Netanyahu Speech To Congress Is High-Risk, High-Reward


Netanyahu: "I will represent Israel in spite of those who have slandered me"
The Israeli Prime Minister replied to the outcry caused by his critics over his expected speech at the US Congress next month, saying he will continue to represent Israel wherever he will be required to do so.

At a Likud Party conference today (Sunday), Netanyahu said proudly that regarding Iran’s plan to develop a nuclear bomb, he – as Israel’s Prime Minister – is committed to represent Israel’s views around the world: “In Paris, in Washington and wherever I will be needed to, I will speak in spite of my rivals’ expressions.”

“We will not surrender to terror. We will not allow a nuclear Iran," Netanyahu stated.

Iran threatens Israel with lethal lightning strike
Days after the attack attributed to Israel in Syria, which cost the life of a senior level Iranian officer, the Chief Commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard sent a stern message: “The Zionists must await our response to their crimes."

The Iranian media reported that Mohammad Ali Jafari, Chief Commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, stated that Israel should prepare for a “lethal lightning strike."
“The Zionists must await our response to their crimes," the Iranian Commander was quoted as saying in “Al Mayadeen”, a network affiliated with Hezbollah. “The Zionists have felt our wrath in the past for their crimes. The attack on Quneitra emphasizes the need to wage jihad until the eradication of the corrupt virus – Israel."

Israel News - Iran threatens Israel with lethal lightning strike - JerusalemOnline
Netyanahu's unprecedented and deliberate attempt to influence and divide American politics along these lines for his own political gain is really not good. If his actions force us into another war I see no good coming out of this at all. The talks need to be given an opportunity to work. We don't need an Iran with nuclear power but we also don't need another Middle East war with OUR soldiers stuck in the middle because Netanyahu wants it.

Netanyahu Speech To Congress Is High-Risk High-Reward Analysts Say NPR

The Republican congressional leadership responded by inviting Netanyahu — loudly critical of those talks — to give his own address to Congress in early March, ignoring usual protocol and surprising the White House with the plans.

Both the threat from Iran and relations with the U.S. are important issues in Israel. Meir Javedanfar, who teaches Iranian politics at Israel's Interdisciplinary Center says that if Netanyahu urges Congress to vote for sanctions against Iran now, he could undermine the ongoing U.S.-Iran negotiations.

"Absolutely nobody in the state of Israel wants Iran to have a nuclear weapon for a nanosecond, nobody," says Javedanfar, but sabotaging the talks would be bad for Israel.

If new sanctions were to be imposed on Iran later, if talks clearly fail, he says that would help Israel by staying aligned with the international coalition involved in the talks.

The Risk

Netanyahu is taking a risk by pushing against the Obama administration in such a high-profile way, says Yaron Ezrahi, an emeritus professor of political science at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Ezrahi worries that if negotiations with Iran fail, military action — even U.S. military action — could follow. Then, he says, Israel could be accused of undermining a diplomatic resolution.

"To involve Israel in the risk of being responsible — indirectly even — for an act of war by the United States is, I think, the utmost form of irresponsibility on the part of the Israeli leadership," Ezrahi says.

Many political watchers say another risk for Israel involves U.S. domestic politics. If the partisan way Netanyahu's speech was arranged splits congressional support for Israel along party lines, it could threaten the strong bipartisan backing Israel has long had.

On the other hand, a congressional speech on Iran two weeks before what could be a tight Israeli election could win Netanyahu votes back home, says analyst Eytan Gilboa of Israel's Bar-Ilan University.

You can basically say that on anything he does or says. Or any other political leader, for that matter.

Ahh, screw it. I'm not going to vote for him anyways.
I understand that the Jroc/Dogma twins speak with one voice, but can't you guys think as AMERICANS for a change? Sheesh.

How does it influence the Americans?

Seriously, not sarcasm.

It's obviously meant to influence on the Israeli civilian, but why America?
I understand that the Jroc/Dogma twins speak with one voice, but can't you guys think as AMERICANS for a change? Sheesh.

How does it influence the Americans?

Seriously, not sarcasm.

It's obviously meant to influence on the Israeli civilian, but why America?

Why would he speak before Congress - splitting it along partisan lines and defying the President if he didn't want to influence American opinon because American opinion is what will influence the sanctions?
I understand that the Jroc/Dogma twins speak with one voice, but can't you guys think as AMERICANS for a change? Sheesh.

How does it influence the Americans?

Seriously, not sarcasm.

It's obviously meant to influence on the Israeli civilian, but why America?

Why would he speak before Congress - splitting it along partisan lines and defying the President if he didn't want to influence American opinon because American opinion is what will influence the sanctions?

Is it really about the speech itself, or is it about the timing, that bothers some people?

I'm trying to understand, he spoke to the congress before, didn't he? so why is this time different?
I understand that the Jroc/Dogma twins speak with one voice, but can't you guys think as AMERICANS for a change? Sheesh.

How does it influence the Americans?

Seriously, not sarcasm.

It's obviously meant to influence on the Israeli civilian, but why America?

Why would he speak before Congress - splitting it along partisan lines and defying the President if he didn't want to influence American opinon because American opinion is what will influence the sanctions?

Is it really about the speech itself, or is it about the timing, that bothers some people?

I'm trying to understand, he spoke to the congress before, didn't he? so why is this time different?
It's just Obama's childish pettiness.
Netyanahu's unprecedented and deliberate attempt to influence and divide American politics along these lines for his own political gain is really not good. If his actions force us into another war I see no good coming out of this at all. The talks need to be given an opportunity to work. We don't need an Iran with nuclear power but we also don't need another Middle East war with OUR soldiers stuck in the middle because Netanyahu wants it.

Netanyahu Speech To Congress Is High-Risk High-Reward Analysts Say NPR

The Republican congressional leadership responded by inviting Netanyahu — loudly critical of those talks — to give his own address to Congress in early March, ignoring usual protocol and surprising the White House with the plans.

Both the threat from Iran and relations with the U.S. are important issues in Israel. Meir Javedanfar, who teaches Iranian politics at Israel's Interdisciplinary Center says that if Netanyahu urges Congress to vote for sanctions against Iran now, he could undermine the ongoing U.S.-Iran negotiations.

"Absolutely nobody in the state of Israel wants Iran to have a nuclear weapon for a nanosecond, nobody," says Javedanfar, but sabotaging the talks would be bad for Israel.

If new sanctions were to be imposed on Iran later, if talks clearly fail, he says that would help Israel by staying aligned with the international coalition involved in the talks.

The Risk

Netanyahu is taking a risk by pushing against the Obama administration in such a high-profile way, says Yaron Ezrahi, an emeritus professor of political science at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Ezrahi worries that if negotiations with Iran fail, military action — even U.S. military action — could follow. Then, he says, Israel could be accused of undermining a diplomatic resolution.

"To involve Israel in the risk of being responsible — indirectly even — for an act of war by the United States is, I think, the utmost form of irresponsibility on the part of the Israeli leadership," Ezrahi says.

Many political watchers say another risk for Israel involves U.S. domestic politics. If the partisan way Netanyahu's speech was arranged splits congressional support for Israel along party lines, it could threaten the strong bipartisan backing Israel has long had.

On the other hand, a congressional speech on Iran two weeks before what could be a tight Israeli election could win Netanyahu votes back home, says analyst Eytan Gilboa of Israel's Bar-Ilan University.

You can basically say that on anything he does or says. Or any other political leader, for that matter.

Ahh, screw it. I'm not going to vote for him anyways.

That's nice.... You dont need Obama's political operatives working against Netanyahu regardless. Obama wants some leftist, ass kisser in there. Netanyhau is fine for now:thup:.
American community organizers in Israel:mad:


State Department-Funded Group Bankrolling Anti-Bibi Campaign
OneVoice International aiding anti-Netanyahu V15

A U.S. State Department-funded group is financing an Israeli campaign to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and has hired former Obama aides to help with its grassroots organizing efforts.

U.S.-based activist group OneVoice International has partnered with V15, an “independent grassroots movement” in Israel that is actively opposing Netanyahu’s party in the upcoming elections, Ha’aretzreported on Monday. Former national field director for President Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign Jeremy Bird is also reportedly involved in the effort.

OneVoice development and grants officer Christina Taler said the group would be working with V15 on voter registration and get-out-the-vote efforts but would not engage in overtly partisan activities. She said OneVoice and V15 are still formalizing the partnership.

While V15 has not endorsed any particular candidates, it is working to oppose Netanyahu in the March elections.

State Department-Funded Group Bankrolling Anti-Bibi Campaign Washington Free Beacon
I understand that the Jroc/Dogma twins speak with one voice, but can't you guys think as AMERICANS for a change? Sheesh.

How does it influence the Americans?

Seriously, not sarcasm.

It's obviously meant to influence on the Israeli civilian, but why America?

Why would he speak before Congress - splitting it along partisan lines and defying the President if he didn't want to influence American opinon because American opinion is what will influence the sanctions?

so true Netanyahu is so unusual a politician----
he delivers speeches which include words meant
to have an effect on opinion----and he even does it
on invitation ----and on the invitation of the top
republican in the United States Congress (legislative
branch of our TRINITY federal government)---the one,
who is so unlike coyote, in that HE cannot THINK LIKE
AN AMERICAN. Clearly the members of the USA
Congress are so simple minded that they can be
convinced not to think like an American by the simple
means of a speech by Netanyahu
I understand that the Jroc/Dogma twins speak with one voice, but can't you guys think as AMERICANS for a change? Sheesh.

How does it influence the Americans?

Seriously, not sarcasm.

It's obviously meant to influence on the Israeli civilian, but why America?

Why would he speak before Congress - splitting it along partisan lines and defying the President if he didn't want to influence American opinon because American opinion is what will influence the sanctions?

so true Netanyahu is so unusual a politician----
he delivers speeches which include words meant
to have an effect on opinion----and he even does it
on invitation ----and on the invitation of the top
republican in the United States Congress (legislative
branch of our TRINITY federal government)---the one,
who is so unlike coyote, in that HE cannot THINK LIKE
AN AMERICAN. Clearly the members of the USA
Congress are so simple minded that they can be
convinced not to think like an American by the simple
means of a speech by Netanyahu

I'm sure a representative of a muslim state from the middle East would be ok with her ....She only worries about the Jews
I understand that the Jroc/Dogma twins speak with one voice, but can't you guys think as AMERICANS for a change? Sheesh.

How does it influence the Americans?

Seriously, not sarcasm.

It's obviously meant to influence on the Israeli civilian, but why America?

Why would he speak before Congress - splitting it along partisan lines and defying the President if he didn't want to influence American opinon because American opinion is what will influence the sanctions?

so true Netanyahu is so unusual a politician----
he delivers speeches which include words meant
to have an effect on opinion----and he even does it
on invitation ----and on the invitation of the top
republican in the United States Congress (legislative
branch of our TRINITY federal government)---the one,
who is so unlike coyote, in that HE cannot THINK LIKE
AN AMERICAN. Clearly the members of the USA
Congress are so simple minded that they can be
convinced not to think like an American by the simple
means of a speech by Netanyahu

I'm sure a representative of a muslim state from the middle East would be ok with her ....She only worries about the Jews

I was reading something interesting today.

Obama Aide Sent to Israel to Overthrow Netanyahu in Upcoming Elections
By Lea Speyer January 28, 2015 , 11:00 am
140 43



(Photo: The Official White House Photostream/Wikimedia Commons)

A top Obama aide from his 2012 election campaign is now working to defeat Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in his upcoming March election, the Daily Caller reported.

According to the report, Jeremy Bird, who served as the national field director for the president’s re-election campaign, is working with an Israel-based group called V15. The group is notoriously anti-Netanyahu and backed by the leftist One Voice organization.

The move by a top Obama aide actively working to defeat Israel’s prime minister signals a major shift in US-Israel relations. As the report asserts, “There’s little or no chance that Bird would work against Netanyahu if Obama didn’t want Netanyahu defeated in the March election.”

One Voice and V15 are expected to merge in the coming weeks. Their main goal is to “replace the government” in Israel, Haaretz reported, through similar methods that proved effective for Obama.

Led by Bird, the groups plan on recruiting thousands of volunteers across Israel to canvass homes across the country and encourage them to vote for anyone other than Netanyahu. They hope to knock on some 150,000 to 1 million doors.

It would be in Obama’s best interest should Netanyahu be deposed as prime minister. Netanyahu has voiced his objection to the president’s handling of Iran’s quest to obtain a nuclear weapon.


Obama Aide Sent to Israel to Overthrow Netanyahu - Israel News
I understand that the Jroc/Dogma twins speak with one voice, but can't you guys think as AMERICANS for a change? Sheesh.

How does it influence the Americans?

Seriously, not sarcasm.

It's obviously meant to influence on the Israeli civilian, but why America?

Why would he speak before Congress - splitting it along partisan lines and defying the President if he didn't want to influence American opinon because American opinion is what will influence the sanctions?

so true Netanyahu is so unusual a politician----
he delivers speeches which include words meant
to have an effect on opinion----and he even does it
on invitation ----and on the invitation of the top
republican in the United States Congress (legislative
branch of our TRINITY federal government)---the one,
who is so unlike coyote, in that HE cannot THINK LIKE
AN AMERICAN. Clearly the members of the USA
Congress are so simple minded that they can be
convinced not to think like an American by the simple
means of a speech by Netanyahu

I'm sure a representative of a muslim state from the middle East would be ok with her ....She only worries about the Jews

I was reading something interesting today.

Obama Aide Sent to Israel to Overthrow Netanyahu in Upcoming Elections
By Lea Speyer January 28, 2015 , 11:00 am
140 43



(Photo: The Official White House Photostream/Wikimedia Commons)

A top Obama aide from his 2012 election campaign is now working to defeat Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in his upcoming March election, the Daily Caller reported.

According to the report, Jeremy Bird, who served as the national field director for the president’s re-election campaign, is working with an Israel-based group called V15. The group is notoriously anti-Netanyahu and backed by the leftist One Voice organization.

The move by a top Obama aide actively working to defeat Israel’s prime minister signals a major shift in US-Israel relations. As the report asserts, “There’s little or no chance that Bird would work against Netanyahu if Obama didn’t want Netanyahu defeated in the March election.”

One Voice and V15 are expected to merge in the coming weeks. Their main goal is to “replace the government” in Israel, Haaretz reported, through similar methods that proved effective for Obama.

Led by Bird, the groups plan on recruiting thousands of volunteers across Israel to canvass homes across the country and encourage them to vote for anyone other than Netanyahu. They hope to knock on some 150,000 to 1 million doors.

It would be in Obama’s best interest should Netanyahu be deposed as prime minister. Netanyahu has voiced his objection to the president’s handling of Iran’s quest to obtain a nuclear weapon.


Obama Aide Sent to Israel to Overthrow Netanyahu - Israel News

I already posted two articles on this ion this thread.... Community organizers sent to Israel...Wtf?
Netanyahu's strongman image boosts ratings, countering U.S. rift


JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli voters' security concerns have boosted Benjamin Netanyahu's popularity in the past month, helping him to skirt criticism of a widened rift with the White House as he aims for a fourth election success.

With violence on the Lebanese border and worries about Iran's nuclear program high on voters' minds, the conservative leader's reputation for being strong on security helped to raise his approval rating to 51 percent from 46 percent in January.

The same monthly opinion poll, conducted on Sunday and published in the left-wing Haaretz daily, forecast Netanyahu's right-wing Likud party would win 25 of parliament's 120 seats in the March 17 election against 23 for the center Zionist Union. Last month it gave Likud 22 seats and Zionist Union 23.

Netanyahu s strongman image boosts ratings countering U.S. rift - Yahoo News
I also believe it's a short-sighted move by a brave, yet at times, foolish man. He and Israel will gain nothing from this speech, yet he will alienate the command and chief of the strongest nation on earth.

He should have stated he appreciated the offer, but would only address Congress with the blessing of King Obama!
I also believe it's a short-sighted move by a brave, yet at times, foolish man. He and Israel will gain nothing from this speech, yet he will alienate the command and chief of the strongest nation on earth.

He should have stated he appreciated the offer, but would only address Congress with the blessing of King Obama!
It's my understanding Netanyahu accepted only after the White House was informed and Obama stated he wouldn't meet with Bibi because Obama didn't want to influence Israeli elections. Things have a way of getting twisted around by the media.
I for one think that Netanyahu should have refused, and stayed away from the internal political bickering between the two parties. Israel enjoys the strong support of both the Democrats, Republicans, and the American public in general, and nothing should be done to damage that.

But now that the gauntlet has been thrown and considering Obama's despicable and arrogant behavior, Netanyahu should definitely show up and humiliate the emperor with no clothes that we have as president.
I for one think that Netanyahu should have refused, and stayed away from the internal political bickering between the two parties. Israel enjoys the strong support of both the Democrats, Republicans, and the American public in general, and nothing should be done to damage that.

But now that the gauntlet has been thrown and considering Obama's despicable and arrogant behavior, Netanyahu should definitely show up and humiliate the emperor with no clothes that we have as president.
His plane should be turned around, by as many fighter jets as necessary.

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