Nevada sheriff told library supporting Black Lives Matter not to "call 911 for help"...GOOD FOR HIM!

I hope the library is inundated with obese homeless people and pants-wetting psychotics.

Sounds like a new Sheriff is needed in town. The one they have will only respond to 911 calls for white supremists and party of the rump members.
As BLM founders are admitted Marxists and have publicly called for defunding the police and idiots agree with the idea (name any nation that has no police/law enforcement), I agree with not serving those that don't want to be served by police, at some point they learn a very nasty lesson in getting what you ask for.

You do know that after Nov 2, you are going to have to come up with something else, right? The General Public is on to your current BS. It sucks to be you.
Gee. What could be wrong there? BLM's co-founder as others in the BLM group have publicly admitted that they are Marxists. It doesn't take much research to find that. If you know of any substantial nation without a police force, please, please, name them.

Well, according to Prager U that' would be a fact. But I really don't put anything concrete in anything coming out of Prager U.

One thing you have to understand (and you will refuse to) is that BLM is not a Political Party. It's a loose locally energized movement that will be very fluid in it's goals. Let's refer to Politifact.

Is Black Lives Matter a Marxist movement?
In a nutshell, the article makes two points in a very long winded way.

If Your Time is short
  • Black Lives Matter was founded by community organizers. One of the three co-founders said in 2015 that she and another co-founder “are trained Marxists.”
  • Black Lives Matters has grown into a national anti-racism movement broadly supported by Americans, few of whom would identify themselves as Marxist.
The Founders have reliquished their original control of the BLM. MOST community organizers are NOT Marxist or even Socialists. But don't let this information get in the way of a good lie.

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