Nevada debate tonight at 7pm central on CNN

How did we as a people grow so far apart? Fundamentally there is a MASSIVE divide that ruins our chances to do anything. This is why George Washington warned us against political parties....
Paul is too smart for his own good, its depressing that that is what makes him great and that is what prevents him from getting elected

Too smart for his own good?

That's the same thing many on the left have been saying about Obama.
OH DAMN. This is real nice. Pissy Politicians. But people are effing with romneys time and cooper doesn't do crap

Anderson Cooper is a very capable guy. A little known trivia piece: He is the son of Gloria Vanderbilt and her 4th husband.

Anderson was born in 1962 to Gloria Vanderbilt and her fourth husband, author Wyatt E. Cooper (1927-1978), who died during open heart surgery. He is sympathetic to advice given in his father's 1975 book titled Families: A Memoir and a Celebration. TV Guide’s online biography charts Anderson’s career from summer internships with the CIA and his Yale graduation through his media entry level attempts, years at ABC and rise through the ranks at CNN as an Emmy-winning broadcast journalist, then news anchor.

Thoroughly Anderson Cooper: Anderson's Varied Ancestry

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