Nevada sheriff told library supporting Black Lives Matter not to "call 911 for help"...GOOD FOR HIM!

I hope the library is inundated with obese homeless people and pants-wetting psychotics.
Replace him immediately. Public safety is his job, not politics.
Whow, whow, whow there skippy... you all want the cops DEFUNDED and DISBANDED.

Now public safety is his job? How do DEFUNDED, DISBANDED cops do their job?

You people are fucking retarded.
You really don't know what defund the police means. Shifting money from police departments to mental health and social work. Not every situation calls for a badge and gun.

Well lets hope you never need the badge or the gun cause your likely to get a social worker. Good luck.
Aren't you one of the morons who declared they need guns because cops are too slow?

"When seconds count the police are only minutes away"?

Pretty sure you can't have this both ways.

People cant be armed if we have a police force?
It's a disingenuous and contradictory argument.
The police cant be there to stop a crime instantaneously. They usually get the facts AFTER THE CRIME, then try to find your killer.
So then you agree that armed response isn't always needed.


How do you know until you get there?
Wait, are they still getting there after the crime or did they suddenly get faster when it supported your point?

I hope the library is inundated with obese homeless people and pants-wetting psychotics.
Replace him immediately. Public safety is his job, not politics.
Whow, whow, whow there skippy... you all want the cops DEFUNDED and DISBANDED.

Now public safety is his job? How is do DEFUNDED, DISBANDED cops do their job?

You people are fucking retarded.

Hate to bring this up, but it's your bunch that keeps bring up this crap. Get it through your little pea brain we aren't afraid of you. The more you insist on this type of crap, the worse Rump is going to do. So keep doing it. It will keep you out of mischief.

Yeah you are.
Otherwise you and your little buddies would come out to suburbia.
I live in suburbia. Daryl and his friends are welcome anytime.

Sure they are.
You'll find out real quick they dont like you just like the politicians and the media who were for them....until they trashed their neighborhoods.

I hope the library is inundated with obese homeless people and pants-wetting psychotics.
Replace him immediately. Public safety is his job, not politics.

But it's okay for the public funded library to do so?
They didn't take any action, they just expressed support. Had they claimed they wouldn't serve white folks or something similar I would say the same thing about them.

Fuck you.
They have no business taking sides when they're tax payer funded.
How about they support the KKK?
Another piss aunt wimp of a cop that needs to be replaced by The Nation of Islam. Have some real men serve and protect them for a while.

I hope the library is inundated with obese homeless people and pants-wetting psychotics.
Replace him immediately. Public safety is his job, not politics.
Whow, whow, whow there skippy... you all want the cops DEFUNDED and DISBANDED.

Now public safety is his job? How do DEFUNDED, DISBANDED cops do their job?

You people are fucking retarded.
You really don't know what defund the police means. Shifting money from police departments to mental health and social work. Not every situation calls for a badge and gun.

Well lets hope you never need the badge or the gun cause your likely to get a social worker. Good luck.
Aren't you one of the morons who declared they need guns because cops are too slow?

"When seconds count the police are only minutes away"?

Pretty sure you can't have this both ways.

People cant be armed if we have a police force?
It's a disingenuous and contradictory argument.
The police cant be there to stop a crime instantaneously. They usually get the facts AFTER THE CRIME, then try to find your killer.
So then you agree that armed response isn't always needed.


How do you know until you get there?
Wait, are they still getting there after the crime or did they suddenly get faster when it supported your point?

Dont be a dumbass.
Next you're going to tell me cops dont get shot responding to domestic violence calls.

I hope the library is inundated with obese homeless people and pants-wetting psychotics.
Replace him immediately. Public safety is his job, not politics.

But it's okay for the public funded library to do so?
They didn't take any action, they just expressed support. Had they claimed they wouldn't serve white folks or something similar I would say the same thing about them.

Fuck you.
They have no business taking sides when they're tax payer funded.
How about they support the KKK?
False equivalency is FALSE. It's right there in the name.

I hope the library is inundated with obese homeless people and pants-wetting psychotics.
Replace him immediately. Public safety is his job, not politics.
Whow, whow, whow there skippy... you all want the cops DEFUNDED and DISBANDED.

Now public safety is his job? How do DEFUNDED, DISBANDED cops do their job?

You people are fucking retarded.
You really don't know what defund the police means. Shifting money from police departments to mental health and social work. Not every situation calls for a badge and gun.

Well lets hope you never need the badge or the gun cause your likely to get a social worker. Good luck.
Aren't you one of the morons who declared they need guns because cops are too slow?

"When seconds count the police are only minutes away"?

Pretty sure you can't have this both ways.

What a stupid statement.
No response, huh?

Answering your question would bring me down to your level of stupid.
You should probably throw away all your fire extinguishers though.

I hope the library is inundated with obese homeless people and pants-wetting psychotics.
Replace him immediately. Public safety is his job, not politics.
Whow, whow, whow there skippy... you all want the cops DEFUNDED and DISBANDED.

Now public safety is his job? How do DEFUNDED, DISBANDED cops do their job?

You people are fucking retarded.
You really don't know what defund the police means. Shifting money from police departments to mental health and social work. Not every situation calls for a badge and gun.

Well lets hope you never need the badge or the gun cause your likely to get a social worker. Good luck.
Aren't you one of the morons who declared they need guns because cops are too slow?

"When seconds count the police are only minutes away"?

Pretty sure you can't have this both ways.

People cant be armed if we have a police force?
It's a disingenuous and contradictory argument.
The police cant be there to stop a crime instantaneously. They usually get the facts AFTER THE CRIME, then try to find your killer.
So then you agree that armed response isn't always needed.


How do you know until you get there?
Wait, are they still getting there after the crime or did they suddenly get faster when it supported your point?

Dont be a dumbass.
Next you're going to tell me cops dont get shot responding to domestic violence calls.
So they suddenly got faster then.

Good to know.

Of course it happens occasionally. Do you think it might not if the person responding had a clipboard and a pen instead of bursting through the door with a pistol?

I hope the library is inundated with obese homeless people and pants-wetting psychotics.
Replace him immediately. Public safety is his job, not politics.
Whow, whow, whow there skippy... you all want the cops DEFUNDED and DISBANDED.

Now public safety is his job? How do DEFUNDED, DISBANDED cops do their job?

You people are fucking retarded.
You really don't know what defund the police means. Shifting money from police departments to mental health and social work. Not every situation calls for a badge and gun.

Well lets hope you never need the badge or the gun cause your likely to get a social worker. Good luck.
Aren't you one of the morons who declared they need guns because cops are too slow?

"When seconds count the police are only minutes away"?

Pretty sure you can't have this both ways.

People cant be armed if we have a police force?
It's a disingenuous and contradictory argument.
The police cant be there to stop a crime instantaneously. They usually get the facts AFTER THE CRIME, then try to find your killer.
So then you agree that armed response isn't always needed.


How do you know until you get there?
Wait, are they still getting there after the crime or did they suddenly get faster when it supported your point?

Dont be a dumbass.
Next you're going to tell me cops dont get shot responding to domestic violence calls.
So they suddenly got faster then.

Good to know.

Of course it happens occasionally. Do you think it might not if the person responding had a clipboard and a pen instead of bursting through the door with a pistol?

No one is saying that except you.
Another piss aunt wimp of a cop that needs to be replaced by The Nation of Islam. Have some real men serve and protect them for a while.
I had a BIL who joined the nation of Islam back around 1990 or so...... didn't last. He realized what losers they were and bounced.
I had a BIL who joined the nation of Islam back around 1990 or so...... didn't last. He realized what losers they were and bounced.
Those are some seriously hard-core brothers. Your BIL most likely didn't have the discipline to make the cut.
I had a BIL who joined the nation of Islam back around 1990 or so...... didn't last. He realized what losers they were and bounced.
Those are some seriously hard-core brothers. Your BIL most likely didn't have the discipline to make the cut.

No, I don't think that was it, he was just a smart guy and he knew enough to get out when he made a bad initial decision, rather than staying in a bad situation. For example, he ain't my BIL anymore, lol..... I love her and all, but that girl is all sorts of fucked up and he got out while he could.

I hope the library is inundated with obese homeless people and pants-wetting psychotics.
Replace him immediately. Public safety is his job, not politics.
Whow, whow, whow there skippy... you all want the cops DEFUNDED and DISBANDED.

Now public safety is his job? How do DEFUNDED, DISBANDED cops do their job?

You people are fucking retarded.
Don't be stupider than you have to be, Son.

Nobody anywhere is calling for police to be "disbanded". They need some restructuring, that's all.

Now grow the fuck up and stop listening to GOP propaganda.
There have been many democrats who said they wanted to abolish the police.

I hope the library is inundated with obese homeless people and pants-wetting psychotics.

Sounds like a new Sheriff is needed in town. The one they have will only respond to 911 calls for white supremists and party of the rump members.
Shoe on the wrong foot.
You’re saying that someone who refuses to cower to the KKK is a racist.

Hate to break it to you but the KKK backs Rump. Are you really that stupid? Of course you are, you are Party of the Rumper.
No they don't, idiot. The KKK IS, was FOUND BY, and ALWAYS WILL BE the child of the DEMOCRAT PARTY.

We all know that. No amount of your lies or denials will change anything.
Don't be stupider than you have to be, Son. (Pretty sure this is your second reminder).

Everyone knows the parties switched sides on the whole civil rights thing. The KKM votes republican and loves dOnald tRump. Just ask David Duke.

No, the KKK is a solid dem voting bloc. The Dem Party IS the party of racism. Just look at what they do.

Pretty much every program they have enacted has screwed the black population over.

I suggest you pull your head out of the ass of the MSM and stop paying attention to their propaganda.

Probably too hard for you to do that though, you're not very smart

So, you are from the past. To you, what year is it, 1908?

No, I am from the present. Why do you wish to return the PEOPLE back to bondage? You stalinists are all alike "do as i say, or i kill you".. There is never enough murder and misery to sate you asshats.
Another piss aunt wimp of a cop that needs to be replaced by The Nation of Islam. Have some real men serve and protect them for a while.

The NOI would get their asses handed to them out here. We don't like stalinists of any sort. Religious or otherwise. The NOI has a bad reputation these days. Which is sad because once upon a time they were pretty decent folks.
I had a BIL who joined the nation of Islam back around 1990 or so...... didn't last. He realized what losers they were and bounced.
Those are some seriously hard-core brothers. Your BIL most likely didn't have the discipline to make the cut.

Hard core? How? Terrorizing old folks doesn't make you tough, it just shows what wimps they are.
It's not quite true. The Sheriff reminded the library of it's distrust of law enforcement advised that they shouldn't feel "the need" to call 9-11. The sheriff never said they wouldn't respond.

I hope the library is inundated with obese homeless people and pants-wetting psychotics.
Replace him immediately. Public safety is his job, not politics.
Whow, whow, whow there skippy... you all want the cops DEFUNDED and DISBANDED.

Now public safety is his job? How is do DEFUNDED, DISBANDED cops do their job?

You people are fucking retarded.

Hate to bring this up, but it's your bunch that keeps bring up this crap. Get it through your little pea brain we aren't afraid of you. The more you insist on this type of crap, the worse Rump is going to do. So keep doing it. It will keep you out of mischief.

Yeah you are.
Otherwise you and your little buddies would come out to suburbia.
I live in suburbia. Daryl and his friends are welcome anytime.

And I live in Suburbia as well and you are welcome here as well. Of course the rtwingnutjobs will have to be frisked for weapons before they are welcome but they are welcome.

I hope the library is inundated with obese homeless people and pants-wetting psychotics.
Replace him immediately. Public safety is his job, not politics.
Whow, whow, whow there skippy... you all want the cops DEFUNDED and DISBANDED.

Now public safety is his job? How is do DEFUNDED, DISBANDED cops do their job?

You people are fucking retarded.

Hate to bring this up, but it's your bunch that keeps bring up this crap. Get it through your little pea brain we aren't afraid of you. The more you insist on this type of crap, the worse Rump is going to do. So keep doing it. It will keep you out of mischief.

Yeah you are.
Otherwise you and your little buddies would come out to suburbia.
I live in suburbia. Daryl and his friends are welcome anytime.

Sure they are.
You'll find out real quick they dont like you just like the politicians and the media who were for them....until they trashed their neighborhoods.

How about we send the White Nationalist Biker Gangs into your neighborhood and see how that works out.

I hope the library is inundated with obese homeless people and pants-wetting psychotics.
Replace him immediately. Public safety is his job, not politics.
Whow, whow, whow there skippy... you all want the cops DEFUNDED and DISBANDED.

Now public safety is his job? How is do DEFUNDED, DISBANDED cops do their job?

You people are fucking retarded.

Hate to bring this up, but it's your bunch that keeps bring up this crap. Get it through your little pea brain we aren't afraid of you. The more you insist on this type of crap, the worse Rump is going to do. So keep doing it. It will keep you out of mischief.

Yeah you are.
Otherwise you and your little buddies would come out to suburbia.
I live in suburbia. Daryl and his friends are welcome anytime.

Sure they are.
You'll find out real quick they dont like you just like the politicians and the media who were for them....until they trashed their neighborhoods.

How about we send the White Nationalist Biker Gangs into your neighborhood and see how that works out.
Name one.

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