Netanyahu Speech To Congress Is High-Risk, High-Reward

Kudos to Netanyahu-----the slobs are afraid of a speech he has not yet delivered. MORE THAN 1000 POSTS TYPED
here and half of them tremble with fear----over a speech
not yet delivered ----the content of which is not known----
paint and Georgie are so nervous about it that they want him
murdered in mid-air. Even coyote fears a speech---by a guy who speaks so gently that ------he can put one to sleep----she actually seems to believe that GROWN UP American politicians-----in CONGRESS---no less-----can be swayed to civil war------by a speech ------by Netanyahu-----them jooooos got
magical powers
But now that the gauntlet has been thrown and considering Obama's despicable and arrogant behavior, Netanyahu should definitely show up and humiliate the emperor with no clothes that we have as president.
Netanyahu and his racist party are perfectly matched with "Tan Man" and his crony cons; hopefully half the congress walks out on the baby-killing bitch, know what I mean?
But now that the gauntlet has been thrown and considering Obama's despicable and arrogant behavior, Netanyahu should definitely show up and humiliate the emperor with no clothes that we have as president.
Netanyahu and his racist party are perfectly matched with "Tan Man" and his crony cons; hopefully half the congress walks out on the baby-killing bitch, know what I mean?

yes----I do know you-----I read islamo Nazi literature as a child---
little pamphlets kinda like the size of JW thing "awake" mostly-----some of them a bit more sophisticated ---like the size of the TV guide. The stuff was around town because
the town was full of Nazis------like you.---------there were many such towns in the USA--------in the hills on the sides of the HUDSON RIVER-----where Ichabod Crane lived. I did not live there------but I do know that there were lots of Nazi towns
there. (I am not accusing the good man ICHABOD---of
anything---he had his own problems) In fact many well known Nazis had lived in the area in which I grew up.
Some of the literature was so up to date when I was a kid----
it even addressed Israel using the same lingo you use-----some of it was really old------way back to the 19th century-----
gee-----If only I had saved it
But now that the gauntlet has been thrown and considering Obama's despicable and arrogant behavior, Netanyahu should definitely show up and humiliate the emperor with no clothes that we have as president.
Netanyahu and his racist party are perfectly matched with "Tan Man" and his crony cons; hopefully half the congress walks out on the baby-killing bitch, know what I mean?

yes----I do know you-----I read islamo Nazi literature as a child---
little pamphlets kinda like the size of JW thing "awake" mostly-----some of them a bit more sophisticated ---like the size of the TV guide. The stuff was around town because
the town was full of Nazis------like you.---------there were many such towns in the USA--------in the hills on the sides of the HUDSON RIVER-----where Ichabod Crane lived. I did not live there------but I do know that there were lots of Nazi towns
there. (I am not accusing the good man ICHABOD---of
anything---he had his own problems) In fact many well known Nazis had lived in the area in which I grew up.
Some of the literature was so up to date when I was a kid----
it even addressed Israel using the same lingo you use-----some of it was really old------way back to the 19th century-----
gee-----If only I had saved it
But now that the gauntlet has been thrown and considering Obama's despicable and arrogant behavior, Netanyahu should definitely show up and humiliate the emperor with no clothes that we have as president.
Netanyahu and his racist party are perfectly matched with "Tan Man" and his crony cons; hopefully half the congress walks out on the baby-killing bitch, know what I mean?

yes----I do know you-----I read islamo Nazi literature as a child---
little pamphlets kinda like the size of JW thing "awake" mostly-----some of them a bit more sophisticated ---like the size of the TV guide. The stuff was around town because
the town was full of Nazis------like you.---------there were many such towns in the USA--------in the hills on the sides of the HUDSON RIVER-----where Ichabod Crane lived. I did not live there------but I do know that there were lots of Nazi towns
there. (I am not accusing the good man ICHABOD---of
anything---he had his own problems) In fact many well known Nazis had lived in the area in which I grew up.
Some of the literature was so up to date when I was a kid----
it even addressed Israel using the same lingo you use-----some of it was really old------way back to the 19th century-----
gee-----If only I had saved it
No one will play your silly game, George, so if you want to play a game, try Russian Roulette?
I was young back then-----it was flashed on TV without warning.
what is your point, Georgie?
Hossfly suggested I try Russian roulette, and I was wondering if he meant the capitalist version that was practiced during the US occupation of South Vietnam.
But now that the gauntlet has been thrown and considering Obama's despicable and arrogant behavior, Netanyahu should definitely show up and humiliate the emperor with no clothes that we have as president.
Netanyahu and his racist party are perfectly matched with "Tan Man" and his crony cons; hopefully half the congress walks out on the baby-killing bitch, know what I mean?

Actually he'll hit it out of the park, as usual, and expose Obama for delusional moron that he is.
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But now that the gauntlet has been thrown and considering Obama's despicable and arrogant behavior, Netanyahu should definitely show up and humiliate the emperor with no clothes that we have as president.
Netanyahu and his racist party are perfectly matched with "Tan Man" and his crony cons; hopefully half the congress walks out on the baby-killing bitch, know what I mean?

yes----I do know you-----I read islamo Nazi literature as a child---
little pamphlets kinda like the size of JW thing "awake" mostly-----some of them a bit more sophisticated ---like the size of the TV guide. The stuff was around town because
the town was full of Nazis------like you.---------there were many such towns in the USA--------in the hills on the sides of the HUDSON RIVER-----where Ichabod Crane lived. I did not live there------but I do know that there were lots of Nazi towns
there. (I am not accusing the good man ICHABOD---of
anything---he had his own problems) In fact many well known Nazis had lived in the area in which I grew up.
Some of the literature was so up to date when I was a kid----
it even addressed Israel using the same lingo you use-----some of it was really old------way back to the 19th century-----
gee-----If only I had saved it

George prefers to play Islamist bingo:
B-52, F-16, B-1....BINGO! KABOOOOOOM! :lmao:
But now that the gauntlet has been thrown and considering Obama's despicable and arrogant behavior, Netanyahu should definitely show up and humiliate the emperor with no clothes that we have as president.
Netanyahu and his racist party are perfectly matched with "Tan Man" and his crony cons; hopefully half the congress walks out on the baby-killing bitch, know what I mean?

yes----I do know you-----I read islamo Nazi literature as a child---
little pamphlets kinda like the size of JW thing "awake" mostly-----some of them a bit more sophisticated ---like the size of the TV guide. The stuff was around town because
the town was full of Nazis------like you.---------there were many such towns in the USA--------in the hills on the sides of the HUDSON RIVER-----where Ichabod Crane lived. I did not live there------but I do know that there were lots of Nazi towns
there. (I am not accusing the good man ICHABOD---of
anything---he had his own problems) In fact many well known Nazis had lived in the area in which I grew up.
Some of the literature was so up to date when I was a kid----
it even addressed Israel using the same lingo you use-----some of it was really old------way back to the 19th century-----
gee-----If only I had saved it

George prefers to play Islamist bingo:
B-52, F-16, B-1....BINGO! KABOOOOOOM! :lmao:

He is certainly not shy about using that silly pre-cooked propaganda-------upon which the mindless jihadi types
Actually he'll hit it out of the park, as usual, and expose Obama for delusional moron that he is.
Or maybe Bibi will expose his racist party's charter to all his loyal fans in the US Congress?
"Since virtually every comment on Hamas in American media includes the assertion that the group’s Charter rejects Israel’s right to exist, it’s worth noting the following from the Likud Platform of 1999:

a. “The Jordan river will be the permanent eastern border of the State of Israel.”

b. “Jerusalem is the eternal, united capital of the State of Israel and only of Israel.
The government will flatly reject Palestinian proposals to divide Jerusalem”

c. “The Government of Israel flatly rejects the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state west of the Jordan river.”

d. “The Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza are the realization of Zionist values. Settlement of the land is a clear expression of the unassailable right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and constitutes an important asset in the defense of the vital interests of the State of Israel. The Likud will continue to strengthen and develop these communities and will prevent their uprooting."

The Hateful Likud Charter Calls for Destruction of Any Palestinian State Informed Comment
Actually he'll hit it out of the park, as usual, and expose Obama for delusional moron that he is.
Or maybe Bibi will expose his racist party's charter to all his loyal fans in the US Congress?
"Since virtually every comment on Hamas in American media includes the assertion that the group’s Charter rejects Israel’s right to exist, it’s worth noting the following from the Likud Platform of 1999:

a. “The Jordan river will be the permanent eastern border of the State of Israel.”

b. “Jerusalem is the eternal, united capital of the State of Israel and only of Israel.
The government will flatly reject Palestinian proposals to divide Jerusalem”

c. “The Government of Israel flatly rejects the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state west of the Jordan river.”

d. “The Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza are the realization of Zionist values. Settlement of the land is a clear expression of the unassailable right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and constitutes an important asset in the defense of the vital interests of the State of Israel. The Likud will continue to strengthen and develop these communities and will prevent their uprooting."

The Hateful Likud Charter Calls for Destruction of Any Palestinian State Informed Comment

wrong-----Israel does not reject the right of arab muslims to a
state in the Middle east-------you want to argue borders?----
"Palestinian muslim" is not a nationality ----it was invented sometime circa 1970----
wrong-----Israel does not reject the right of arab muslims to a
state in the Middle east-------you want to argue borders?----
"Palestinian muslim" is not a nationality ----it was invented sometime circa 1970---
Likud rejects any Palestinian state west of the Jordan River, do you?

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