Netanyahu Speech To Congress Is High-Risk, High-Reward

BiBi is a hawk and wants to fight, Obama is not and want to negotiate. BiBi wants done to Iran what was done to Iraq and now Syria and look at the mess. Russia will step up if Bibi attacks Iran or the US, be sure of this, so will China. Bibi is dangerous.

can someone help me out here? Did pnelooopie just write that
Netanyahu might attack the US???

He wouldn't have the guts, he wants us to attack Iran, like Iraq and now Syria.

Ps: I take that back, he would but it would be blamed on radical Islam.
BiBi is a hawk and wants to fight, Obama is not and want to negotiate. BiBi wants done to Iran what was done to Iraq and now Syria and look at the mess. Russia will step up if Bibi attacks Iran or the US, be sure of this, so will China. Bibi is dangerous.

can someone help me out here? Did pnelooopie just write that
Netanyahu might attack the US???
Nah...........Just wishful thinking from an anti-Semite poster............she said we'd be attacked by Russia and China if we were to attack and or invade Iran..................which is a ridiculous statement...........

If strategic strikes were performed on Iran's Nuclear sites it doesn't mean all out War............these types of missions have been done in the past by Israel and the United States...............

The embargoes against Iran have never stopped them from trying to get the bomb..........and Russia has been more than willing to help them in this process...........helping them with the power program where the used fuel could actually be used as a dirty bomb in the future.................

Whether Iran would allow this, as the consequences of this happening would be massive strikes against them is another question....................the world doesn't trust Iran with these weapons..............we may not be able to stop them from eventually having them, but we sure as hell can make it very difficult to do so.............Russia assisting them is a DIRECT SLAP in the face to the rest of the world............Although they say it's for Medical and power producing reasons only. Which is dumb ass policy with a radical government in Iran.
BiBi is a hawk and wants to fight, Obama is not and want to negotiate. BiBi wants done to Iran what was done to Iraq and now Syria and look at the mess. Russia will step up if Bibi attacks Iran or the US, be sure of this, so will China. Bibi is dangerous.

can someone help me out here? Did pnelooopie just write that
Netanyahu might attack the US???

He wouldn't have the guts, he wants us to attack Iran, like Iraq and now Syria.

we attackd Syria? is it gone? ------is Nineveh gone? ----
did the gourd rot? is "DAMASCUS a ruinous heap" as
per Isaiah? I find that idea interesting-----There is
inscribed on the lobby wall of the UN building-----in big
prominent letters------the prophesy of Isaiah----but not the
one which describes Damascus as a ruinous heap----
HOWEVER----both of the prophecies involved clearly
refer to the same issue-----I think... gee----where is
Jeremiah??. So Jonah was right all along------Syria is not worth saving. It is an interesting factoid------Jonah means
"dove"-------as in the peace symbol----but he has no desire
so save Syria ------so a whale at him
BiBi is a hawk and wants to fight, Obama is not and want to negotiate. BiBi wants done to Iran what was done to Iraq and now Syria and look at the mess. Russia will step up if Bibi attacks Iran or the US, be sure of this, so will China. Bibi is dangerous.

can someone help me out here? Did pnelooopie just write that
Netanyahu might attack the US???

He wouldn't have the guts, he wants us to attack Iran, like Iraq and now Syria.

Ps: I take that back, he would but it would be blamed on radical Islam.

oh right-----just like cholera DA JOOOOOS DID IT
BiBi is a hawk and wants to fight, Obama is not and want to negotiate. BiBi wants done to Iran what was done to Iraq and now Syria and look at the mess. Russia will step up if Bibi attacks Iran or the US, be sure of this, so will China. Bibi is dangerous.

can someone help me out here? Did pnelooopie just write that
Netanyahu might attack the US???
Nah...........Just wishful thinking from an anti-Semite poster............she said we'd be attacked by Russia and China if we were to attack and or invade Iran..................which is a ridiculous statement...........

If strategic strikes were performed on Iran's Nuclear sites it doesn't mean all out War............these types of missions have been done in the past by Israel and the United States...............

The embargoes against Iran have never stopped them from trying to get the bomb..........and Russia has been more than willing to help them in this process...........helping them with the power program where the used fuel could actually be used as a dirty bomb in the future.................

Whether Iran would allow this, as the consequences of this happening would be massive strikes against them is another question....................the world doesn't trust Iran with these weapons..............we may not be able to stop them from eventually having them, but we sure as hell can make it very difficult to do so.............Russia assisting them is a DIRECT SLAP in the face to the rest of the world............Although they say it's for Medical and power producing reasons only. Which is dumb ass policy with a radical government in Iran.

that " China and Russia will step in....." thing is a joke----right----like comic relief--------of all countries that are willing
to yawwwwn thru genocides-----china and Russia take THE CAKE
The Crisis in U.S.-Israel Relations Is Officially Here - The Atlantic

The other day I was talking to a senior Obama administration official about the foreign leader who seems to frustrate the White House and the State Department the most. “The thing about Bibi is, he’s a chickenshit,” this official said, referring to the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, by his nickname.

This comment is representative of the gloves-off manner in which American and Israeli officials now talk about each other behind closed doors, and is yet another sign that relations between the Obama and Netanyahu governments have moved toward a full-blown crisis. The relationship between these two administrations— dual guarantors of the putatively “unbreakable” bond between the U.S. and Israel—is now the worst it's ever been, and it stands to get significantly worse after the November midterm elections. By next year, the Obama administration may actually withdraw diplomatic cover for Israel at the United Nations, but even before that, both sides are expecting a showdown over Iran, should an agreement be reached about the future of its nuclear program.

The fault for this breakdown in relations can be assigned in good part to the junior partner in the relationship, Netanyahu, and in particular, to the behavior of his cabinet. Netanyahu has told several people I’ve spoken to in recent days that he has “written off” the Obama administration, and plans to speak directly to Congress and to the American people should an Iran nuclear deal be reached. For their part, Obama administration officials express, in the words of one official, a “red-hot anger” at Netanyahu for pursuing settlement policies on the West Bank, and building policies in Jerusalem, that they believe have fatally undermined Secretary of State John Kerry’s peace process.
BiBi is a hawk and wants to fight, Obama is not and want to negotiate. BiBi wants done to Iran what was done to Iraq and now Syria and look at the mess. Russia will step up if Bibi attacks Iran or the US, be sure of this, so will China. Bibi is dangerous.

can someone help me out here? Did pnelooopie just write that
Netanyahu might attack the US???
Nah...........Just wishful thinking from an anti-Semite poster............she said we'd be attacked by Russia and China if we were to attack and or invade Iran..................which is a ridiculous statement...........

If strategic strikes were performed on Iran's Nuclear sites it doesn't mean all out War............these types of missions have been done in the past by Israel and the United States...............

The embargoes against Iran have never stopped them from trying to get the bomb..........and Russia has been more than willing to help them in this process...........helping them with the power program where the used fuel could actually be used as a dirty bomb in the future.................

Whether Iran would allow this, as the consequences of this happening would be massive strikes against them is another question....................the world doesn't trust Iran with these weapons..............we may not be able to stop them from eventually having them, but we sure as hell can make it very difficult to do so.............Russia assisting them is a DIRECT SLAP in the face to the rest of the world............Although they say it's for Medical and power producing reasons only. Which is dumb ass policy with a radical government in Iran.

that " China and Russia will step in....." thing is a joke----right----like comic relief--------of all countries that are willing
to yawwwwn thru genocides-----china and Russia take THE CAKE
It is their wet dream...............Hoping that it would happen.................Prodding for it.................

Lunatic fringe.
White House Says Netanyahu Will 8216 Pay a Price 8217 For Congressional Speech Without Obama 8217 s Blessing

White House Says Netanyahu Will ‘Pay a Price’ For Congressional Speech Without Obama’s Blessing

In a 2009 speech before the UN General Assembly, Obama spoke against Israeli “occupation” of Gaza, drawing a connection between rocket attacks on Israeli citizens and living conditions in Gaza.

Obama said in 2011 that a return to the pre-1967 borders should be a basis in talks aimed at creating a Palestinian state. Israel says that will never happen – that those borders are now indefensible.

In 2012, Israeli officials suspected the Obama administration ofleaking information to the media about a possible Israeli military strike on Iranian nuclear facilities in an effort head off the attack.

In 2012, after a heated debate between Obama and Netanyahu over Iran policy, the White House announced that Obama would not meet with the Israeli Prime Minister during his then-upcoming trip to address the United Nations.

During a 2012 interview on 60 Minutes, Obama appeared to dismiss criticism of his policies toward Israel as mere “noise.”
Last edited:
2 more years and the Idiot N Chief Obama will no longer be there...............can't happen soon enough.........................He has disrespected Israel since he came into office...................

RESPECT IS EARNED................Obama has openly DISRESPECTED our ALLY ISRAEL.............

KARMA'S a bitch.............Bibi knows that Obama will never assist Israel anyway.
2 more years and the Idiot N Chief Obama will no longer be there...............can't happen soon enough.........................He has disrespected Israel since he came into office...................

RESPECT IS EARNED................Obama has openly DISRESPECTED our ALLY ISRAEL.............

KARMA'S a bitch.............Bibi knows that Obama will never assist Israel anyway.

so true-----but he will assist Saudi Arabia. ----it happens that Saudi Arabia is far more worried about Iran than is
Israel------my prophecy (call me AL NABIETTE) is that there
will be a war and the US will be drawn into it------the epicenter
will be in Saudi Arabia---------of course DA JOOOOOOS WILL DO IT-----------ask pnelooooopie (whatever she says---sunni will agree)
2 more years and the Idiot N Chief Obama will no longer be there...............can't happen soon enough.........................He has disrespected Israel since he came into office...................

RESPECT IS EARNED................Obama has openly DISRESPECTED our ALLY ISRAEL.............

KARMA'S a bitch.............Bibi knows that Obama will never assist Israel anyway.

so true-----but he will assist Saudi Arabia. ----it happens that Saudi Arabia is far more worried about Iran than is
Israel------my prophecy (call me AL NABIETTE) is that there
will be a war and the US will be drawn into it------the epicenter
will be in Saudi Arabia---------of course DA JOOOOOOS WILL DO IT-----------ask pnelooooopie (whatever she says---sunni will agree)

I see the possibility of eventual strikes against Iran's Nuclear capabilities by Israel.........they would have already done so if it wasn't for U.S. pressure against the same...............with Obama in office they would thwart any attempt to do so and Bibi knows Iran moves forward with the attempt to get into the Nuclear club.

Iran has also threatened Israel for a very long time............and Israel is a small country...........they are always worried that a weapon could be developed that would be used against them in the region.......WITH SO MANY they'd rather take these programs out before they gain they have already done in the past............with the world kinda talking about these military strikes under their breath.
2 more years and the Idiot N Chief Obama will no longer be there...............can't happen soon enough.........................He has disrespected Israel since he came into office...................

RESPECT IS EARNED................Obama has openly DISRESPECTED our ALLY ISRAEL.............

KARMA'S a bitch.............Bibi knows that Obama will never assist Israel anyway.

so true-----but he will assist Saudi Arabia. ----it happens that Saudi Arabia is far more worried about Iran than is
Israel------my prophecy (call me AL NABIETTE) is that there
will be a war and the US will be drawn into it------the epicenter
will be in Saudi Arabia---------of course DA JOOOOOOS WILL DO IT-----------ask pnelooooopie (whatever she says---sunni will agree)

I see the possibility of eventual strikes against Iran's Nuclear capabilities by Israel.........they would have already done so if it wasn't for U.S. pressure against the same...............with Obama in office they would thwart any attempt to do so and Bibi knows Iran moves forward with the attempt to get into the Nuclear club.

Iran has also threatened Israel for a very long time............and Israel is a small country...........they are always worried that a weapon could be developed that would be used against them in the region.......WITH SO MANY they'd rather take these programs out before they gain they have already done in the past............with the world kinda talking about these military strikes under their breath.

Just in-------I heard on TV news that the second Japanese
hostage was chopped.-------then Yemen came under discussion-------its government fell to Shiite forces (read
that Iranian forces) Saleh is in Saudi Arabia ----he's the
President of Yemen that fled ...uhm ?? two years ago??

is anyone out there paying attention?
2 more years and the Idiot N Chief Obama will no longer be there...............can't happen soon enough.........................He has disrespected Israel since he came into office...................

RESPECT IS EARNED................Obama has openly DISRESPECTED our ALLY ISRAEL.............

KARMA'S a bitch.............Bibi knows that Obama will never assist Israel anyway.

so true-----but he will assist Saudi Arabia. ----it happens that Saudi Arabia is far more worried about Iran than is
Israel------my prophecy (call me AL NABIETTE) is that there
will be a war and the US will be drawn into it------the epicenter
will be in Saudi Arabia---------of course DA JOOOOOOS WILL DO IT-----------ask pnelooooopie (whatever she says---sunni will agree)

I see the possibility of eventual strikes against Iran's Nuclear capabilities by Israel.........they would have already done so if it wasn't for U.S. pressure against the same...............with Obama in office they would thwart any attempt to do so and Bibi knows Iran moves forward with the attempt to get into the Nuclear club.

Iran has also threatened Israel for a very long time............and Israel is a small country...........they are always worried that a weapon could be developed that would be used against them in the region.......WITH SO MANY they'd rather take these programs out before they gain they have already done in the past............with the world kinda talking about these military strikes under their breath.

Just in-------I heard on TV news that the second Japanese
hostage was chopped.-------then Yemen came under discussion-------its government fell to Shiite forces (read
that Iranian forces) Saleh is in Saudi Arabia ----he's the
President of Yemen that fled ...uhm ?? two years ago??

is anyone out there paying attention?
Even had the ransom been paid ISIS would have killed they have angered another country...............JAPAN...................

I guess ISIS wants an overabundance of ENEMIES...........Perhaps they feel their status rises with more countries getting pissed off at them.....................

If the world would stand with one voice and equal military participation in ending ISIS, the world would be a better place.................but under the guise of PC the world will continue to refuse to do what is necessary to end this BS.
2 more years and the Idiot N Chief Obama will no longer be there...............can't happen soon enough.........................He has disrespected Israel since he came into office...................

RESPECT IS EARNED................Obama has openly DISRESPECTED our ALLY ISRAEL.............

KARMA'S a bitch.............Bibi knows that Obama will never assist Israel anyway.

so true-----but he will assist Saudi Arabia. ----it happens that Saudi Arabia is far more worried about Iran than is
Israel------my prophecy (call me AL NABIETTE) is that there
will be a war and the US will be drawn into it------the epicenter
will be in Saudi Arabia---------of course DA JOOOOOOS WILL DO IT-----------ask pnelooooopie (whatever she says---sunni will agree)

I see the possibility of eventual strikes against Iran's Nuclear capabilities by Israel.........they would have already done so if it wasn't for U.S. pressure against the same...............with Obama in office they would thwart any attempt to do so and Bibi knows Iran moves forward with the attempt to get into the Nuclear club.

Iran has also threatened Israel for a very long time............and Israel is a small country...........they are always worried that a weapon could be developed that would be used against them in the region.......WITH SO MANY they'd rather take these programs out before they gain they have already done in the past............with the world kinda talking about these military strikes under their breath.

Just in-------I heard on TV news that the second Japanese
hostage was chopped.-------then Yemen came under discussion-------its government fell to Shiite forces (read
that Iranian forces) Saleh is in Saudi Arabia ----he's the
President of Yemen that fled ...uhm ?? two years ago??

is anyone out there paying attention?
2 more years and the Idiot N Chief Obama will no longer be there...............can't happen soon enough.........................He has disrespected Israel since he came into office...................

RESPECT IS EARNED................Obama has openly DISRESPECTED our ALLY ISRAEL.............

KARMA'S a bitch.............Bibi knows that Obama will never assist Israel anyway.

so true-----but he will assist Saudi Arabia. ----it happens that Saudi Arabia is far more worried about Iran than is
Israel------my prophecy (call me AL NABIETTE) is that there
will be a war and the US will be drawn into it------the epicenter
will be in Saudi Arabia---------of course DA JOOOOOOS WILL DO IT-----------ask pnelooooopie (whatever she says---sunni will agree)

I see the possibility of eventual strikes against Iran's Nuclear capabilities by Israel.........they would have already done so if it wasn't for U.S. pressure against the same...............with Obama in office they would thwart any attempt to do so and Bibi knows Iran moves forward with the attempt to get into the Nuclear club.

Iran has also threatened Israel for a very long time............and Israel is a small country...........they are always worried that a weapon could be developed that would be used against them in the region.......WITH SO MANY they'd rather take these programs out before they gain they have already done in the past............with the world kinda talking about these military strikes under their breath.

Just in-------I heard on TV news that the second Japanese
hostage was chopped.-------then Yemen came under discussion-------its government fell to Shiite forces (read
that Iranian forces) Saleh is in Saudi Arabia ----he's the
President of Yemen that fled ...uhm ?? two years ago??

is anyone out there paying attention?
Even had the ransom been paid ISIS would have killed they have angered another country...............JAPAN...................

I guess ISIS wants an overabundance of ENEMIES...........Perhaps they feel their status rises with more countries getting pissed off at them.....................

If the world would stand with one voice and equal military participation in ending ISIS, the world would be a better place.................but under the guise of PC the world will continue to refuse to do what is necessary to end this BS.

yup Netanyahu is causing it in the same
way Rabbi Stephen Wise caused the genocide
in Europe------by speaking in Washington DC
in 1942. The world is not just inert----it is in denial.
As Obama talks Iran builds...

Iran Announces Construction of Two New Nuclear Plants


Iran has begun construction on two new nuclear plants as negotiations with America over its contested program continue in Geneva, according to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.

Construction of the nuclear plants, which Iran claims are for peaceful energy purposes, was revealed on Tuesday, the day before Secretary of State John Kerry was to meet with his Iranian counterpart for talks in Geneva.

News of the two new nuclear plants come on the heels of reports that Iran has been operating advanced missile sites in Syria and also building a secret nuclear plant there.

Rouhani touted the new nuclear construction following a meeting with investors in Iran’s southern Bushehr province, where the nuclear facilities are being built.

“Construction of two new power plants will increase the capacity of Bushehr province’s power generation to 2,000 megawatts,” Rouhani was quoted as saying by the country’s state-run Fars News Agency.

Iran Announces Construction of Two New Nuclear Plants Washington Free Beacon
2 more years and the Idiot N Chief Obama will no longer be there...............can't happen soon enough.........................He has disrespected Israel since he came into office...................

RESPECT IS EARNED................Obama has openly DISRESPECTED our ALLY ISRAEL.............

KARMA'S a bitch.............Bibi knows that Obama will never assist Israel anyway.

so true-----but he will assist Saudi Arabia. ----it happens that Saudi Arabia is far more worried about Iran than is
Israel------my prophecy (call me AL NABIETTE) is that there
will be a war and the US will be drawn into it------the epicenter
will be in Saudi Arabia---------of course DA JOOOOOOS WILL DO IT-----------ask pnelooooopie (whatever she says---sunni will agree)

I see the possibility of eventual strikes against Iran's Nuclear capabilities by Israel.........they would have already done so if it wasn't for U.S. pressure against the same...............with Obama in office they would thwart any attempt to do so and Bibi knows Iran moves forward with the attempt to get into the Nuclear club.

Iran has also threatened Israel for a very long time............and Israel is a small country...........they are always worried that a weapon could be developed that would be used against them in the region.......WITH SO MANY they'd rather take these programs out before they gain they have already done in the past............with the world kinda talking about these military strikes under their breath.

2 more years and the Idiot N Chief Obama will no longer be there...............can't happen soon enough.........................He has disrespected Israel since he came into office...................

RESPECT IS EARNED................Obama has openly DISRESPECTED our ALLY ISRAEL.............

KARMA'S a bitch.............Bibi knows that Obama will never assist Israel anyway.

so true-----but he will assist Saudi Arabia. ----it happens that Saudi Arabia is far more worried about Iran than is
Israel------my prophecy (call me AL NABIETTE) is that there
will be a war and the US will be drawn into it------the epicenter
will be in Saudi Arabia---------of course DA JOOOOOOS WILL DO IT-----------ask pnelooooopie (whatever she says---sunni will agree)

I see the possibility of eventual strikes against Iran's Nuclear capabilities by Israel.........they would have already done so if it wasn't for U.S. pressure against the same...............with Obama in office they would thwart any attempt to do so and Bibi knows Iran moves forward with the attempt to get into the Nuclear club.

Iran has also threatened Israel for a very long time............and Israel is a small country...........they are always worried that a weapon could be developed that would be used against them in the region.......WITH SO MANY they'd rather take these programs out before they gain they have already done in the past............with the world kinda talking about these military strikes under their breath.

there was a time when Iran and Israel were very good buddies, Iran being Persian, was distant from the Arab stats as Israel was and when the Shah was in they built a pipeline and Iran sent oil to Israel.The revolution halted that, plus Israel saw Iran as an alley in an Arab dense ME. I mean Israel helped Iran with weapons against Iraq, as Iraq was more of a threat against Israel. But since the Shaw was gone, and the Soviet cold war over and the sanctions on Iraq, Israel turned on Iran, as they were worried the US would choose Iran as the ME military power , but then comes SA who wanted the US to take out Iran before Iraq. So now Israel wants to be the military power in the ME and has alienated Iran since 94 and the US has also due to Zionist AIPAC and influence.

I am all for Iran getting rid of their reactors as long as Israel allows IAEA (whatever) in and they disarm, how does that sound?
As Obama talks Iran builds...

Iran Announces Construction of Two New Nuclear Plants


Iran has begun construction on two new nuclear plants as negotiations with America over its contested program continue in Geneva, according to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.

Construction of the nuclear plants, which Iran claims are for peaceful energy purposes, was revealed on Tuesday, the day before Secretary of State John Kerry was to meet with his Iranian counterpart for talks in Geneva.

News of the two new nuclear plants come on the heels of reports that Iran has been operating advanced missile sites in Syria and also building a secret nuclear plant there.

Rouhani touted the new nuclear construction following a meeting with investors in Iran’s southern Bushehr province, where the nuclear facilities are being built.

“Construction of two new power plants will increase the capacity of Bushehr province’s power generation to 2,000 megawatts,” Rouhani was quoted as saying by the country’s state-run Fars News Agency.

Iran Announces Construction of Two New Nuclear Plants Washington Free Beacon

Nuclear Plants not nukes.
2 more years and the Idiot N Chief Obama will no longer be there...............can't happen soon enough.........................He has disrespected Israel since he came into office...................

RESPECT IS EARNED................Obama has openly DISRESPECTED our ALLY ISRAEL.............

KARMA'S a bitch.............Bibi knows that Obama will never assist Israel anyway.

so true-----but he will assist Saudi Arabia. ----it happens that Saudi Arabia is far more worried about Iran than is
Israel------my prophecy (call me AL NABIETTE) is that there
will be a war and the US will be drawn into it------the epicenter
will be in Saudi Arabia---------of course DA JOOOOOOS WILL DO IT-----------ask pnelooooopie (whatever she says---sunni will agree)

I see the possibility of eventual strikes against Iran's Nuclear capabilities by Israel.........they would have already done so if it wasn't for U.S. pressure against the same...............with Obama in office they would thwart any attempt to do so and Bibi knows Iran moves forward with the attempt to get into the Nuclear club.

Iran has also threatened Israel for a very long time............and Israel is a small country...........they are always worried that a weapon could be developed that would be used against them in the region.......WITH SO MANY they'd rather take these programs out before they gain they have already done in the past............with the world kinda talking about these military strikes under their breath.

2 more years and the Idiot N Chief Obama will no longer be there...............can't happen soon enough.........................He has disrespected Israel since he came into office...................

RESPECT IS EARNED................Obama has openly DISRESPECTED our ALLY ISRAEL.............

KARMA'S a bitch.............Bibi knows that Obama will never assist Israel anyway.

so true-----but he will assist Saudi Arabia. ----it happens that Saudi Arabia is far more worried about Iran than is
Israel------my prophecy (call me AL NABIETTE) is that there
will be a war and the US will be drawn into it------the epicenter
will be in Saudi Arabia---------of course DA JOOOOOOS WILL DO IT-----------ask pnelooooopie (whatever she says---sunni will agree)

I see the possibility of eventual strikes against Iran's Nuclear capabilities by Israel.........they would have already done so if it wasn't for U.S. pressure against the same...............with Obama in office they would thwart any attempt to do so and Bibi knows Iran moves forward with the attempt to get into the Nuclear club.

Iran has also threatened Israel for a very long time............and Israel is a small country...........they are always worried that a weapon could be developed that would be used against them in the region.......WITH SO MANY they'd rather take these programs out before they gain they have already done in the past............with the world kinda talking about these military strikes under their breath.

Just in-------I heard on TV news that the second Japanese
hostage was chopped.-------then Yemen came under discussion-------its government fell to Shiite forces (read
that Iranian forces) Saleh is in Saudi Arabia ----he's the
President of Yemen that fled ...uhm ?? two years ago??

is anyone out there paying attention?
2 more years and the Idiot N Chief Obama will no longer be there...............can't happen soon enough.........................He has disrespected Israel since he came into office...................

RESPECT IS EARNED................Obama has openly DISRESPECTED our ALLY ISRAEL.............

KARMA'S a bitch.............Bibi knows that Obama will never assist Israel anyway.

so true-----but he will assist Saudi Arabia. ----it happens that Saudi Arabia is far more worried about Iran than is
Israel------my prophecy (call me AL NABIETTE) is that there
will be a war and the US will be drawn into it------the epicenter
will be in Saudi Arabia---------of course DA JOOOOOOS WILL DO IT-----------ask pnelooooopie (whatever she says---sunni will agree)

I see the possibility of eventual strikes against Iran's Nuclear capabilities by Israel.........they would have already done so if it wasn't for U.S. pressure against the same...............with Obama in office they would thwart any attempt to do so and Bibi knows Iran moves forward with the attempt to get into the Nuclear club.

Iran has also threatened Israel for a very long time............and Israel is a small country...........they are always worried that a weapon could be developed that would be used against them in the region.......WITH SO MANY they'd rather take these programs out before they gain they have already done in the past............with the world kinda talking about these military strikes under their breath.

Just in-------I heard on TV news that the second Japanese
hostage was chopped.-------then Yemen came under discussion-------its government fell to Shiite forces (read
that Iranian forces) Saleh is in Saudi Arabia ----he's the
President of Yemen that fled ...uhm ?? two years ago??

is anyone out there paying attention?
Even had the ransom been paid ISIS would have killed they have angered another country...............JAPAN...................

I guess ISIS wants an overabundance of ENEMIES...........Perhaps they feel their status rises with more countries getting pissed off at them.....................

If the world would stand with one voice and equal military participation in ending ISIS, the world would be a better place.................but under the guise of PC the world will continue to refuse to do what is necessary to end this BS.

yup Netanyahu is causing it in the same
way Rabbi Stephen Wise caused the genocide
in Europe------by speaking in Washington DC
in 1942. The world is not just inert----it is in denial.

yes every influence helps and may I add creates even more enemies and more distrust among the ones you already have. I see it now as Israel used Iranians to get rid of Iraq, they didn't finish the job so they got the Americans to attack in 03.

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