Never A Dull Moment From This Girl

Again, perish the thought. Absolutely do not stop. Not on my account.

I'm here because at a certain point with the continuous whining and whining and whining (last time I looked the OP was actually whining about the size of her glasses) --- that eventually one has to look underneath and figure out what in the wide world of fuck is going on. That's when I started counting AOC threads to put a number on it.

Oh, trust me, we aren't going to stop. Whining and laughing are two totally different things.

Thanks for reminding me, that's the other thing ---- the incessant whining is of no more substance than "waah, she's stoopid". Never any deeper than that. Well, except for the size of the glasses, that was cute too. All of which points to a deep emotional investment, rather than a rational one.

And again --- from all over the country everywhere except her own district. Now THAT is obsession. I can't even conceive of sitting on here trawling the internets for what some Congresscritter in Idaho is doing or saying today. What a colossal waste of time.

I find that sort of obsessive mob mentality kind of fascinating. Just to ponder how it works.

It works like this: somebody puts themselves in the public eye, and the public responds. We talk about all kinds of people here from state reps to judges to Senators. That's what a political forum is all about. Imagine how boring it would be if we only talked about our own reps and only those with the same rep participated.

Take a look at the topics on this forum. Notice how many only apply to people that are directly involved. How many topics were started every time Trump made a Tweet? We talk about a state or city where they passed some new gun regulation. Should only those people in that city and state respond? After all, most of us don't live there. Or a policy in California we find ridiculous? Or perhaps a state that legalized pot? We don't live there so discussing it is an obsession?

Howard Stern is an asshole. People who tune in to him, if they do at all, tune in to watch a freak show. The same reason people watch NASCAR. But nobody spends all their time looking up minutiae about Howard Stern just to whine about him on message boards. Difference.

Now you're starting to get it. People tune into Howard Stern to listen to a freak show. Well what's the difference between him and Alexandria Kelly Bundy? Not a thing. It's like a car accident. People slow down to look what happened. It's not an obsession or any of their business. You just look because you can't help yourself.
Wrong, you dumb fuck, the government doesn't pay for the internet or the electrical grid. It also didn't pay for the railroads. Those are totally private. Now, if I was a jackass like you, I would hound you for the next 2 years about how you got that totally wrong.

The government set that up, because only the government CAN set that up.

Sucks to be history-ignorant.

Both claims are false. Government played a small part. Private firms were well on their way to creating something equivalent. Before the internet, we had something in my company called token ring. It has some flaws, but it would easily have evolved into the internet.

It sucks to be just plain ignorant.

It must. If it didn't you'd be able to see how it takes government to string up endless webs of wires, not to mention building the roads to access them, to make it possible to lay thousands of miles of track for trains, etc etc. What your company woulda/shoulda/coulda done is irrelevant here; it didn't.

Know who got the GPS system started? Reagan. Not personally, mind you, but using the government.

I said nothing about who "pays for" internet or electricity grid. But now that you mention it, I live under a socialist electricity grid anyway. It's a co-op. We get profit-sharing.

Hey you know what else the government had a hand in setting up?
--- Trolley tracks. In Wisconsin.

"Coop" means it's private. The government doesn't earn profits, moron.

Whoops! You posted another bonehead claim!

The problem with you is that you post so many I can't remember them all!

I didn't say they're the same thing, Stoopid. You just reminded me of it. No, the gummint doesn't earn profits --- shareholders do. It's a collective. You know, like socialism (a/k/a "BOOGA BOOGA") works.
The fiber optic is underground, moron, and government didn't put it there. Companies like Sprint and Time Warner did. Government also didn't build the railroads. They were totally built by the railroads themselves, private companies. GPS is one of the few things you listed that government actually created.

The bottom line is that a coop is a private entity, like a corporation. It's not the government.

Now, in this thread, you've said about half a dozen things that are totally wrong and stupid. Do you imagine I will be hounding you about these idiocies for the next two years? No. That's something only a pathetic loser like you does.

I'm posting via fiberoptic right now and I guarantee it's (a) not underground and (b) the local ISP strung it out of a government grant. You're way out of your league here Fingers. Not that you really have a league.

Both claims are false. Government played a small part. Private firms were well on their way to creating something equivalent. Before the internet, we had something in my company called token ring. It has some flaws, but it would easily have evolved into the internet.

It sucks to be just plain ignorant.

It must. If it didn't you'd be able to see how it takes government to string up endless webs of wires, not to mention building the roads to access them, to make it possible to lay thousands of miles of track for trains, etc etc. What your company woulda/shoulda/coulda done is irrelevant here; it didn't.

Know who got the GPS system started? Reagan. Not personally, mind you, but using the government.

"Coop" means it's private. The government doesn't earn profits, moron.

Whoops! You posted another bonehead claim!

The problem with you is that you post so many I can't remember them all!

I didn't say they're the same thing, Stoopid. You just reminded me of it. No, the gummint doesn't earn profits --- shareholders do. It's a collective. You know, like socialism (a/k/a "BOOGA BOOGA") works.
The fiber optic is underground, moron, and government didn't put it there. Companies like Sprint and Time Warner did. Government also didn't build the railroads. They were totally built by the railroads themselves, private companies. GPS is one of the few things you listed that government actually created.

The bottom line is that a coop is a private entity, like a corporation. It's not the government.

Now, in this thread, you've said about half a dozen things that are totally wrong and stupid. Do you imagine I will be hounding you about these idiocies for the next two years? No. That's something only a pathetic loser like you does.

I'm posting via fiberoptic right now and I guarantee it's (a) not underground and (b) the local ISP strung it out of a government grant. You're way out of your league here Fingers. Not that you really have a league.
I guarantee you that you are wrong about both things. No government grants paid for all the tens of thousands of miles of fiber optic that Sprint and Time Warner strung across the country. Time Warner owns the fiber optic providing service to my house.

Whelp, I guarantee you they did. They told me directly. And it's got jack-all to do with "Time Warner" or "Sprint".

This is the sticks. Running cables and poles is expensive.
Who is "they?" Sprint and Time Warner would beg to disagree with whatever "they" told you.

In 1964, Paul H. Henson became president of United Utilities, and was named as chairman two years later.[14] When Henson began working at the company in 1959, it had 575,000 telephones in 15 states and revenues of $65 million.[15][16][14] Henson is credited with creating the first major fiber optic network, having recognized it as a way to handle more calls and provide better quality sound.[14]

In 1972, United Utilities changed its name to United Telecommunications.[13] United Telecommunications began working on a 23,000 mile fiber optic network for long-distance calls in 1980.[14] This long-distance business became profitable for the company for the first time in 1989.[14] Henson retired from United Telecommunications in 1990. By this time the company had grown to have revenues of $8 billion.[14]
Again, perish the thought. Absolutely do not stop. Not on my account.

I'm here because at a certain point with the continuous whining and whining and whining (last time I looked the OP was actually whining about the size of her glasses) --- that eventually one has to look underneath and figure out what in the wide world of fuck is going on. That's when I started counting AOC threads to put a number on it.

Oh, trust me, we aren't going to stop. Whining and laughing are two totally different things.

Indeed they are, and they're easily differentiated.

"Laughing" for instance doesn't involve all these desperate leaps to create a "stoopid" mythology. It wouldn't need to. Laughing doesn't devolve into character assassination and a diarrhea of user-generated memes. Let alone being reduced to whining about the size of her glasses. Ain't nothing funny about desperation. But there is a great deal in it that is revealing.

Thanks for reminding me, that's the other thing ---- the incessant whining is of no more substance than "waah, she's stoopid". Never any deeper than that. Well, except for the size of the glasses, that was cute too. All of which points to a deep emotional investment, rather than a rational one.

And again --- from all over the country everywhere except her own district. Now THAT is obsession. I can't even conceive of sitting on here trawling the internets for what some Congresscritter in Idaho is doing or saying today. What a colossal waste of time.

I find that sort of obsessive mob mentality kind of fascinating. Just to ponder how it works.

It works like this: somebody puts themselves in the public eye, and the public responds. We talk about all kinds of people here from state reps to judges to Senators. That's what a political forum is all about. Imagine how boring it would be if we only talked about our own reps and only those with the same rep participated.

It would be a lot more relevant, I grant you that. But again I'm just not seeing torrents of whiny posts about the Rep from NJ-11 or the one from KS-3 or the mayor of Bloomfield or the Prime Minister of Andorra. I see a pattern, and it always returns to the same place. And that indicates parrot points dictated from above.

That's actually where it gets interesting --- WHO dictates said parrot points and what they're hoping to gain from it. It's an arguable case to make that the DNC must be generating all this buzz. Why would anyone else be doling out free publicity?

That's also why I theorize that somebody is paying these people. Who would serve as a pawn for free? Not me.

Take a look at the topics on this forum. Notice how many only apply to people that are directly involved. How many topics were started every time Trump made a Tweet? We talk about a state or city where they passed some new gun regulation. Should only those people in that city and state respond? After all, most of us don't live there. Or a policy in California we find ridiculous? Or perhaps a state that legalized pot? We don't live there so discussing it is an obsession?

Rump is in the FEDERAL gummint. That means nobody is outside the sphere of influence unless they're outside the country. Which is why I give that fake Canadian guy a hard time. As for some policy or legalization in some state, whelp that may apply to another state, but the bottom line is you don't see an endless torrent of whine about it going on forever and ever, world without end, amen.

Seriously I haven't seen this much red whine since I worked on the vineyards in France.

Howard Stern is an asshole. People who tune in to him, if they do at all, tune in to watch a freak show. The same reason people watch NASCAR. But nobody spends all their time looking up minutiae about Howard Stern just to whine about him on message boards. Difference.

Now you're starting to get it. People tune into Howard Stern to listen to a freak show. Well what's the difference between him and Alexandria Kelly Bundy? Not a thing. It's like a car accident. People slow down to look what happened. It's not an obsession or any of their business. You just look because you can't help yourself.

And when's the last time you saw a Howard Stern thread around here?

Again, false comparison. Howard Stern is not a Congressional Rep from a finite district.
It must. If it didn't you'd be able to see how it takes government to string up endless webs of wires, not to mention building the roads to access them, to make it possible to lay thousands of miles of track for trains, etc etc. What your company woulda/shoulda/coulda done is irrelevant here; it didn't.

Know who got the GPS system started? Reagan. Not personally, mind you, but using the government.

I didn't say they're the same thing, Stoopid. You just reminded me of it. No, the gummint doesn't earn profits --- shareholders do. It's a collective. You know, like socialism (a/k/a "BOOGA BOOGA") works.
The fiber optic is underground, moron, and government didn't put it there. Companies like Sprint and Time Warner did. Government also didn't build the railroads. They were totally built by the railroads themselves, private companies. GPS is one of the few things you listed that government actually created.

The bottom line is that a coop is a private entity, like a corporation. It's not the government.

Now, in this thread, you've said about half a dozen things that are totally wrong and stupid. Do you imagine I will be hounding you about these idiocies for the next two years? No. That's something only a pathetic loser like you does.

I'm posting via fiberoptic right now and I guarantee it's (a) not underground and (b) the local ISP strung it out of a government grant. You're way out of your league here Fingers. Not that you really have a league.
I guarantee you that you are wrong about both things. No government grants paid for all the tens of thousands of miles of fiber optic that Sprint and Time Warner strung across the country. Time Warner owns the fiber optic providing service to my house.

Whelp, I guarantee you they did. They told me directly. And it's got jack-all to do with "Time Warner" or "Sprint".

This is the sticks. Running cables and poles is expensive.
Who is "they?" Sprint and Time Warner would beg to disagree with whatever "they" told you.

In 1964, Paul H. Henson became president of United Utilities, and was named as chairman two years later.[14] When Henson began working at the company in 1959, it had 575,000 telephones in 15 states and revenues of $65 million.[15][16][14] Henson is credited with creating the first major fiber optic network, having recognized it as a way to handle more calls and provide better quality sound.[14]

In 1972, United Utilities changed its name to United Telecommunications.[13] United Telecommunications began working on a 23,000 mile fiber optic network for long-distance calls in 1980.[14] This long-distance business became profitable for the company for the first time in 1989.[14] Henson retired from United Telecommunications in 1990. By this time the company had grown to have revenues of $8 billion.[14]

Once AGAIN Fingerfuck, there is no "Time Warner" OR "Sprint" anywhere near here. They didn't build this.

And I must say it's nice to have that separate F/O line run. In the old daze when a windstorm or ice storm knocked the power out, the internet would go with it. Now it doesn't even flinch. My modem/router stays on with a UPS and I can go right on correcting your ass uninterrupted.
Indeed they are, and they're easily differentiated.

"Laughing" for instance doesn't involve all these desperate leaps to create a "stoopid" mythology. It wouldn't need to. Laughing doesn't devolve into character assassination and a diarrhea of user-generated memes. Let alone being reduced to whining about the size of her glasses. Ain't nothing funny about desperation. But there is a great deal in it that is revealing.

Of course it does. Stupid people are simply fun to laugh at, especially when they say stupid things constantly. The woman talks like a 14 year old and has a voice to match the way she speaks.

It would be a lot more relevant, I grant you that. But again I'm just not seeing torrents of whiny posts about the Rep from NJ-11 or the one from KS-3 or the mayor of Bloomfield or the Prime Minister of Andorra. I see a pattern, and it always returns to the same place. And that indicates parrot points dictated from above.

That's actually where it gets interesting --- WHO dictates said parrot points and what they're hoping to gain from it. It's an arguable case to make that the DNC must be generating all this buzz. Why would anyone else be doling out free publicity?

That's also why I theorize that somebody is paying these people. Who would serve as a pawn for free? Not me.

Well it's because a Rep from NJ or Mayor doesn't use the word "like" every other sentence where it doesn't belong. I guarantee you if any rep sounded like a Valley Girl, they would get the same attention.

Actually I suggested that the Democrats investigate to see if she's getting money from some Republican. That's the only thing that could explain her and what she says.

She is the only person making her "parrot" points, nobody else. We do not have 30 threads about something she said. One is started every time she says something stupid.

Rump is in the FEDERAL gummint. That means nobody is outside the sphere of influence unless they're outside the country. Which is why I give that fake Canadian guy a hard time. As for some policy or legalization in some state, whelp that may apply to another state, but the bottom line is you don't see an endless torrent of whine about it going on forever and ever, world without end, amen.

Seriously I haven't seen this much red whine since I worked on the vineyards in France.

I think your problem is you don't know how to decipher whine from laughter. Either that or you really don't want to or again, trying to use reverse psychology in such a transparent way.

First you stated nobody should care about what she says or does, and now you're saying that some policy or legislation in a state could effect you. Well guess what? They Democrats are putting her on a pedestal and they just may try to create these idiotic policies she's been talking about. I understand she has over 4 million followers on FaceBook, so the Democrats realize her popularity.

It's different when somebody from another country criticizes our politics and somebody from our country criticizes our politics.

And when's the last time you saw a Howard Stern thread around here?

Again, false comparison. Howard Stern is not a Congressional Rep from a finite district.

Never said he was. What I said is his popularity is similar to how this dingbat got hers.
It goes without saying that this twit has no clue.

Capitalism REQUIRES that the capitalist provide something of value that the marketplace (that is to say, PEOPLE) are willing to pay for, in order to succeed and grow Rich.

Bill Gates didn't get Rich by taking money from Poor people, and his accumulation of wealth was at nobody's "expense." He created a cornucopia of computer-based products that people were willing to pay a lot of money for - not because they are forced to, but because they believe that his products are worth MORE THAN the money they pay to obtain them. He gets rich, and his customers generally become more productive. Win/Win.

Donald Trump didn't grow rich by stealing from people, but rather by developing projects that investors, lenders and consumers WANTED, and were willing to pay to get into. In the course of. making himself rich, he made tens of thousands of people happy. And of course, you can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs, eh?

Gates plagiarized the CP/M system and Rump's accomplishment was standing still while Daddy handed him umpteen million bucks Fred had scammed off the government.

There's your "eggs".

Oh please! Fred Trump wasn't even in the same league as his son when it comes to building a real estate empire! Did Fred Trump help his son? Of course. Did Trump do incredible things from that point on? Obviously! You look like an ass trying to claim otherwise!
It goes without saying that this twit has no clue.

Capitalism REQUIRES that the capitalist provide something of value that the marketplace (that is to say, PEOPLE) are willing to pay for, in order to succeed and grow Rich.

Bill Gates didn't get Rich by taking money from Poor people, and his accumulation of wealth was at nobody's "expense." He created a cornucopia of computer-based products that people were willing to pay a lot of money for - not because they are forced to, but because they believe that his products are worth MORE THAN the money they pay to obtain them. He gets rich, and his customers generally become more productive. Win/Win.

Donald Trump didn't grow rich by stealing from people, but rather by developing projects that investors, lenders and consumers WANTED, and were willing to pay to get into. In the course of. making himself rich, he made tens of thousands of people happy. And of course, you can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs, eh?

Gates plagiarized the CP/M system and Rump's accomplishment was standing still while Daddy handed him umpteen million bucks Fred had scammed off the government.

There's your "eggs".

Oh please! Fred Trump wasn't even in the same league as his son when it comes to building a real estate empire! Did Fred Trump help his son? Of course. Did Trump do incredible things from that point on? Obviously! You look like an ass trying to claim otherwise!

"Incredible" is the right word, inasmuch as it means "unbelievable".

No one knows what the liar is actually worth but they all agree it's way less than he likes to pretend in his little fantasy world. And it's been estimated that if he simply put all that Fred money into investments and shut the hell up, he'd be worth more than he is, especially after all those bankruptcies that "didn't happen".
Indeed they are, and they're easily differentiated.

"Laughing" for instance doesn't involve all these desperate leaps to create a "stoopid" mythology. It wouldn't need to. Laughing doesn't devolve into character assassination and a diarrhea of user-generated memes. Let alone being reduced to whining about the size of her glasses. Ain't nothing funny about desperation. But there is a great deal in it that is revealing.

Of course it does. Stupid people are simply fun to laugh at, especially when they say stupid things constantly. The woman talks like a 14 year old and has a voice to match the way she speaks.

It would be a lot more relevant, I grant you that. But again I'm just not seeing torrents of whiny posts about the Rep from NJ-11 or the one from KS-3 or the mayor of Bloomfield or the Prime Minister of Andorra. I see a pattern, and it always returns to the same place. And that indicates parrot points dictated from above.

That's actually where it gets interesting --- WHO dictates said parrot points and what they're hoping to gain from it. It's an arguable case to make that the DNC must be generating all this buzz. Why would anyone else be doling out free publicity?

That's also why I theorize that somebody is paying these people. Who would serve as a pawn for free? Not me.

Well it's because a Rep from NJ or Mayor doesn't use the word "like" every other sentence where it doesn't belong. I guarantee you if any rep sounded like a Valley Girl, they would get the same attention.

Actually I suggested that the Democrats investigate to see if she's getting money from some Republican. That's the only thing that could explain her and what she says.

See what I mean? You're still falling back on ad hom in lieu of a point.

I notice these things because I analyze logic and reasoning. And when that is absent, something else must be there in its place as the engine. Well --- voilà.

She is the only person making her "parrot" points, nobody else. We do not have 30 threads about something she said. One is started every time she says something stupid.

I notice the latest one is whining that she was in the Girl Scouts. This after the one complaining about the size of her glasses.

Wooooooooooo, heavy stuff. Be very afraid of Girl Scouts.

Please. This shit is transparent as the day is long.
It goes without saying that this twit has no clue.

Capitalism REQUIRES that the capitalist provide something of value that the marketplace (that is to say, PEOPLE) are willing to pay for, in order to succeed and grow Rich.

Bill Gates didn't get Rich by taking money from Poor people, and his accumulation of wealth was at nobody's "expense." He created a cornucopia of computer-based products that people were willing to pay a lot of money for - not because they are forced to, but because they believe that his products are worth MORE THAN the money they pay to obtain them. He gets rich, and his customers generally become more productive. Win/Win.

Donald Trump didn't grow rich by stealing from people, but rather by developing projects that investors, lenders and consumers WANTED, and were willing to pay to get into. In the course of. making himself rich, he made tens of thousands of people happy. And of course, you can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs, eh?

Gates plagiarized the CP/M system and Rump's accomplishment was standing still while Daddy handed him umpteen million bucks Fred had scammed off the government.

There's your "eggs".

Oh please! Fred Trump wasn't even in the same league as his son when it comes to building a real estate empire! Did Fred Trump help his son? Of course. Did Trump do incredible things from that point on? Obviously! You look like an ass trying to claim otherwise!

"Incredible" is the right word, inasmuch as it means "unbelievable".

No one knows what the liar is actually worth but they all agree it's way less than he likes to pretend in his little fantasy world. And it's been estimated that if he simply put all that Fred money into investments and shut the hell up, he'd be worth more than he is, especially after all those bankruptcies that "didn't happen".

The guy owned or operated over 500 businesses in his lifetime. It's not hard to believe his wealth when he filed bankruptcy once every 100 businesses he operated. Find me anybody else that has that ratio of bankruptcies. Mind you none were ever personal--only professional.

The Definitive Net Worth Of Donald Trump
Is she talking about people losing their jobs to robots having more personal time
for art and flying in outer space again?

Unemployed Spacemen.

What an awesome fantasy.

AOC lives rent free in the vacant skulls of Trumpians.

She is one of 435 congressmen and thus provides the comic relief we need.

She is to the Left what Sarah Palin is to the Right. Insignificant, outrageous and dismissable
It goes without saying that this twit has no clue.

Capitalism REQUIRES that the capitalist provide something of value that the marketplace (that is to say, PEOPLE) are willing to pay for, in order to succeed and grow Rich.

Bill Gates didn't get Rich by taking money from Poor people, and his accumulation of wealth was at nobody's "expense." He created a cornucopia of computer-based products that people were willing to pay a lot of money for - not because they are forced to, but because they believe that his products are worth MORE THAN the money they pay to obtain them. He gets rich, and his customers generally become more productive. Win/Win.

Donald Trump didn't grow rich by stealing from people, but rather by developing projects that investors, lenders and consumers WANTED, and were willing to pay to get into. In the course of. making himself rich, he made tens of thousands of people happy. And of course, you can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs, eh?

Gates plagiarized the CP/M system and Rump's accomplishment was standing still while Daddy handed him umpteen million bucks Fred had scammed off the government.

There's your "eggs".

Oh please! Fred Trump wasn't even in the same league as his son when it comes to building a real estate empire! Did Fred Trump help his son? Of course. Did Trump do incredible things from that point on? Obviously! You look like an ass trying to claim otherwise!

"Incredible" is the right word, inasmuch as it means "unbelievable".

No one knows what the liar is actually worth but they all agree it's way less than he likes to pretend in his little fantasy world. And it's been estimated that if he simply put all that Fred money into investments and shut the hell up, he'd be worth more than he is, especially after all those bankruptcies that "didn't happen".

The guy owned or operated over 500 businesses in his lifetime. It's not hard to believe his wealth when he filed bankruptcy once every 100 businesses he operated. Find me anybody else that has that ratio of bankruptcies. Mind you none were ever personal--only professional.

The Definitive Net Worth Of Donald Trump

Yeah sure he did. I did too. Hell, this is the internets, we all did that in the '80s.
She also accepted $10
Million from Netflix for a documentary on her.


Did she give 90% of what she made last year, and will she give 90% again this coming year, to the IRS?

Let's see those tax returns!



She could not give 90% of her $27K and continue to live in NYC. How do you live in NYC on that little "declared" income? Manhattan? Bronx? Anybody?

View attachment 249648

Yet she could afford $10,000 for her SOTU outfit.

FACT CHECK: Did Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Wear a $7,600 Ensemble to the State of the Union Address?


She also accepted $10
Million from Netflix for a documentary on her.


Did she give 90% of what she made last year, and will she give 90% again this coming year, to the IRS?

Let's see those tax returns!



She could not give 90% of her $27K and continue to live in NYC. How do you live in NYC on that little "declared" income? Manhattan? Bronx? Anybody?

View attachment 249648

Yet she could afford $10,000 for her SOTU outfit.

FACT CHECK: Did Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Wear a $7,600 Ensemble to the State of the Union Address?



and yet when Rump does that y'all get this big stain on the front of your pants.
It goes without saying that this twit has no clue.

Capitalism REQUIRES that the capitalist provide something of value that the marketplace (that is to say, PEOPLE) are willing to pay for, in order to succeed and grow Rich.

Bill Gates didn't get Rich by taking money from Poor people, and his accumulation of wealth was at nobody's "expense." He created a cornucopia of computer-based products that people were willing to pay a lot of money for - not because they are forced to, but because they believe that his products are worth MORE THAN the money they pay to obtain them. He gets rich, and his customers generally become more productive. Win/Win.

Donald Trump didn't grow rich by stealing from people, but rather by developing projects that investors, lenders and consumers WANTED, and were willing to pay to get into. In the course of. making himself rich, he made tens of thousands of people happy. And of course, you can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs, eh?

Gates plagiarized the CP/M system and Rump's accomplishment was standing still while Daddy handed him umpteen million bucks Fred had scammed off the government.

There's your "eggs".

Oh please! Fred Trump wasn't even in the same league as his son when it comes to building a real estate empire! Did Fred Trump help his son? Of course. Did Trump do incredible things from that point on? Obviously! You look like an ass trying to claim otherwise!

"Incredible" is the right word, inasmuch as it means "unbelievable".

No one knows what the liar is actually worth but they all agree it's way less than he likes to pretend in his little fantasy world. And it's been estimated that if he simply put all that Fred money into investments and shut the hell up, he'd be worth more than he is, especially after all those bankruptcies that "didn't happen".

The guy owned or operated over 500 businesses in his lifetime. It's not hard to believe his wealth when he filed bankruptcy once every 100 businesses he operated. Find me anybody else that has that ratio of bankruptcies. Mind you none were ever personal--only professional.

The Definitive Net Worth Of Donald Trump

Yeah sure he did. I did too. Hell, this is the internets, we all did that in the '80s.

Oh, so you have your own personal jet and several successful television shows?
I think she is a moron

and people are giving her to much importance

she is a now....gone forever!:dunno:
Gates plagiarized the CP/M system and Rump's accomplishment was standing still while Daddy handed him umpteen million bucks Fred had scammed off the government.

There's your "eggs".

Oh please! Fred Trump wasn't even in the same league as his son when it comes to building a real estate empire! Did Fred Trump help his son? Of course. Did Trump do incredible things from that point on? Obviously! You look like an ass trying to claim otherwise!

"Incredible" is the right word, inasmuch as it means "unbelievable".

No one knows what the liar is actually worth but they all agree it's way less than he likes to pretend in his little fantasy world. And it's been estimated that if he simply put all that Fred money into investments and shut the hell up, he'd be worth more than he is, especially after all those bankruptcies that "didn't happen".

The guy owned or operated over 500 businesses in his lifetime. It's not hard to believe his wealth when he filed bankruptcy once every 100 businesses he operated. Find me anybody else that has that ratio of bankruptcies. Mind you none were ever personal--only professional.

The Definitive Net Worth Of Donald Trump

Yeah sure he did. I did too. Hell, this is the internets, we all did that in the '80s.

Oh, so you have your own personal jet and several successful television shows?

There's no such thing as a "successful television show".

If you have nothing more than a stake in the most insidious and mindless propaganda-hypnosis device ever invented, then you're pretty much a failure.

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