Nevada debate tonight at 7pm central on CNN

Bachmann is suicidal with that keep Israels aid then make Iraq and Afghanistan pay us

Is she trying to have them hate us for the next 100yrs over there wtf
Wow, Paul made it through a military question without being booed.... Whew. lol.

Actally, he was cheered. and I agree alot with what he says. Alot of defense spending really doesnt help defense. There is no reason we cant cut spending and increase military defense.

Paul is correct in that an economic collapse is a bigger threat than a military attack

This country could not handle another depression. We don't have the leadership in place to get us out. Paul is right. We have to strengthen ourselves. Its not gonna matter if we get attacked if America is a weak frail lil boy.
Paul, bringing up Reagan in that context will not win you any conservative friends...ok, now those people will love Newt and his response even more.
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Paul is too smart for his own good, its depressing that that is what makes him great and that is what prevents him from getting elected
If your going to watch post your thoughts here. If there is already a thread my apologies as I looked and didn't see it.

Huntsman will not be there as he is protesting Nevada moving up their primary. Which is dumb to the tenth degree for someone who has very little time to leave an impression. Removing your voice from a nationally viewed debate, why not just quit.

Just the perspective of an Independent looking for an alternative to the bad president in the WH now.

I think that Newt has actually done best so far (surpise to me!).

Cain doesn't seem as likeable or charsimatic tonight.

Ron Paul had some really great moments but he said a few things that will be used against him with todays "Conservatives" (whatever that means anymore). Especially when it came to defense and foreign aid.

Romney is very smooth but he just seems like such a part of "The Political Machine" (anyone else getting that feel from him?

Perry is just plain bombing. And his BS about reincarnating the "Drill baby drill" mantra as a solution to all our economic problems is stupid. He really looks bad tonight.

Bachmann was well-dressed. That's all I'll say because to do otherwise will have her Loyal Few, pulling out their race-cards.. .er I mean this year's version: gender-cards - then I'll be called a misogynist. Let's just say that she would be an absolute guarantee of a second term for Obama. Why is she still there?

Why is Santorum still there?

Nobody actually answered the following questions:

What would you do about the economy (Cain gave a sort of answer)?
What would you do about the housing / foreclosure problem?
What would you do about unemployment that hasn't already been done?
Would you cut the Defense budget by $500B? (Paul answered superbly!)

They all did the same thing on those questions: "It's all Obama's fault!"

Okay fine. It is. No one asked you whose fault it is, we want to know what you'd DO about it? Nothing that I saw.

Geez. At this point the only two I'd be willing to vote for are Gingrich or Romney. Well maybe Cain. This is the best the GOP has to offer?

Well, maybe when they're done cannibalizing their own, they might look better. Let's hope!

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