Never A Dull Moment From This Girl

Are you aware that this is at least the eighth AOC-butthurt thread you've started just this year?

Mind you, that's not near the top. That wanker Weatherman from Walla Walla has over thirty of them so at least you're not that far gone.

But I did notice something else in perusing your threads. Almost without exception, save a very occasional obituary or the one about the Oscars or Emmys or whatever that :gay: shit is, all your threads are a continuous diarrhea of butthurt about Cortéz, Pelosi, Schumer, Sanders, "Democrats", "Liberals", "the left", "socialists", "commies", the school system ("run by Democrats!") etc etc etc, chock full of Association Fallacies, misdefinitions and general 100% Grade A Bullshit. 130 threads in this year alone, which isn't even close to 130 days old, and all whining about the above laundry list.

Which brings me to my apology. I've been unfair here and it's time to confess.

Earlier today I remarked that y'all parrot-bots are providing Cortéz (et al) with all this publicity for free with all this endless diatribe. Clearly the phrase "for free" was unfounded. Nobody would go to this length of incessant whine all on the same negativity about the same faction, for nothing. Clearly y'all are hired guns. That was silly of me but I hadn't realized how deep y'all are into it. Most revealing.

So do you get paid in rubles or what?

The "gift that keeps on giving", indeed.

So anyone that thinks Cortez is an idiot is an agent of Russia? That's what you're going with, Pogo?

I'm not saying Russia is paying. I'm asking. Could be the RNC. Wait, is that a different entity? Not sure but I doubt it. RNC wouldn't want to shovel all this free publicity her way.

You don't have "pay" anyone to make the point that Ocasio Cortez is an idiot, Pogo...she does that for free just about anytime she opens her mouth. You liberals elected another dope. It wasn't the RNC. It wasn't Russia. It was YOU! Thinking that you aren't going to be mocked for electing a dope is wishful thinking!

Leftists love to use reverse psychology to try and get people to do things. So their attempt here is to try and make us stop by saying we're obsessed with her. And of course, our reaction is supposed to be to stop talking about her so we don't look like obsession freaks.

It's like throwing race around all the time. Even though it never works, they still keep trying.
Corporate America is fucking-up the United States.

Yes they are. They are providing us with all these jobs, all these great products and services, paying much of the federal income tax the rest of us don't have to pay, giving us the ability to invest so we can have a secure retirement, and donating to charities.

Who needs that around?

Two-thirds of new job creation is from small business.

Products and services are increasing in price faster than wages.

Corporate taxes paid are 1.3% of revenue. You pay 12% to 15% of income.

Your investment return is barely enough to keep your head above water.

Charitable contributions? Nice deduction. However: Donations to charity peaked in 2017, now they’re in a downward spiral

What your link stated is that donations were over 400 billion in 2017 and it did not have the final numbers for 2018. Also it stated that 70% was from individual donations. Those homeless people must have a lot to give. Also deductions are not what you think they are, trust me, I have a lot of them.

Then I guess that means that corporate donations were 120 billion that year. Not too shabby.

You don't know what I pay in taxes. Mind you that I was speaking of income tax alone. All the other taxes are money you will get back and more if you live the average lifespan.

I support small business. I work for a small business. Trump gave tax cuts to small business so he supports small business too.

Worker pay rate hits highest level since 2008

Let's see; Charitable contributions are down and corporate profits are increasing faster than workers pay.

Did you ever consider that charity is not as needed now that the economy is going super again? Furthermore, why should charitable contributions increase every year? And do you really believe that corporate profits should reflect workers pay? Seriously?

Did you ever consider that charity is not as needed now that the economy is going super again?

Except 78% of American Workers live paycheck to paycheck.

And do you really believe that corporate profits should reflect workers pay?

Sure, since the profits are a direct reflection on their work.

Are you aware that this is at least the eighth AOC-butthurt thread you've started just this year?

Mind you, that's not near the top. That wanker Weatherman from Walla Walla has over thirty of them so at least you're not that far gone.

But I did notice something else in perusing your threads. Almost without exception, save a very occasional obituary or the one about the Oscars or Emmys or whatever that :gay: shit is, all your threads are a continuous diarrhea of butthurt about Cortéz, Pelosi, Schumer, Sanders, "Democrats", "Liberals", "the left", "socialists", "commies", the school system ("run by Democrats!") etc etc etc, chock full of Association Fallacies, misdefinitions and general 100% Grade A Bullshit. 130 threads in this year alone, which isn't even close to 130 days old, and all whining about the above laundry list.

Which brings me to my apology. I've been unfair here and it's time to confess.

Earlier today I remarked that y'all parrot-bots are providing Cortéz (et al) with all this publicity for free with all this endless diatribe. Clearly the phrase "for free" was unfounded. Nobody would go to this length of incessant whine all on the same negativity about the same faction, for nothing. Clearly y'all are hired guns. That was silly of me but I hadn't realized how deep y'all are into it. Most revealing.

So do you get paid in rubles or what?

The "gift that keeps on giving", indeed.

So anyone that thinks Cortez is an idiot is an agent of Russia? That's what you're going with, Pogo?

I'm not saying Russia is paying. I'm asking. Could be the RNC. Wait, is that a different entity? Not sure but I doubt it. RNC wouldn't want to shovel all this free publicity her way.

You don't have "pay" anyone to make the point that Ocasio Cortez is an idiot, Pogo...she does that for free just about anytime she opens her mouth. You liberals elected another dope. It wasn't the RNC. It wasn't Russia. It was YOU! Thinking that you aren't going to be mocked for electing a dope is wishful thinking!

Leftists love to use reverse psychology to try and get people to do things. So their attempt here is to try and make us stop by saying we're obsessed with her. And of course, our reaction is supposed to be to stop talking about her so we don't look like obsession freaks.

It's like throwing race around all the time. Even though it never works, they still keep trying.

Perish the thought. This AOC rent-free head thing has been most informative. And more so about psychology than politics.

When somebody takes on an obsession like this it makes me curious as to why they would do that. Since the opposite of affection is indifference, and the Obsesserati clearly are not indifferent, it indicates a strong sense of FEAR.

But hey, go ahead and express it. It makes for a nice barometer. Obviously this AOC person is seriously effective.
"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."
- Winston Churchill

The wonderful thing about capitalism in a free country is anybody can participate. The people who don't are the ones who hate it.

The owner of the beverage store I patron is a guy from India. He came here, worked hard, finally opened up his own store and worked it day and night seven days a week. Now he has employees and a good customer base. He parlayed his money into rental property and became a landlord on top of his business. Two years ago he purchased a hotel outside of town in the next county, and his wife quit the beverage store to run that.

In all the time I've been shopping there, I never once seen him take a break. If he's not stocking shelves or running the lottery machine, he's doing paperwork and ordering products. If he's not doing that, he's hanging new signs on the window or cleaning the counter.
I grew up in poverty. Now I’m wealthy.
Thank you Capitalism.

You grew up in poverty because your parents employers didn't pay a living wage. Do you really want to pass that on to future generations?

Thanks for sharing, Miss Cleo. Now that you have "divined" what his childhood was like and why without knowing jack OR shit about him, can you tell me how many fingers I'm holding up? Shouldn't be a hard guess.
She's 100% correct.
Why is no one surprised that you defend her?

She's paying her staff a living wage. You guys get above 0c yet?

You're not a kidding. She paid her boyfriend a million bucks. What a generous little bimbo.:21:

Which boyfriend is that?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hit with ethics complaint

"The congresswoman’s office has said that Mr. Roberts is not a staff member and receives the same benefits as spouses, including a House email address."

I didn't see anything about "a million bucks."
She's 100% correct.
Why is no one surprised that you defend her?

She's paying her staff a living wage. You guys get above 0c yet?

Given the games her chief of staff has apparently been playing with the money, I don't think you want to bring up the "wonders" of Occasional Cortex's staff. Also, see us in a few months, when all of her older, experienced staffers have quit because they don't enjoy taking pay cuts to make Little Miss Luxury Apartment look good.

Go AOC!!!!!

Sounds to me like WE are living rent-free in YOUR head, what with your desperate attempts to stop us talking about your heroine, Lobotomy Barbie.
If Socialist policies are so fantastic, why do those espousing them so often lie about them?

Socialist policies such as how we pay for police, fire, and infrastructure?

And highways. And the internet and the electrical grid and GPS. And telephones and before that the telegraph, and the railroads.... and the military... the national weather service.... national parks.... libraries.... the FAA so we don't have planes flying into each other...

Yeah, we need to just go live in caves and forage for nuts and berries.

Are you aware that this is at least the eighth AOC-butthurt thread you've started just this year?

Mind you, that's not near the top. That wanker Weatherman from Walla Walla has over thirty of them so at least you're not that far gone.

But I did notice something else in perusing your threads. Almost without exception, save a very occasional obituary or the one about the Oscars or Emmys or whatever that :gay: shit is, all your threads are a continuous diarrhea of butthurt about Cortéz, Pelosi, Schumer, Sanders, "Democrats", "Liberals", "the left", "socialists", "commies", the school system ("run by Democrats!") etc etc etc, chock full of Association Fallacies, misdefinitions and general 100% Grade A Bullshit. 130 threads in this year alone, which isn't even close to 130 days old, and all whining about the above laundry list.

Which brings me to my apology. I've been unfair here and it's time to confess.

Earlier today I remarked that y'all parrot-bots are providing Cortéz (et al) with all this publicity for free with all this endless diatribe. Clearly the phrase "for free" was unfounded. Nobody would go to this length of incessant whine all on the same negativity about the same faction, for nothing. Clearly y'all are hired guns. That was silly of me but I hadn't realized how deep y'all are into it. Most revealing.

So do you get paid in rubles or what?

The "gift that keeps on giving", indeed.

So anyone that thinks Cortez is an idiot is an agent of Russia? That's what you're going with, Pogo?

I'm not saying Russia is paying. I'm asking. Could be the RNC. Wait, is that a different entity? Not sure but I doubt it. RNC wouldn't want to shovel all this free publicity her way.

You don't have "pay" anyone to make the point that Ocasio Cortez is an idiot, Pogo...she does that for free just about anytime she opens her mouth. You liberals elected another dope. It wasn't the RNC. It wasn't Russia. It was YOU! Thinking that you aren't going to be mocked for electing a dope is wishful thinking!

Leftists love to use reverse psychology to try and get people to do things. So their attempt here is to try and make us stop by saying we're obsessed with her. And of course, our reaction is supposed to be to stop talking about her so we don't look like obsession freaks.

It's like throwing race around all the time. Even though it never works, they still keep trying.

What they don't get is that this tactic depends on people actually giving a rat's fat, furry ass what leftists think of them . . . and the more they talk, the less true that is.
If Socialist policies are so fantastic, why do those espousing them so often lie about them?

Socialist policies such as how we pay for police, fire, and infrastructure?

"Any government is socialism! If you don't like socialism, you have to want anarchy! I will impose my asinine binary choices on you!"

Look up "socialism". Then consider HARD whether you have ever said anything that could be considered a contribution to the conversation.
If Socialist policies are so fantastic, why do those espousing them so often lie about them?

Socialist policies such as how we pay for police, fire, and infrastructure?

And highways. And the internet and the electrical grid and GPS. And telephones and before that the telegraph, and the railroads.... and the military... the national weather service.... national parks.... libraries.... the FAA so we don't have planes flying into each other...

Yeah, we need to just go live in caves and forage for nuts and berries.
Wrong, you dumb fuck, the government doesn't pay for the internet or the electrical grid. It also didn't pay for the railroads. Those are totally private. Now, if I was a jackass like you, I would hound you for the next 2 years about how you got that totally wrong.
If Socialist policies are so fantastic, why do those espousing them so often lie about them?

Socialist policies such as how we pay for police, fire, and infrastructure?

And highways. And the internet and the electrical grid and GPS. And telephones and before that the telegraph, and the railroads.... and the military... the national weather service.... national parks.... libraries.... the FAA so we don't have planes flying into each other...

Yeah, we need to just go live in caves and forage for nuts and berries.
Wrong, you dumb fuck, the government doesn't pay for the internet or the electrical grid. It also didn't pay for the railroads. Those are totally private. Now, if I was a jackass like you, I would hound you for the next 2 years about how you got that totally wrong.

The government set that up, because only the government CAN set that up.

Sucks to be history-ignorant.

I said nothing about who "pays for" internet or electricity grid. But now that you mention it, I live under a socialist electricity grid anyway. It's a co-op. We get profit-sharing.

Hey you know what else the government had a hand in setting up?
--- Trolley tracks. In Wisconsin.
Just too funny how this 28 year-old makes right-wingers' heads explode lolol!
If Socialist policies are so fantastic, why do those espousing them so often lie about them?

Socialist policies such as how we pay for police, fire, and infrastructure?

And highways. And the internet and the electrical grid and GPS. And telephones and before that the telegraph, and the railroads.... and the military... the national weather service.... national parks.... libraries.... the FAA so we don't have planes flying into each other...

Yeah, we need to just go live in caves and forage for nuts and berries.
Wrong, you dumb fuck, the government doesn't pay for the internet or the electrical grid. It also didn't pay for the railroads. Those are totally private. Now, if I was a jackass like you, I would hound you for the next 2 years about how you got that totally wrong.

The government set that up, because only the government CAN set that up.

Sucks to be history-ignorant.

Both claims are false. Government played a small part. Private firms were well on their way to creating something equivalent. Before the internet, we had something in my company called token ring. It has some flaws, but it would easily have evolved into the internet.

It sucks to be just plain ignorant.

I said nothing about who "pays for" internet or electricity grid. But now that you mention it, I live under a socialist electricity grid anyway. It's a co-op. We get profit-sharing.

Hey you know what else the government had a hand in setting up?
--- Trolley tracks. In Wisconsin.

"Coop" means it's private. The government doesn't earn profits, moron.

Whoops! You posted another bonehead claim!

The problem with you is that you post so many I can't remember them all!

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