Never A Dull Moment From This Girl

What in the hell is 100% anti-American doing in what is supposed to be 100% American government?
She is however correct from the point of view of the bottom percent of Americans who are already existing on benefits alone. The absence of capitalism is either socialism or communism no one seems to point this out however

Free stuff eventually runs out when there is no incentive to produce. Socialism is a bad system.
The problem with that is the bottom already produces nothing
She is however correct from the point of view of the bottom percent of Americans who are already existing on benefits alone. The absence of capitalism is either socialism or communism no one seems to point this out however

Free stuff eventually runs out when there is no incentive to produce. Socialism is a bad system.
The problem with that is the bottom already produces nothing

Bingo. So they should be supported why?
Are you aware that this is at least the eighth AOC-butthurt thread you've started just this year?

Mind you, that's not near the top. That wanker Weatherman from Walla Walla has over thirty of them so at least you're not that far gone.

But I did notice something else in perusing your threads. Almost without exception, save a very occasional obituary or the one about the Oscars or Emmys or whatever that :gay: shit is, all your threads are a continuous diarrhea of butthurt about Cortéz, Pelosi, Schumer, Sanders, "Democrats", "Liberals", "the left", "socialists", "commies", the school system ("run by Democrats!") etc etc etc, chock full of Association Fallacies, misdefinitions and general 100% Grade A Bullshit. 130 threads in this year alone, which isn't even close to 130 days old, and all whining about the above laundry list.

Which brings me to my apology. I've been unfair here and it's time to confess.

Earlier today I remarked that y'all parrot-bots are providing Cortéz (et al) with all this publicity for free with all this endless diatribe. Clearly the phrase "for free" was unfounded. Nobody would go to this length of incessant whine all on the same negativity about the same faction, for nothing. Clearly y'all are hired guns. That was silly of me but I hadn't realized how deep y'all are into it. Most revealing.

So do you get paid in rubles or what?

The "gift that keeps on giving", indeed.

So anyone that thinks Cortez is an idiot is an agent of Russia? That's what you're going with, Pogo?

I'm not saying Russia is paying. I'm asking. Could be the RNC. Wait, is that a different entity? Not sure but I doubt it. RNC wouldn't want to shovel all this free publicity her way.

You don't have "pay" anyone to make the point that Ocasio Cortez is an idiot, Pogo...she does that for free just about anytime she opens her mouth. You liberals elected another dope. It wasn't the RNC. It wasn't Russia. It was YOU! Thinking that you aren't going to be mocked for electing a dope is wishful thinking!

Once AGAIN I don't live anywhere near her district; I did not vote for her and I could not vote for or against her if I wanted to. She has nothing to do with me. I have my own Rep to worry about, and so do you, and so does the OP with his irrational obsessions. And the frequency of said obsessions strongly present the implication that the poster is either paid, or unhealthily obsessed. I'd like to think that he's at least making a living.

And secondly, the simple being on the receiving end of the obsessed spending their whole day making up goofy Googly-Image memes to push the "she stoopid" mythology doesn't in any way make them actually stoopid.

No, it merely further articulates how "stoopit" she already is.

Have you actually listened to her at any point?

Actually yes. After the first 48,276 whiny posts here I came across an interview or two and I figured I could have a look at what all the butthurt kerfuffle is about.

Whelp --- after that I can see why you're scared shitless. She's got energy and it's infectious. If I were a partisan hack and this were my partisan-hack "enemy", I'd be scared shitless too. But I'd be more honest about it. I wouldn't make my case via adolescent schoolyard ad homs like:

Yes, girl. She's a petulant, pre-schizophrenic nine-year-old trapped in a woman's body.


Also wouldn't sit on the internets all day looking up new things to continuously whine about like the size of her freaking glasses. Not for free anyway.
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What in the hell is 100% anti-American doing in what is supposed to be 100% American government?

What?? Who let you into the government? Maybe we need a wall.

Of course we need a wall, people like her are coming in in droves. She doesn't belong here, take her back to Venezuela where her family probably originated from.
I would happily contribute to a live prime-time TV show for AOC. If she can't make you laugh, no one can. Thank you AOC.

When a buck tooth bitch whose income went up by 1000% in one year and is now taxpayer funded tells me that she doesn't like "capitalism" because it puts money first, I got nothing to say other than fuck that bitch.
She is however correct from the point of view of the bottom percent of Americans who are already existing on benefits alone. The absence of capitalism is either socialism or communism no one seems to point this out however

Free stuff eventually runs out when there is no incentive to produce. Socialism is a bad system.
The problem with that is the bottom already produces nothing

Bingo. So they should be supported why?
The real question is why should they vote
What I can't understand is why these people want to make our country like every other country of their desire instead of just moving to one of those glorious places. The problem is there is only one USA. Once they F this place up by turning into all the others, there is no other USA to move to after we realize our mistake.
For those who don’t understand America here is a good true story. There are so few shrimp boats that supply houses are few and far between in the gulf. I have to go to bayou la batre or Biloxi to get high dollar items. The supply house in Biloxi is run by a Vietnamese family. The wife is one of the last people to leave Vietnam during the us evacuation of Saigon when she was only a girl. As far as I know she came to this country penniless. 50 years later she and her family are multi millionaires. Her husband spends time at a factory in China making stainless steel products for the supply house. She runs the show. They own a stable of Mercedes and probably have invested in many things. She shows up every day for work, looking like the quintessential oriental younger than her age woman. I love going to see her and picking her brains. She is not political but she often comments on how people don’t want to work anymore. She is aware of the political landscape and we were joking one day about where we were going to go when the country went down the toilet, and I will never forget what she said, There is no where else to go. There is no where else to go. It would do well for us to take this statement from a Vietnamese refugee, whose view of the world is a hell of a lot more informed than ours is, and take it to heart. We are the last bastion of so many things good in the world, we would be wise to stop tearing ourselves down and apart.
Boat People Are Chickenhawks

From my real-life experience and not warm and fuzzy elitist theory, the South Vietnamese are cowards, crooks, and collaborators. Despite what Chickenhawks and anti-GI pacifist snobs tell you, that's the main reason we lost the war. Because of their treason, which cost 60,000 lives of the best and bravest of Americans born in the working class, these government-financed parasites never should have been let into our country. Only in Diploma Dumbo English does deserter mean "refugee."
What in the hell is 100% anti-American doing in what is supposed to be 100% American government?

What?? Who let you into the government? Maybe we need a wall.

Of course we need a wall, people like her are coming in in droves. She doesn't belong here, take her back to Venezuela where her family probably originated from.

I believe that would be Puerto Rico. As a Rumpbot you wouldn't know this but Puerto Rico is a part of the US. And not only is it an island but it's also surrounded by water.

But thanks for letting us know the Cult of Ignorance showed up for work today.
What I can't understand is why these people want to make our country like every other country of their desire instead of just moving to one of those glorious places. The problem is there is only one USA. Once they F this place up by turning into all the others, there is no other USA to move to after we realize our mistake.
For those who don’t understand America here is a good true story. There are so few shrimp boats that supply houses are few and far between in the gulf. I have to go to bayou la batre or Biloxi to get high dollar items. The supply house in Biloxi is run by a Vietnamese family. The wife is one of the last people to leave Vietnam during the us evacuation of Saigon when she was only a girl. As far as I know she came to this country penniless. 50 years later she and her family are multi millionaires. Her husband spends time at a factory in China making stainless steel products for the supply house. She runs the show. They own a stable of Mercedes and probably have invested in many things. She shows up every day for work, looking like the quintessential oriental younger than her age woman. I love going to see her and picking her brains. She is not political but she often comments on how people don’t want to work anymore. She is aware of the political landscape and we were joking one day about where we were going to go when the country went down the toilet, and I will never forget what she said, There is no where else to go. There is no where else to go. It would do well for us to take this statement from a Vietnamese refugee, whose view of the world is a hell of a lot more informed than ours is, and take it to heart. We are the last bastion of so many things good in the world, we would be wise to stop tearing ourselves down and apart.

Been there. The people of Gulfport and Biloxi are hard working folks. The late great Walter Blessey was a dear friend.

Walter Blessey could say he was bigger than Elvis in Biloxi
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What I can't understand is why these people want to make our country like every other country of their desire instead of just moving to one of those glorious places. The problem is there is only one USA. Once they F this place up by turning into all the others, there is no other USA to move to after we realize our mistake.

Corporate America is fucking-up the United States.

It’s jealous Tards like you that are flucking up the US….
No, it's liberals and stupid people.
Boat People Are Chickenhawks

From my real-life experience and not warm and fuzzy elitist theory, the South Vietnamese are cowards, crooks, and collaborators. Despite what Chickenhawks and anti-GI pacifist snobs tell you, that's the main reason we lost the war. Because of their treason, which cost 60,000 lives of the best and bravest of Americans born in the working class, these government-financed parasites never should have been let into our country. Only in Diploma Dumbo English does deserter mean "refugee."

"lost the war"? We didn't lose the war....we quit the war because the brass didn't have the balls to win it. After the second Tet, we could have done a hard run straight up Highway 1 to Hanoi and murdered their entire government....but we didn't...they were terrified of the chinese and the russians who would die with all the rest. Fact of the matter is neither would have intervened knowing we'd launch on them if they did....China had no accurate ICBMs until Clinton had Loral give them our telemetry secrets for campaign money, and Russia? they weren't about to have a nuclear exchange with us over north vietnam. Westmoreland didn't know how to win that war or wasn't allowed to...either way, he should have been relieved of his command immediately after the second half of the Tet offensive was torn apart.
Boat People Are Chickenhawks

From my real-life experience and not warm and fuzzy elitist theory, the South Vietnamese are cowards, crooks, and collaborators. Despite what Chickenhawks and anti-GI pacifist snobs tell you, that's the main reason we lost the war. Because of their treason, which cost 60,000 lives of the best and bravest of Americans born in the working class, these government-financed parasites never should have been let into our country. Only in Diploma Dumbo English does deserter mean "refugee."

"lost the war"? We didn't lose the war....we quit the war because the brass didn't have the balls to win it. After the second Tet, we could have done a hard run straight up Highway 1 to Hanoi and murdered their entire government....but we didn't...they were terrified of the chinese and the russians who would die with all the rest. Fact of the matter is neither would have intervened knowing we'd launch on them if they did....China had no accurate ICBMs until Clinton had Loral give them our telemetry secrets for campaign money, and Russia? they weren't about to have a nuclear exchange with us over north vietnam. Westmoreland didn't know how to win that war or wasn't allowed to...either way, he should have been relieved of his command immediately after the second half of the Tet offensive was torn apart.

That's your vision of your country, is it. "Murder their entire government".

You're an anti-American piece of raccoon dung.

She's an Ultra Maroon.... Could we start a nation wide collection of these old things and have them dropped
off to her on the Congress Floor? Still in my estimation, this is one of the very best examples of a capitalist system
saving women from hours of drudgery. Had it not been for the capitalist system she hates, washing machines (and dryers) would not have been affordable, they would not have appeared in Households all over the US.... women would still have been scrubbing away for hours longer instead of having time to take up other things.....
Like education for one.
Corporate America provided for women in the US .... not to mention eventually the rest of the women in the western world So many free man hours just by eliminating this quaint torture device, that it is imeasurable ( pardon the non PC reference to "man" hours)

Then along came corporate America again to make PC's affordable and readily available.... once more saving women massive amounts of time.... to which they can now.... type up hateful screeds about capitalism.... oh well,
cant win them all I guess!

May You Bootlickers Find Out That High IQs Also Created All the World's Weapons

Modern advancements were all created by High IQ inventors, not King Ape plutocratic parasites. Corporate patents are the most tyrannical grand larceny that ever existed. Soon those depressing insults to intelligence will cause the real creators of wealth to drop out. And if A students ever become Alpha males, they will use their brains to confiscate all the wealth sucked out of them by your idols.

A typical example is Nobel Prize winner Kary Mullis. His Low IQ bosses gave him a $30,000 bonus for inventing "their" product, then sold it for $300,000,000.

By design, in order to mold Cash Cows for Corporate Cowboys, Kary was brought up to be an escapist nerd doormat, an Omega male. Even in his 50s, he called his Mommy every day. He is incapable of being manly in marriage, being dumped by four frustrated wives. His perceptions are addled by the runaway-from-a-fight use of extreme consciousness-mutilating drugs; he actually believes he's seen an extraterrestrial taking the form of a glowing green raccoon.
Boat People Are Chickenhawks

From my real-life experience and not warm and fuzzy elitist theory, the South Vietnamese are cowards, crooks, and collaborators. Despite what Chickenhawks and anti-GI pacifist snobs tell you, that's the main reason we lost the war. Because of their treason, which cost 60,000 lives of the best and bravest of Americans born in the working class, these government-financed parasites never should have been let into our country. Only in Diploma Dumbo English does deserter mean "refugee."

"lost the war"? We didn't lose the war....we quit the war because the brass didn't have the balls to win it. After the second Tet, we could have done a hard run straight up Highway 1 to Hanoi and murdered their entire government....but we didn't...they were terrified of the chinese and the russians who would die with all the rest. Fact of the matter is neither would have intervened knowing we'd launch on them if they did....China had no accurate ICBMs until Clinton had Loral give them our telemetry secrets for campaign money, and Russia? they weren't about to have a nuclear exchange with us over north vietnam. Westmoreland didn't know how to win that war or wasn't allowed to...either way, he should have been relieved of his command immediately after the second half of the Tet offensive was torn apart.

That's your vision of your country, is it. "Murder their entire government".

You're an anti-American piece of raccoon dung.

says the guy who thinks giving away half of Europe to the USSR was a good Idea, comrade.,
"lost the war"? We didn't lose the war....we quit the war because the brass didn't have the balls to win it. After the second Tet, we could have done a hard run straight up Highway 1 to Hanoi and murdered their entire government....but we didn't...they were terrified of the chinese and the russians who would die with all the rest. Fact of the matter is neither would have intervened knowing we'd launch on them if they did....China had no accurate ICBMs until Clinton had Loral give them our telemetry secrets for campaign money, and Russia? they weren't about to have a nuclear exchange with us over north vietnam. Westmoreland didn't know how to win that war or wasn't allowed to...either way, he should have been relieved of his command immediately after the second half of the Tet offensive was torn apart.

Pogo thinks this ^^^^ is funny.....decrepit old hippie bum who cheered for the VC while sucking on a bong and dodging the draft....fuck you, scum.

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