Never A Dull Moment From This Girl

It all depends on the product. If the product is created through automation, all the worker does is press buttons. That's hardly worth anything. They may help in some of the packaging processes depending on the device. However it's a low skill talentless job that an employer can get anybody to do.

If nobody pressed the button, the company wouldn't make any money. So the button pusher is key to the success of the company. How much do you pay a key success?

If you think the entry-level, unskilled button pusher is all there is to the company's success, you're a moron beyond even what I previously thought.

If nobody pressed the button, would the company make any money? The answer is NO.

If nobody pressed the button, the employer would find somebody that would. There are hundreds to choose from.

If nobody pressed the button, then the button wouldn't be pressed.

But you can always find somebody to press that button. You can't always find somebody to spend the million dollars on a machine that has the button.
Are you really claiming to be a wealthy business owner? I love it when you progressives think you can lend credence to your ridiculous claims by pretending to be successful! It's so cute...

I find it amusing and a little sad that you don't have the thought process to answer my post, but instead go to attack mode.

Why would anyone waste their time answering posts from someone who's obviously full of shit? You're the kind of person that pretends to be things they aren't on the internet because their lives are so uninspiring!

I find it amusing and a little sad that you don't have the thought process to answer my post, but instead go to attack mode.

My "thought process" is just fine...your problem is that I think you're totally full of shit when you claim to be a wealthy business owner! That isn't an's simply a pointing out of the obvious.

Then you "obviously" missed my point which is; The American Worker is American Corporations best asset.

Workers are always a corporation's best asset. That doesn't mean they are the most important part of a company because without good management those workers aren't going to have a job for very long. If you can't grasp that very simple concept then you've never run a company!
Fake one-percenter doesn't understand that you can't make any money driving an empty truck around. If I was as valuable as he says, I would lease my own truck and trailer and do all the things my boss does now to provide me with work and a job.

But I work for a small company; less than a dozen employees. The owner comes in nearly every day and puts in 9 hours minimum, and at time takes work home with him for further processing. I would never want to do all that.

Why would you drive an empty truck?

I don't, that's the point. Without somebody to sell our services, the only time I would drive a truck is when it's empty.

So the salespersons support YOU so YOU can make the money for the company. Without YOU there would be nothing to sell. YOU are the most important component to the company.

You must not work because you don't understand.

You have a professional baseball team. They have people that do the laundry for the players, a batboy, a pitching manager, a hitting coach, just a bunch of people to make that team function. You don't pay the beer vendor in the stands as much as the team owner. Why? Because he plays a much smaller part in the organization and doesn't make nearly as much money for the team. You don't pay the batboy as much as the catcher. In other words, not all members of the team are equal in any way.

Do they all help make the team function? Yes they do, and the team can't do without those people. But those people are easily replaceable. You can't find a thousand star pitchers. You can't find a thousand billionaire owners. But you can find a thousand grounds keepers.

If I don't drive the truck for my boss, he just has to find somebody to drive the truck in my place. I don't play a major role in our company because other people can do my job as well. But I can't start my own company because I don't have the capital. I won't take the risks. When I punch out at the end of the day, my problems are over and I can enjoy the rest of my day and evening.

One Percenter thinks it's criminal that you're NOT making as much money as the person who risked their capital to start the company you work for...which is why I find it amusing when he pretends that HE is the owner of a big company!

He reminds me of that old George Carlin joke. If two people are in an elevator and one of them farts, they both know who did it.

I know real one percenters. I have a few in my family, and even the liberal one understands the functions of business and the value of an employee.
Why would you drive an empty truck?

I don't, that's the point. Without somebody to sell our services, the only time I would drive a truck is when it's empty.

So the salespersons support YOU so YOU can make the money for the company. Without YOU there would be nothing to sell. YOU are the most important component to the company.

You must not work because you don't understand.

You have a professional baseball team. They have people that do the laundry for the players, a batboy, a pitching manager, a hitting coach, just a bunch of people to make that team function. You don't pay the beer vendor in the stands as much as the team owner. Why? Because he plays a much smaller part in the organization and doesn't make nearly as much money for the team. You don't pay the batboy as much as the catcher. In other words, not all members of the team are equal in any way.

Do they all help make the team function? Yes they do, and the team can't do without those people. But those people are easily replaceable. You can't find a thousand star pitchers. You can't find a thousand billionaire owners. But you can find a thousand grounds keepers.

If I don't drive the truck for my boss, he just has to find somebody to drive the truck in my place. I don't play a major role in our company because other people can do my job as well. But I can't start my own company because I don't have the capital. I won't take the risks. When I punch out at the end of the day, my problems are over and I can enjoy the rest of my day and evening.

One Percenter thinks it's criminal that you're NOT making as much money as the person who risked their capital to start the company you work for...which is why I find it amusing when he pretends that HE is the owner of a big company!

He reminds me of that old George Carlin joke. If two people are in an elevator and one of them farts, they both know who did it.

I know real one percenters. I have a few in my family, and even the liberal one understands the functions of business and the value of an employee.

One Percenter is just one more "internet Billionaire"...pretending to be something he isn't because he's obviously unhappy about what he is!
I don't, that's the point. Without somebody to sell our services, the only time I would drive a truck is when it's empty.

So the salespersons support YOU so YOU can make the money for the company. Without YOU there would be nothing to sell. YOU are the most important component to the company.

You must not work because you don't understand.

You have a professional baseball team. They have people that do the laundry for the players, a batboy, a pitching manager, a hitting coach, just a bunch of people to make that team function. You don't pay the beer vendor in the stands as much as the team owner. Why? Because he plays a much smaller part in the organization and doesn't make nearly as much money for the team. You don't pay the batboy as much as the catcher. In other words, not all members of the team are equal in any way.

Do they all help make the team function? Yes they do, and the team can't do without those people. But those people are easily replaceable. You can't find a thousand star pitchers. You can't find a thousand billionaire owners. But you can find a thousand grounds keepers.

If I don't drive the truck for my boss, he just has to find somebody to drive the truck in my place. I don't play a major role in our company because other people can do my job as well. But I can't start my own company because I don't have the capital. I won't take the risks. When I punch out at the end of the day, my problems are over and I can enjoy the rest of my day and evening.

One Percenter thinks it's criminal that you're NOT making as much money as the person who risked their capital to start the company you work for...which is why I find it amusing when he pretends that HE is the owner of a big company!

He reminds me of that old George Carlin joke. If two people are in an elevator and one of them farts, they both know who did it.

I know real one percenters. I have a few in my family, and even the liberal one understands the functions of business and the value of an employee.

One Percenter is just one more "internet Billionaire"...pretending to be something he isn't because he's obviously unhappy about what he is!

The best thing about the internet is you can be whatever you wish. I can't tell you how many scientists, published authors, big corporation CEO's, and yes, even an astronaut I met since I've been online. And most everybody from the left on USMB is either a business owner, works from home, independently wealthy, or early retired.

Me? I'm the only truck driver on this thing. :auiqs.jpg:
In my very particular case, probably not. When I was hired, I took the place of the three people who were doing my job before me. On the other hand, when they realized that they didn't have to hire anyone to replace those people because I was able to do it all myself, they did give me a raise that puts me at about a dollar an hour short of what my supervisor makes, and which puts me well above what I could command at another company were I to look for another job. And they afford me a level of freedom and autonomy in my work that is virtually unheard-of in office work, not to mention that I have job security normally only found in civil service.

Your supervisor needs a raise in pay.

No, my supervisor, while a very nice woman and quite competent at her job, makes slightly above the going rate for her job in this city.

An employee is an employers best asset. Why would one pay their best asset.....going rate? Answer: CHEAP

Uh, no, it's because only a damned fool like you would pay more for ANY asset than the going rate.

My company does all its work on computers, so we own A LOT of laptops, and we have to buy new ones periodically. If Computer Supply Company A charges us the same amount per computer for ten of them as it would for buying only one, and Computer Supply Company B says, "If you'll buy all ten from us at one time we'll give you a discount", do you honestly think there's some sort of noble, moral superiority to my employer saying, "No! They are too important, and I am going to show how much we value them by paying more than I have to!"?

Like it or not, labor is the same way. If someone is able and willing to do the work for what they offer, then why in the hell would they pay more than that?

If someone is able and willing to do the work for what they offer

Which is why we need a strong minimum wage regulation. Also jail tRump et al for hiring illegals and eliminate the worker and H-1B visa programs.

Well, if they can't find anyone able and willing to work for what they're offering, they'll offer more. That's how it works. Kinda like if no one will buy your product for what you're charging, you lower the price.

So no, we don't need the government deciding what people do and don't get paid. And the moment you had to shoehorn your "TTTTTRRRRRUUUUUMMMMPPPP!!!" obsession into it, you conceded that you have lost the argument. So your surrender is noted, and any posts after this will be treated as the desperation that they are.
I can answer that. They'd make the same amount, because they'd hire someone else.

Really? I thought you did the work of three people.

Your question was directed at Ray. While I'm sure he's an excellent truck driver, and it's certainly not a job that just anyone can do, there are still a lot of good/excellent truck drivers in the world, and people who could learn to be. So if he wasn't there to do his job, they'd hire someone else to do it.

I'm a fairly special case, because I'm an unusual person. So it would cost my company a lot more to replace me, since they'd likely have to hire more than one person to do it. That being said, I am still replaceable. My basic job skills as listed on my resume are far from uncommon.

If there wasn't anyone to do Ray's job the company would make no money. His job is more important to the financial health of the company than almost anyone else.

You say you are replaceable, but multiple people would have to do the job that you currently perform. So it stands to believe that you should be making as much as those multiple people.

Second half of your post:

You are correct that it would cost them more to replace me at the level at which I perform than it would to keep me. And my employer is aware of it, which is why I get the perks of my position that I do. Doesn't mean I'm not technically replaceable; just that it would be a far less desirable outcome. The company's not going to stop existing and functioning if I die.

And unlike you, I am aware of the other considerations at hand that my employer has to consider. The first is that there are other employees in this company. I am the only person holding my particular job position in my department, but there are lots of others who do the same job for other departments. They get paid less than I do, because they have more people covering the responsibilities, and they accept that . . . to a certain point. If I start getting paid more than the managers do, my coworkers are not going to accept that, and neither would anyone they hired to replace them. And while we're on the subject, the managers aren't going to accept that, either. My manager is pretty unique in that she could see that I was a rare and lucky break for the company and pushed for me to get paid beyond the going rate for my job, but there are limits. And if she were to leave, a replacement manager who wasn't here to see the difference between the job without me and the job with me wouldn't tolerate for a second having a subordinate who got paid more than she did.

There's also me to consider. If I start getting paid far outside of the going rate for my job description, I'm basically trapped at this company. No other company is ever going to pay me that outrageous amount of money, which means any sort of career change would require accepting a massive pay cut. And that's not even to mention the fact that even if I decided to accept that, no employer in the world would look at my past pay history and even consider hiring me, because they would assume that I would never be happy with so much less money, and would leave.

Now, you might say, "Well, if you were making that much money, you would never WANT to leave." To that I say, shit happens. I like my last job very much, but I was forced to leave because it required a ton of telephone work and I lost my hearing and could no longer do it. One or several of my coworkers could leave and be replaced by utterly intolerable people I can't stand to be around every day. The company could decide to relocate my office to another city, or even another country; after all, the owner of the company lives in Israel.

Bottom line is, I could probably demand more money if I really wanted to push it. But it would be shortsighted of me in the extreme, for a lot of reasons. And there's no way they're going to agree to pay me three times the basic going rate for my job title, and it's completely reasonable for them to take that position. After all, if they're going to have to pay for three salaries anyway, there's not much point in having ME around, is there? I kinda lose my special value to them at that point.

It sounds like you work for a predator employer. You work for an Israeli? I feel for you.

It sounds like YOU think anyone who doesn't throw money at you just for the "glory" of your presence is a "predator". My employer is the best boss I've ever had, so direct your pity toward yourself, where it's appropriate.
That's how we know you're a phony. If you actually did own a business and were paying people whatever your "moral obligation" was, and your competitors were paying their employees what they were worth, you would be out of business.

You're writing that employers without character don't pay a living wage to their employees that make them all of their money?

Employers do not give a damn about subjective BS like "living wage". What you need to run your life is YOUR problem. They're your boss, not your mother or your babysitter.

Sack the fuck up and act like a man. Or at least an adult.

There you have it; Employers don't give a damn. Thank You!!!!

They give a damn. They just don't give the damn that you arbitrarily think they should because you're too pathetic to take control of and responsibility for your own life.

Companies don't give a damn about anything except their shareholders.

Spoken like someone who got butthurt at being expected to actually work for a living.
Yes, that's the way it works. Just because an employer is not paying what an employee would like does not mean they lack character. If whatever pay they are offering is not attracting workers, then they need to increase their offer. If they find people for the wages and benefits offered, then there is no reason to pay any more.

We non-employers do this in our lives. If you get three estimates from lawn care companies to take care of your yard, you choose the lowest bid. If you get three bids to have your transmission rebuilt in your car, you take the lowest price. We all do it, not just businesses.

It must be a full moon!

Employers without character don't pay a living wage.

You NEVER take the lowest bid. If you get three, you take the middle.

Any mechanical rebuild, you ALWAYS take the one with the best warranty, because it WILL break again.

No, I'm talking about all three doing the same quality of work. I don't know what you do, but most Americans pick the cheapest one.

You would never pay $20.00 for a watermelon, would you? Then why would you pay an employee more money than you have to? When did you become the arbiter of character anyway?

People don't open up businesses as a social obligation. People open up businesses to provide products or services for a profit. If you overpay your employees, you will eventually join them in the unemployment line when your competitors put you out of business.

No business in history ever failed because they overpaid their employees.

Possibly because no business in history overpaid its employees.

Then why are there so many tRumpbots against a higher minimum wage?

Because it's none of the government's business to be telling people how to run their own companies.
All they do is the job they are getting paid for. The employee needs the employer more than the other way around. That's why the employee is not in the position to ask for a resume from the employer or tell the employer what he or she must pay. The employer picks the worker, the employer interviews the worker, the employer decides what the wages will pay.

Answer the question! If nobody pressed the button, the company wouldn't make any money. So the button pusher is key to the success of the company. How much do you pay a key success?

No they are not the key to success. The key to success of the company is the person(s) who took hard earned money and invested it; the people who erected or leased a building to run their operations; the people who purchased the necessary equipment to produce a product; the people who pay the taxes and utility bills; the people who pay for the maintenance of the property. That's who the key to success is.

A worker does one thing, work.

The efforts of the worker make all the money for the business. How much do you pay someone that makes you all of your money?


There are far more people working in a business than the ones fools like you term "workers". And they ALL "make all the money for the business". And you pay them the going rate, because otherwise, there's no money left, and then what's the point?

What do the "far more" do; spectate? Shouldn't we eliminate middle management?

"I'm just sure THESE people don't do anything, because I've never been promoted anywhere near that level, and they're mean and fire me when I don't work."

Again, fucknut, businesses don't pay people to just hang around for no reason. If the company is paying them, it's because they do something necessary for the business, even if YOU are too fucking stupid to know what it is.
No they are not the key to success. The key to success of the company is the person(s) who took hard earned money and invested it; the people who erected or leased a building to run their operations; the people who purchased the necessary equipment to produce a product; the people who pay the taxes and utility bills; the people who pay for the maintenance of the property. That's who the key to success is.

A worker does one thing, work.

The efforts of the worker make all the money for the business. How much do you pay someone that makes you all of your money?

As little as you can. That's how a business becomes successful and able to compete with foreign made products. Again, why would you pay $20.00 for a watermelon when the $7.00 watermelons are sitting right next to them?

When it blows-up it blows-up big!

Knight-Swift Agrees to $100 Million Settlement in Misclassification Lawsuit

Aren't businesses ethically partly responsible for the economy?

Way to misunderstand the story.

Businesses are ethically responsible to fulfill the terms of their contracts. They are not responsible, ethically or morally or any other way, to people outside of those contracts or for anything outside those contracts. Get over the notion that you have some objective, overarching claim on other people and their businesses, or that you are arbitering any sort of "morality" onto people.

Businesses are legally responsible to fulfill their contracts.

Yes, thank you, Captain Obvious. Now maybe you could focus on the point of the post, which you clearly don't want to deal with, since it shows you for an arrogant doofus.
Really? I thought you did the work of three people.

Your question was directed at Ray. While I'm sure he's an excellent truck driver, and it's certainly not a job that just anyone can do, there are still a lot of good/excellent truck drivers in the world, and people who could learn to be. So if he wasn't there to do his job, they'd hire someone else to do it.

I'm a fairly special case, because I'm an unusual person. So it would cost my company a lot more to replace me, since they'd likely have to hire more than one person to do it. That being said, I am still replaceable. My basic job skills as listed on my resume are far from uncommon.

If there wasn't anyone to do Ray's job the company would make no money. His job is more important to the financial health of the company than almost anyone else.

You say you are replaceable, but multiple people would have to do the job that you currently perform. So it stands to believe that you should be making as much as those multiple people.

And if wishes were horses, everyone could ride. Talking about an impossible hypothetical like "Well, but what if there was no one in the world capable of or willing to drive trucks for money?" is a waste of everyone's time. Well, MY time, anyway, because unlike you, I have useful things to do. There ARE people to do the job, quite a few people, which is why Ray doesn't get paid as though he's a completely unique, rare, one-of-a-kind person.

You assume because Ray's company needs trucks driven, that's the ONLY job they need done to make money and stay in business. But what the fuck would he carry in his truck without the people who work with existing clients and find new ones? How would he know where to go without the scads of people who manage the reams of paperwork (electronic paperwork now) that control and document every load? How would he even have a job without the human resources people who manage the hiring? How would he get paid without the bookkeeping people who manage the payroll and the billing? And while we're on the subject, how would he get paid without the owners of the company who provide the capital for it to exist, and who gathered all of those people together to do the work? Why the hell do you think companies employ and pay all of the people they do if none of them are essential to the existence and functioning of the business, you pinhead?

Fake one-percenter doesn't understand that you can't make any money driving an empty truck around. If I was as valuable as he says, I would lease my own truck and trailer and do all the things my boss does now to provide me with work and a job.

But I work for a small company; less than a dozen employees. The owner comes in nearly every day and puts in 9 hours minimum, and at time takes work home with him for further processing. I would never want to do all that.

Why would you drive an empty truck?

He wouldn't, dumbass. Hence my point that there are far more people essential to the success of his employer than just him. Duuuuuhhhh. Is it reading comprehension that defeats you, or long-term memory? Or both?
It is obvious that capitalism does not work at all.
The most important strategic resources the US needs to depend on are steel, consumer electronics, and alternative energy like photo-voltaic.
But capitalists have sold out the US on all of those, giving China a monopoly over all of them.
So if we ever got into a fight with China, we would be at a serious risk due to the traitorous economic actions of short sighted capitalists.

It should be clear that the US needs socialism to create sufficient US steel production.
We also should tariff Chinese consumer electronics and should have socialize Solyndra.

Capitalism is the greatest system in the world. It's one of the reasons why millions are trying to get into this country.

The people who hate capitalism are those who never involved themselves in it. They go to work every day, spend their money on the newest iPhone, video games, cable television, highest speed internet, cars, and outside of perhaps their home or company provided IRA, made no investments with their money. They never made any sacrifices.

The only problem with capitalism is that it depends on consumers. If a consumer always chooses the cheapest products, then the only way to provide that consumer with such demand is to have products made outside of the US away from the unions and government taxes and regulations.

Alternative energy is more expensive and less reliable. That's why capitalists don't invest in it. Socialism is a system that doesn't reward properly. Capitalism is a system that does. After all, which horse will run faster, the horse that has a carrot dangled in front of him or the horse that is fed carrots all day?

Capitalism is great as long as you regulate it.

Capitalism is great. Regulation is to make small-brained, know-nothing, unemployed losers like you feel important.
Your question was directed at Ray. While I'm sure he's an excellent truck driver, and it's certainly not a job that just anyone can do, there are still a lot of good/excellent truck drivers in the world, and people who could learn to be. So if he wasn't there to do his job, they'd hire someone else to do it.

I'm a fairly special case, because I'm an unusual person. So it would cost my company a lot more to replace me, since they'd likely have to hire more than one person to do it. That being said, I am still replaceable. My basic job skills as listed on my resume are far from uncommon.

If there wasn't anyone to do Ray's job the company would make no money. His job is more important to the financial health of the company than almost anyone else.

You say you are replaceable, but multiple people would have to do the job that you currently perform. So it stands to believe that you should be making as much as those multiple people.

And if wishes were horses, everyone could ride. Talking about an impossible hypothetical like "Well, but what if there was no one in the world capable of or willing to drive trucks for money?" is a waste of everyone's time. Well, MY time, anyway, because unlike you, I have useful things to do. There ARE people to do the job, quite a few people, which is why Ray doesn't get paid as though he's a completely unique, rare, one-of-a-kind person.

You assume because Ray's company needs trucks driven, that's the ONLY job they need done to make money and stay in business. But what the fuck would he carry in his truck without the people who work with existing clients and find new ones? How would he know where to go without the scads of people who manage the reams of paperwork (electronic paperwork now) that control and document every load? How would he even have a job without the human resources people who manage the hiring? How would he get paid without the bookkeeping people who manage the payroll and the billing? And while we're on the subject, how would he get paid without the owners of the company who provide the capital for it to exist, and who gathered all of those people together to do the work? Why the hell do you think companies employ and pay all of the people they do if none of them are essential to the existence and functioning of the business, you pinhead?

Isn't a truck driver the key component of the success of a trucking company?

All components of a business are key.

No. The truck driver is the key. Everything else supports that truck driver.

No, the truck driver is a component, just as they all are, your ignorant desire to impose your from-the-outside, can't-get-past-entry-level viewpoint notwithstanding.
It all depends on the product. If the product is created through automation, all the worker does is press buttons. That's hardly worth anything. They may help in some of the packaging processes depending on the device. However it's a low skill talentless job that an employer can get anybody to do.

If nobody pressed the button, the company wouldn't make any money. So the button pusher is key to the success of the company. How much do you pay a key success?

If you think the entry-level, unskilled button pusher is all there is to the company's success, you're a moron beyond even what I previously thought.

If nobody pressed the button, would the company make any money? The answer is NO.

If nobody pressed the button, the employer would find somebody that would. There are hundreds to choose from.

If nobody pressed the button, then the button wouldn't be pressed.

And if nobody kept the machine the button's on working, you could press it until your finger dropped off for all it would matter.

Again, just because you've never been more than an unskilled peon fired after a couple of weeks for being a slacker doesn't mean your perception that the world revolves around entry-level dipshits like you means anything.
No, my supervisor, while a very nice woman and quite competent at her job, makes slightly above the going rate for her job in this city.

An employee is an employers best asset. Why would one pay their best asset.....going rate? Answer: CHEAP

Uh, no, it's because only a damned fool like you would pay more for ANY asset than the going rate.

My company does all its work on computers, so we own A LOT of laptops, and we have to buy new ones periodically. If Computer Supply Company A charges us the same amount per computer for ten of them as it would for buying only one, and Computer Supply Company B says, "If you'll buy all ten from us at one time we'll give you a discount", do you honestly think there's some sort of noble, moral superiority to my employer saying, "No! They are too important, and I am going to show how much we value them by paying more than I have to!"?

Like it or not, labor is the same way. If someone is able and willing to do the work for what they offer, then why in the hell would they pay more than that?

If someone is able and willing to do the work for what they offer

Which is why we need a strong minimum wage regulation. Also jail tRump et al for hiring illegals and eliminate the worker and H-1B visa programs.

If nobody is willing to do the work for what they offer, then it's up to the employer to attract workers one way or another. It's called Supply and Demand.

So you hire illegals and foreign workers?

Yes, that's exactly what he meant . . . if one has brain damage, like you.
What I can't understand is why these people want to make our country like every other country of their desire instead of just moving to one of those glorious places. The problem is there is only one USA. Once they F this place up by turning into all the others, there is no other USA to move to after we realize our mistake.

Corporate America is fucking-up the United States.

Sigh....another idiot. I'll play. How?
If there wasn't anyone to do Ray's job the company would make no money. His job is more important to the financial health of the company than almost anyone else.

You say you are replaceable, but multiple people would have to do the job that you currently perform. So it stands to believe that you should be making as much as those multiple people.

And if wishes were horses, everyone could ride. Talking about an impossible hypothetical like "Well, but what if there was no one in the world capable of or willing to drive trucks for money?" is a waste of everyone's time. Well, MY time, anyway, because unlike you, I have useful things to do. There ARE people to do the job, quite a few people, which is why Ray doesn't get paid as though he's a completely unique, rare, one-of-a-kind person.

You assume because Ray's company needs trucks driven, that's the ONLY job they need done to make money and stay in business. But what the fuck would he carry in his truck without the people who work with existing clients and find new ones? How would he know where to go without the scads of people who manage the reams of paperwork (electronic paperwork now) that control and document every load? How would he even have a job without the human resources people who manage the hiring? How would he get paid without the bookkeeping people who manage the payroll and the billing? And while we're on the subject, how would he get paid without the owners of the company who provide the capital for it to exist, and who gathered all of those people together to do the work? Why the hell do you think companies employ and pay all of the people they do if none of them are essential to the existence and functioning of the business, you pinhead?

Fake one-percenter doesn't understand that you can't make any money driving an empty truck around. If I was as valuable as he says, I would lease my own truck and trailer and do all the things my boss does now to provide me with work and a job.

But I work for a small company; less than a dozen employees. The owner comes in nearly every day and puts in 9 hours minimum, and at time takes work home with him for further processing. I would never want to do all that.

Why would you drive an empty truck?

I don't, that's the point. Without somebody to sell our services, the only time I would drive a truck is when it's empty.

So the salespersons support YOU so YOU can make the money for the company. Without YOU there would be nothing to sell. YOU are the most important component to the company.

No, the salespeople support the company, as does Ray. However determined you are to elevate one job to "the only thing that matters" in your misguided attempt to believe that YOUR entire existence isn't an easily-replaced-and-forgotten failure, businesses will continue to be interlocking teams of people who are ALL essential.
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