Nevada to join National Popular Vote compact

The Nevada Senate approved Tuesday a National Popular Vote bill on a party-line vote, sending the legislation aimed at upending the Electoral College to the governor.

Assembly Bill 186, which passed the Senateon a 12-8 vote, would bring Nevada into the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, an agreement between participating states to cast their electoral votes for the winner of the popular vote.

If signed as expected by Democratic Gov. Steve Sisolak, Nevada would become the 16th jurisdiction to join the compact, along with 14 states and the District of Columbia. The compact would take effect after states totaling 270 electoral votes, and with Nevada, the total would reach 195.

Nevada Senate passes National Popular Vote bill on party-line vote

That’s 2 new states in less than 2 months. The NPV keeps chugging along.
How is it that the left sets it’s hair on fire claiming voter suppression when it comes to voter ID laws...but praises a law that will ignore what it’s state constituents vote for in favor of what the rest of the country voted for. Let’s say it’s trump v Biden, Nevada votes Biden but the nation votes trump...ALL THE EC VOTES GO TO TRUMP???? Does that seem right to you? How the fuck is that not voter suppression?
If the voters of a state don't want to change how they count EC votes, they can't?
The Nevada Senate approved Tuesday a National Popular Vote bill on a party-line vote, sending the legislation aimed at upending the Electoral College to the governor.

Assembly Bill 186, which passed the Senateon a 12-8 vote, would bring Nevada into the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, an agreement between participating states to cast their electoral votes for the winner of the popular vote.

If signed as expected by Democratic Gov. Steve Sisolak, Nevada would become the 16th jurisdiction to join the compact, along with 14 states and the District of Columbia. The compact would take effect after states totaling 270 electoral votes, and with Nevada, the total would reach 195.

Nevada Senate passes National Popular Vote bill on party-line vote

That’s 2 new states in less than 2 months. The NPV keeps chugging along.
Any bunch of idiots touting this crap has shitforbrains. There is this little thing called the constitution to deal with. Do you have even the foggiest notion what it takes to amend the constitution? Allow me to clue you in. To become an operative part of the Constitution, an amendment, whether proposed by Congress or a national constitutional convention must be ratified by either: The legislatures of three-fourths (at present 38) of the states; or. State ratifying conventions in three-fourths (at present 38) of the states.
The chances of that happening are exactly nil.
Except, an Amendment is not needed in this case because the Constitution as it is currently written does not forbid states to do what Nevada is suggesting.

Perhaps. But there is also nothing in the Constitution to prevent the electors from being "faithless" or the states backing out of the pact if they don't like the results.
You bed wetters can't win according to the rules, so you have to change them.

It will fail as soon as it ends up in a court with non-bed wetter judges.
IF you had ever read the Constitution....Article II in would have known that it is the states that determine how to distribute Electoral College votes. IF you had ever read the Constitution, you would have known this is totally Constitutional. IF.

How is allowing people outside the State determine the State's vote for President a "Republican Form of Government", Something that the Federal Constitution guarantees under Article 4, Clause 1?"

It probably also falls foul of the 14th amendment, requiring equal protection under the law. How does transferring a whole States vote to another voting block provide equal protection?
States Rights to determine how they distribute their Electoral Votes....if the people of that state don't like it that way, they vote in state legislators who set up the state's distribution of Electoral Votes to their liking.

And how does this go against Equal Protection Under the Law? Explain, please.

The States are still bound by the Constitution.

It's the same thing that killed things like the Board of Estimates in NYC, where each Boro had representation regardless of population. The 14th guarantees 1 person, 1 vote. Now a person's vote in a State is meaningless with regards to the IN STATE election for electors, because the outcome would be determined by people OUTSIDE the State.
Exactly...the states are still bound by the Constitution. Now show how this would be against the Constitution.

I pointed it out, Article 4 Clause 1, and the 14th amendment equal protection clause.

That you want to ignore both because you think this end run would suit you isn't my problem.
Why are Republicans so upset by this?

Don’t they think they can win the popular vote anymore?
One has to wonder.

What I am really worried about is this backfiring on progressives. Say you do get it passed, and it makes people in "Dead if Red" States vote more. So if the Republican wins the popular vote, and California and NY have to throw their EC's to them, you don't think those States are going to try to back out of the compact before the EV's are counted?

If you morons want a civil war to happen, I can't think of a better way to trigger it. other words it's totally fair because it can work both ways...............unlike the current gerrymandering being done by the GOP in many states.....

Gerrymandering has nothing to do with Presidential Elections. Try to stay on topic.

And you would NEVER accept a result that going against your attempt to game the system. States like NY and CA would revoke the law, assign the EC's via their popular vote, and chaos would begin.
Why are Republicans so upset by this?

Don’t they think they can win the popular vote anymore?
One has to wonder.

What I am really worried about is this backfiring on progressives. Say you do get it passed, and it makes people in "Dead if Red" States vote more. So if the Republican wins the popular vote, and California and NY have to throw their EC's to them, you don't think those States are going to try to back out of the compact before the EV's are counted?

If you morons want a civil war to happen, I can't think of a better way to trigger it.
How ironic.....states rights and the CRCs have a cow against it this time.

States right's aren't absolute, nothing is absolute. Progressives claim absolutism when it suits them far more than my side.
Why are Republicans so upset by this?

Don’t they think they can win the popular vote anymore?
One has to wonder.

What I am really worried about is this backfiring on progressives. Say you do get it passed, and it makes people in "Dead if Red" States vote more. So if the Republican wins the popular vote, and California and NY have to throw their EC's to them, you don't think those States are going to try to back out of the compact before the EV's are counted?

If you morons want a civil war to happen, I can't think of a better way to trigger it.
How ironic.....states rights and the CRCs have a cow against it this time.

Conservatives only protect states rights for very specific circumstances, they usually involve taking away peoples' rights.

When it is mandated by the Constitution, or when the Constitution is mute on a subject.

It's called being consistent, something progressives can't handle.
Seems Nevada along with the other idiot States who approve this don't know the Constitution.

They also want to disenfranchise their voters.

Won't be approved in court so they are wasting their time and money.
Seems you are the one who doesn’t know the Constitution
Show where it disallows it

Guess you aren't to bright.

What they are doing has nothing to do with The Constitution. So there is no allowing or not. However the EC is in the constitution.

That would be the 12th Amendment
All I hear from Conservatives is following the Constitution to the letter

However, when asked, you seem unable to provide those letters
The 12th amendment leaves it to the states
That is what the states are doing

The 14th forces them to guarantee "one man one vote" in their local elections and organizations.

This violates that by diluting the in State vote with people from out of the State.
And we still have one man (woman) one vote.

What you have is no vote IN THAT ELECTION, the one for EC's which is the ACTUAL election.

Your vote is now in a made up election, a popular vote, which isn't even a real number, because it was never meant to be.

Have the States decided on an actual counting procedure? Or a way to tally the votes? Who's count do they use?
And you would NEVER accept a result that going against your attempt to game the system. States like NY and CA would revoke the law, assign the EC's via their popular vote, and chaos would begin.

Exactly right.

No "pact" would be enforceable, as such pacts aren't in the Constitution.

A far left state would back out of the pact if it didn't meet their desire to install a leftist president.
Determined by the majority. Republicans will have to stop villifying cities and their suburbs. It was good politics for Reagan to destroy the inner cities, it’s great politics for Trump to vilify our cities and Americans who live in them; it won’t be anymore.

Fuck the majority when the shitheads want to use the filthy oppressive government to steal you money or take away your liberties.

Democracy can be just as oppressive as any other form of government.

Our Founding Fathers knew that and the EC helps to mitigate that oppression a little bit.
Insight into what the CRC really thinks about this country and our form of government.

Yeah, close to teetering on authoritarianism with an elitist minority ruling over the majority. Iraq had that problem.

How about a real Constitutional Republic? One with a strong bill of rights that protects the liberties of the individual against the oppression and thievery of the majority. That would be perfect, wouldn't it?

That is what our Founding Fathers envisioned and for their day they did good. However, there are so many greedy worthless assholes in this country now that demand to use the filthy government to give them free stuff and our Bill of Rights is not strong enough to protect us from the thievery.

If we elect our president via a national popular vote do you want to know what kind of government we would be? The answer is a Constitutional Republic.

Nowadays a Constitutional Republic ruled by the massive number of sorry ass inner city welfare queens, stupid Moon Bats and Illegals in the large population areas that have no qualms in using the filthy government to steal what you have to satisfy their own greed.

Democracy sucks when it can use the government for thievery and to take away liberties, which is exactly what we see now when the filthy Liberals win office.

It doesn't do much good to have a Bill of Rights that is not strong enough to protect the individuals from the oppression of the mob, does it?

The EC is not really that powerful but occasionally it works. In 2016 it worked to offset the massive number of welfare queens and Illegals in Commie California and Dumbshit New York from electing that idiot Crooked Hillary so it is a good thing. It worked in 2000 to keep that bat shit crazy idiot Gore from being elected so it was good.

However, it is only a minor tool to protect liberty. What we really need is a much stronger bill of rights to protect us from the oppression of the welfare mob.
If you live in Nevada don't even bother to go vote. Your vote won't mean jackshit. You have outsourced your say in the government to some sorry ass welfare queen in one of the Los Angeles ghettos. You know, the kind of worthless idiot that votes for shitheads like Maxine Waters and Obama.
The Nevada Senate approved Tuesday a National Popular Vote bill on a party-line vote, sending the legislation aimed at upending the Electoral College to the governor.

Assembly Bill 186, which passed the Senateon a 12-8 vote, would bring Nevada into the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, an agreement between participating states to cast their electoral votes for the winner of the popular vote.

If signed as expected by Democratic Gov. Steve Sisolak, Nevada would become the 16th jurisdiction to join the compact, along with 14 states and the District of Columbia. The compact would take effect after states totaling 270 electoral votes, and with Nevada, the total would reach 195.

Nevada Senate passes National Popular Vote bill on party-line vote

That’s 2 new states in less than 2 months. The NPV keeps chugging along.

Every vote in this nation in every election should count for the vote it actually is, NOT a representation of a vote.

Good on Nevada
You're not only ignorant you're clueless!
Clueless about what?[/QUOT

What happened to the CRC support for states rights? It seems to have gone "poof!"
That is a very good question you should ask yourself.....what happened to states rights?
A state votes for one candidate, yet the electoral votes goes to the other candidate. Priceless. :auiqs.jpg:

That is what happens right now
If 49 percent of the voters vote for a candidate and 51 percent vote for another then the candidate with 51 gets ALL the EVs

The vote of the 49 percent are not counted
Is California and New York in on this? Of course eventually then the EC is moot point. Perhaps the deplorables can elect their own President and you can elect yours.
The popular vote is not moot
EVERY vote would be registered for each candidate
EVERY vote would count as one vote
I'm assuming that you want to take this country from a republic to a democracy, RW.
Five or six states can elect a president, and the rest of the states just has to pound sand?
Not being represented very well, IMO.
Do you understand what a republic is?
We the people are electing our representatives

The key to this proposal is states will cède their vote as a state in favor of the popular vote

States will not elect the president, the people will
Your vote counts as a citizen of the US not as a resident of a state
But you are ok with states with lots fewer CITIZENS being allowed to decide elections.

Nope. Without the EC they would never have a vote that counted

The EC just levels things out so that the populous States don't get to decide every election.

No, they would have the same one person, one vote as everyone else.

Sure they would but the more populous States would decide every election by virtue of population.
Population = people.....a horrible thing, isn't it?

Sure as fuck is when metro. areas are so highly corrupt. Last thing we need is for Los Angeles to dictate how the country is run. I don't expect you to understand this position, just know our founding fathers were smart and wise and you're not.
Our founding fathers counted slaves as 3/5ths of a person. Our founding fathers set the bar as 1 Representative in the House for no more than 30,000 citizens. Is that what we have now?
The Nevada Senate approved Tuesday a National Popular Vote bill on a party-line vote, sending the legislation aimed at upending the Electoral College to the governor.

Assembly Bill 186, which passed the Senateon a 12-8 vote, would bring Nevada into the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, an agreement between participating states to cast their electoral votes for the winner of the popular vote.

If signed as expected by Democratic Gov. Steve Sisolak, Nevada would become the 16th jurisdiction to join the compact, along with 14 states and the District of Columbia. The compact would take effect after states totaling 270 electoral votes, and with Nevada, the total would reach 195.

Nevada Senate passes National Popular Vote bill on party-line vote

That’s 2 new states in less than 2 months. The NPV keeps chugging along.
Any bunch of idiots touting this crap has shitforbrains. There is this little thing called the constitution to deal with. Do you have even the foggiest notion what it takes to amend the constitution? Allow me to clue you in. To become an operative part of the Constitution, an amendment, whether proposed by Congress or a national constitutional convention must be ratified by either: The legislatures of three-fourths (at present 38) of the states; or. State ratifying conventions in three-fourths (at present 38) of the states.
The chances of that happening are exactly nil.
Except, an Amendment is not needed in this case because the Constitution as it is currently written does not forbid states to do what Nevada is suggesting.

Perhaps. But there is also nothing in the Constitution to prevent the electors from being "faithless" or the states backing out of the pact if they don't like the results.
That is true.

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