Never A Dull Moment From This Girl

Boat People Are Chickenhawks

From my real-life experience and not warm and fuzzy elitist theory, the South Vietnamese are cowards, crooks, and collaborators. Despite what Chickenhawks and anti-GI pacifist snobs tell you, that's the main reason we lost the war. Because of their treason, which cost 60,000 lives of the best and bravest of Americans born in the working class, these government-financed parasites never should have been let into our country. Only in Diploma Dumbo English does deserter mean "refugee."

"lost the war"? We didn't lose the war....we quit the war because the brass didn't have the balls to win it. After the second Tet, we could have done a hard run straight up Highway 1 to Hanoi and murdered their entire government....but we didn't...they were terrified of the chinese and the russians who would die with all the rest. Fact of the matter is neither would have intervened knowing we'd launch on them if they did....China had no accurate ICBMs until Clinton had Loral give them our telemetry secrets for campaign money, and Russia? they weren't about to have a nuclear exchange with us over north vietnam. Westmoreland didn't know how to win that war or wasn't allowed to...either way, he should have been relieved of his command immediately after the second half of the Tet offensive was torn apart.
The Preppies' Boytoys Tell You Lies to Make Treason Seem Intellectually and Morally Superior

All narratives told to you about Vietnam are composed by unpatriotic sissies who ran away to college to avoid being drafted. They were then assigned by the Chickenhawk plutocrats to run the media, education, business, and government as thanks for their service.
The Preppies' Boytoys Tell You Lies to Make Treason Seem Intellectually and Morally Superior

All narratives told to you about Vietnam are composed by unpatriotic sissies who ran away to college to avoid being drafted. They were then assigned by the Chickenhawk plutocrats to run the media, education, business, and government as thanks for their service.

I was there....'67-'68...were you?
May You Bootlickers Find Out That High IQs Also Created All the World's Weapons

Modern advancements were all created by High IQ inventors, not King Ape plutocratic parasites. Corporate patents are the most tyrannical grand larceny that ever existed. Soon those depressing insults to intelligence will cause the real creators of wealth to drop out. And if A students ever become Alpha males, they will use their brains to confiscate all the wealth sucked out of them by your idols.

A typical example is Nobel Prize winner Kary Mullis. His Low IQ bosses gave him a $30,000 bonus for inventing "their" product, then sold it for $300,000,000.

By design, in order to mold Cash Cows for Corporate Cowboys, Kary was brought up to be an escapist nerd doormat, an Omega male. Even in his 50s, he called his Mommy every day. He is incapable of being manly in marriage, being dumped by four frustrated wives. His perceptions are addled by the runaway-from-a-fight use of extreme consciousness-mutilating drugs; he actually believes he's seen an extraterrestrial taking the form of a glowing green raccoon.

Head back to PJs, shitbag...this board is way outta your (bush) league.
The Preppies' Boytoys Tell You Lies to Make Treason Seem Intellectually and Morally Superior

All narratives told to you about Vietnam are composed by unpatriotic sissies who ran away to college to avoid being drafted. They were then assigned by the Chickenhawk plutocrats to run the media, education, business, and government as thanks for their service.

I was there....'67-'68.
A Capitalism That Empowers Richkid Chickenhawks Is a Capital Offense

I spent six months in combat in '66-'67 with Hotel Company, Second Battalion, Fifth Marine Infantry Regiment. I only had a 50% chance of finishing a full tour alive; Foxtrot Company's Marines and corpsmen only had a 20% chance of surviving. Apparently, the Fourth Marines had it that bad, too. And the Twenty-Sixth Marines had to be disbanded because of casualties over 100%.
"lost the war"? We didn't lose the war....we quit the war because the brass didn't have the balls to win it. After the second Tet, we could have done a hard run straight up Highway 1 to Hanoi and murdered their entire government....but we didn't...they were terrified of the chinese and the russians who would die with all the rest. Fact of the matter is neither would have intervened knowing we'd launch on them if they did....China had no accurate ICBMs until Clinton had Loral give them our telemetry secrets for campaign money, and Russia? they weren't about to have a nuclear exchange with us over north vietnam. Westmoreland didn't know how to win that war or wasn't allowed to...either way, he should have been relieved of his command immediately after the second half of the Tet offensive was torn apart.

Pogo thinks this ^^^^ is funny.....decrepit old hippie bum who cheered for the VC while sucking on a bong and dodging the draft....fuck you, scum.

Link, Dippy?

No, I thought not.
May You Bootlickers Find Out That High IQs Also Created All the World's Weapons

Modern advancements were all created by High IQ inventors, not King Ape plutocratic parasites. Corporate patents are the most tyrannical grand larceny that ever existed. Soon those depressing insults to intelligence will cause the real creators of wealth to drop out. And if A students ever become Alpha males, they will use their brains to confiscate all the wealth sucked out of them by your idols.

A typical example is Nobel Prize winner Kary Mullis. His Low IQ bosses gave him a $30,000 bonus for inventing "their" product, then sold it for $300,000,000.

By design, in order to mold Cash Cows for Corporate Cowboys, Kary was brought up to be an escapist nerd doormat, an Omega male. Even in his 50s, he called his Mommy every day. He is incapable of being manly in marriage, being dumped by four frustrated wives. His perceptions are addled by the runaway-from-a-fight use of extreme consciousness-mutilating drugs; he actually believes he's seen an extraterrestrial taking the form of a glowing green raccoon.
"Daddy, Daddy, I'm Afwaid to Go to Vietnam. Pwease, Pwease, Get Me in the National Guard; Our People Fixed It So the Guard Would Never Have to Fight There

Head back to PJs, shitbag...this board is way outta your (bush) league.
"Daddy, Daddy, I'm Afwaid to Go to Vietnam! Pwease Get Me in the National Guard, Pwease-Pwease! Our People Fixed It So the Guard Will Never Have to Fight There."

I don't care if anti-democratic Benedict Arnolds like you got the Medal of Honor in Vietnam; if you support guillotine-fodder sissyboy Bush's right to have his Daddy get him out of having to fight the Communists, YOU HAVE NO HONOR.
I spent six months in combat in '66-'67 with Hotel Company, Second Battalion, Fifth Marine Infantry Regiment. I only had a 50% chance of finishing a full tour alive; Foxtrot Company's Marines and corpsmen only had a 20% chance of surviving. Apparently, the Fourth Marines had it that bad, too. And the Twenty-Sixth Marines had to be disbanded because of casualties over 100%.

So you're bragging you boys got shot to wonder we Cav 1/7 had to bail your sorry asses out of trouble on a regular basis...that is if what you're claiming is true. One thing for certain, you're crazy as a shithouse rat....I bet you blame it on "Agent Orange" right?....I was at Dak To briefly...never even had a headache from it.
What I can't understand is why these people want to make our country like every other country of their desire instead of just moving to one of those glorious places. The problem is there is only one USA. Once they F this place up by turning into all the others, there is no other USA to move to after we realize our mistake.

Corporate America is fucking-up the United States.

Ok then please list for me three Company's that are fucking up America and Why that is so. Your Post here are always laced with knowledge. Socialism is like a Sewer you know it stinks, you just don't know why until you look down the hole. And just as you thought from the smell it's full of shit , Socialism is irredeemable, poverty and Social divisiveness are their calling card. Remember! When the sewer smells, you don't need to look any closer to know it's full of shit.
What I can't understand is why these people want to make our country like every other country of their desire instead of just moving to one of those glorious places. The problem is there is only one USA. Once they F this place up by turning into all the others, there is no other USA to move to after we realize our mistake.

Corporate America is fucking-up the United States.

Ok then please list for me three Company's that are fucking up America and Why that is so. Your Post here are always laced with knowledge. Socialism is like a Sewer you know it stinks, you just don't know why until you look down the hole. And just as you thought from the smell it's full of shit , Socialism is irredeemable, poverty and Social divisiveness are their calling card. Remember! When the sewer smells, you don't need to look any closer to know it's full of shit.

Uh huh. And your Social Security payment comes in on the 27th.

As for companys [sic] fucking up America, I'll nominate Tweeter.
What I can't understand is why these people want to make our country like every other country of their desire instead of just moving to one of those glorious places. The problem is there is only one USA. Once they F this place up by turning into all the others, there is no other USA to move to after we realize our mistake.

Corporate America is fucking-up the United States.

Ok then please list for me three Company's that are fucking up America and Why that is so. Your Post here are always laced with knowledge. Socialism is like a Sewer you know it stinks, you just don't know why until you look down the hole. And just as you thought from the smell it's full of shit , Socialism is irredeemable, poverty and Social divisiveness are their calling card. Remember! When the sewer smells, you don't need to look any closer to know it's full of shit.

Uh huh. And your Social Security payment comes in on the 27th.

As for companys [sic] fucking up America, I'll nominate Tweeter.

Yeah they don't have any employees or hire people that use that cash to pay their bills and buy cars and homes and groceries for their families shut up and face reality. People use twitter because they like it. Twitter provides a product, people pay for the product twitter and it's employees make a living that's how Capitalism works. How's that Socialist thing working out for ya.You don't know because you live in a democracy thank you! Get your lantern and take a trip to Venezuela, Better take that gun you're allowed to own too! Once again:anj_stfu: you're an Idiot
The Preppies' Boytoys Tell You Lies to Make Treason Seem Intellectually and Morally Superior

All narratives told to you about Vietnam are composed by unpatriotic sissies who ran away to college to avoid being drafted. They were then assigned by the Chickenhawk plutocrats to run the media, education, business, and government as thanks for their service.

I was there....'67-'68...were you?
I was "6" Thanks for your service and sacrifice for this great Country, Sir! My father was shot 5 times in 67 and survived. He was a volunteer not a draftee.:thankusmile:
What I can't understand is why these people want to make our country like every other country of their desire instead of just moving to one of those glorious places. The problem is there is only one USA. Once they F this place up by turning into all the others, there is no other USA to move to after we realize our mistake.

Corporate America is fucking-up the United States.

Ok then please list for me three Company's that are fucking up America and Why that is so. Your Post here are always laced with knowledge. Socialism is like a Sewer you know it stinks, you just don't know why until you look down the hole. And just as you thought from the smell it's full of shit , Socialism is irredeemable, poverty and Social divisiveness are their calling card. Remember! When the sewer smells, you don't need to look any closer to know it's full of shit.

Uh huh. And your Social Security payment comes in on the 27th.

As for companys [sic] fucking up America, I'll nominate Tweeter.

Yeah they don't have any employees or hire people that use that cash to pay their bills and buy cars and homes and groceries for their families shut up and face reality. People use twitter because they like it. Twitter provides a product, people pay for the product twitter and it's employees make a living that's how Capitalism works. How's that Socialist thing working out for ya.

Seeing as how my SS comes in right on time every month, and seeing as how we're on the internet created by government infrastructure and powered by government electrical grid infrastructure built using government-funded roads, just fine.

As for Tweeter, people use it because it's a vehicle for two things: Fake News and Narcissism. So it's not surprising you're a fan of that worthless toilet.
She's 100% correct.

What I can't understand is why these people want to make our country like every other country of their desire instead of just moving to one of those glorious places. The problem is there is only one USA. Once they F this place up by turning into all the others, there is no other USA to move to after we realize our mistake.

Corporate America is fucking-up the United States.

They're far from alone in that. They have Occasional Cortex and her mouthbreathing worshippers for company (and yes, I AM looking at you).
It goes without saying that this twit has no clue.

Capitalism REQUIRES that the capitalist provide something of value that the marketplace (that is to say, PEOPLE) are willing to pay for, in order to succeed and grow Rich.

Bill Gates didn't get Rich by taking money from Poor people, and his accumulation of wealth was at nobody's "expense." He created a cornucopia of computer-based products that people were willing to pay a lot of money for - not because they are forced to, but because they believe that his products are worth MORE THAN the money they pay to obtain them. He gets rich, and his customers generally become more productive. Win/Win.

Donald Trump didn't grow rich by stealing from people, but rather by developing projects that investors, lenders and consumers WANTED, and were willing to pay to get into. In the course of. making himself rich, he made tens of thousands of people happy. And of course, you can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs, eh?
It goes without saying that this twit has no clue.

Capitalism REQUIRES that the capitalist provide something of value that the marketplace (that is to say, PEOPLE) are willing to pay for, in order to succeed and grow Rich.

Bill Gates didn't get Rich by taking money from Poor people, and his accumulation of wealth was at nobody's "expense." He created a cornucopia of computer-based products that people were willing to pay a lot of money for - not because they are forced to, but because they believe that his products are worth MORE THAN the money they pay to obtain them. He gets rich, and his customers generally become more productive. Win/Win.

Donald Trump didn't grow rich by stealing from people, but rather by developing projects that investors, lenders and consumers WANTED, and were willing to pay to get into. In the course of. making himself rich, he made tens of thousands of people happy. And of course, you can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs, eh?

Gates plagiarized the CP/M system and Rump's accomplishment was standing still while Daddy handed him umpteen million bucks Fred had scammed off the government.

There's your "eggs".
AOC lives rent free in the vacant skulls of Trumpians.

She is one of 435 congressmen and thus provides the comic relief we need.

She is to the Left what Sarah Palin is to the Right. Insignificant, outrageous and dismissable

Except that Sarah Palin didn't get elected. Occasional Cortex did.

Oh, and Sarah Palin didn't actually say the stupid shit she was attributed. Occasional Cortex does.

Sounds like WE are living rent-free in YOUR head. Occasional Cortex doesn't bother us nearly as badly as us talking about her bothers you.

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