Never A Dull Moment From This Girl


Grocery store in capitalist USA.

Grocery store in a Socialist country after 5,000 starving citizens raid the place.

Scenes From The Venezuela Apocalypse: "Countless Wounded" After 5,000 Loot Supermarket Looking For Food

Hilarious that you show pictures of good looking food in supermarkets. When Republicans want to get rid of regulations.

Without regulation, the food would look nothing like that.

And Republicans say: Oh, that's OK. Just don't buy it.

The problem with that ignorant mindset, they don't care that entire families could be poisoned before anyone found out why.

Republicans call that "capitalism".

Hilarious that you think that regulations are what stocks grocery shelves in America. It's not hard working farmers, it's beaurocratic regulators. When you bite into fresh vegetables, give thanks to government beaurocrats. If only Venezuela had more regulations.

Grocery store in capitalist USA.

Grocery store in a Socialist country after 5,000 starving citizens raid the place.

Scenes From The Venezuela Apocalypse: "Countless Wounded" After 5,000 Loot Supermarket Looking For Food

Hilarious that you show pictures of good looking food in supermarkets. When Republicans want to get rid of regulations.

Without regulation, the food would look nothing like that.

And Republicans say: Oh, that's OK. Just don't buy it.

The problem with that ignorant mindset, they don't care that entire families could be poisoned before anyone found out why.

Republicans call that "capitalism".

Republicans want to get rid of idiotic regulations, R-Derp and so should every other intelligent person! You...being the clueless parrot that you are think that means we want to get rid of EVERY regulation!

Which "idiotic regulation" do you write of?

That comment right there, 1% shows me that you've NEVER run a business! If you had then you'd know full well how much time businesses spend complying with regulations each and every day...many of which were passed by people who don't have a clue about how the business they're regulating actually functions!
Sure......thats why you said it.......that's the ticket!

Working class Americans aren't paid enough. Only Putinbots disagree.

Putinbots? That's supposed to make me feel guilty or something?

The people that decide what they are paid are the people who are paying them. So apparently they are being paid enough because they accepted the jobs.

It identifies people like you that want to annihilate western culture.

Pay employees so little they quality for welfare?

So why doesn't the employee leave for better pay?

Where are they going to go? Another employer that pays fresh fish (market price)?

It's a pretty simple concept to anyone who's actually a business owner (instead of one that pretends to be one like yourself!)...wages are determined by supply and demand. Right now we have record unemployment which means that there are more jobs out there than there are people to fill them. It's a situation where employees are in a stronger bargaining position because if they are skilled at what they do...then there are other employers out there that would LOVE to hire them away from their present employer! In order to keep those good employees as an employer I'm forced to give more to retain them. If I don't then I will lose good employees.
Working class Americans aren't paid enough. Only Putinbots disagree.

Putinbots? That's supposed to make me feel guilty or something?

The people that decide what they are paid are the people who are paying them. So apparently they are being paid enough because they accepted the jobs.

It identifies people like you that want to annihilate western culture.

Pay employees so little they quality for welfare?

So why doesn't the employee leave for better pay?

Where are they going to go? Another employer that pays fresh fish (market price)?

It's a pretty simple concept to anyone who's actually a business owner (instead of one that pretends to be one like yourself!)...wages are determined by supply and demand. Right now we have record unemployment which means that there are more jobs out there than there are people to fill them. It's a situation where employees are in a stronger bargaining position because if they are skilled at what they do...then there are other employers out there that would LOVE to hire them away from their present employer! In order to keep those good employees as an employer I'm forced to give more to retain them. If I don't then I will lose good employees.

Absolutely. As a local truck driver I spend much time in industrial areas. For the last several years, companies in these areas are loaded with HELP WANTED signs. They are actually in competition with each other just in their complex alone.

While I cannot state what they are offering, I can bet my dollar to anybody's dime it's not minimum wage. I would also bet that most of these places offer plenty of opportunity for advancement.

Grocery store in capitalist USA.

Grocery store in a Socialist country after 5,000 starving citizens raid the place.

Scenes From The Venezuela Apocalypse: "Countless Wounded" After 5,000 Loot Supermarket Looking For Food

Hilarious that you show pictures of good looking food in supermarkets. When Republicans want to get rid of regulations.

Without regulation, the food would look nothing like that.

And Republicans say: Oh, that's OK. Just don't buy it.

The problem with that ignorant mindset, they don't care that entire families could be poisoned before anyone found out why.

Republicans call that "capitalism".

Republicans want to get rid of idiotic regulations, R-Derp and so should every other intelligent person! You...being the clueless parrot that you are think that means we want to get rid of EVERY regulation!

Which "idiotic regulation" do you write of?

That comment right there, 1% shows me that you've NEVER run a business! If you had then you'd know full well how much time businesses spend complying with regulations each and every day...many of which were passed by people who don't have a clue about how the business they're regulating actually functions!

Onepercenter is about as much of a one percenter as I am. Nobody who owns a business of any sort overpays their employees making them less competitive to companies of their own industry. But what can you do? On the internet, you can be anybody you want to be.
The vast majority of businesses DO fail, moron.

That's got to be the most stupid comment EVER!!!!!!

That would mean if you invested in the stock market you would fail.

Investing in the stock market is not a business. Only the very wealthy can live off of the returns of the market. Most people invest to build up a portfolio for retirement, or working people who make personal investments for immediate financial rewards.

A business is a pizza shop, a beverage store, a machine shop, a convenient store, a sub shop, a de-burring company.

What I'm talking about is brick and mortar stores. Those are the ones that struggle the most.

The business of investing ISN'T a business? How so?

How does an investment broker make his/her monies?

Wow, are you stupid. Just . . . wow.

An investment broker who is investing OTHER people's money for pay is most likely employed by a business, or has gotten a business license to operate. An individual investing his own money is just that, an individual.

Most individuals fail in investing because they don't look at it as the business of investing. FYI, most businesses don't fail.

FYI, there's no number of times you're going to say this that are going to change the stats as reported by the Small Business Administration, whom I trust far more than you. Of course, that's not a high bar to clear, but still.
The vast majority of businesses DO fail, moron.

That's got to be the most stupid comment EVER!!!!!!

That would mean if you invested in the stock market you would fail.

What the fuck are you babbling about? Are you really so ignorant and simpleminded that you think the ONLY definition of "business" or "company" is the publicly-traded corporations on the stock market?

How in the name of God is anyone supposed to talk to you, let alone take you seriously, when you blither so much ignorance?

I didn't write that either. Keep going.....

You did, actually.

Once again, it is not my fault if you don't know the meaning of your own words.

Actually, I didn't.

I'm aware that you didn't know the meaning of your own words. That's why I said it.
By making investments for other people. It usually requires an office, office furnishings, office equipment, secretaries and assistants. That's a real business.

So virtual business aren't real?

What in the world is a virtual business? You either have a business or you don't.

If you invest your own money, it's usually not a business. If you invest other people's money, it's because you work for an investment firm which is of course a business.

That's got to be the most stupid comment EVER!!!!!!

That would mean if you invested in the stock market you would fail.

What you did here is make the comparison of a business to personal investments.

What in the world is a virtual business?

Virtual business - Wikipedia

Amazon, rideshare

You do get that "virtual" businesses still have physical assets like buildings, stocks of products, stuff like that?

That isn't correct. Most eBay businesses use drop ship. My three electronic supply companies I own use drop ship. Warehousing is expensive.

That IS correct, because even if they don't store their own products, they are still physical human beings who still need a physical place to keep and work on their computers (which are themselves physical assets of the business).

Don't even try to tell me anything about "virtual businesses", moron, because I work for a company which conducts all of its business online, and it still has a certain amount of physical assets.
That comment made no sense, unless you're trying to change the subject again. What would our poor living very well have to do with working people getting paid enough?

That's because I like fucking with Putinbots like you.

Sure......thats why you said it.......that's the ticket!

Working class Americans aren't paid enough. Only Putinbots disagree.

Putinbots? That's supposed to make me feel guilty or something?

The people that decide what they are paid are the people who are paying them. So apparently they are being paid enough because they accepted the jobs.

It identifies people like you that want to annihilate western culture.

Pay employees so little they quality for welfare?

If what they do is so simple you could train a chimp to do it, yeah. I'm afraid that IS how it works.

What self-respecting adult spends any amount of time working in a job designed for high school and college kids to do around their classes, anyway?
Sure......thats why you said it.......that's the ticket!

Working class Americans aren't paid enough. Only Putinbots disagree.

Putinbots? That's supposed to make me feel guilty or something?

The people that decide what they are paid are the people who are paying them. So apparently they are being paid enough because they accepted the jobs.

It identifies people like you that want to annihilate western culture.

Pay employees so little they quality for welfare?

So why doesn't the employee leave for better pay?

Where are they going to go? Another employer that pays fresh fish (market price)?

Uh, yeah, that's what grownups do when they don't make enough money: they get themselves a job that pays better. And before you try to pretend that they're locked eternally into their current lack of skills, and thus can only EVER do unskilled, mindless entry-level work, let me throw in that real adults find a way to improve their job skills so that they CAN get a job that pays better.
Working class Americans aren't paid enough. Only Putinbots disagree.

Putinbots? That's supposed to make me feel guilty or something?

The people that decide what they are paid are the people who are paying them. So apparently they are being paid enough because they accepted the jobs.

It identifies people like you that want to annihilate western culture.

Pay employees so little they quality for welfare?

So why doesn't the employee leave for better pay?

Where are they going to go? Another employer that pays fresh fish (market price)?

They can go to trade school for one and learn how to be worth more money. They can join the military and retire in 20 years with full pay. They can take a job with on site training such as construction or truck driving. Most of us had low paying or minimum wage jobs. We didn't expect the employer to overpay us, we went out and did other things instead.


My first job out of high school was as a kennel attendant in a veterinary clinic, for minimum wage (which back then was $3.35 an hour, if I remember correctly). If I followed One's Rules for Turning Your Adult Life to Shit, I would still be spraying dog diarrhea out of cages and feeling abused because my boss wouldn't give me $15 an hour for it, despite the fact that my 10-year-old son is just as capable of doing the job (I know, because he does the exact same thing for our dog at home).

Instead, I hied my ass off to secretarial school and had a career that paid far better within six months. That's what adults do.
Putinbots? That's supposed to make me feel guilty or something?

The people that decide what they are paid are the people who are paying them. So apparently they are being paid enough because they accepted the jobs.

It identifies people like you that want to annihilate western culture.

Pay employees so little they quality for welfare?

So why doesn't the employee leave for better pay?

Where are they going to go? Another employer that pays fresh fish (market price)?

It's a pretty simple concept to anyone who's actually a business owner (instead of one that pretends to be one like yourself!)...wages are determined by supply and demand. Right now we have record unemployment which means that there are more jobs out there than there are people to fill them. It's a situation where employees are in a stronger bargaining position because if they are skilled at what they do...then there are other employers out there that would LOVE to hire them away from their present employer! In order to keep those good employees as an employer I'm forced to give more to retain them. If I don't then I will lose good employees.

Absolutely. As a local truck driver I spend much time in industrial areas. For the last several years, companies in these areas are loaded with HELP WANTED signs. They are actually in competition with each other just in their complex alone.

While I cannot state what they are offering, I can bet my dollar to anybody's dime it's not minimum wage. I would also bet that most of these places offer plenty of opportunity for advancement.

My company is always looking for contractors, because we can't find people with the self-discipline to actually sit down and WORK for their money.

I wrangle two kinds of contractors, and the division is sharp and clear: the people who are forever needing their assignments reassigned because they "decided to take the weekend off" or had sixteen different excuses why they needed extension after extension, and who are getting MAYBE $500 a month from us; and the people who have their stuff in a week early and are pestering me for more assignments, and are getting bigger monthly paychecks than I do.
Putinbots? That's supposed to make me feel guilty or something?

The people that decide what they are paid are the people who are paying them. So apparently they are being paid enough because they accepted the jobs.

It identifies people like you that want to annihilate western culture.

Pay employees so little they quality for welfare?

So why doesn't the employee leave for better pay?

Where are they going to go? Another employer that pays fresh fish (market price)?

They can go to trade school for one and learn how to be worth more money. They can join the military and retire in 20 years with full pay. They can take a job with on site training such as construction or truck driving. Most of us had low paying or minimum wage jobs. We didn't expect the employer to overpay us, we went out and did other things instead.


My first job out of high school was as a kennel attendant in a veterinary clinic, for minimum wage (which back then was $3.35 an hour, if I remember correctly). If I followed One's Rules for Turning Your Adult Life to Shit, I would still be spraying dog diarrhea out of cages and feeling abused because my boss wouldn't give me $15 an hour for it, despite the fact that my 10-year-old son is just as capable of doing the job (I know, because he does the exact same thing for our dog at home).

Instead, I hied my ass off to secretarial school and had a career that paid far better within six months. That's what adults do.

I've had plenty of minimum wage jobs when I was younger. I started off at a car wash for MW. A friend of mine got me a job at a factory he worked at for again, minimum wage. From there another friend got me into his company where I first learned how to drive a straight truck at 17 years old, again, for minimum wage.

After all that, I wound up delivering and eventually repairing medical equipment for much more than minimum. After ten years of that and realizing I was at a standstill, I went back to driving a straight truck, and then took my test for tractor-trailer and passed with flying colors.

If we had the Democrats we have today back when, I might still be working at the car wash for $15.00 an hour. Bettering your self is the best feeling in the world; a feeling Democrats would love to rob others of. In the world of liberalism, personal responsibility is a no-no. Don't do anything yourself, let Democrats do it for you, and relieve you of the pressure and pride of personal advancement.

Oh, and fake One-percenter, in case you're going to ask why I kept going to other minimum wage jobs, I learned something at each and every one while building a resume that eventually got me to where I needed to go.
Working class Americans aren't paid enough. Only Putinbots disagree.

Putinbots? That's supposed to make me feel guilty or something?

The people that decide what they are paid are the people who are paying them. So apparently they are being paid enough because they accepted the jobs.

It identifies people like you that want to annihilate western culture.

Pay employees so little they quality for welfare?

So why doesn't the employee leave for better pay?

Where are they going to go? Another employer that pays fresh fish (market price)?

They can go to trade school for one and learn how to be worth more money. They can join the military and retire in 20 years with full pay. They can take a job with on site training such as construction or truck driving. Most of us had low paying or minimum wage jobs. We didn't expect the employer to overpay us, we went out and did other things instead.

You still are paid a low wage.

Send you boss this link: This CEO Took A Pay Cut To Give Employees $70,000 A Year. Now He’s Battling Amazon. | HuffPost

Grocery store in capitalist USA.

Grocery store in a Socialist country after 5,000 starving citizens raid the place.

Scenes From The Venezuela Apocalypse: "Countless Wounded" After 5,000 Loot Supermarket Looking For Food

Hilarious that you show pictures of good looking food in supermarkets. When Republicans want to get rid of regulations.

Without regulation, the food would look nothing like that.

And Republicans say: Oh, that's OK. Just don't buy it.

The problem with that ignorant mindset, they don't care that entire families could be poisoned before anyone found out why.

Republicans call that "capitalism".

Republicans want to get rid of idiotic regulations, R-Derp and so should every other intelligent person! You...being the clueless parrot that you are think that means we want to get rid of EVERY regulation!

Which "idiotic regulation" do you write of?

That comment right there, 1% shows me that you've NEVER run a business! If you had then you'd know full well how much time businesses spend complying with regulations each and every day...many of which were passed by people who don't have a clue about how the business they're regulating actually functions!

Can't name one? I see, let me help. Deregulating the HMO Act was idiotic.
Working class Americans aren't paid enough. Only Putinbots disagree.

Putinbots? That's supposed to make me feel guilty or something?

The people that decide what they are paid are the people who are paying them. So apparently they are being paid enough because they accepted the jobs.

It identifies people like you that want to annihilate western culture.

Pay employees so little they quality for welfare?

So why doesn't the employee leave for better pay?

Where are they going to go? Another employer that pays fresh fish (market price)?

It's a pretty simple concept to anyone who's actually a business owner (instead of one that pretends to be one like yourself!)...wages are determined by supply and demand. Right now we have record unemployment which means that there are more jobs out there than there are people to fill them. It's a situation where employees are in a stronger bargaining position because if they are skilled at what they do...then there are other employers out there that would LOVE to hire them away from their present employer! In order to keep those good employees as an employer I'm forced to give more to retain them. If I don't then I will lose good employees.

If you believe that, read this; This CEO Took A Pay Cut To Give Employees $70,000 A Year. Now He’s Battling Amazon. | HuffPost
Putinbots? That's supposed to make me feel guilty or something?

The people that decide what they are paid are the people who are paying them. So apparently they are being paid enough because they accepted the jobs.

It identifies people like you that want to annihilate western culture.

Pay employees so little they quality for welfare?

So why doesn't the employee leave for better pay?

Where are they going to go? Another employer that pays fresh fish (market price)?

It's a pretty simple concept to anyone who's actually a business owner (instead of one that pretends to be one like yourself!)...wages are determined by supply and demand. Right now we have record unemployment which means that there are more jobs out there than there are people to fill them. It's a situation where employees are in a stronger bargaining position because if they are skilled at what they do...then there are other employers out there that would LOVE to hire them away from their present employer! In order to keep those good employees as an employer I'm forced to give more to retain them. If I don't then I will lose good employees.

Absolutely. As a local truck driver I spend much time in industrial areas. For the last several years, companies in these areas are loaded with HELP WANTED signs. They are actually in competition with each other just in their complex alone.

While I cannot state what they are offering, I can bet my dollar to anybody's dime it's not minimum wage. I would also bet that most of these places offer plenty of opportunity for advancement.

You don't know, but you'd bet on it? I wouldn't be coming to Vegas.
That's got to be the most stupid comment EVER!!!!!!

That would mean if you invested in the stock market you would fail.

Investing in the stock market is not a business. Only the very wealthy can live off of the returns of the market. Most people invest to build up a portfolio for retirement, or working people who make personal investments for immediate financial rewards.

A business is a pizza shop, a beverage store, a machine shop, a convenient store, a sub shop, a de-burring company.

What I'm talking about is brick and mortar stores. Those are the ones that struggle the most.

The business of investing ISN'T a business? How so?

How does an investment broker make his/her monies?

Wow, are you stupid. Just . . . wow.

An investment broker who is investing OTHER people's money for pay is most likely employed by a business, or has gotten a business license to operate. An individual investing his own money is just that, an individual.

Most individuals fail in investing because they don't look at it as the business of investing. FYI, most businesses don't fail.

FYI, there's no number of times you're going to say this that are going to change the stats as reported by the Small Business Administration, whom I trust far more than you. Of course, that's not a high bar to clear, but still.

Most businesses DON'T FAIL. New business failure are high, but how many are shell corporations?

How many of the following 607 active and closures are seen as business failures?

Business Entity Search - Secretary of State, Nevada

Type UBER on the entity line
So virtual business aren't real?

What in the world is a virtual business? You either have a business or you don't.

If you invest your own money, it's usually not a business. If you invest other people's money, it's because you work for an investment firm which is of course a business.

That's got to be the most stupid comment EVER!!!!!!

That would mean if you invested in the stock market you would fail.

What you did here is make the comparison of a business to personal investments.

What in the world is a virtual business?

Virtual business - Wikipedia

Amazon, rideshare

You do get that "virtual" businesses still have physical assets like buildings, stocks of products, stuff like that?

That isn't correct. Most eBay businesses use drop ship. My three electronic supply companies I own use drop ship. Warehousing is expensive.

That IS correct, because even if they don't store their own products, they are still physical human beings who still need a physical place to keep and work on their computers (which are themselves physical assets of the business).

Don't even try to tell me anything about "virtual businesses", moron, because I work for a company which conducts all of its business online, and it still has a certain amount of physical assets.

I saw a guy yesterday sitting at Starbucks filling his orders on Amazon.

"A virtual business employs electronic means to transact business as opposed to a traditional brick and mortar business that relies on face-to-face transactions with physical documents and physical currency or credit."

Three of the five businesses that I own are virtual businesses.

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