Never A Dull Moment From This Girl

If Socialist policies are so fantastic, why do those espousing them so often lie about them?

Socialist policies such as how we pay for police, fire, and infrastructure?

Not everything government spends money on is socialism. Government is there to do things we can't do ourselves because there is no way to get everybody together to do them. In other words government provides things most if not all benefits from. Our military is there and we pay for it because it benefits us all. Same thing with infrastructure. Same thing with police and fire. We all benefit from these things directly or indirectly.

Socialsim is more about government doing things that we can do ourselves by taking from some and giving to others thus making everybody equal in some perverted way. Healthcare is a good example. So are most of our welfare programs now over 80 of them. Free college for all is another creation Democrats came up with.

Not everything government spends money on is socialism.

Such as?
She's paying her staff a living wage. You guys get above 0c yet?

You're not a kidding. She paid her boyfriend a million bucks. What a generous little bimbo.:21:

Which boyfriend is that?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hit with ethics complaint

"The congresswoman’s office has said that Mr. Roberts is not a staff member and receives the same benefits as spouses, including a House email address."

I didn't see anything about "a million bucks."

AOC’s chief of staff ran $1M slush fund by diverting campaign cash to his own companies

An allegation is far from fact.

Of course you posted a link to a questionable source.

Washington Examiner - Media Bias/Fact Check
Socialism is government owning the means of production.

Capitalism is free markets and private property ownership.

The distinction is not that tough, children.
If Socialist policies are so fantastic, why do those espousing them so often lie about them?

Socialist policies such as how we pay for police, fire, and infrastructure?

Not everything government spends money on is socialism. Government is there to do things we can't do ourselves because there is no way to get everybody together to do them. In other words government provides things most if not all benefits from. Our military is there and we pay for it because it benefits us all. Same thing with infrastructure. Same thing with police and fire. We all benefit from these things directly or indirectly.

Socialsim is more about government doing things that we can do ourselves by taking from some and giving to others thus making everybody equal in some perverted way. Healthcare is a good example. So are most of our welfare programs now over 80 of them. Free college for all is another creation Democrats came up with.

Not everything government spends money on is socialism.

Such as?

Comprehension problems, huh?
You're not a kidding. She paid her boyfriend a million bucks. What a generous little bimbo.:21:

Which boyfriend is that?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hit with ethics complaint

"The congresswoman’s office has said that Mr. Roberts is not a staff member and receives the same benefits as spouses, including a House email address."

I didn't see anything about "a million bucks."

AOC’s chief of staff ran $1M slush fund by diverting campaign cash to his own companies

An allegation is far from fact.

Of course you posted a link to a questionable source.

Washington Examiner - Media Bias/Fact Check

Would you like me to post a half-dozen more sources? Address the source and not the story.
If Socialist policies are so fantastic, why do those espousing them so often lie about them?

Socialist policies such as how we pay for police, fire, and infrastructure?

Not everything government spends money on is socialism. Government is there to do things we can't do ourselves because there is no way to get everybody together to do them. In other words government provides things most if not all benefits from. Our military is there and we pay for it because it benefits us all. Same thing with infrastructure. Same thing with police and fire. We all benefit from these things directly or indirectly.

Socialsim is more about government doing things that we can do ourselves by taking from some and giving to others thus making everybody equal in some perverted way. Healthcare is a good example. So are most of our welfare programs now over 80 of them. Free college for all is another creation Democrats came up with.

Not everything government spends money on is socialism.

Such as?

Oooh :desk: I got one.

When the Pentagon spent those millions of taxpayer dollars on setting up Jingo commercials on sports fields --- until they got busted for it ---- that was government spending money on something that wasn't socialism and had no social benefit.

The irony of that being that out of all those pro sports only the NFL audited itself and gave that pimped fake-patriotism money back.

However, when the government is doing what it's actually supposed to be doing, yes that is promoting the general Welfare, as laid out in the Preamble to the Constitution.
Except 78% of American Workers live paycheck to paycheck.

And they drive newer cars, they have smart phones, likely several video game packages, cable or satellite television, one or more children.......

Sure, since the profits are a direct reflection on their work.

Yes, that's called profit sharing and if that's the way you feel, you need to get a job that offers that benefit, although very few do anymore. But there is another way to share in your companies wealth, and that is to buy their stock. Some might even offer it to you at a discount. But don't expect them to pay you more than your work is worth if they are doing well. It's no different than them paying you less during a recession or when things are not doing well.

There are very few examples where profit sharing or stock options are worth anything near a pay increase.

How much are employees worth when they make you all of your money?

An employer can legally reduce the pay of existing employees?
And highways. And the internet and the electrical grid and GPS. And telephones and before that the telegraph, and the railroads.... and the military... the national weather service.... national parks.... libraries.... the FAA so we don't have planes flying into each other...

Yeah, we need to just go live in caves and forage for nuts and berries.
Wrong, you dumb fuck, the government doesn't pay for the internet or the electrical grid. It also didn't pay for the railroads. Those are totally private. Now, if I was a jackass like you, I would hound you for the next 2 years about how you got that totally wrong.

The government set that up, because only the government CAN set that up.

Sucks to be history-ignorant.

Both claims are false. Government played a small part. Private firms were well on their way to creating something equivalent. Before the internet, we had something in my company called token ring. It has some flaws, but it would easily have evolved into the internet.

It sucks to be just plain ignorant.

It must. If it didn't you'd be able to see how it takes government to string up endless webs of wires, not to mention building the roads to access them, to make it possible to lay thousands of miles of track for trains, etc etc. What your company woulda/shoulda/coulda done is irrelevant here; it didn't.

Know who got the GPS system started? Reagan. Not personally, mind you, but using the government.

I said nothing about who "pays for" internet or electricity grid. But now that you mention it, I live under a socialist electricity grid anyway. It's a co-op. We get profit-sharing.

Hey you know what else the government had a hand in setting up?
--- Trolley tracks. In Wisconsin.

"Coop" means it's private. The government doesn't earn profits, moron.

Whoops! You posted another bonehead claim!

The problem with you is that you post so many I can't remember them all!

I didn't say they're the same thing, Stoopid. You just reminded me of it. No, the gummint doesn't earn profits --- shareholders do. It's a collective. You know, like socialism (a/k/a "BOOGA BOOGA") works.
The fiber optic is underground, moron, and government didn't put it there. Companies like Sprint and Time Warner did. Government also didn't build the railroads. They were totally built by the railroads themselves, private companies. GPS is one of the few things you listed that government actually created.

The bottom line is that a coop is a private entity, like a corporation. It's not the government.

Now, in this thread, you've said about half a dozen things that are totally wrong and stupid. Do you imagine I will be hounding you about these idiocies for the next two years? No. That's something only a pathetic loser like you does.

Hey Canada!

Fiber optic subsidies: fiber optic subsidies - Google Search

Railroad subsidies!

us railroad subsidies - Google Search

US Government invention subsidies!

list government funded research successes - Google Search
If Socialist policies are so fantastic, why do those espousing them so often lie about them?

Socialist policies such as how we pay for police, fire, and infrastructure?

Not everything government spends money on is socialism. Government is there to do things we can't do ourselves because there is no way to get everybody together to do them. In other words government provides things most if not all benefits from. Our military is there and we pay for it because it benefits us all. Same thing with infrastructure. Same thing with police and fire. We all benefit from these things directly or indirectly.

Socialsim is more about government doing things that we can do ourselves by taking from some and giving to others thus making everybody equal in some perverted way. Healthcare is a good example. So are most of our welfare programs now over 80 of them. Free college for all is another creation Democrats came up with.

Not everything government spends money on is socialism.

Such as?

Comprehension problems, huh?

Answer the question!

"The congresswoman’s office has said that Mr. Roberts is not a staff member and receives the same benefits as spouses, including a House email address."

I didn't see anything about "a million bucks."

AOC’s chief of staff ran $1M slush fund by diverting campaign cash to his own companies

An allegation is far from fact.

Of course you posted a link to a questionable source.

Washington Examiner - Media Bias/Fact Check

Would you like me to post a half-dozen more sources? Address the source and not the story.

If Socialist policies are so fantastic, why do those espousing them so often lie about them?

Socialist policies such as how we pay for police, fire, and infrastructure?

Not everything government spends money on is socialism. Government is there to do things we can't do ourselves because there is no way to get everybody together to do them. In other words government provides things most if not all benefits from. Our military is there and we pay for it because it benefits us all. Same thing with infrastructure. Same thing with police and fire. We all benefit from these things directly or indirectly.

Socialsim is more about government doing things that we can do ourselves by taking from some and giving to others thus making everybody equal in some perverted way. Healthcare is a good example. So are most of our welfare programs now over 80 of them. Free college for all is another creation Democrats came up with.

Not everything government spends money on is socialism.

Such as?

Oooh :desk: I got one.

When the Pentagon spent those millions of taxpayer dollars on setting up Jingo commercials on sports fields --- until they got busted for it ---- that was government spending money on something that wasn't socialism and had no social benefit.

The irony of that being that out of all those pro sports only the NFL audited itself and gave that pimped fake-patriotism money back.

However, when the government is doing what it's actually supposed to be doing, yes that is promoting the general Welfare, as laid out in the Preamble to the Constitution.

What "Jingo" commercials?
If Socialist policies are so fantastic, why do those espousing them so often lie about them?

Socialist policies such as how we pay for police, fire, and infrastructure?

Not everything government spends money on is socialism. Government is there to do things we can't do ourselves because there is no way to get everybody together to do them. In other words government provides things most if not all benefits from. Our military is there and we pay for it because it benefits us all. Same thing with infrastructure. Same thing with police and fire. We all benefit from these things directly or indirectly.

Socialsim is more about government doing things that we can do ourselves by taking from some and giving to others thus making everybody equal in some perverted way. Healthcare is a good example. So are most of our welfare programs now over 80 of them. Free college for all is another creation Democrats came up with.

Not everything government spends money on is socialism.

Such as?

Oooh :desk: I got one.

When the Pentagon spent those millions of taxpayer dollars on setting up Jingo commercials on sports fields --- until they got busted for it ---- that was government spending money on something that wasn't socialism and had no social benefit.

The irony of that being that out of all those pro sports only the NFL audited itself and gave that pimped fake-patriotism money back.

However, when the government is doing what it's actually supposed to be doing, yes that is promoting the general Welfare, as laid out in the Preamble to the Constitution.

What "Jingo" commercials?

You know, all the rah-rah marching band flag-fellating fly the Blue Angels song and dance, that crap that has nothing to do with the game everybody came there for.

Paid Patriotism Scandal
If Socialist policies are so fantastic, why do those espousing them so often lie about them?

Socialist policies such as how we pay for police, fire, and infrastructure?

Not everything government spends money on is socialism. Government is there to do things we can't do ourselves because there is no way to get everybody together to do them. In other words government provides things most if not all benefits from. Our military is there and we pay for it because it benefits us all. Same thing with infrastructure. Same thing with police and fire. We all benefit from these things directly or indirectly.

Socialsim is more about government doing things that we can do ourselves by taking from some and giving to others thus making everybody equal in some perverted way. Healthcare is a good example. So are most of our welfare programs now over 80 of them. Free college for all is another creation Democrats came up with.

Not everything government spends money on is socialism.

Such as?

Comprehension problems, huh?

Answer the question!

I did.....before you even asked it. Like I said, comprehension problems apparently.
Socialist policies such as how we pay for police, fire, and infrastructure?

Not everything government spends money on is socialism. Government is there to do things we can't do ourselves because there is no way to get everybody together to do them. In other words government provides things most if not all benefits from. Our military is there and we pay for it because it benefits us all. Same thing with infrastructure. Same thing with police and fire. We all benefit from these things directly or indirectly.

Socialsim is more about government doing things that we can do ourselves by taking from some and giving to others thus making everybody equal in some perverted way. Healthcare is a good example. So are most of our welfare programs now over 80 of them. Free college for all is another creation Democrats came up with.

Not everything government spends money on is socialism.

Such as?

Oooh :desk: I got one.

When the Pentagon spent those millions of taxpayer dollars on setting up Jingo commercials on sports fields --- until they got busted for it ---- that was government spending money on something that wasn't socialism and had no social benefit.

The irony of that being that out of all those pro sports only the NFL audited itself and gave that pimped fake-patriotism money back.

However, when the government is doing what it's actually supposed to be doing, yes that is promoting the general Welfare, as laid out in the Preamble to the Constitution.

What "Jingo" commercials?

You know, all the rah-rah marching band flag-fellating fly the Blue Angels song and dance, that crap that has nothing to do with the game everybody came there for.

Paid Patriotism Scandal

Recruitment marketing.
Socialist policies such as how we pay for police, fire, and infrastructure?

Not everything government spends money on is socialism. Government is there to do things we can't do ourselves because there is no way to get everybody together to do them. In other words government provides things most if not all benefits from. Our military is there and we pay for it because it benefits us all. Same thing with infrastructure. Same thing with police and fire. We all benefit from these things directly or indirectly.

Socialsim is more about government doing things that we can do ourselves by taking from some and giving to others thus making everybody equal in some perverted way. Healthcare is a good example. So are most of our welfare programs now over 80 of them. Free college for all is another creation Democrats came up with.

Not everything government spends money on is socialism.

Such as?

Comprehension problems, huh?

Answer the question!

I did.....before you even asked it. Like I said, comprehension problems apparently.

Perhaps you can post again, for the first time.
Except 78% of American Workers live paycheck to paycheck.

And they drive newer cars, they have smart phones, likely several video game packages, cable or satellite television, one or more children.......

Sure, since the profits are a direct reflection on their work.

Yes, that's called profit sharing and if that's the way you feel, you need to get a job that offers that benefit, although very few do anymore. But there is another way to share in your companies wealth, and that is to buy their stock. Some might even offer it to you at a discount. But don't expect them to pay you more than your work is worth if they are doing well. It's no different than them paying you less during a recession or when things are not doing well.

There are very few examples where profit sharing or stock options are worth anything near a pay increase.

How much are employees worth when they make you all of your money?

An employer can legally reduce the pay of existing employees?

Sure they can. Why can't they?

What are you worth as an employee? Simple answer. Your worth as an employee is what your employer can pay another person to do the same job and same quality of work that you do. That's what we are all worth.

If you have a job operating a drill press for 20 bucks an hour, walk off the job after being refused a raise request, did you deserve that raise?

Well if your employer can hire another person to do your job at the same rate, then no, you were not worth that raise. If your employer can't find anybody for that money, and has to up his offer, then yes, you did deserve that raise. If your employer found somebody to do your job for 18 bucks an hour, then you were being overpaid.

This is why sweeping the floors or making french fries pays much less than an engineer. Because anybody can do those jobs, however there are many less engineers for an employer to choose from. He can't find anybody to be an engineer at his company for the money he pays floor sweepers.
Not everything government spends money on is socialism. Government is there to do things we can't do ourselves because there is no way to get everybody together to do them. In other words government provides things most if not all benefits from. Our military is there and we pay for it because it benefits us all. Same thing with infrastructure. Same thing with police and fire. We all benefit from these things directly or indirectly.

Socialsim is more about government doing things that we can do ourselves by taking from some and giving to others thus making everybody equal in some perverted way. Healthcare is a good example. So are most of our welfare programs now over 80 of them. Free college for all is another creation Democrats came up with.

Not everything government spends money on is socialism.

Such as?

Comprehension problems, huh?

Answer the question!

I did.....before you even asked it. Like I said, comprehension problems apparently.

Perhaps you can post again, for the first time.

No, I'll post again for the second time. If you continue to have problems, please ask the nearest adult with comprehension abilities to explain it to you:

Not everything government spends money on is socialism. Government is there to do things we can't do ourselves because there is no way to get everybody together to do them. In other words government provides things most if not all benefits from. (example) Our military is there and we pay for it because it benefits us all. Same thing with infrastructure. Same thing with police and fire. We all benefit from these things directly or indirectly.
Oh please! Fred Trump wasn't even in the same league as his son when it comes to building a real estate empire! Did Fred Trump help his son? Of course. Did Trump do incredible things from that point on? Obviously! You look like an ass trying to claim otherwise!

"Incredible" is the right word, inasmuch as it means "unbelievable".

No one knows what the liar is actually worth but they all agree it's way less than he likes to pretend in his little fantasy world. And it's been estimated that if he simply put all that Fred money into investments and shut the hell up, he'd be worth more than he is, especially after all those bankruptcies that "didn't happen".

He did put the Fred money into investments, you dolt! How do you think he built his empire?

I'm amused by you leftists that think a bankruptcy signifies failure. Bankruptcy is simply another tool to be used by people who are in business. There are times when they simply make sense and you're an idiot if you don't file. But you wouldn't understand that...would you, Pogo? You're not a risk taker. You're one of those people who sits on your couch playing it safe and then whines about how those who took risks and had them pay off...are making too much money!

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. When I start a business one of my prime goals is "go bankrupt". Cultish self-delusion. Yeah sorry I don't make a practice of fucking over those who invested in me, or stiffing those I owe and then just telling them "so sue me". That's the stuff of scumbaggery.

Like you've ever started a business in your life, Pogo!

I can say that I never went bankrupt.

Rump says exactly the same thing. The difference is, when I say it I'm not lying.

Trump had businesses that went bankrupt, Pogo. He himself has always been solvent. I know this kind of stuff confuses people like you who've never owned one business let alone dozens but it's not uncommon at all for someone who starts multiple new businesses to have some succeed and some fail. The reason you keep them separate as their own corporations is so that you DON'T have your failures sabotage your successes!

As for you never going bankrupt? Of course you haven't! You've never risked your own time and money starting up a company. You're a drone. People like you work for others.
Oh, so you have your own personal jet and several successful television shows?

There's no such thing as a "successful television show".

If you have nothing more than a stake in the most insidious and mindless propaganda-hypnosis device ever invented, then you're pretty much a failure.

No, television shows pay pretty good money. A few years ago I started watching the show The Big Bang Theory. I had years of episodes to catch up on. Anyway I became very interested in the show and looked up the actors. Turns out each main actor is getting paid well over a million dollars an episode. Then they get other perks like for reruns and things like that.

You can't afford that kind of payroll unless you're bringing in the big bucks. Trump's shows were very popular, particularly The Apprentice. I never watched it because I'm not into reality shows. They're all fake to me, but many other people did.

That's just it --- "making money" is not a measure of "success". It means you're exploiting people's weaknesses. A snake oil salesman who completes transactions of his bogus bottle and makes it out of town to victimize somebody else, is not a "success". That's what we call a "parasite". No redeeming social value in so-called "reality shows" --- which are "reality" in the same sense that thirteen people standing around all buried on their little snarkphones are using "social" media.

Nothing like deliberately calling something its own opposite. The verbal equivalent of "thin-crust pizza" and "chicken wings". Here, have a shit sandwich, it's "good".

Making money means that you're exploiting people's weaknesses? People get up and go to businesses that they own each and every day where they make money providing goods or services that people need. You obviously don't understand that concept because it's obvious that you've never owned your own business.

Maybe you should read the context before you jump into somebody else's exchange. We're talking about TV shows there. Nothing on commercial television has ever delivered anything that people "need".
People watch commercial television for amusement...something that THEY feel they "need"! Duh?

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