencing' was largely unnecessary.

...If he wants to attack Iran go ahead , but no he wants the US men to die before the Jews...
Bibi probably believes that the Iranians cannot be trusted, and that force will be necessary in the final analysis, to halt their nuclear weapons program.

Much of the rest of the world feels the same way... including a great many here in the United States.

...I bet the Israelites didn't have to see the men come home from the Iraq war with torn off legs and arms,..
Considering that they wanted to engage in Gulf War I, and were rebuffed by Bush I, it's a good bet they decided to sit-out the last one.

...time for Israel to fight on its own, it has lots of weapons and nukes...
The long-term war against Militant Islam is everybody's war, outside the domains of Islam itself.

...Leave us alone.
Better that a friend and ally (Israel) pester us, than the Ayatollahs lob nukes at our children or grandchildren.
He has no right to come and address our congress without being invited by the President of the US. He needs to stay home and stay the hell out of our business. If he wants to attack Iran go ahead , but no he wants the US men to die before the Jews. I bet the Israelites didn't have to see the men come home from the Iraq war with torn off legs and arms,

time for Israel to fight on its own, it has lots of weapons and nukes. Leave us alone.

It's the Jews!! :eusa_shhh:
It's the Jews!! :eusa_shhh:

They are always right there to be the scapegoat for all the paranoid schizophrenics of the world.

But sneaky bastards, aren't they?! I've heard that when Muslim women are caught on camera saying a resounding yes to the question of whether they get all moist thinking about the genocide of Jews, it's really just the fault of some sneaky, conniving Jew. Coyote tells us so, so it must be true!

It's right up there with supporting female genital mutilation, honor killings, and terrorism to prove we are a right, proper "liberal".
Netyanahu's unprecedented and deliberate attempt to influence and divide American politics along these lines for his own political gain is really not good. If his actions force us into another war I see no good coming out of this at all. The talks need to be given an opportunity to work. We don't need an Iran with nuclear power but we also don't need another Middle East war with OUR soldiers stuck in the middle because Netanyahu wants it.

Netanyahu Speech To Congress Is High-Risk High-Reward Analysts Say NPR

The Republican congressional leadership responded by inviting Netanyahu — loudly critical of those talks — to give his own address to Congress in early March, ignoring usual protocol and surprising the White House with the plans.

Both the threat from Iran and relations with the U.S. are important issues in Israel. Meir Javedanfar, who teaches Iranian politics at Israel's Interdisciplinary Center says that if Netanyahu urges Congress to vote for sanctions against Iran now, he could undermine the ongoing U.S.-Iran negotiations.

"Absolutely nobody in the state of Israel wants Iran to have a nuclear weapon for a nanosecond, nobody," says Javedanfar, but sabotaging the talks would be bad for Israel.

If new sanctions were to be imposed on Iran later, if talks clearly fail, he says that would help Israel by staying aligned with the international coalition involved in the talks.

The Risk

Netanyahu is taking a risk by pushing against the Obama administration in such a high-profile way, says Yaron Ezrahi, an emeritus professor of political science at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Ezrahi worries that if negotiations with Iran fail, military action — even U.S. military action — could follow. Then, he says, Israel could be accused of undermining a diplomatic resolution.

"To involve Israel in the risk of being responsible — indirectly even — for an act of war by the United States is, I think, the utmost form of irresponsibility on the part of the Israeli leadership," Ezrahi says.

Many political watchers say another risk for Israel involves U.S. domestic politics. If the partisan way Netanyahu's speech was arranged splits congressional support for Israel along party lines, it could threaten the strong bipartisan backing Israel has long had.

On the other hand, a congressional speech on Iran two weeks before what could be a tight Israeli election could win Netanyahu votes back home, says analyst Eytan Gilboa of Israel's Bar-Ilan University.

Considering you are on the forefront of those who keep yammering away about how a person has to be a complete zealot like yourself by supporting absolutely everything Islamic, or else cannot be considered a proper "liberal", to accuse others of being divisive is about the most hypocritical display imaginable.

Funny how sanctions only to be enacted, if Iran doesn't agree dismantle it's nuclear program is an obstacle. I used to think this women Coyote was a simply a ignorant person. Now I believe she really is part of the Islamonazi propaganda machine.

You're an idiot.

I am a strong proponant of diplomacy first, and always have been. The current negotiations are delicate and both sides have time pressures from their respective governments. I don't see what the Republican Congress and Netanyahu is doing as being benificial. Naturally, you can't concieve of that.
Netyanahu's unprecedented and deliberate attempt to influence and divide American politics along these lines for his own political gain is really not good. If his actions force us into another war I see no good coming out of this at all. The talks need to be given an opportunity to work. We don't need an Iran with nuclear power but we also don't need another Middle East war with OUR soldiers stuck in the middle because Netanyahu wants it.

Netanyahu Speech To Congress Is High-Risk High-Reward Analysts Say NPR

The Republican congressional leadership responded by inviting Netanyahu — loudly critical of those talks — to give his own address to Congress in early March, ignoring usual protocol and surprising the White House with the plans.

Both the threat from Iran and relations with the U.S. are important issues in Israel. Meir Javedanfar, who teaches Iranian politics at Israel's Interdisciplinary Center says that if Netanyahu urges Congress to vote for sanctions against Iran now, he could undermine the ongoing U.S.-Iran negotiations.

"Absolutely nobody in the state of Israel wants Iran to have a nuclear weapon for a nanosecond, nobody," says Javedanfar, but sabotaging the talks would be bad for Israel.

If new sanctions were to be imposed on Iran later, if talks clearly fail, he says that would help Israel by staying aligned with the international coalition involved in the talks.

The Risk

Netanyahu is taking a risk by pushing against the Obama administration in such a high-profile way, says Yaron Ezrahi, an emeritus professor of political science at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Ezrahi worries that if negotiations with Iran fail, military action — even U.S. military action — could follow. Then, he says, Israel could be accused of undermining a diplomatic resolution.

"To involve Israel in the risk of being responsible — indirectly even — for an act of war by the United States is, I think, the utmost form of irresponsibility on the part of the Israeli leadership," Ezrahi says.

Many political watchers say another risk for Israel involves U.S. domestic politics. If the partisan way Netanyahu's speech was arranged splits congressional support for Israel along party lines, it could threaten the strong bipartisan backing Israel has long had.

On the other hand, a congressional speech on Iran two weeks before what could be a tight Israeli election could win Netanyahu votes back home, says analyst Eytan Gilboa of Israel's Bar-Ilan University.

Considering you are on the forefront of those who keep yammering away about how a person has to be a complete zealot like yourself by supporting absolutely everything Islamic, or else cannot be considered a proper "liberal", to accuse others of being divisive is about the most hypocritical display imaginable.

Just because you're an asshole doesn't mean I'm a "zealot".
He has no right to come and address our congress without being invited by the President of the US. He needs to stay home and stay the hell out of our business. If he wants to attack Iran go ahead , but no he wants the US men to die before the Jews. I bet the Israelites didn't have to see the men come home from the Iraq war with torn off legs and arms,

time for Israel to fight on its own, it has lots of weapons and nukes. Leave us alone.

It's the Jews!! :eusa_shhh:

No. Quit pulling the effing anti-semite card. It's foreign interference in OUR politics.

How would you feel if it was an Iranian doing this?
It's the Jews!! :eusa_shhh:

They are always right there to be the scapegoat for all the paranoid schizophrenics of the world.

But sneaky bastards, aren't they?! I've heard that when Muslim women are caught on camera saying a resounding yes to the question of whether they get all moist thinking about the genocide of Jews, it's really just the fault of some sneaky, conniving Jew. Coyote tells us so, so it must be true!

It's right up there with supporting female genital mutilation, honor killings, and terrorism to prove we are a right, proper "liberal".

Making shit up again are you?

Where have I supported female genital mutilation?
Where have I supported honor killings?
Where have I supported terrorism?

You're the one making this about "Jews". Not me. I don't like foreign interference in American politics.

Do you?
I understand that the Jroc/Dogma twins speak with one voice, but can't you guys think as AMERICANS for a change? Sheesh.
He has no right to come and address our congress without being invited by the President of the US. He needs to stay home and stay the hell out of our business. If he wants to attack Iran go ahead , but no he wants the US men to die before the Jews. I bet the Israelites didn't have to see the men come home from the Iraq war with torn off legs and arms,

time for Israel to fight on its own, it has lots of weapons and nukes. Leave us alone.

It's the Jews!! :eusa_shhh:

No. Quit pulling the effing anti-semite card. It's foreign interference in OUR politics.

How would you feel if it was an Iranian doing this?

What's Bibi going to do that interfers with OUR politics, besides telling HIS SIDE of the story, instead of the miscreant muslims side that the obomanation wants presented as U.S. policy?

'This would piss me off.'

'Nananana Nah Nah. You can't stop us!'

Elections have consequences.
He has no right to come and address our congress without being invited by the President of the US. He needs to stay home and stay the hell out of our business. If he wants to attack Iran go ahead , but no he wants the US men to die before the Jews. I bet the Israelites didn't have to see the men come home from the Iraq war with torn off legs and arms,

time for Israel to fight on its own, it has lots of weapons and nukes. Leave us alone.

It's the Jews!! :eusa_shhh:

No. Quit pulling the effing anti-semite card. It's foreign interference in OUR politics.

How would you feel if it was an Iranian doing this?

What's Bibi going to do that interfers with OUR politics, besides telling HIS SIDE of the story, instead of the miscreant muslims side that the obomanation wants presented as U.S. policy?

There are appropriate channels for international heads of state to deal with other heads of state. This is gross interfering. I don't like it. I don't care WHO does it. Normally, Congress and the President would present a unified front on international affairs the fact that Congress is seeking to circumvent delicate negotiations by meeting with a head of state shortly before elections is not good. Netyanahu has no business interfering in OUR politics. I seriously doubt Israeli's would feel warm and fuzzy if Obama did the same to them.
He has no right to come and address our congress without being invited by the President of the US. He needs to stay home and stay the hell out of our business. If he wants to attack Iran go ahead , but no he wants the US men to die before the Jews. I bet the Israelites didn't have to see the men come home from the Iraq war with torn off legs and arms,

time for Israel to fight on its own, it has lots of weapons and nukes. Leave us alone.

It's the Jews!! :eusa_shhh:

No. Quit pulling the effing anti-semite card. It's foreign interference in OUR politics.

How would you feel if it was an Iranian doing this?

What's Bibi going to do that interfers with OUR politics, besides telling HIS SIDE of the story, instead of the miscreant muslims side that the obomanation wants presented as U.S. policy?

There are appropriate channels for international heads of state to deal with other heads of state. This is gross interfering. I don't like it. I don't care WHO does it. Normally, Congress and the President would present a unified front on international affairs the fact that Congress is seeking to circumvent delicate negotiations by meeting with a head of state shortly before elections is not good. Netyanahu has no business interfering in OUR politics. I seriously doubt Israeli's would feel warm and fuzzy if Obama did the same to them.

No, it's not...because the idiot in the White House says so? There are 2 branches of government, EACH has the ability to act separate from the other...Obumble has said so, "He's got a pen and a phone!"
Netyanahu's unprecedented and deliberate attempt to influence and divide American politics along these lines for his own political gain is really not good. If his actions force us into another war I see no good coming out of this at all. The talks need to be given an opportunity to work. We don't need an Iran with nuclear power but we also don't need another Middle East war with OUR soldiers stuck in the middle because Netanyahu wants it.

Netanyahu Speech To Congress Is High-Risk High-Reward Analysts Say NPR

The Republican congressional leadership responded by inviting Netanyahu — loudly critical of those talks — to give his own address to Congress in early March, ignoring usual protocol and surprising the White House with the plans.

Both the threat from Iran and relations with the U.S. are important issues in Israel. Meir Javedanfar, who teaches Iranian politics at Israel's Interdisciplinary Center says that if Netanyahu urges Congress to vote for sanctions against Iran now, he could undermine the ongoing U.S.-Iran negotiations.

"Absolutely nobody in the state of Israel wants Iran to have a nuclear weapon for a nanosecond, nobody," says Javedanfar, but sabotaging the talks would be bad for Israel.

If new sanctions were to be imposed on Iran later, if talks clearly fail, he says that would help Israel by staying aligned with the international coalition involved in the talks.

The Risk

Netanyahu is taking a risk by pushing against the Obama administration in such a high-profile way, says Yaron Ezrahi, an emeritus professor of political science at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Ezrahi worries that if negotiations with Iran fail, military action — even U.S. military action — could follow. Then, he says, Israel could be accused of undermining a diplomatic resolution.

"To involve Israel in the risk of being responsible — indirectly even — for an act of war by the United States is, I think, the utmost form of irresponsibility on the part of the Israeli leadership," Ezrahi says.

Many political watchers say another risk for Israel involves U.S. domestic politics. If the partisan way Netanyahu's speech was arranged splits congressional support for Israel along party lines, it could threaten the strong bipartisan backing Israel has long had.

On the other hand, a congressional speech on Iran two weeks before what could be a tight Israeli election could win Netanyahu votes back home, says analyst Eytan Gilboa of Israel's Bar-Ilan University.

Considering you are on the forefront of those who keep yammering away about how a person has to be a complete zealot like yourself by supporting absolutely everything Islamic, or else cannot be considered a proper "liberal", to accuse others of being divisive is about the most hypocritical display imaginable.

Funny how sanctions only to be enacted, if Iran doesn't agree dismantle it's nuclear program is an obstacle. I used to think this women Coyote was a simply a ignorant person. Now I believe she really is part of the Islamonazi propaganda machine.

You're an idiot.

I am a strong proponant of diplomacy first, and always have been. The current negotiations are delicate and both sides have time pressures from their respective governments. I don't see what the Republican Congress and Netanyahu is doing as being benificial. Naturally, you can't concieve of that.

Considering that Iran is now a threat to the USA this meeting is perfect timing. To bad Obama isn't taking the safety of the american people into account. You heard about that IBCM they have now that can hit the USA? When this news broke Obama didn't call the PM or do anything he simply attacked the PM for warning the USA that they are now vulnrable.

I don't give a damn about process and laws, when our President is clearly putting us at risk, and am very blessed that we have a speaker of the house that does. This is a scenario where I'll give him a pass. You should also.
Netyanahu's unprecedented and deliberate attempt to influence and divide American politics along these lines for his own political gain is really not good. If his actions force us into another war I see no good coming out of this at all. The talks need to be given an opportunity to work. We don't need an Iran with nuclear power but we also don't need another Middle East war with OUR soldiers stuck in the middle because Netanyahu wants it.

Netanyahu Speech To Congress Is High-Risk High-Reward Analysts Say NPR

The Republican congressional leadership responded by inviting Netanyahu — loudly critical of those talks — to give his own address to Congress in early March, ignoring usual protocol and surprising the White House with the plans.

Both the threat from Iran and relations with the U.S. are important issues in Israel. Meir Javedanfar, who teaches Iranian politics at Israel's Interdisciplinary Center says that if Netanyahu urges Congress to vote for sanctions against Iran now, he could undermine the ongoing U.S.-Iran negotiations.

"Absolutely nobody in the state of Israel wants Iran to have a nuclear weapon for a nanosecond, nobody," says Javedanfar, but sabotaging the talks would be bad for Israel.

If new sanctions were to be imposed on Iran later, if talks clearly fail, he says that would help Israel by staying aligned with the international coalition involved in the talks.

The Risk

Netanyahu is taking a risk by pushing against the Obama administration in such a high-profile way, says Yaron Ezrahi, an emeritus professor of political science at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Ezrahi worries that if negotiations with Iran fail, military action — even U.S. military action — could follow. Then, he says, Israel could be accused of undermining a diplomatic resolution.

"To involve Israel in the risk of being responsible — indirectly even — for an act of war by the United States is, I think, the utmost form of irresponsibility on the part of the Israeli leadership," Ezrahi says.

Many political watchers say another risk for Israel involves U.S. domestic politics. If the partisan way Netanyahu's speech was arranged splits congressional support for Israel along party lines, it could threaten the strong bipartisan backing Israel has long had.

On the other hand, a congressional speech on Iran two weeks before what could be a tight Israeli election could win Netanyahu votes back home, says analyst Eytan Gilboa of Israel's Bar-Ilan University.

Considering you are on the forefront of those who keep yammering away about how a person has to be a complete zealot like yourself by supporting absolutely everything Islamic, or else cannot be considered a proper "liberal", to accuse others of being divisive is about the most hypocritical display imaginable.

Funny how sanctions only to be enacted, if Iran doesn't agree dismantle it's nuclear program is an obstacle. I used to think this women Coyote was a simply a ignorant person. Now I believe she really is part of the Islamonazi propaganda machine.

You're an idiot.

I am a strong proponant of diplomacy first, and always have been. The current negotiations are delicate and both sides have time pressures from their respective governments. I don't see what the Republican Congress and Netanyahu is doing as being benificial. Naturally, you can't concieve of that.

Diplomacy without consequences is useless. You don't left sanctions that were working for nothing. You're diplomacy is giving away Czechoslovakia before WWII. it's "delicate" situation for you. Whats a few million Jews anyway?. Whats a nuclear arms race in the middle east.:cuckoo:

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