Never A Dull Moment From This Girl

If Socialist policies are so fantastic, why do those espousing them so often lie about them?
AOC lives rent free in the vacant skulls of Trumpians.

She is one of 435 congressmen and thus provides the comic relief we need.

She is to the Left what Sarah Palin is to the Right. Insignificant, outrageous and dismissable
Will you put $1 in my Paypal for every MSM mention of her name?
One boogeyman feeds another for those lacking critical thinking skills.
AOC lives rent free in the vacant skulls of Trumpians.

She is one of 435 congressmen and thus provides the comic relief we need.

She is to the Left what Sarah Palin is to the Right. Insignificant, outrageous and dismissable

Sarah Palin had integrity, and by comparison she’s a rocket scientist
All the integrity it takes to preach abstinence to a nation but not her own family.

Palin isn’t mentally equipped to be the night manager at the Wassila Wendy’s let alone the vice presidency
Folks, I attempted to do a quick Google bio of Donkey Face Cow Farts and basically the 3 years prior to her audition and selection by the "Justice Democrats," there is no info except that fake ass book company she was associated with that received tax incentives, just like Amazon was going to receive, except Amazon is obviously not a make believe company. Anyhow since Donkey Face Cow Farts is an actor who memorizes "Justice Democrat" talking points, or tries to, she even screws that up more often than not :p I suggest the admins here set up a subforum for Sandy Alex Ortega Cortez or whatever that nutcase's name is. There are going to be many more threads about this stooge and her filthy comrades to come IMO! :p Maybe name the subforum "Justice Democrat Follies?"

Obviously the Creepy Young Turks show was under the radar since no normal people watch it. :p But they actually helped insert the creepy, anti-White freshmen women Congressmen we as a country are contending with. Recall Creepy Cenk Igor crying after President Trump won in a landslide and now gloating that he and his comrades actually helped elect Congressmen. Sad state of affairs.

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Go AOC!!!!!
Also, has anyone notices how the filthy "Justice Democrats" are so often laughing hysterically. What is so funny and who the fuck laughs with the mouth wide open? Strange, they all do it. :cuckoo:

I might have been saying that when I was in my twenties too. She'll find out. Capitalism is the worst system in the world. Except for all the others.
Her Momma moved to the same county I live here in Florida. Lake County. She lives up in
Eustis. Lake County is Willis McCall Country. No Derm has been elected to any position in
the last 4 election cycles.

I would suggest that Momma, just enjoy the massive reduction in taxes an keep her grease ball
mouth shut and she'll be okay. (I don't believe if I were her, I would be telling folks who my
daughter was).

Racist motherfukker. If you were saying "k!ke bastards" instead of "grease ball" you'd be banned.

She's an Ultra Maroon.... Could we start a nation wide collection of these old things and have them dropped
off to her on the Congress Floor? Still in my estimation, this is one of the very best examples of a capitalist system
saving women from hours of drudgery. Had it not been for the capitalist system she hates, washing machines (and dryers) would not have been affordable, they would not have appeared in Households all over the US.... women would still have been scrubbing away for hours longer instead of having time to take up other things.....
Like education for one.
Corporate America provided for women in the US .... not to mention eventually the rest of the women in the western world So many free man hours just by eliminating this quaint torture device, that it is imeasurable ( pardon the non PC reference to "man" hours)

Then along came corporate America again to make PC's affordable and readily available.... once more saving women massive amounts of time.... to which they can now.... type up hateful screeds about capitalism.... oh well,
cant win them all I guess!

AOC lives rent free in the vacant skulls of Trumpians.

She is one of 435 congressmen and thus provides the comic relief we need.

She is to the Left what Sarah Palin is to the Right. Insignificant, outrageous and dismissable
Will you put $1 in my Paypal for every MSM mention of her name?
One boogeyman feeds another for those lacking critical thinking skills.
So shove it where the sun don’t shine, it’s your Leftard media and her putting her in the spotlight.

Best thing to happen to Trumps election since Hillary was crowned to elect Trump.

Are you aware that this is at least the eighth AOC-butthurt thread you've started just this year?

Mind you, that's not near the top. That wanker Weatherman from Walla Walla has over thirty of them so at least you're not that far gone.

But I did notice something else in perusing your threads. Almost without exception, save a very occasional obituary or the one about the Oscars or Emmys or whatever that :gay: shit is, all your threads are a continuous diarrhea of butthurt about Cortéz, Pelosi, Schumer, Sanders, "Democrats", "Liberals", "the left", "socialists", "commies", the school system ("run by Democrats!") etc etc etc, chock full of Association Fallacies, misdefinitions and general 100% Grade A Bullshit. 130 threads in this year alone, which isn't even close to 130 days old, and all whining about the above laundry list.

Which brings me to my apology. I've been unfair here and it's time to confess.

Earlier today I remarked that y'all parrot-bots are providing Cortéz (et al) with all this publicity for free with all this endless diatribe. Clearly the phrase "for free" was unfounded. Nobody would go to this length of incessant whine all on the same negativity about the same faction, for nothing. Clearly y'all are hired guns. That was silly of me but I hadn't realized how deep y'all are into it. Most revealing.

So do you get paid in rubles or what?

The "gift that keeps on giving", indeed.

So anyone that thinks Cortez is an idiot is an agent of Russia? That's what you're going with, Pogo?

I'm not saying Russia is paying. I'm asking. Could be the RNC. Wait, is that a different entity? Not sure but I doubt it. RNC wouldn't want to shovel all this free publicity her way.

Are you aware that this is at least the eighth AOC-butthurt thread you've started just this year?

Mind you, that's not near the top. That wanker Weatherman from Walla Walla has over thirty of them so at least you're not that far gone.

But I did notice something else in perusing your threads. Almost without exception, save a very occasional obituary or the one about the Oscars or Emmys or whatever that :gay: shit is, all your threads are a continuous diarrhea of butthurt about Cortéz, Pelosi, Schumer, Sanders, "Democrats", "Liberals", "the left", "socialists", "commies", the school system ("run by Democrats!") etc etc etc, chock full of Association Fallacies, misdefinitions and general 100% Grade A Bullshit. 130 threads in this year alone, which isn't even close to 130 days old, and all whining about the above laundry list.

Which brings me to my apology. I've been unfair here and it's time to confess.

Earlier today I remarked that y'all parrot-bots are providing Cortéz (et al) with all this publicity for free with all this endless diatribe. Clearly the phrase "for free" was unfounded. Nobody would go to this length of incessant whine all on the same negativity about the same faction, for nothing. Clearly y'all are hired guns. That was silly of me but I hadn't realized how deep y'all are into it. Most revealing.

So do you get paid in rubles or what?

The "gift that keeps on giving", indeed.

So anyone that thinks Cortez is an idiot is an agent of Russia? That's what you're going with, Pogo?

I'm not saying Russia is paying. I'm asking. Could be the RNC. Wait, is that a different entity? Not sure but I doubt it. RNC wouldn't want to shovel all this free publicity her way.

You don't have "pay" anyone to make the point that Ocasio Cortez is an idiot, Pogo...she does that for free just about anytime she opens her mouth. You liberals elected another dope. It wasn't the RNC. It wasn't Russia. It was YOU! Thinking that you aren't going to be mocked for electing a dope is wishful thinking!
What I can't understand is why these people want to make our country like every other country of their desire instead of just moving to one of those glorious places. The problem is there is only one USA. Once they F this place up by turning into all the others, there is no other USA to move to after we realize our mistake.

Corporate America is fucking-up the United States.

Maybe you should learn to capitalize on corporate America?

Is that a statement or a question?

It works either way.

Are you aware that this is at least the eighth AOC-butthurt thread you've started just this year?

Mind you, that's not near the top. That wanker Weatherman from Walla Walla has over thirty of them so at least you're not that far gone.

But I did notice something else in perusing your threads. Almost without exception, save a very occasional obituary or the one about the Oscars or Emmys or whatever that :gay: shit is, all your threads are a continuous diarrhea of butthurt about Cortéz, Pelosi, Schumer, Sanders, "Democrats", "Liberals", "the left", "socialists", "commies", the school system ("run by Democrats!") etc etc etc, chock full of Association Fallacies, misdefinitions and general 100% Grade A Bullshit. 130 threads in this year alone, which isn't even close to 130 days old, and all whining about the above laundry list.

Which brings me to my apology. I've been unfair here and it's time to confess.

Earlier today I remarked that y'all parrot-bots are providing Cortéz (et al) with all this publicity for free with all this endless diatribe. Clearly the phrase "for free" was unfounded. Nobody would go to this length of incessant whine all on the same negativity about the same faction, for nothing. Clearly y'all are hired guns. That was silly of me but I hadn't realized how deep y'all are into it. Most revealing.

So do you get paid in rubles or what?

The "gift that keeps on giving", indeed.

So anyone that thinks Cortez is an idiot is an agent of Russia? That's what you're going with, Pogo?

I'm not saying Russia is paying. I'm asking. Could be the RNC. Wait, is that a different entity? Not sure but I doubt it. RNC wouldn't want to shovel all this free publicity her way.

You don't have "pay" anyone to make the point that Ocasio Cortez is an idiot, Pogo...she does that for free just about anytime she opens her mouth. You liberals elected another dope. It wasn't the RNC. It wasn't Russia. It was YOU! Thinking that you aren't going to be mocked for electing a dope is wishful thinking!

Once AGAIN I don't live anywhere near her district; I did not vote for her and I could not vote for or against her if I wanted to. She has nothing to do with me. I have my own Rep to worry about, and so do you, and so does the OP with his irrational obsessions. And the frequency of said obsessions strongly present the implication that the poster is either paid, or unhealthily obsessed. I'd like to think that he's at least making a living.

And secondly, the simple being on the receiving end of the obsessed spending their whole day making up goofy Googly-Image memes to push the "she stoopid" mythology doesn't in any way make them actually stoopid. On the contrary it reveals how scared-shitless the obsessed are about her. Actions speak much louder than Googly-Image memes and pedantic obsessions. Even if they are paid.

I will say this, if somebody's paying for all this obsessifying it's not money well spent, unless it's AOC herself paying for it. We all keep noting this but again, I'd have never even heard of AOC if not for the obsessed on this board, so I'm sure she appreciates that.

Are you aware that this is at least the eighth AOC-butthurt thread you've started just this year?

Mind you, that's not near the top. That wanker Weatherman from Walla Walla has over thirty of them so at least you're not that far gone.

But I did notice something else in perusing your threads. Almost without exception, save a very occasional obituary or the one about the Oscars or Emmys or whatever that :gay: shit is, all your threads are a continuous diarrhea of butthurt about Cortéz, Pelosi, Schumer, Sanders, "Democrats", "Liberals", "the left", "socialists", "commies", the school system ("run by Democrats!") etc etc etc, chock full of Association Fallacies, misdefinitions and general 100% Grade A Bullshit. 130 threads in this year alone, which isn't even close to 130 days old, and all whining about the above laundry list.

Which brings me to my apology. I've been unfair here and it's time to confess.

Earlier today I remarked that y'all parrot-bots are providing Cortéz (et al) with all this publicity for free with all this endless diatribe. Clearly the phrase "for free" was unfounded. Nobody would go to this length of incessant whine all on the same negativity about the same faction, for nothing. Clearly y'all are hired guns. That was silly of me but I hadn't realized how deep y'all are into it. Most revealing.

So do you get paid in rubles or what?

The "gift that keeps on giving", indeed.

So anyone that thinks Cortez is an idiot is an agent of Russia? That's what you're going with, Pogo?

I'm not saying Russia is paying. I'm asking. Could be the RNC. Wait, is that a different entity? Not sure but I doubt it. RNC wouldn't want to shovel all this free publicity her way.

You don't have "pay" anyone to make the point that Ocasio Cortez is an idiot, Pogo...she does that for free just about anytime she opens her mouth. You liberals elected another dope. It wasn't the RNC. It wasn't Russia. It was YOU! Thinking that you aren't going to be mocked for electing a dope is wishful thinking!

Once AGAIN I don't live anywhere near her district; I did not vote for her and I could not vote for or against her if I wanted to. She has nothing to do with me. I have my own Rep to worry about, and so do you, and so does the OP with his irrational obsessions. And the frequency of said obsessions strongly present the implication that the poster is either paid, or unhealthily obsessed. I'd like to think that he's at least making a living.

And secondly, the simple being on the receiving end of the obsessed spending their whole day making up goofy Googly-Image memes to push the "she stoopid" mythology doesn't in any way make them actually stoopid.

No, it merely further articulates how "stoopit" she already is.

Have you actually listened to her at any point?

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