Netherlands Join Denmark & Hungary. Ending immigration - Migrants heading Home

After years of open border policy, Netherlands is closing its border to asylum seekers, and immigrants originating from Islamic countries.

The German nationalist party AfD just won 33.5% of the votes and is now the leading party in the German federal state of Thuringa and the second largest in Saxony. The chants of "auslander raus" (foreigners out) are being heard across the country.
The German nationalist party AfD just won 33.5% of the votes and is now the leading party in the German federal state of Thuringa and the second largest in Saxony. The chants of "auslander raus" (foreigners out) are being heard across the country.
Every western country needs a zero immigration 100% deportation policy.
It is finally happening. Europe is doing a 180 degree reversal on Muslim immigration. Mosques are being shut down, Korans confiscated, Muslim immigration halted. Muslims being kicked out.

First it was France, Hungary, Denmark, Now it is Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, Poland,

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After years of open border policy, Netherlands is closing its border to asylum seekers, and immigrants originating from Islamic countries.

All the European nations need to re-evaluate their stance as being members of the European Union. Each nation should be able to independently determine who and who can't enter their nation to live.
The smart thing to do would be to withdraw from the European Union and end the influence of the World Economic Forum and the Globalist Elites.
Once ending their union, they need to toss out ALL Muslims and end the internal threat.

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